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having my comics leaked is so frustrating q_q if the uploader is a patron and reading this, please stop. I am like not even sure if I ever wanna draw comics again now. Why do people do this


Harry James Coulson

Im sorry you have to deal with that. As an artist myself, i know the frustration of people claiming that my art is theres

Jaecob Neal

I saw that. Is there a way to report it?

Andre Hernandez

I hate when people do this. Don't they understand that this your livelihood. You have to pay for it ain't free unless the author posts it publicly.

Hel's Asylum

Same thing happened to bobocomics, he doesn't post anything thats not his ocs anymore.

Clare Clark

I found your content on a site and thats how I got here to support. But it is awful to have your content posted without permission for sure.


That’s so shitty. Like if the artist wanted everyone to see it, they would have posted it themselves. It’s like the same thing with commissions too. I’m sure people have been like oh can you draw this for me for free? Like bish????


I was the same. I found a lot of artists I now support through reposting sites. Having said that, it's not great to have anything leaked. And Ivy provides enough free art for people to sample his style through his Twitter. But if there is a silver lining, it's that his art might be getting to a larger audience and some of that audience might start to financially support him. But we all know that's not an excuse for someone to leak his recent stuff that he still has for sale...


Sorry Ivy. I know it can be very deflating to see your work leaked. I'm sure it'll take time for the wound to heal. But don't let the actions of one person outweigh the love and support and adoration from your many, many fans. It's easy to let the one negative outweigh all the positive in our minds. It's a lesson we all have to learn though. Remember your motivation for drawing in the first place and hopefully that'll help you get back into a mindset that's not so worried about what one person is doing with your art, as wrong as it may be. But you're totally allowed to be mad and upset about it and to need a break from drawing comics for now while your heart heals from the felt betrayal.


That's unfair for sure. If you decided the comic to be only on Patreon, that's your right and no one should cheat like this. I hope that you will continue the comic, it got really exciting and I'm looking forward to see what happens next. The latest update gave me a good laugh, it was hillarious :D I know that most of your partrons are here for the homoerotic art, but I hope that you will continue drawing Winx stuff as well.