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June 24, 2023

RELEASES: Innocent Devil's Harem Book 7 is finally live on Amazon.

Combat Healer 2: Holstaur Essence Archer is also finally live on Amazon.

Please leave a rating on book 1 for both, if you haven't already (even if you don't buy it, you can rate it on Amazon, and if you leave a review, just say you read it on Patreon).

Book 1 ratings are super important for all series, so please take a second to leave a rating.

NOTE: This is kind of the culmination of the 'save the princess' plot. Hope you enjoy!

<< Chapter 41 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 15 (Book 2) | Ch 29 (Book 3)

- CHAPTER 42: Ruse -

Present Day

A very muscular elf with graying hair and slate eyes stepped into his office for a midday break, exhausted after many restless nights, relieved that most of the citizens in the capital had been confirmed to not be monsters.

Truly, a great undertaking unlike no other.

But at least everyone was in perfect health now, all of them having received Greater Healing, whether they were in need of it or not. Even those who could never afford to pay for a healer to bless them with their spells. After all, everyone had to be tested.


However, the lack of monsters among the regular citizens implied something important.

It indicated that these abominations came from the Dungeons.

That they mimicked people who they encountered in Dungeons.

A grave threat indeed, since they still had no idea how to identify this creature before it mimicked a person. That was the thing that puzzled Vildred the most.

What did this abomination look like…when it had yet to mimic a person?

He wasn’t sure.

All he knew was that the eye was the monster’s weak point, and that removing it caused it to die for some reason, though he couldn’t imagine why. Not when there was a brain in the head, often a heart in the chest. So then, what made the single eye within the gut – sometimes found higher in the chest – so important that the abominations immediately died, even when their heads were still fully intact and unharmed.

He didn’t know.

And it frustrated him, weighing on his mind the last few days.

To ensure the safety of the kingdom, it was absolutely vital that the Scourge Suppressors know what to look out for in the Dungeons, lest they be unable to defend themselves from being slaughtered. After all, quite a few of those found to be abominations had lost their entire team in the Dungeon, implying that the real form of this monster must be highly lethal.

Not everyone had lost their team, indicating that it could replace a person without alerting the others, but there were enough from lost teams that it said a lot about the danger this creature posed.

Sighing heavily, Vildred opened his drawer and held up a glass jar with a trophy from one of the slain beasts. Specifically, the eyeball that the Queen’s new Ambassador had torn from the monster mimicking one of the elf nobles.

In truth, it was more of a reminder than a trophy, but he kept it all the same.

Just a single white eye with a crimson iris and midnight pupil, floating in a jar of fluid to preserve it, having tendrils coming out of the back of it much like a nerve.

Vildred frowned.

Though clearly lifeless, he felt as if it stared back at him, even as he stared at it.

Of course, the eye was unblinking.

And of course it was truly lifeless.

Sighing heavily, he set the jar back down and began closing the drawer again…

Only to freeze solid.

His brow intensely furrowed as he focused down at the trophy again, feeling like he saw movement in the corner of his eye. Movement from one of those tendrils.

Picking it up again, he examined it more closely, before shaking his head in irritation at himself.

“Sleep,” he grumbled. “I need more sleep, lest I start seeing things.”

Setting the jar back down, he closed the drawer and rose to his feet.

Perhaps tonight he would sleep, but now he chose to eat and get back to work.

There was so much to do.

Especially since the Northern Invasion was about to begin.

General Vildred walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

It was time for lunch.

* * *

In the end, what happened within the walls of the Guard Station didn’t change my original plans. There were now only two additional people who had become aware of the fact that I was trying to rescue the princess…

And one of them was dead, a pile of soot on the floor, while the other was willingly an ally.

They also now knew one of my secrets, though I suspected the fear of a horrible death would encourage them to hold their tongue.

Which meant, my plans were truly the same.

It still wasn’t ideal for my actions to be made known widely. It was still best if I sneak the princess out without killing a whole bunch of people, and then it was still best for me to continue my stay at the castle as initially scheduled, to avoid suspicions that I was up to anything.

Commander Demetri was reserved as he finally asked me the details of my plan.

