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Guys as you can see I have been away a little bit this weeks as I attended 2 conventions in a row, good thing is that there is a lot of content coming, videos, tutorials and a lot of artwork. Also exclusive sneak peak to the design of my next sketchbook or full book or full Jigglygirls book :)  so many things! And great! 



Don't worry we can wait a bit for awesomeness ^^


I pledge last month and the payment went through this month I wonder If I will get something when you back I really wanted your PSD to study it


Hope you had fun at the cons sir and you were able to spread the word and greatness of your art to the unwashed masses who know not of you! Yippie! \(~.~)/


My PSD is not the best example, Im not that organized and I like to mergelayers, but I can upload something more broken down I guess.


Actually I meet a some Patrons supporters and they got something Extra , but regardless is an amazing experience to join conventions :D I have like 100 Sketchbooks left out of 500!