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January 8, 2023

NOTE: This chapter starts to delve into some of Kai's memories. Hope you enjoy!


> Cute Monster Girls


<< Chapter 111 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5) | Ch 76 (Book 6) | Ch 91 (Book 7) | Ch 106 (Book 8)


- CHAPTER 112: Memories -


Gwen and I stayed up for about an hour in the middle of the night as I attempted to teach her how I made this unique weapon, simply by creating it over and over again, since I otherwise had no idea how to explain how I did it. However, because she could peer directly into my mind, even stronger than relying on her own mind reading ability, due to our bond, that alone did actually help.

And shockingly, she ended up creating a tiny transparent claw at the end of her index finger.

Which glowed bright orange when she filled it with her magic.

It was tiny, but it was still something.

She proved that when she ran it against a tree to gouge a long line into it, only to become a bit mischievous and start carving our names instead…

Drawing a heart around Kai and Gwen that would remain there so long as this tree continued to live and grow. Which could be several decades, if not longer.

And I couldn’t help it, because it was adorable.

I wrapped her up in my arms and planted an intimate kiss on her purple lips, with her then suggesting that she knew enough to practice on her own, and that I should get back to bed since we had a big day tomorrow. At first, I almost thought she was going to stay out in the forest, but she indicated that she too intended on going to bed now, to get her four hours of sleep and be up in time for the others to rouse.

Thus, we walked back hand-and-hand, our fingers intertwined, eventually departing in the upstairs hallway at the top of the twin staircases.

At first, I fully intended on climbing back in bed between the two adorable succubi, but I hesitated then just before reaching Miriam’s suite, knowing there was one person in particular -- or perhaps, one entity was a more appropriate term -- who would be very interested to learn about this new development.

Deciding to head back down the hall, knowing Gwen was aware of my change of heart but still intending on getting ready for bed, I quietly crept to the doorway just by the twin staircase, being careful to open it quietly so that I didn’t alarm the occupant within.

Elizabeth was lying on her side in bed, a strand of her dark chestnut hair lying across her cheek, curving just underneath her slightly parted lips as she slept soundly. I hesitated briefly, debating if I should really bother waking her right now, only for the unexpected to happen.

Without warning, her irises flared bright orange, to the point that I could see them even through her eyelids, and she slowly began opening her eyes, her glowing gaze shifting toward me standing at the door.

I could feel an aura, just one, as those penetrating orange irises stared at me.

There was no hostility there, but I could definitely sense a warning.

No doubt because she had no idea what my intentions were.

Tilting my head slightly to the side, a little confused by this development, I spoke quietly.


Was it really just her? Was Liz truly unconscious right now?

She didn’t respond, only blinking once.


Almost intentionally.

My brow furrowed at that, wondering if she was limited by how much she could control Liz’s body. Which also caused me to wonder what that would be like -- to be unable to control the body she resided in.

Suffocating, I’d imagine, though I was sure she was used to it by now after nearly four-hundred years.

And at least thankful to be alive, considering she would have died if Liz hadn’t tamed her or whatever.

Still, I definitely wanted to confirm whether or not ‘one blink’ meant ‘yes.’

“Does two blinks mean no?” I wondered, really just trying to prompt her to have a system with me.

She hesitated, before blinking once.

Thus, I went for an obvious no. “Are you sleeping right now?”

Liz’s mouth tensed slightly in a brief frown, before she blinked twice.

Or rather, before Bethel blinked twice.

“Can I come closer? I want to show you something.”

Her glowing orange eyes narrowed slightly, pausing for a long few seconds, before she blinked once. I suspected there was a warning there again. Which I found interesting.

Liz had been adamant that her fire spirit ‘wanted me,’ and yet I could definitely sense her hesitation to let me near their ‘technically unconscious’ body. A cautiousness to have an unexpected visitor this late at night, even if they both otherwise wanted to be in my life.

Only moving a few steps into the room, so that I was about halfway to the bed and in a better position for her to see me, I knelt down to make it clear I wouldn’t come any closer, and then held up my hand.

Liz’s brow furrowed.

Just barely.

“Bethel,” I whispered, using her name and suddenly having her absolute attention. “You wanted to know if I could make a weapon out of fire.”

Her glowing orange eyes widened at that, even as I began forming my familiar transparent construct in my hand.

“I remember,” I whispered, her eyes somehow growing even wider as I began to fill that construct with my vivid magic.

With my azure flames.