I explained to him how I intended on getting my comrades to take her and get her out of here, and I informed him of how I expected him to help in that endeavor. I also explained my idea for them to secure a corpse her size to falsify her death, something Lord Grimaldi shouldn’t find suspicious at all, since he was expecting it to happen within the next week or two. Of course, I described the leeches, and how they would play a vital role in all this to ensure that the faked death was believable.

Every time I said something Demetri struggled to believe true, he looked at the young Lord Cassian, who simply confirmed my words with a grim nod.

By the time I was finished explaining everything, he was willing to do his part to ensure we were successful in saving the last princess. Still very reserved and cautious, especially after what he’d just witnessed me do, but compliant with our goals.

Fundamentally, assuming he truly was an ally, as I believed him to be, he should want this as well – to save such tragedy from befalling the youngest of the royal family.

His only hesitation at this point came from discovering the truth so abruptly like this.

He’d been completely unaware.

The king, his Select Guard, and Lord Grimaldi had ensured that he was kept unaware, guaranteeing the silence of those who knew by threatening the torture of loved ones, and apparently taking hostages in certain circumstances. And even if Demetri had found out, it was possible there was little he could do, even as Commander of their main forces. Too many people had been bribed and threatened. Too many people under Lord Grimaldi’s thumb, far too many connections with corrupt individuals.

If Demetri were to assemble a force to overthrow the current king now, he might find a knife in his back, or poison in his gut, from someone he thought he could trust. Possibly from someone who simply didn’t want their kidnapped family to be tortured heinously.

Either way, it didn’t matter now.

We would sneak the princess out, fake her death, and ensure she was revealed to be alive when the time was right. Once it was time for her to ascend the throne. Her entire family had an unmistakable look, all of them having the freckles, even if their hair colors varied, so between that and having the support of key individuals, she should have no problem claiming the crown, even if it was years from now.

There wasn’t time to waste.

Deciding that the situation was urgent enough that he absolutely needed to see this ‘evidence’ we had with us, Demetri led us out of the Guard Station and to the front gates. Unsurprisingly, the knights there were reluctant to obey his orders, but he was very believable and demanding.

Promised to take responsibility for any problems that rose from this decision.

They decided to open the gates.

Didn’t even ask about the concubines.

My convoy wasn’t directly outside anymore though.

They’d been moved to the stables beyond a separate stone building.

We were escorted by a dozen men in armor, a few of them finally making quiet comments about the women following me, inappropriate ones. When one knight decided to try grabbing at Blake’s ass, I abruptly stopped to glare at him, knowing if I let him, then the touching might escalate from there.

Demetri immediately backed me up.

Scolded the knight and told all of them the girls were a gift from the king. Claimed that taking advantage of his gift, which the king had offered as a show of good faith to the Queen’s new Ambassador, might infuriate him.

And I was right about their respect for the Commander.

Not a single one complained or argued.

We proceeded to the stables, a very large barn that was big enough to store our two carriages and wagon as well, even seeming to have some living spaces above the main room, though not nearly as nice as my Guild. I could hear some creaking on the floor high above.

Not all the elves were present, about half the men who came with me, but thankfully Jackel and Kizmel both were there. They’d been seated at a round wooden table, playing cards with another elf, only for all of them to abruptly stand when we came in, accompanied by so many knights, their hands immediately on the hilts of their swords. The place was lit up with oil lamps, the flames shielded by curved glass tubes.

I spoke up right away, my tone loud and commanding.

“We’ve come, so that I might show the Commander proof of the news I am to deliver.”

I focused on Kizmel. “Please fetch the crate.”

He immediately nodded and walked over to the covered wagon.

I focused on Jackel. “While we’re here, I’d like to find the Light Crystal I brought.” I scoffed. “It seems they’ve chosen to provide only oil lamps and candles, for what reason I cannot fathom.”

Jackel’s brow furrowed at that.

Watch your tongue,” one of the knight’s snapped.

Silence,” Commander Demetri demanded. “Enough prattle.”

