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Kaori's new year's party. From the archive, slightly touched up.

This explains how Kaori got two casts. She stayed with yellow out of habit.

After the banana incident Kaori needed help and her dorm neighbors Caro and Yumi took care of her. They became friends and planned to watch the new year's fireworks together.

Last panel's text is missing. There Yumi wishes Kaori a happy new year / a good start into the new year. In German the term "Guten Rutsch in neue Jahr is used". (good slide/slip into the new year).




always loved this comic


I remember that, lovely toeplate casts! happy New Year!!


This comic was just wonderful the first time I saw it, many years ago. Whether banana peels, ice slabs or other slippery objects, the pretty Kaori is always prone to slips... Your little touches to the original comic strip make it even more beautiful and appealing. 👏👏👏 Above all, the last detail of the big foot in plaster with the toes on display on the thick plaster platform. It's always a feast for the eyes being able to admire such a plate "proudly" presenting a set of toes as perfect as those of the charming Kaori...