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Hi My Dear Patrons!

As many of you know a poll was done recently to pick the best candidate for a new Jigglygirls artwork, having Power Girl and KDA as the Top two options for the artwork, the top 5 will be added to the new poll so stay tuned! Thank you for joining and participating.

Having KDA as a winner will make thing a little bit tricky as I wanted to have something done before the end of the month but having multiple characters makes the whole piece more complex therefore taking more time, regardless I already started drawing some sketches for possible compositions for the artwork.

As for KDA I would like to do two characters per piece if possible, may be I can add another one but Im just thinking of an efficient way of making it, the more character the less you can zoom in on those juicy details!

Im throwing a Power Girl sketch as well as I was inspired after doing the KDA sketches, she is always fun to draw, hopefully i can use this one as well.

I numbered the sketches so you can send some feedback and tell me which one you like the most and also tell me what would you like to see! Can't wait to read your comments! 




They all look fantastic, but I really like number 1...😁👍


As long as my girl Ahri is front and center, my faith is with you!


1 & 4 are great!

Tanoko Triumph

Love Power Girl so of course I love 4♡! I'm not that familiar with KDA other than knowing their league of legend characters, but I really do like 3.

Andrew Fleming

Number 1 is incredibly ambitious, so my vote will be for 2 and has a good shot of Ahri. The Power Girl one has a very nice composition

Mason Ramar

While I really like whats happening in #1 I'm not familiar with the characters. So my vote goes to #4 Power Girl.


Liking 1 and 4 myself; 4 moreso!

Sean Skaggs

So many awesome sketches, 1 & 4 would be my votes.


Like 1 amd 4, but still want to see KDA over Power Girl. My only concern is that sketch 1 looks too crowded, where as sketch 4 allows you to see the character in full, may i suggest that you have the KDA character in a row, side to side, in the same position you have Power girl in.

Andrew Fleming

You may be able to pull of #1 with just the 2 characters up front, it is nice that Ahri is kind of the main subject


1 and 3 would have to be my picks. It's the only picture with Akali in it as far as I can tell and I love seeing her and ahri together.

Bob Satcher

1 and 2 are the best in my opinion

Bob Satcher

Make sure she’s barefoot if you do 3


Definitely 3 and 4


1 and 4




1 & 4


1 and 4


1 through 3 are my votes. It would be awesome to see number 1 then a second piece with the focus shifted to the other two girls. But that would be a fucking lot of work, so i get why that option would be off the table Love the idea of a group meet or backstage as well. You're always great when setting a scene of a character 👌 Either way, loving the K/DA pieces


1 and 4