I glared at the guy in question, only to gesture toward my concubines, my arm low enough that they knew I was trying to get their attention. “The two of you can go stand over there, and face this way so that everyone can see the king’s generosity to the Queen’s Ambassador.”

Now Jackel’s brow was really furrowed.

And I could feel the hatred coming from most of the knights.

My concubines did as I asked, facing back toward this direction, but keeping their heads lowered, hoods covering most of their faces.

I focused at my friend. “Did I leave it in the carriage?” I wondered.

He finally relaxed, shrugging. “It’s not my responsibility to keep track of your belongings like a child,” he retorted, a hint of venom in his tone.

One of the knights barked out a laugh.

My tone was a bit more heated, though still technically polite. “I’d say it is your responsibility when you used it half the way here, because you forgot to bring one for yourself. Now, where did you put it?”

He scoffed, abruptly turning around to focus on Kizmel, who was just now bringing the crate. “It’s probably in the carriage. Find it yourself.”

Fucking elves,” I mumbled under my breath, loud enough so that at least some of the knights heard. And loud enough for Kizmel’s sensitive ears that he picked up on it, definitely knowing something was up now, if he didn’t already.

I started walking over to the closest carriage, which wasn’t even the one we’d arrived in, but that was kind of the point, so that I’d have an excuse to complain when I didn’t find it, eventually leading us to the furthest one, hopefully giving us more space from the eavesdropping knights.

I spoke up loudly to Kizmel as I met his gaze.

“Go ahead and let everyone see it,” I announced. “The more eyes on it, the better. They need to know what we’re dealing with.”

That definitely seemed to grab most of the knight’s attention, the majority seeming focused on the crate now.

I marched right over to the carriage, Jackel not budging yet, likely waiting for me to prompt him, in a believable manner, as we orchestrated a slowly escalating argument. He even turned back around, seeming focused on the crate too. Perhaps also focused on the knights to see how they reacted to it.

I opened the carriage door and pretended to look around, listening closely as Kizmel got the crate open, knowing they wouldn’t see what we had, until he pulled out the fake bottom and unwrapped the severed arm.

I thought about speaking up just as I was sure they were about to see it, but then decided it might be best if I let them witness the monster flesh first. Because all it took was for one knight to grow suspicious for it to be a problem, whereas if they were all stunned by the abomination they were looking at, they’d be far too distracted to pay attention what Jackel or I were doing.

I knew when they’d seen it.

My God!” some exclaimed.

No way that’s real,” someone else hissed.

What the fuck is that?” another cursed.

I decided to continue our fight.

There were actually a couple of Light Crystals in both carriages, which was why I’d put emphasis on ‘mine.’ That I needed to find the one that belonged to me specifically.

“Fucking hell,” I hissed. “Will you just fucking find it? It’s not in here!”

Jackel didn’t reciprocate the banter.

He didn’t play along.

Something was wrong.

I realized that when he abruptly spoke up, telling an obvious lie.

“We don’t know much about the creature, but it is very real. The man who slayed this abomination died in the process, and so we weren’t able to get any information out of him. All we know is that it was a monster that also resembled a person.” His voice grew louder. “You might be wondering why this news is so urgent? It is because this monster is incredibly fast. It apparently killed nearly a dozen men in the blink of an eye.”

Up until this point the six elves upstairs hadn’t bothered getting involved…

But suddenly, the floor stopped creaking, as if someone stopped midstride.

And then suddenly there was movement, as all of them were suddenly walking, heading quietly toward the stairs.

Our pretend argument meant nothing to them…

But Jackel’s obvious lie certainly meant a lot.

“Impossible!” one of the knights exclaimed. “Nothing could kill so many so quickly.”

I quickly debated what to do, but at the end of the day, getting the princess out of here came first, and to make that happen, I had to speak to Jackel privately.

I finally marched around the carriage, my tone hard.

“Don’t exaggerate,” I snapped. “It was only two or three in the blink of an eye. And it’s not your place to tell them anyway. Now get my damn Crystal already.”

He finally turned toward me with a glare. “You’re not even in the right carriage!” he snapped.

“They look the same!” I snapped back, thankful as he marched over to the furthest one.

