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November 16, 2022

NOTE: Two big things!

First, I made quite a few ‘detail’ changes to Chapters 1 and 2, so you may want to reread them. However, if you don’t feel like doing so, I’ve summarized some of the bigger things.

Also huge, I have a big question at the end as well (but read the chapter first).

Chapter 1 Changes:

Lots of things here. Added Rose’s last name. Rose Monroe.

Added some basic information about Rose’s parents. Her father is native American, whereas her mother is Caucasian (this is implied, not stated explicitly). Also added a better explanation of the surroundings, including of where the werewolf sacrifices happened. The village is surrounded by massive fields, literally hundreds of acres. The village itself started next to a river, staying almost entirely on one side of it, and there is also a large stream that flows off that river.

Chapter 2 Changes:

Lots of additions here too. Added Rose’s mother’s name, which is in this chapter too.

More information about Rose’s family, including stepsisters and an adoptive sister who had been orphaned.

Chapter 3 Changes:

Less things here. Just minor details.

Chapter 4 Changes:

Added Ariana’s last name. Ariana Abelson.

Chapter 5 Changes:

Added Hugh (and thus Petra’s) last name. Hugh Keates. Petra Keates.

Chapter 6 Changes:

(Bold part is added, and important)

Mindless and efficient, feeling almost empowered by my previous kills, I raced forward, leaping over the rapidly flooding river in a bound so large that it could have been ten times wider and I still would have cleared it fully.

Chapter 7 Changes:

Mainly, just emphasizing Petra’s full name. Nothing major here.


<< Chapter 7 | Chapter 1



The day after my big massacre, I ended up going back into the forest the next evening, taking Mabel with me to retrieve the other steeds, a couple of whom had strayed away, getting their wagons stuck. In the process of freeing them, I was surprised to find a crate with a dozen rifles and muskets within, having never seen such weapons in person.

The villagers were aware they existed, but no one owned one.

Most had never even used a bow and arrow before, since most hunting was in the form of fishing in the river and setting traps for smaller creatures. This area had an overabundance of rabbits, since most predators stayed away, and those that ventured too close had always been slain by the wolf.

A blessing given to our village for offering the yearly sacrifice.

Not that refusing had ever been an option, since ten would be slain when the sacrifice was neglected. Which was why it hadn’t been neglected in decades.

I had no idea if my grandmother had somehow outlawed weapons, considering most didn’t own anything other than farm tools and axes for chopping wood, but even swords had been rare until only more recently.

Still, it made me wonder why the bandits had only been armed with swords and daggers.

Perhaps because they never intended on killing a bunch of people, and only aimed to cause a distraction to steal women while the men were occupied. Honestly, the rifles could just be for hunting, since the men were clearly out in the wilderness a lot.

There were also a couple of crates full of food.

Cheese, dried meat, lots of vegetables, and even some molding bread.

Not really enough to feed so many men for longer than a few days, unless they did in fact supplement their meals by hunting.

Mabel was obediently waiting where I told her to wait, and otherwise doing as I said, so she hadn’t seen the contents of any of the storage containers. Thus, I had her wait with a wagon while I carried the guns away, intending on transforming, digging a hole, and burying them. I had no idea how harmful such a weapon would be against me, but didn’t want the people to be armed with anything other than swords, axes, and bows.

All of which I was fast enough to avoid while I was a wolf.

Granted, it wasn’t like they had the means to get more of the black powder used to fire the intriguing weapons, though I was sure Fairburne would be able to create metal projectiles for them.

Didn’t matter, since no one would ever know they existed.

Mabel and I then each took a wagon, leaving the slaver carts behind, with me having to tie the two cart horses to one wagon, so they could follow. Upon returning to the village, I reported to Lucian that this was all that was left from the bandits, and all the men on guard duty seemed to leave it at that.

Not that they’d ever find the location of the carts on their own anyway.

I then sent Mabel home for the night to be with her older sister, and went back to see how Petra was doing, knowing Rose would be there waiting.

In the end, the first half of the ensuing week was extremely stressful for one reason, followed by some relief, only for the second half to become stressful for an entirely different reason.

