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Drew color sketches of Mai Ling and Nina.

working today on updating the different cathegories and a new poll (suggestions are welcome).




Wow! Nina's picture is as close to perfection as I can imagine. The look on her face, contrite and frustrated at the same time, is something wonderful. We can clearly perceive her profound annoyance at having gone from the very image of hyperactivity and sporting excellence to the forced sedentariness imposed by the two gigantic casts on her legs (of which, thanks to you, the extreme heaviness is immediately apparent). Whether Nina is in her version of a PE teacher or a tomboyish student (the star of the high school football team), her blank stare like that of a knocked-out boxer says it all...


How beautiful would be a series centred on Nina, abruptly fallen from grace, with Miyuki (her 'beloved/hated' colleague) piling on her... By feigning empathy, compassion and supportiveness for the unfortunate injured colleague, but actually missing no opportunity to mock her and her precarious (for a long time) physical shape... Repaying Nina with the very same coin that Miyuki had to swallow when it was she who was injured and Nina was buzzing around her, with the usual mocking and cocky air...