A couple of the elves coming down the stairs started laughing.

It was believable, as if someone had just told a sincerely funny joke.

When I met Jackel on the other side of the carriage, he spoke up before I could get a word out.

I think one of them,” he whispered simply.

I knew what he meant.


One of the knights must have had a look that gave ‘it’ away, and so Jackel told a lie to avoid it attacking right then and there, leaving it to believe maybe it wouldn’t be found out.

I had planned on continuing our fight in between whispers, so we weren’t just suspiciously quiet, but the others were being so loud now, I realized I didn’t need to fake a conversation.

Princess Marta is dead,” I hissed, causing his mossy eyes to widen. “As well as nearly all of her sisters. One of the girls with me is the last one. Pale. Skinnier. We don’t have a choice. She was on her deathbed. She’ll be killed if she stays here. The last heir to the throne. We have to rescue her.”

Fuck,” he hissed under his breath. “You have a plan?”

“They’ll help fake her death. And I’m sure you’re just dying for a skinny short whore to play with.”

His mouth twitched, visibly looking like he almost laughed, before immediately growing serious. “Act like you’re going to leave with them both, and then play along.”

I simply nodded, grabbing a random Light Crystal, switching subjects. “We deal with this now?”

“We’ll have to. Walk the girls away. I’ll call you back over.”

I didn’t respond, illuminating my Light Crystal as I walked around the carriage, as if testing to see that it had some Essence in it, only to turn it off again once I’d seen a couple of the knights notice.

Between the six elves upstairs, along with the elf who was playing cards with Kizmel and Jackel, all nine of those accompanying me were now present, the six from upstairs joking loudly about how it ‘would be a dozen dead’ if there had been humans there instead of elves.

It was creating tension.

And a distraction.

Given that they were chatting it up, enough that some of the knights were making disgruntled comments, chiming in on the teasing and badmouthing, I didn’t feel the need to try to seem like I had a reason to walk up to my concubines. The fact that they were here, that they were mine, and that everyone else was somewhat busy, all was reason enough.

I gently wrapped my arm around Blake’s silk covered shoulders, turning her slightly, only to wrap my arm around Jasmine’s too, angling them both toward the table of abandoned cards, keeping our pace very slow and casual. No rush. No hurry.

After all, we weren’t going anywhere.

I felt it too risky to say much, so I kept my instructions short as we reached the table.

“Stay. Both of you. Do not move.”

Neither responded, and for a brief few seconds, I was concerned I would have to ‘do’ something in order to not seem strange, deciding to let go of them and turn each around, as if I was inspecting them, trying to fill the time – only a brief few seconds.

Jackel finally spoke up loudly just as I had a hold of Jasmine.

“Hey Allister,” he sneered. “Were did the harlots come from?”

Most everyone quieted down as I let go of Jasmine’s shoulders, only to turn around while wrapping my arm around Blake, trying to look proud of my reward without overdoing it.

“A gift from the king,” I announced, the knights not reacting since they already knew, aside from a few eye rolls. “He felt bad we don’t have a lot of human women, and gave me this gift to keep and take home.” My tone became more arrogant. “His majesty seems to have taken a liking to me. We have a lot in common, at least when it comes to our tastes in women.”

Jackel scoffed, crossing his strong arms over his broad chest. “You never paid me back for the other day. Let me borrow one for the night.”

Hell no!” I snapped right away, before anyone could react to that.

Oh please,” he retorted. “Don’t be so childish. A night with one of them isn’t even worth the thirty silver I lent you. Just one night, and we’ll call it even. There’s nothing fucking else for us to do while we wait anyway.”

My brow furrowed at that, as if I was considering it, but still hesitant.

He unfolded his arms abruptly, gesturing toward us with both hands. “Oh come on! You’ve fucking got two of them, and there isn’t another cunt around here for miles.” He abruptly gestured toward the knights by thrusting his thumb over his shoulder. “And these assholes don’t want us even going into the capital. Not that they have much to offer in their brothels anyways,” he mumbled toward the end.

