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Here we have the first part that shows how Scary Nina can be as she does her best to stop Kei...




Yes yes yes! Love her character design, and that panel on the last page with the close up of her blue toes is really excellent. Worth the wait!


Wow! Just wonderful! The prequel is almost better than the episode with Nina's accident. The wait was well rewarded, but there was no doubt about that.


Yes, for poor Kei, adding insult to injury... Not only the terrible behind-the-back move made by Nina (a real 'pincer slide tackle') that shattered both her legs. A real nasty tackle, enough to end a professional career... Let alone do it during a youth football match... Nina got off with a simple red card (amazing that she even tried to justify herself to the referee...). For Kei, however, it didn't go so well. But now for her, as we said, insult on top of injury. Not only is she stuck in a hospital bed with her legs fully in plaster and kept in traction, but she even has to endure a courtesy visit from Nina who, with a big smile on her face, has come to witness the result of her handiwork (well, in this particuler case, footwork...)... And not content with having broken both her opponent's legs, she also spills the nasty joke about the open toe boots that are so fashionable that summer... So after all this, it's not surprising that when Kei learns of Nina's accident a few matches later (bad luck, as they say, is a spinning wheel), she almost jumps out of her wheelchair in delight... Poor Kei forgets about her condition for a few minutes and is simply over the moon... She immediately sends Nina a message with her mobile phone: 'Wow, looks like you've decided to adopt the summer trend too. 'Half-thigh open toed boots'. Although only one for the time being. Well, you'll have time to make yourself a pair.... LOL." Apparently Nina, after reading the text message, smashed her mobile phone by throwing it against the wall of her room. But that's another story... or is it?