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Hi Dear Patreons!

Currently I have a good amount of video process from my iPad as well as warm ups I’ve been doing as I work on my projects and want to share this but also I would like to talk about other aspects of the art, advise, life experiences or simply answer some questions you guys might be interested while you guys watch the videos, here are some of the topics I’m thinking about

Artist self criticism




Social media.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!



Maintaining daily motivation Sticking to a project when no one’s paying you


In addition to the mental health side of things, I think knowing more about imposter syndrome can really help with beginners like me. It's basically a sense or feeling that all the work you do is bad or not good enough. The reason it's a syndrome is because the feeling never truly goes away regardless of how experienced you are. I think its good to let beginners know early on that they should embrace the feeling and carry on instead of instilling doubt or worry.


probably already on your Isolation theme, but curious about how you find the social side, cons, meets etc and the effect on your own growth/happiness/productivity VS if you have a run of time where its mostly just you!


Social Media Management, how to deliver art in all your networks. Copyright, how to deal with it being a freelance artist.


Along with motivation, make something about creating or maintaining creativity while in a rut.


Physical health as an artist! I think I've brought this up before when we met in person, but I always wondered how artist such as yourself deal with pain or injuries that come along with using your hands too much.

Hyper Nib

I was curious about your own art journey. Specifically curious about how you dealt with the unknown and how you might have been unsure about the future and your career as an artist (if that makes sense?) Lately feeling like getting into a stable art career seems impossible but Im genuinely curious about what you did for yourself and if you took any risks or challenged yourself. Thanks a bunch Reiq! You're just absolutely inspiring!!


Artist self criticism and dealing with negative influences, for example: an art teacher who tells you to drop his class or he'll fail you and tells you that you should stop trying.


How about talk about your influences and how copying their work early in your development helped you create a style... or something like that.


All of those are great to talk about


Social media would be nice to hear, as I'm planning to make a living off of art eventually


It's important to talk about depression and isolation. If you don't mind, could you also talk about these and JigglyGirls? I know these were factors in you stopping production of JG about 2 years ago, and I know a lot of people on here would love to see you return to that work soon.