“You’re not keeping one,” I finally retorted in agreement. “And it’s just for one night. After that, I don’t want to hear about the coin I owe you again.” I paused, glancing down at Blake, and then glancing back at Jasmine, before focusing on him again. “And I get the ones with the tits tonight. You can have the skinny one.”

He barked out an unamused laugh. “For thirty silver? I want the one with the tits.”

For a brief second, I was surprised by that response, because he should know which one was the princess, between the two of them, and yet it was like he was prolonging the argument unnecessarily – the knights didn’t look like they were going to complain at all, not with Demetri standing right there.

But then I realized the obvious.

‘Walk the girls away. I’ll call you back over.’

This was him calling me over.

By escalating the argument.

I removed my arm from Blake’s shoulders and took a step forward, squaring my own shoulders as I responded a bit more harshly, escalating the fight a little. “You should be used to small tits,” I snapped. “Pretty much all elf women are flat as a board. Can hardly tell them apart from the men half the time!”

That was definitely a lie.

Astaer and Celestine were tall sexy goddesses of femininity and beauty, never mind the gorgeous Sylvia and Eliza. All four definitely had tits, with Astaer’s breasts being enough ‘to grab at’ even if they were small.

Honestly, the woman I was with who had the smallest breasts was ironically the human healer, Lyla. Technically half angel too, but all the elf women in my life were bustier than her, even if there was something very nice about her shapely soft breasts.

Jackel took my bait though, taking a very small step toward me. “Exactly why I want the one with the tits,” he retorted. “Humans at least look like elves, unlike Oni women and Holstaur. Otherwise, I’ll take the skinny one and you can still owe me twenty silver.”

“I’d rather give you the twenty silver!” I retorted, taking another couple of steps closer.

Fine,” he abruptly snapped.

Fine,” I sneered, only to focus on the Commander, with him just examining us with a reserved expression, clearly knowing what was really going on. I gestured toward the crate, beginning to walk closer while leaving Blake behind. “We can take the arm back with us, if you want. I’m sure Lord Grimaldi, and perhaps even the king, would like to see this for themselves.”

He simply nodded, thinking it was time to go, turning to bark out orders.

“Alright, let’s get back. You, wrap it up and carry the crate. And someone hurry back and find Lord Edgard. He needs to see this too.”

I was impressed by his own ruse, considering the man in question was a pile of soot.

One of the knights abruptly raised his hand. “I’ll go, sir.”

Demetri simply nodded.

Jackel turned as I walked past him, moving a couple of steps closer with me, telling me he was ready.

We were all ready.

My comrades weren’t stupid, every single elf knowing something was up, tension among them, though it was clear they were prepared to allow Jackel to take the lead, since none of them wielded anything as powerful as his Immortal Form.

The one knight turned to immediately leave.

It was time to expose the monster.

I immediately began silently casting my spells.

‘Greater Healing, Greater Healing, Greater Healing, Greater Healing, Greater Healing…’





The splitting face of the abomination, disguised as a human knight right in the middle of the group, was already frozen in place by the time my mind registered that it had reacted, due to Instinctual Casting activating first.

A vibrant blue Essence Spear was already materializing next to me, held within an outstretched muscular arm, the forming tip already penetrating the metal chest plate, the shiny silver bending inward as if a stone was being dropped into a calm lake, ripples in the metal beginning to form slowly as it sunk through, finding no additional resistance within the hidden open cavity, aiming directly for the hidden eyeball within the body-sized mouth.

It was obvious to me that Jackel had picked out his prey prior to me casting my spells.

He knew which one it probably was.

He was ready to strike one man in particular, the one who reacted to seeing the severed monster arm.

And all at once, Jackel stopped in a partial squat, one foot forward, his spear having struck the hidden eye, an abomination with a mouth right down the middle of the face now slumping limply on the dissipating weapon.

All the elves had their swords drawn before even a single knight drew their weapon.

Only for a couple to do so…yanking out their swords urgently.

Just prior to one of the men screaming in horror.

Followed by several jumping away from the monster in shock, even as it finally slumped down to the floor, falling backwards with bent knees, its disfigured face displayed for all to see, the knights realizing they weren’t under attack by us.