At first, Petra was truly getting worse every day, her illness growing so bad that I was terrified she wouldn’t survive until the full moon. Terrified that she would die before I could bite her.

I could bite her right now, but my grandmother told me it wouldn’t do anything.

She’d told me that we were venomous like snakes, but only on the night of the full moon. Any other time, and our bite would be no different than a normal human or wolf sinking their teeth into their flesh.

Petra was already so sick, I didn’t want to make her worse by giving her an extra illness from my bite.

Yet, I still considered it.

Especially when Petra stopped waking up.

On the third day, she wouldn’t rouse at all, not for almost the entire day.

I was beginning to panic.

Rose was worried too. Extremely worried. To the point that she asked her mother to come see the shepherd girl. To help, if at all possible.

Rose got her tan skin from her father, with her mother being so pale that most wouldn’t think them related, except that they were far too similar in the face. The lady even looked young enough that she could be mistaken as an older sister, especially since Rose’s father was nearly two decades older than her mother. The primary reason why all of Rose’s stepsisters were older, not counting the girl my age who had been adopted as an orphan.

The only other major difference in the mother and daughter’s appearance was their eyes.

While Rose had rich brown eyes, her mom’s eyes were green, similar to Petra.

The secretly practicing witch, who held no real power aside from her ability to work with herbs, said that the thing that most threatened her now was a lack of water. So Rose’s mother used a smoking pipe to make Petra drink from her rear. The unconscious girl’s body accepted the liquid in small increments as the youthful woman filled the pipe and the liquid seeped in.

At this point, all of us, including Petra’s parents, where willing to try anything to save her life.

Shockingly, it worked.

It really worked.

Less than half an hour later, Petra began to rouse, mumbling and not making any sense, but at least somewhat conscious again.

I hadn’t thanked Mrs. Liz Monroe for anything in a very long time, but I thanked her now.

Vehemently so.

Her knowledge as an herbalist had saved the girl’s life.

Giving me immense relief.

Rose’s mother seemed to appreciate the change of heart, since I’d been just as distant toward her as I’d been with my own mother for many years. Basically ever since my father died when I was nine years old, but especially when I became a werewolf about a year and a half ago. I’d actually been really close to my dad, much closer than my mom, and his death hurt me more than I was willing to admit. Enough so that I pulled away from everyone else, afraid of growing too close to them and experiencing that kind of loss again.

Finding out my grandmother was responsible for taking away the most important person in my life only made it a thousand times worse, reopening a wound on my soul that I’d only begun to recover from. Especially since she blamed the unlucky drawing of his name, instead of her own evil deeds.

As if it wasn’t her fault that his blood soaked the ground.

Knowing the evil bitch was dead was only a slight relief, since nothing could ever bring my father back.

We carefully sat Petra up and got her to drink more water, as well as some tea. She fell back asleep, but would now rouse whenever we woke her for more water. And by the time the sun had disappeared, and it was nearing the middle of the night, she finally woke up fully.

Finding me there, still at her side.

Still holding her hand.

She was beginning to get better.

The next day, she slept less, was awake more, and began eating again.

We talked.

Talked as I held her hand, talked as I gave her water to drink, talked as I fed her the meals that either her mother or Rose had made. She was doing so much better.

She was recovering.

And as she began to recover, as I began to learn more about her and get to know her, I started having somber doubts about what I had promised her. Doubts that it would be a good thing for her to become a wolf, like me.

Doubting it would be a good thing to even try…and risk her life again.

The prideful part of me reasoned that it was stupid to allow someone to become my equal. To allow someone else to wield the kind of raw power I possessed.

But there was another part of me…

That was just terrified of her dying.

Terrified of my bite killing her, instead of transforming her.

I had the urge, a strengthening urge, to sink my teeth into her flesh. To make her like me. But did that necessarily guarantee that she would survive? That my bite wouldn’t just kill her?

I didn’t know, but as the full moon approached, I was becoming more afraid to even risk it.

Because I loved her.

I loved Petra so much, it hurt.

And Rose was becoming much more fond of her too. To the point that she seemed a little anxious herself on the day of the full moon, knowing my bite could kill a person, my first lover also now knowing that I wouldn’t even so much as kiss her on the day preceding the full moon.

