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This is probably going to be a long text with tons is grammar mistakes and whatsoever xD

But i thought of doing like a monthly status update in the beginning of each month. Just in case and because i feel the need to tell people about my stressful life lol


Those who have followed my NSFW twitter this summer or are following me on my main Instagram, probably know by now that i quit my retail job by the end of this year. Means, starting next year i will be self employed and “technically” a freelance artist? But until then i have to go through some tough weeks full of retail shit and annoying costumers. Now since i am a Junior Manager, i have full access to the working schedule of my boss and it seems like he gave me the full december off?! Which makes sense since i worked a looot of extra hours during the corona lockdown in March/April and i still have two weeks vacations left.

So expect a lot of more content in December and of course next year.

Nevertheless since it’s still some weeks away till my departure of the hell island called retail, i still gotta go to work and these next weeks seem to be really busy.

Now for the NSFW rewards of this month Elio and Kaleb, it might get a little tight regarding finishing and posting. And since i planned on pausing the billing cycle in November anyway, so you don’t get charged for another month i thought it would be best to send them out in November. So everyone who pledged to the 12$ or 15$, you will not be charged again in November! You will get the pack just not as expected end of October.

Same goes for the others. I already wrote that the kinktober doodles will be extended to November aswell and the comic of Just Us Fairies and a bunch of character designs are also coming. Just bear with me these next weeks. Next year will be a looooot better!!!

Oh god so much text sorry and probably really badly written xD


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