Commander Demetri was just standing there in disbelief.

Not having even motioned to grab his weapon.

No one moved for a long few seconds, until Jackel stood up straight and the elves finally sheathed their swords.

My tone was hard. “This is the true reason why these monsters are so dangerous. Because they can perfectly mimic a person.” I focused on Demetri as he met my gaze. “And as I said before, we found over fifteen in our Guilds alone. Hence, the urgency of this news.”

He simply nodded once with wide eyes.

If he didn’t truly get it before, he did now.

One of the knights spoke up. “We were just talking about his oldest son a few minutes ago.”

Exactly,” I said loudly. “The man who looked like this has probably been dead for a long time. Possibly more than five years. And this abomination has been living his life, likely spending time with his children and wife, as if he were the exact same person.” My tone dropped lower. “As is the horror of a Lesser Eldritch.”

One of the knights looked up then, past me, prompting me to look back over my shoulder.

It was because Blake had raised her head.

Her green eyes were visible underneath the hood.


Staring at the monster we’d slain.

Witnessing for herself why I’d reacted the way I’d done…

Upon finding out that she was half Eldritch.

She then glanced at me briefly and immediately put her head down, her slim shoulders trembling slightly now as she stood there silently.

I met the man’s gaze who had looked at her, and he immediately averted his gaze downward.

I continued, ready to leave so that the princess would have her chance to escape.

So that Jackel could get her the hell out of here.

“And now, you have your own evidence to provide to the king,” I commented. “Perhaps we should get back so that I can prepare you for how to deal with these abominations. How to identify them, and what combinations of skills are useful to defeat them before they strike. As a show of good faith between our kingdoms, the Queen is prepared to send a team dedicated to helping with this sole task, should such assistance be requested.”

“A dozen dead,” one of the men mumbled. “In the blink of an eye.”

“More like three or four,” I corrected, as I’d done before, causing them all to look at me. “Except, before your eyes can even register there has been movement. If any of you had been its target, then you would be dead before you even knew you were going to die. Not just anyone can kill one of these monsters.”

No one responded.

Finally, Demetri spoke up again, his eyes flashing behind me, no doubt at the concubines as he spoke to a couple of his men.

“You two, grab its arms and let’s drag it back. We’re leaving. I’ll find Lord Edgard, and together we will bring this to the attention of the king.” He focused on me. “As Commander of the Royal Army, I would humbly ask you, Ambassador Rosengard, to be so gracious as to accompany us. Teach us to defeat these monsters.”

“It will be my pleasure,” I said sincerely, unsurprised that he felt comfortable with only me being present, given what he’d seen me do earlier. Ultimately, I knew he couldn’t ask any of the elves to help anyway, not without permission from the king, but it was obvious that my presence alone would be reassuring.

He nodded, and barked out a few more orders.

I turned to walk away, wrapping my arm around Blake’s shoulders and beginning to guide her toward the door, leaving my other concubine behind.

Jackel gave me a small nod as we exchanged a glance, but didn’t immediately move toward the princess. No doubt because she needed to be viewed as a prostitute and nothing else while the knights were still present. It wouldn’t be until they were alone again that Jackel would explain what was going on, and hopefully leave with her immediately on horseback.

Or perhaps it would be better if a different elf took her, since they got a really good look at Jackel, and it would be odd if he vanished with the girl. On the one hand, they probably thought most elves looked very similar, but on the other hand, he was the one that made a big scene with me.

Very likely they would notice.

Either way, it was officially out of my hands.

I’d done my part.

Now, it was time for my best friend to do his.

To save the princess.

To ensure she lived long enough to one day become queen.

I already had a backup plan.


‘I’ll keep an eye on them, husband. I’ll make sure she is safe.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I love you, husband.’

Her words actually made me smile.

I held Blake closer.

‘I love you too, Wren.’

My words filled her heart with warmth.

Once we had passed the front gates, and were now walking slowly toward a gurgling fountain, with there being no one too close to us, even though we were in plain sight, Blake spoke up quietly.

“I’m sorry.”

“For looking?” I assumed.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I sighed. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier. But hopefully now you can understand my reaction.”

