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Hello there! It's been a short while, but not for lack of trying. I vetoed both the December and January updates after they were written, in part because the former was a little too mopey, and the latter because plans changed last-second. February was a short month, and I originally wrote this update at the beginning of March, but wanted to delay it until the new project teaser was ready, then had to rewrite a solid block of it. 

So, let's talk about the Kobold in the room! Cuddle Kobold is a culmination of a lot of ideas I've had over the years about "AI companion" games, along with my desires to make a mature content game, a furry game, and a VR game. There are a lot of challenges with this project, and if I don't start on them today, I may never start. I've posted the teaser and a FAQ so far, which should cover a lot of the immediate topics, and if you have any questions past that, I'll be happy to answer them.

There's no solid number I can give you for how long this project will take. It will ultimately depend on the complexity, finding team members or available asset creators, and other outside factors. But that obviously doesn't mean you'll be waiting 2 years for something to play; I intend to keep Patreon and early Itch.io backers updated with regular playable builds. I would love to turn this around and have it out in a little over a year, but I don't want to set unrealistic expectations. 2½ years from now I might still be working solo and nowhere close to done, and that is a potential reality I want to prepare you for. I'll do what I can to avoid it, however.

And now, thank you to all Patrons, Stars, and other Awesome Supporters, including Guest of Honor Sofox, Backstage V.I.P. Commander D, new sign-ups Dash Winterson and Eric, and long-time Front-Row Seaters Darkdekumon, A. Kitty, and Jeffrey Perigo. Thank you.

(Long Exhale) This is the big one. This isn't specifically the VR game I've always wanted to make, but it is the game I can make now, and one relatively unique. I don't know how long that'll last. I don't want to even begin to tell you how anxious it makes me to dedicate myself to a project of this scale. There are a lot of question marks I have about the game development and publishing process as a whole, and I'm really hoping I won't be completely left to my own devices when some critical junctures hit. For now, I'll make the best "pitch" I can make, and I appreciate your support and suggestions every step of the way.

Here we go.


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