That I wouldn’t take that chance, even with her.

The exact time that the moon actually peeked over the horizon seemed to be constantly changing as it waxed and waned, with the new moon being when it was rising and setting almost at the same time as the sun. Within an hour of each other.

However, the full moon was different.

The exact opposite.

It always rose right around sunset.

Always illuminated the night brightly and pulled the wolf out of me.

It was easier to sleep at night when the new moon rose during the daytime, though I had no troubles staying awake. Nor did I have any problems falling asleep every morning. However, on the night of the full moon, and even leading up to it, sleep at night was always impossible. Thankfully, I could easily get by on less sleep than a normal person, only needing about five hours instead of eight or nine, or otherwise I might struggle to function from exhaustion.

Instead, I was always well rested, so long as I got four or five.

Petra had rarely gotten out of bed in the last week, except to use a metal pail to relieve herself maybe all but once a day. But now that it was the day of the full moon, she wanted to try walking again. Of course, her stab wound was still very much present, beginning to heal but still painful for her. However, her illness was at least now gone. She was careful as she got on her feet the first time, needing to hold onto me for support, but she was able to go outside and sit on their porch for the first time in a week.

Her mother had helped Petra change her clothing, with her wearing a fresh white chemise now, the lightweight dress being what most girls wore to bed, assuming they didn’t instead wear only a bodice and small linen trousers, or even sleep naked as Rose and I frequently did.

The thin white dressed looked good on her.

It was almost too small for her already thin body, making her small breasts and hips look more shapely. Likely a chemise she’d had since she was much younger, one she’d never really grown out of, given her five-foot stature.

I helped her eat breakfast and lunch, not feeling tired even though I hadn’t slept, knowing the moon’s calling was fast approaching. And for the first time ever, I felt like it was coming too fast. I wanted it to wait, to give me more time to make a decision.

But the hours flew by anyway.

In the late afternoon, Petra finally made the request.

Told her mom and dad that she wanted to spend the night at my house.

Something that was more of a courtesy than anything else.

She already didn’t sleep at home under normal circumstances. And was old enough to make her own decisions anyway.

Never mind the fact that they’d already seen how devoted I was to taking care of her.

It wouldn’t make sense for them to try refusing.

Mr. Keates simply said, “Of course,” and left it at that.

Mrs. Keates didn’t say anything at all.

Petra had one final meal with her parents, one last supper, and then had her arm wrapped around my shoulders as I helped support her weight while we walked away. Rose had left the Keates’ place, but came back now to meet us just as we left. The three of us walked together, slowly, as we made our way home, even if I already felt at home in this moment.

We talked a little, but not truly saying much.

Casual conversations that were only meant to fill the time.

We were all anxious.

None of us wanted to talk about it.

Margaret and Mabel had never met Petra. They stood on the porch to greet us when we arrived. Seemed genuinely happy to see that she was doing well. They then went inside to finish up dinner for themselves, Rose joining them, while Petra and I sat on the edge of the porch, her leaning against me as I held her tightly to my side.

As the sun neared the horizon, Petra began asking questions, important ones.

I did my best to explain.

“When my grandmother bit me, she left me in the woods all night. Left me alone in the darkness of the trees. She didn’t want anyone to find me while I was dealing with the bite. While it was starting to change me. I’m sure she checked on me while she was a wolf, but I never noticed her.”

“It hurts?” she assumed.

I shook my head. “No, but it causes something similar to an illness. Not a normal one. She told me that, if I had already been sick, I would have recovered from that disease quickly. Or if I had been injured, I would have started healing quickly.”

“How quickly?” she whispered.

I grimaced. “If…assuming you don’t die…” I took a deep breath. “Then by the morning, the bite will be gone. As will your stab wound.”

“And I’ll be like you?” she whispered.

I shook my head. “No, not yet. The illness is just the first part. You will be better in the morning, but still human. Over the course of the next month, you’ll begin to change. You’ll become really hungry and want to eat everything in sight. It’s only on the next full moon, that you’ll become like me. That your body will change into a wolf, the moment the full moon rises.”