“Yes,” she repeated, only to sniffle.

I glanced down at her, unable to see her face, though being able to imagine what it might look like. “You’re not like them,” I reassured her.

“But then, how am I different?” she wondered.

I frowned as I considered that.

Thus far, I’d only really divined her basic information.

Would her skills or spells tell me anything?

Perhaps she had an Innate Passive skill associated with her race?

I decided to check, stopping where we were as I used Eye of the Goddess on her.


Blake Sangrit



Skills: Eldritch Eyes, Shift, Nocturnal Vision, Essence Extraction, Stoic, Cold Resistance, Heat Resistance, Shock Resistance, Essence Resistance, Venom Resistance, Poison Resistance

Spells: None



Shift was how I grew claws.

But more importantly…

Eldritch Eyes.

What were Eldritch Eyes?


SKILL: Eldritch Eyes



Level: 1/1

Type:  Innate Passive

Effect: The immortal eyes of the Eldritch are capable of surviving apart from a living body. If both eyes reside within the same body, the deceased Eldritch will resurrect, transforming the host into a copy of its lost body. If only one eye resides within a body, it will seek out the other eye to reunite, while mimicking the host. If an eye is destroyed while within a host, it will regenerate fully over time. If an eye is destroyed while outside of a body, it is lost forever.


I froze solid.

I couldn’t breathe.

The eyes.

The eyes were from once living Eldritch!

‘If an eye is destroyed while within a host, it will regenerate fully over time.’

And every single fucking one of those we’d killed so far…every single eye!

Had either been destroyed inside a body…or else ripped out and then disposed of, without destroying it! All of us thinking that ripping it out was enough to kill it!

But it wasn’t!

It didn’t do anything!



We hadn’t actually killed a single one yet!

Including the one we’d just slain!

I was gone from Blake’s side so fast that she didn’t even realize I wasn’t by her side until I was already dashing through the front gate. Urgently rushing to have one last word with my comrades, not because I feared the abomination attacking right away, but because I feared what had become those we’d slain in the capital.

All of the abominations now aware that we knew.

The Queen had to be informed of this immediately!

This was far more important!

Wren was already changing her plans.

She was already running as hard as she could, intending on shifting into a Balphor as soon as she was far enough away from the capital. And yet still, I had to let my convoy know. That the monster they just killed wasn’t truly dead yet. And that everyone we cared about might be in grave danger.

It was a good reason for some of them to leave now.

A good reason to get the princess out of here.

But this new knowledge changed everything.

Our enemies weren’t just random monsters that mimicked humans.

They were Greater Eldritch…

Trying to resurrect!

FEEDBACK: Okay, so the main 'revelation' (that has been hinted at this whole time) is the idea that the Eldritch Eyes are virtually unkillable, which is why they are still a threat to this day.

Did you figure that out sooner than this chapter? (Prior to Allister reading Blake's skills?) If so, when?

Obviously, the idea that the eyes are from Greater Eldritch was kind of already revealed earlier when we got Lord Grimaldi's perspective.

ALSO, RELEASES: Innocent Devil's Harem Book 7 is finally live on Amazon.

Combat Healer 2: Holstaur Essence Archer is also finally live on Amazon.

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Chapter 43 >>




J Bone

Wouldn't they burn the bodies? And why keep the eye? I would have burned that too.


Fantastic chapter. As to your question on when I knew……. First let me say that I’m a pretty smart individual, one who usually calls out the plot twists in shows when watching with my family within the first couple minutes. That being said, I’m either completely oblivious when reading or a lot dumber than I think because I didn’t pick up on this until this chapter. Even Grimaldi’s conversation a few chapters back, I got he was looking for the matching eye but didn’t pick up on why or that ALL the eyes where important.


I thought of this as well. If you’re a hunter this explaination will make sense… disposing of a carcass after your kill doesn’t always involve “all” of the body. For example, you may cut off a poison sack and toss it aside on the spot, then when you leave carry the animal back with you. Applied to this story, the eye may be left behind or buried in a group, then all the monster bodies carried to a fire pit for burning.