Illuminating the room slightly.

“It’s not made of fire,” I added, prompting her to shift her gaze to my face again. “But instead imbued with fire magic. And it can cut through anything I want. I don’t know if you can learn to do this, but I will try to teach you, okay?”

She just stared at me for a long few seconds, looking stunned, before she blinked once.

Yet, I knew it was more than a ‘yes.’

I could feel it in her aura now, a longing for what I’d just offered.

Oddly enough, I realized that her aura was very ethereal feeling, almost like that of a ghost, as opposed to a person. Sometimes I didn’t feel anything in her aura at all, and when I did, it didn’t feel as ‘full’ as it felt from a normal person. Not unless it was a really strong emotion coloring the otherwise misty sensation around her.

Such as the longing I now felt.

It made me wonder if she was truly less like a person, and instead more like a wild animal. Clearly, she had her own desires and it seemed as if she could communicate like a normal person, but her fundamental personality felt more basic than a normal person would be. More like her personality really did only amount to wanting survival and power. Just those two things mattered to her, and nothing else.

Of course, I couldn’t really ask her all that now.

One, because it involved questions that might be too complicated to answer with one or two blinks, but also because I didn’t want to offend her by even suggesting such a thing. Maybe once I felt more comfortable with her.

Slowly letting the ethereal sickle disappear, I held her gaze as the room again darkened fully.

She blinked again, but this time it seemed like a normal blink, one out of necessity to moisturize Liz’s eyes.

I frowned as we continued staring at each other, finally breaking the silence quietly. “Is it possible for you to talk to me directly?” I wondered.

Liz’s mouth twitched slightly into a frown, only for Bethel to blink twice.

“Do you sleep?” I wondered.

Another two blinks.

“Is being conscious while Liz is asleep uncomfortable for you?”

She hesitated briefly, before blinking twice.

I tried to clarify, suspecting I knew the reason for the hesitation. “It was probably hard at first, but you’ve gotten used to it.”

She blinked once.

Shifting my weight, I eased from my knees to my rear instead. “Would you like me to keep you company for a while?”

She immediately blinked twice. Another ‘no.’ A very decisive no.

Which surprised me.

I wasn’t getting anything at all from her aura now.

Frowning, I slowly stood up again. “Well, I guess goodnight then. Just wanted you to know I figured it out after all.”

Abruptly, her brow furrowed intensely, and a strange noise escaped Liz’s throat, coupled with an unexpected appreciation in Bethel’s aura. As if she was trying to communicate ‘Thank you,’ suddenly desperate to do so.

However, almost immediately afterward, Liz’s eyes closed fully, and she sighed heavily as she abruptly rolled over. Bethel’s limited control dissipating in the blink of an eye.

Just like that, Liz was fully in control again, even though she hadn’t entirely roused or woken up. Even though she clearly didn’t even realize I was in the room at the moment.

I could feel a slight disappointment in Bethel’s aura, sharply contrasted against a sensation of contentment coming from the sleeping Liz, but then both of them slowly subdued into nothing meaningful.

Liz, likely having fallen fully back asleep.

Bethel, likely just not having anything to feel right now.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly crept back out of the room and closed the door behind me. Gwen was actually just climbing into bed herself, having changed out of her silk maid uniform in favor of a surprisingly sexy silk nightgown, but I proceeded down the hall toward Miriam’s suite anyway, deciding not to wish the imp goodnight a second time. If anything, so that we could both actually get some more sleep.

While silently sneaking into the accompanying lounging room, I made my way into the master bedroom, my thoughts mostly on the overall situation with Liz and Bethel.

Previously, I’d been thinking about them more like two people inside the same body, but now I was beginning to wonder if that was truly the case. Certainly, Bethel was sentient like a person, but with her inability to really have any control over the body she resided in, she was very much like a passenger.

One who only Liz could truly interact with.

That of course made me wonder something else.

Was it even possible to have a real relationship with Bethel?

Not that I needed to necessarily have a relationship with either one, but I had to be honest with myself and admit that there was no way I was going to be able to ignore the hot brunette MILF that was Elizabeth Monroe.

Problem was, would it truly only be a relationship with Liz?

One in which Bethel was allegiant to me, and obviously present at all times, but someone who I couldn’t directly communicate with. An individual who I could only indirectly talk to through Liz. Which meant, Bethel was also an individual who I could never really have a true relationship with, and who might not even want one to begin with.

She was a fire spirit after all.

