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Ayup everyone!

So, for a while now I've been modelling a new Ryan the Bun model completely from scratch, I'd finished the texturing and moved onto rigging, but I can't decide on the fur pattern located around my... erm... rear.

So I bring you 4 teaser images and wanna get an extra opinion.
Keep in mind, each of these designs (other than the first one) is scuffed and just a concept for the idea before I go in and clean it up. So, here we go!

DESIGN 1: Similar to Original Fur Pattern

So this is the pattern that I made first because it's most similar to the original pattern on the Coppouchi model.

DESIGN 2: Up the Middle

This design would be a bowed out pattern that travels up the middle of the rear.

DESIGN 3: Large Coverage

This is the design that covers the largest amount of the rear, I'm kinda leaning towards this one, what do you think?

DESIGN 4: First one but extended

This one I'm not too fond of, the idea was to take the original design and make it a bit more heart shaped, maybe with some cleanup it would look nice.


Leave a comment and tell me which design is your favourite! And if you have any other designs as suggestions, feel free to fire them my way!
Stay awesome! (Also hope you like my butt :P)



I'm leaning towards option one


Personally feeling number 3


i like number 1. it;s the patter i like the look of most cause it's close to looking like a heart.


I like 3 the most. Seems more like natural fluff. Also, is this going to be public at all?


No, this is my own private avatar ^^' wanted to feel a bit more unique, but also now that I have the skill set required to make character models, maybe I'll make some public models one day

Andy Norton

Design 1 for me. I always like this kind of design on anthro characters.