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It was suggested that Julia should reward Eric for his help (before for some reason she may not be able to in the future . . .) and I agree he deserves a reward for his contribution.

So would you like to see that or should we (skip that scene and) continue with Nina and Amber having their casts changed and getting ready to return to school?

Um, Nina stop staring in the mirror, please. It s not that bad. People will barely notice (compared to your legs . . .) . . . are you listening?



Mmm… the prospect of Julia giving the reward to Eric for his valuable cooperation (before she can no longer do it in the future or can do it albeit in a less mobile condition...) is definitely intriguing. But the one of Amber and Nina finally returning to school with very different heels on their feet (and what 'heavy' feet they both have!) is no less intriguing. I am for an ‘affectionate’ award to Eric from Julia, but I already know that however the poll goes, it will be a success. Yay!