Maybe a romance wasn’t something she was interested in.

Though I did have to admit that she clearly got aroused and would likely enjoy a sexual experience just as much as Liz would. But maybe that’s all it would be -- an enjoyment of the physical pleasure of the body Bethel was in, rather than any desire to actually develop a romantic bond.

In the end, I supposed it didn’t really matter too much.

I could eventually have a romantic relationship with Liz, and Bethel would just be along for the ride, enjoying the pleasant feelings, but otherwise only being allegiant because I could give her those two most desired things -- power and survival.

That wasn’t so bad.

Not at all.

It was just different than what I was initially expecting might happen, at least when I first found out that it was like they were truly two people on the inside.

‘People’ was probably incorrect.

There were two sentient beings within Liz.

One a human, the second something ‘other’ who had obtained human-like traits from being in Liz’s body, but who wasn’t truly human or even a real person. Bethel was instead a consciousness formed out of magic, as Liz already explained.

Although…if magic was actually what gave people life in the first place, then was there really much difference between the consciousness that formed Liz compared to the consciousness that formed Bethel?

I wasn’t sure, but was feeling tired enough again, that I didn’t want to think about it anymore right now.

Having taken off my pants and climbed into bed naked again between the two adorable succubi, they both wrapped their arms and legs around me so tightly in their sleep that I wasn’t sure if I could get up a second time, even if I wanted to. At least, not without waking them up. But I was more than content to fall back asleep between their soft naked bodies, loving having their warmth on both sides as my mind drifted toward unconsciousness.

As usual, I found myself aware of my surroundings again, nothing notable catching my attention as I slept soundly for the rest of the night.

At least…until my subconscious began drifting yet again.

I didn’t realize I was dreaming, this time of Gwen, because…

It felt more like remembering.

Remembering someone strikingly similar to Gwen.


Or rather, not quite how I currently knew her.


Much younger.


I knew I was being followed as I walked through the lush garden in the castle courtyard, but I was amused more than anything. Most humans ignored me, as if I wasn’t even there, allowing me to walk freely among them. But imps were entirely different.

They often avoided me, some simply feeling an eerie sensation of unease, while others felt sincere fear whenever I was around.

But not my stalker.

Not this little girl.

Not…the imp princess.

Sighing, I finally turned toward her when she tried to dart between rose bushes, the girl abruptly freezing solid and standing up rigidly when I focused on her, her small bumpy horns doing little to help elevate her sub-four-feet stature.

She would have been even shorter, if not for her imp legs.

Shorter, if she were human.

A comparison I only made because I’d spent much more time around humans in the last millennium. A choice I’d made because they were more common, and I appreciated being ignored, as if I didn’t even exist. Preferred that over demons running away in terror.

For their kind, there was something horrifying about not being able to identify a ‘creature.’ Something horrifying about not even being able to assign a title to the thing that crept toward them. This little girl’s father, the Imp Lord, was one of the first ones in a thousand years who had been able to look just a tiny bit beyond my curse.

Just enough to be able to assign me a title.


As I had now become known among the imp race.

Such an obvious description, and yet…

It was the greatest blessing I’d received in my entire damned life thus far, to be able to have some identifier. Something beyond the very first identifier I had been given.


My deeds a thousand years ago were already legend.

Though now, I no longer had wrath plaguing my heart, and I was again without even so much as a title.

No way to identify me, as me.

A complete nobody.

Devoid of love. Devoid of even a single friend.

Or at least, I had been, until I approached the Imp Lord, heeding his calling for a magus who could solve a problem that others could not. I had been without a friend, until the day I stood before him and he, upon attempting to identify the cursed being in his presence, assigned me the most obvious title imaginable.

Yet, something that should have been impossible.


And now, after several years, I finally had a friend.

This girl’s father.

The imp king.

When it was obvious the princess looked terrified to have been found out, I turned away to continue on my walk in the midday heat, that which was the middle of the night for most imps. Even inferno imps, who were most powerful during the daytime, chose to get in their four hours of sleep when the sun was at its highest.

However, the moment I resumed walking, the girl called out at me nervously.

“W-Wait!” she pleaded.

I stopped then, confused by her tone. Confused by her desperation.

Her mother hated me.

Her mother was terrified of me.

And yet, this little girl was something else.

Something more.

Slowly turning back around, seeing something strange in her slitted red eyes, I knelt down on one knee, my position relaxed, my hood covering my unrecognizable head from the bright sun above us.

