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early access and preview of p4




Very nice illustration and (definitely) very promising developments in the story. For poor Komi, the return to school was, as expected, a nightmare: surrounded by the prying eyes of classmates who showered her with offers of help and subjected her to a barrage of questions about her accident and the timing of her cast. Even requests to sign her cast, something terrifying for a shy and reserved person like her! Even if she hadn't had her communication disorders, she would still have remained speechless. The rescue of the impetuous Ren seemed, at first, to have saved her from the choking embrace of her schoolmates... But actually it seems to have worsened the situation (and by a lot). Ren's clumsiness, which has even managed to break the door handle, forces the both of them to take an improbable escape route. Of course, it's not the best thing to escape through a window with a leg in plaster. In her condition Shouko san is certainly not the best in terms of agility and the branch Yamai san has climbed on does not seem to be the strongest... Everything suggests that there is time and space to worsen poor Komi's conditions...


I don t see what possibly could go wrong :D But I admit suspense in my storys is not very strong when it comes to injuries. It is like trying to supprise the audience with a sex scene in a porno.