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Hi Guys,

Its time to start the updates!  this is the first one of the 3 updates, the next Bea artwork is the NSFW as well  as the Lady Dimitrescu I teased on the Patreon Lens.

I have a lot of fun painting this one the character is set however I might change the background and retouch some of the edges later to fit better a possible print and sticker! Again im finalizing some of the artwork to be posted tomorrow and Sunday! Stick Around! 

I'll be posting the higher res later on the proper tiers! Thank you guys! 




Buena perspectiva! Me encanta 💜

Original Ferg

She looks gorgeous, dude!


Yesss 😆🔥🐝


It was good seeing how much fun you were having on this piece Reiq. Can't wait to see the higher tiers 👌


Looks awesome!


Looks wonderful. 😊 Can't wait for more of Lady Dimitrescu too. 👍


I really love the perspective here. She is my favorite gym leader from the Sword and Shield games, so I'm really thankful you decided to draw her after all. I'm definitely gonna grab the sticker/print of this. I'm also looking forward to the other updates. :)