Slowly, she approached, her hooved feet hesitant, until she finally stopped below me, having to look up slightly at my large form even while I was knelt. A form that was larger in part due to experiments on my own body to gain power, even as I also sought to break my curse.

Her slitted red eyes were searching my face, as if she were trying to comprehend it.

“Burnt wood,” she whispered to herself, surprising me, even as she slowly lifted her small hands to grasp the sides of my face. “Like charcoal.”

Most couldn’t describe my face, and those who had tried all had entirely different descriptions.

An endless abyss of shadows.

A nightmare incarnate.

A charred corpse with no features.

No one even seemed to notice my eyes…

“Gold,” she whispered, looking almost mesmerized as she stared directly at my slitted yellow eyes, her incredibly warm hands firmly holding my face in place. “So pretty.”

Now, I was alarmed.

No one had ever been able to see so far beyond the curse, as to identify a feature of my face. Not even her powerful father could see beyond the curse that far. And now, as I focused, I realized there was something else going on. Something I’d never come across before.

I thought without speaking.

‘What is your name?’

“Gwenvael,” she answered out loud.

‘You can hear my thoughts?’

Her slitted crimson eyes widened at that, only now realizing her mistake, her hands pulling away slightly, just her fingertips now touching me, looking terrified now.

‘No one knows,’ I realized silently.

“Please,” she whispered, truly afraid.

So odd.

She was so young, and yet even she knew it could be dangerous to share this secret. A gift so unheard of, that even being a princess might not protect her from persecution. A gift so feared that even her powerful father might not be able to protect her from assassination.

My voice was quiet as I spoke out loud.

“You now own my secret, and so I also own yours.”

“Gold eyes?” she whispered in confusion, trying to understand.

I smiled, though she couldn’t see it.

“Yes,” I said warmly.

Unexpectedly, her slitted crimson eyes focused on my mouth, widening as she saw my grin.

I frowned, beginning to understand now.

She was seeing into my head, learning of how I perceived myself, and that insight allowed her to begin perceiving what her eyes alone could not initially comprehend. An insight that allowed her to begin lifting the veil over my face in small pieces.

But now her adorable brow was furrowed in concentration.

Seeking something else that eluded her.

My tone was gentle, somewhat amused. “What plagues your mind, young princess?”

She hesitantly met my gaze. “What is your name?”

My voice was soft and full of kindness. “I do not have a name. Even if I told you one, you would soon forget. Your father is nearly the first person in a millennium to be able to assign me even so much as a title.”

Her youthful expression pained at that, her eyes beginning to search my face, almost looking desperate as she tried to grasp onto anything.

And then, unexpectedly her slitted red eyes widened.

Her small mouth opened, and she spoke confidently.

No reservations now, as she held my face firmly in her grasp.

“You are…” She paused, nodding to herself, looking intently into my gold eyes. “You are…master.”


My eyes flew open in alarm, my heart racing, as I abruptly sat up in bed, disturbing both Miriam and Delilah in the process, though not enough to rouse them.

The dream had been so real.

More than a dream.

It had been a memory. One I could recall so clearly now.


Oh my God, did she know?

I was ‘master’ when she was young.

And as she grew older, maturing into a young woman, I eventually became ‘her master.’

Such a small difference, and yet such a world of difference when I was cursed to be unknowable.

It had been Gwen who prompted Miriam and Delilah to share the truth of how they were cursed, as well as to share about the boy who saved them. And she had been calling me master basically since the first day I met her.

Shortly after I’d died and resurrected, claiming her, she began calling me ‘master.’

Was it only because I’d claimed her?

Or had she realized the truth then?

Did she know who I truly was?

It took me a second to realize Gwen was much closer than I initially assumed, frozen stiff in the other room, having already slept, awoken, showered, and dressed, having been just about to come into the master bedroom to wake me up for the day.

She was frozen stiff, in the lounging room just outside the door, the first space to Miriam’s suite.

It was about 6:50 AM, and Gwen knew we needed to leave soon if we were to get to Joseph’s place by 8 AM.

Yet now, she didn’t budge an inch, her thoughts stunned at what she’d just witnessed in my head. At the dreamlike memory she’d just experienced for herself.

I quickly climbed out of bed and headed for the door, with her not moving even as I opened it and closed it behind me, the two of us now alone in the entrance room to Miriam’s suite.

She didn’t meet my gaze, her slitted crimson eyes wide, staring through me into space.

