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Quickly, I thought I'd outline some plans for handling updates going forward. The main reason for this is to set expectations, and avoid erratic updates, as I'm prone to do. It takes time to record and push out even a raw video, especially one I'm content with (the last one took 7-8 takes for ultimately a 50 second video), let alone something more polished. Also, I'm likely to getting excited about small accomplishments, which don't always show well.

So the plan is that, if significant progress is made, approximately once a week I'll push out a video round-up or other post, as a basic tour of what I've done or what's changed. The exact day isn't set in stone, and more importantly, if I haven't made significant updates within a week, I won't bother you with a video. This is to avoid guilt, having to constantly apologize, etc.

That being said, if it's been more than 2-3 weeks without updates, on the 4th week I will make a video or explanation post, because at that point clearly something's going on. So this exists as a fallback to make sure I'm providing you with the promised updates, even if it isn't good news. If this repeatedly comes up, I'll reevaluate my plans, but for now this is a "Just In Case" .

As you may have noticed, I tend to work nights, but I'll schedule updates to land during the daytime for you Brightwalkers. Right now I'm angling around lunchtime, but I'm open to shifting it later or earlier if the desire is there. The only exception is Lens, which I can't schedule, but honestly using Lens is a bit of a PITA. I can't post to it from PC, and the app has lost features over time on Android, so overlaying text or editing longer videos down is gone. It's much less "spur-of-the-moment" than it used to be.

That said, I've recently started paying for Nitro for Discord, and boosting my server lets me upload videos of a decent size now. So while all the major updates will be posted to the Patreon, I might be throwing a few Lens-like "spur of the moment" videos into #CK-Supporter-Only-Updates, in addition to echoing the weeklyish updates found here. (The channel is only accessible for active Patrons and SubStars right now, so make sure you connect your Discord if you want to see it.) The Discord is here, and you don't have to be an active Patron to see the public content: https://discord.gg/MgkVD5p 

Other quick notes:

  • I might need to look into a paid Vimeo account for video hosting, as I can only go so far with YouTube videos before they get flagged and threaten my account. It's kind of annoying SubStar has built-in video hosting and Patreon doesn't, but I doubt Patreon would allow the video in question either.
  • Looking to get back into Streaming development, but right now it's a lot of looking at empty canvas and deciding what to do next, which is not how I work best and probably would make me self-conscious. Once I have more boundaries in place and clear-cut structure and goals it'll be less stop-and-go and probably more streaming appropriate. It might also have to wait until I build or buy a new PC, as my laptop has not been handling things well lately.
  • I'll be floating polls and other opinion questions now and then, and I value your input. I do have to clarify that the results aren't absolutely binding, but they are an influencing factor.

That'll cover it for now. If you TL;DR'd (which I get), the short version is "I'll try to bundle updates into weekly videos or posts, but I'll skip a week or two if I don't think enough of note's been done."


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