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Hi guys, this WIP of the x-men has waiting to be worked on for 8 years, when I first did the sketch I wanted something cool with my favorite X-men, the sketch was good but my skills were not even close to what I wanted to create, so I neglected this drawing for years and it has been haunting me since then. It always found a way to show up and ask me; when will you finish me? It’s about time ! a group shot is for me at least one of the hardest things to draw, specially with multiple characters like the X-men covers I grew up with, lately I’ve been working on this on and off, wanting to overcome and finish what has to be completed. I know this is not full of hot girls but it’s to me a challenge I want to complete for myself, more hot girls coming!



Tanoko Triumph

I personally would love to see you finish this, that sketch looks so epic! And with your current skill set youd be up to the task! I myself am big 90s era xmen fan as it's the xmen I grew up with as a kid!

Richard Hardslab

As a kid who grew up with the 90's X-men show, I'd love to see you complete this piece!

Andres Cedeno

i think u mean "haunting* me since" reiq


Fixed it! But actually meant to say actual hunt! Chasing me! To get me! :)


Great art work Reiq, as always. Do you know when u will upload Rogue ultra instinct drawing process video?