I couldn’t help but ask, seeing that her mind was almost blank in shock.

“Gwen?” I whispered. “Did you know?”

She finally focused up at me slowly, her expression pained. “M-Master,” she stammered, only to be unable to continue. Because suddenly that one word was more than what it had been.

Her title for me was something far more, all of a sudden.

Which, sort of answered my question for me.

She quickly clarified. “It felt right,” she whispered. “I have only had one person I called master, and yet when you claimed me, it felt right. Deep down, in my innermost self. When you first had sex with me afterward, just in the other room you were in a moment ago, while my mistress was still recovering from her healed wounds, and when you needed to recover your lost magic…it felt right.”

I could finally see in her mind the disconnect.

She could remember the same memory that I just dreamt about, but the feeling she’d once had was lost. She knew ‘that man’ had been ‘master,’ but only now did she remember the trust and adoration she felt when she was younger.

A trust and adoration that slowly developed into something more, as she matured into a young woman.

Just like I’d recalled, I had once been ‘master’ to her…

But one day, she unexpectedly realized, that the man who she felt so much devotion to…

Was now, in her own mind, ‘my master.’

That small difference wouldn’t have been a big deal normally, but when my curse prevented most from even assigning me a title to begin with, adding just that one part made a world of difference.

Gwen reached up to cover her mouth with her hand, her slitted crimson eyes filling with tears.

“Master, I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

I stepped forward, completely naked, and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly against me. “You have no reason to be sorry.”

“I know, it’s just…” She sniffled. “I didn’t recognize you. Didn’t remember how I felt…and I…with you…”

Her voice trailed off as her entire body tensed.

Despite how she felt, I almost laughed at her thoughts. “You can’t cheat on me with myself,” I said in a lighthearted tone, understanding where she was coming from. She didn’t remember the feelings she had for the man called ‘Unrecognizable’ by her father, and because of that, she felt free to have sex with her new master without qualms. And certainly with her mistress without qualms.

Only now was she understanding the nature of her feelings for me, the version she knew basically two-thousand years ago, prior to her being frozen in time, and it ironically made her feel guilty of infidelity.

For, she had been that committed to me…back then…


Apparently, I’d never actually reciprocated those feelings.

“You told me you loved me,” she whispered, holding onto me tightly. “Just before you saved my life. Just before I became frozen in time.”

I tried to understand what she meant, but her memories were hazy on the subject. She only knew the facts, but couldn’t recall the exact details of those facts. And I unfortunately had no memories myself. Not of anything, aside from this one memory, of me meeting her for the first time, when she was very young.

No doubt I’d known about the young princess back then, but never actually greeted her until she approached me for the first time.

With how much her imp mother, the queen, hated my presence, I supposed it wasn’t surprising that young Gwen had to sneak around to get close to me. Though even now, I wasn’t sure why she would have bothered.

Just out of curiosity?

Gwen shook her head in response to my thoughts. “Your mind…it was empty of anything I could grasp, aside from your spoken thoughts most of the time. And thus, felt peaceful. I wanted to be near that peace. Like a safe oasis compared to other minds. Only later, when I was older, did I realize you weren’t truly at peace. That it was only your curse that prevented me from even grasping the contents of your mind, beyond what you intended to say.”

I nodded simply as I held her toned upper body tightly, wishing I could remember more.

More about the Gwen I’d known back then, more about her father, who had apparently been my only friend at that time, and more about what happened to her race. More about what happened to her people. Why had they gone extinct?

And how had I saved Gwen?

Either way, I felt confident about one thing.

It had not been an accident that Miriam found Gwen, roughly a hundred years ago, having seemingly been sealed away for two-thousand years.

It also probably wasn’t an accident that Gwen didn’t seem to age.

That she was still the same age she’d been when I’d last seen her.

“I was twenty-six,” she whispered. “I’m a hundred and twenty-seven now, but I had just celebrated my twenty-sixth birthday when our people fell. I remember that I was sad, because I wanted you to take me as your wife. And because several of my birthdays had come and gone, yet I hadn’t seen you in many years. But then…” Her voice trailed off, her memory growing fuzzy about what happened afterward.

Alternatively, her comment made my brow furrow, another memory feeling like it was just barely at the edge of my thoughts.

Until, unexpectedly, it flooded into my mind.

The Gwen in front of me was silent, and yet I heard her voice calling out to me, even as the tall devil maid in my arms simply focused on my thoughts in surprise, both of us experiencing this freshly recalled memory.