“Does it hurt?”

I shook my head again. “It’s uncomfortable the first time, but doesn’t hurt. Once the moon rises, the relief will feel overwhelming. My first full moon, I felt like I was alive for the first time in my life. As if I’d only experienced some kind of half-life until that point.”

She nodded slowly, shifting her gaze back to the nearest houses about a stone’s throw away. Her voice was quiet as she spoke almost to herself. “I can’t imagine being so big. I’ve always been shorter than most. Smaller than most.”

I smirked at her, only to laugh.

She looked at me in surprise.

I grinned. “You won’t be much larger than a normal wolf the first time.”

Her rich mossy eyes widened at that. “So I’ll still be small?”

“As small as a wild dog,” I chuckled. “It’s taken me a year and a half to grow as large as I am, and I’m not entirely confident that I’m done growing. Your increase in size will feel slow, but you’ll notice a difference in your size each time. Which means, you’ll feel stronger each time.” I smiled warmly. “No doubt you’ll be praying for the full moon to somehow come sooner. Longing for it to come sooner each month.”

“And you?” she wondered. “Do you still look forward to it?”

I grimace at that. “This is the first time…” I whispered. “That I’ve wished for it to wait. Wished I had more time.”

Her expression pained. “Because you don’t want to bite me?”

I shook my head, my tone somber. “Because I don’t want to lose you, if it doesn’t work out.”

She didn’t respond.

I stared into the distance.

Finally, her voice was quiet, only saying one word.

“Ariana,” she whispered affectionately.


I focused on her, our faces so close.

She seemed to search my dark blue eyes for a long few minutes, before leaning her head more toward me.

I closed my eyes as her lips pressed into mine.

I sucked in a shaky breath through my nose as she placed her hand on my leather-clad thigh, her warm tongue slipping into my mouth.

The first time we truly kissed.

Kissed for love.

And she was initiating it.

My gut was tense.

I wanted to do more, to dominate her like I did Rose, but I was also well aware I would hurt her if I did. Aware that her stab wound still threatened her life, even if her illness had passed.

I finally pulled away, my face feeling hot, seeing that her cheeks were flushed as well.

My voice was quiet and reassuring. “I’ll stay with you,” I promised. “I won’t leave you alone like my grandmother did. You can rest on me. I’ll curl around you, and keep you warm and safe all night.”

Her green eyes widened slightly, only for her expression to fill with longing and appreciation. “Thank you, Ariana,” she said sincerely.

“I love you,” I disclosed unexpectedly, the first time I’d said those words to her.

Again, her beautiful green eyes widened, and she leaned forward to press her lips to mine.

Our eyes were both closed as we then pressed our foreheads together, with her speaking quietly.

“I love you too…Ariana,” she whispered.

My heart soared.

My anxiety strengthened…

We continued to hold each other as the deadline neared, until it was finally time to say goodnight to Rose. She gave me a reassuring hug and kiss on the cheek, telling me how much she loved me, before Petra and I began walking away. This time, heading for the trees.

The thick forest.

It wouldn’t do well for people to know the details of what I intended on doing.

Better for people to think that Petra’s injury was somehow responsible. Perhaps thinking that Petra’s family had some kind of connection to wolf ancestors that caused her near-death experience to trigger the change. After all, they had absolutely no basis for knowing how someone might become a werewolf.

No basis for knowing how Petra might become one.

Her parents would probably suspect.

They might even know I was directly responsible.

But I doubted they would say anything.

And if they did think it was me, it would only be speculation.

We took our time walking through the darkening forest, Petra seeming fully confident in her own safety in my presence, her gorgeous green eyes full of trust whenever she focused on me. As we went deeper, she commented again about how much she liked that we were the same height. That she didn’t have to look up at me to meet my dark blue gaze. I simply agreed, but was less enthusiastic with my response.

I finally stopped when my eyes uncontrollably turned gold.

Glowing honey.

She met my gaze with no fear.

Only longing.

My voice was quiet. The world around us felt quiet, like there was no one else except the two of us. Not even animals.

Just us.

Almost as if something else had scared them all away, though I knew there shouldn’t be any other predators around.

