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As many of you know I have a YouTube Channel where I have appeared a few times reviewing tablets, doing tutorials and sketchbook videos. This so far it hasn’t been my focus as I give priority to my art, however things are changing in my life. So far this year I designed and printed my first Sketchbook, successfully attended my first batch of Conventions in the U.S. (Los Angeles, San Jose, Chicago and Miami) which allowed me to finally connect in person with my fans and followers. To me, these are great milestones and I couldn’t be happier.

This month I’m going to be moving into my own apartment for the first time (I’ve been living in rented rooms for the past 9 years) and there’s finally enough space to create something bigger. I feel it’s time to grow and evolve, and bring my art and content to even more people. I want to give my YouTube Channel a makeover and have a set good enough to bring in industry professionals for interviews, live stream tutorials, hire models and teach my approach to drawing characters and much more!

As you can see, these are big plans and I’m going to be needing help to make them happen, so I’m considering bringing an assistant on board to help me with all these projects (but that’s still in negotiations ;) I wanted to thank you for all your support so far and I hope you will keep supporting my work (and spread the word!). I’m very excited about the future and I think it would be a fun experience for us all!

Thanks again!




I'm excited for you Reiq! Best of luck!


I'm super excited for all your big plans!!! Keep up the amazing work Reiq!!! :D


good luck!

Zero Lambda

We've got your back. :D


just remember to keep drawing ;-)