I turned to see a female imp running toward me, looking somewhere between a girl and young woman, her hips wide, her bust modest, her legs thick and strong, yet all while having the thinness of someone just entering adolescence.

She was perhaps fourteen or fifteen, I wasn’t sure, unable to recall the exact number of years since I’d last seen her.

Of course, even though she’d grown so much, I recognized her without a problem.

She continued, as she ran up to me.

“Master! I’m fifteen now!”

She seemed more thrilled than I was expecting, even if she’d just had a birthday, and it took me a few seconds to understand the implications of the fifteenth year for her kind.

Probably longer than it should.

Especially since there were many human cultures that celebrated the initiation into womanhood at a much earlier age, some as early as a woman’s first monthly bleed.

“Oh.” I paused, reevaluating her joy. “You’re an adult now.”

“Yep!” she said cheerfully. “I was really hoping you’d come to my celebration, master!”

I frowned. “If I had come, I would have ruined the event.”

She became pouty. “Master, if you had come, I would not have minded if everyone else left.”

I took a deep breath. “Princess…”

“Gwen,” she retorted.


Gwen,” she repeated more firmly.

I chuckled this time. “Little servant,” I teased.

Her crimson eyes grew wide. Hopeful.

I sighed. “Your mother would never allow what I know is on your mind. Best you set your sights on another man. Preferably another inferno imp.”

“You are master,” she said simply, as if that explained all. But then, she unexpectedly continued, modifying her description of me in a way I hadn’t anticipated. “My…” she whispered, her eyes widening again. “My master.”

I froze solid.

Such a small difference.

And yet, for a cursed being like myself, even that minor difference was a huge difference. I had become more than just ‘master’ to her.

Yet even still, what she was hoping for would never be allowed. Not even by her father, my good friend.

My only friend.

I sighed. “I am only here to see your father.”

“I’ll come with you,” she said cheerfully.

I took a deep breath, and simply turned back around, having no intention on stopping her. After all, the castle was her home. The only authority she should obey within these walls was that of her father and mother.

Unfortunately, her behavior wouldn’t go unnoticed.

Not by the Imp Lord himself.

However, unlike what I expected, he only found her interest curious.

Very curious.

And, as I soon learned myself, someone had apparently noticed her stalking me when she was very young, with my good friend only now realizing that his daughter’s interest went far beyond a casual curiosity.

Still, she was barely fifteen.

And I was basically a thousand years old.

I wouldn’t consider it, even if her mother and father did approve.

However, my refusal wasn’t going to discourage my secret admirer…not when she didn’t define me as ‘hopeful husband,’ but instead defined me as something else.

Something more.

She wouldn’t give up, when she instead defined me as…

Her master.


Gwen slowly pulled away to look at me intently, her expression a mixture of surprise, hopefulness, and longing, beginning to recall her own emotions from the memory in my head, and beginning to realize that she finally had what she’d always longed for.

After so long, literally thousands of years, she was finally with her master.

I closed my eyes just as she passionately mashed her purple lips into mine, with her wrapping one strong leg around my hip to tug me in even closer, her thoughts full of affection, longing, and appreciation.

Even her long furry tail curled around us both in a tight embrace.

Because finally, she fully understood, that she had the one thing she’d always wanted.

For most of her life.

Her master.


FEEDBACK: Thoughts so far?

Next chapter, I'm aiming to make you cry, so be prepared.

ALSO! I don't have the plot super ironed out beyond the next few chapters (due to focusing so much on Combat Healer), so if you have certain topics you would like to see covered, or questions you'd like answered, I'm open to suggestions (including long-term plot ideas -- now is the chance to offer ideas, before I start piecing the puzzle together for the next 15 to 30 chapters).

Kai is obviously planning on visiting Joseph. I have plans for all of that, but afterward my ideas are just vague stepping stones that don't have a particular order just yet.


Chapter 113 >>





I feel there should be more privacy in what the harem can view of Kai's thoughts as it kinda ruins the suspense if they can just read his thoughts all the time. I do understand the view that since that he already trusts them, he feels that it fine for them to view his thoughts. Anyways thanks for the chapter.

Thaddeus Scherer

I'm enjoying the story. I think a lot of the complaints folks have are either the nit picky types of things, or they just have yet to be fleshed out. This story has been enjoyable, but I'm impatient. Devoured all the chapters in just a few days, so now that caught up it is a bit frustrating to patiently wait.