None, except me.

It was probably a warning I should have paid attention, but instead found myself too anxious about what I was about to do to really notice.

“Are you ready?” I whispered.

She nodded. Certain of her decision.

I held up her arm carefully, knowing it pained her whenever her arms were raised, focusing on the smoothness of the underside of her tan forearm, wishing in this moment that I didn’t have to cause her pain. Wishing I didn’t have to make her bleed, to do this.

I then carefully, while still partially supporting her weight, leaned down and rested my lips against her skin.

It was time.

Opening my mouth, I got my teeth against her flesh, feeling her tense in preparation.

She made a quiet whimper of pain as I tensed my jaw, a reflexive response to me hurting her.

I took my time. Was careful.

Increasing the pressure slowly.

Felt her squirm against me.

Until I finally tasted blood.

I sank a little deeper.

And deeper.

It was done.

The urge to bite finally vanished, the flavor of her blood soaking my tongue.

Petra was gasping for breath, her body trembling against the pain. I was sure it hurt less than getting stabbed, but pain was still pain.

And now, as I pulled away, as my mind was drawn toward apathy, tugged out of me by the moon, I silently acknowledge that there was no going back. Either Petra would become a werewolf…

Or she would die.

Only time…would tell.

I turned my head when I thought I saw a shadow in the corner of my vision, suddenly feeling like I was being watched, but there was nothing there.

We were alone.

I helped her sit down on the ground as the effect of my bite began to take hold, telling her again how much I cared about her, even as I began to undress in preparation for my own transformation. Petra laid herself down on the forest floor when I stepped away in order to explode into my massive powerful form. She shivered as if cold when I came back and carefully wrapped my large furry body around her.

My white fur was comforting for her.

The only comfort she would have for the night, as she began to grow confused and delirious.

As the moon began rising higher in the night sky, she occasionally asked a question that didn’t make sense.

Speaking as if even she wasn’t certain if it was an inquiry for herself, or one for me.

I couldn’t respond either way.

The full moon slowly ascended higher, begging me to run and play and hunt.

Yet I remained.




I again thought I saw a shadow in the corner of my vision, again feel like I was being watched, but when I raised my head, my ears angled forward, there was again nothing there. Only my imagination.

The world around us still felt quiet though.

Eerily so.

I returned my focus to the girl enveloped by my furry body.

Petra began sweating. Rapidly becoming drenched as if she had broken a high fever, her white dress growing almost transparent, her tan perky tits fully visible through the material. And yet, the delirium only worsened. Made her more confused. Now, when she spoke, it was only panicked mumbles. Incoherent words of someone who had lost their mind.

A mind that was changing.

By the time the moon was high in the midnight sky, I felt something different.

Something unexpected.

The bite in her arm was looking better.

But also, there was something more.

I didn’t understand until she mumbled something…

And I understood her words.

Words that hadn’t come from her mouth.

‘Where am I?’

I thought it was my imagination, but then her words continued, her full tan lips completely motionless, her eyes closed, her brow furrowed seemingly in confusion.

‘My bed? With the flock? Inside? Outside? So soft. Oh God, this bed is so soft.’

She pressed her face more into my white fur.

‘Heaven. I must be in heaven. This is what heaven feels like.’

I couldn’t believe it.

Whenever my grandmother had wanted me to do something, I’d always known. And I’d always been forced to obey, as if I was compelled to do what she demanded.

But I never heard her actual thoughts.

I almost couldn’t believe this was real, and yet the silly ramblings continued, almost as if she was dreaming, just thinking whatever popped into her head. Everything from how much she wanted strawberries right now, to how pretty she thought the short brunette girl was, who had lost her father.


I could see she was thinking of me, but her mind wasn’t fully in the present.

Still delirious.

I felt like I was falling deeper in love with her, as if such a thing was possible.

This was more than regular ‘human love.’

This was something more special.

More unique.

I felt like…she was my mate.

An odd realization when I knew we couldn’t have children, and yet I felt like we had formed a bond that was truly equivalent to husband and wife. At least for werewolves.

I wasn’t her alpha.

I was her mate.

An equal relationship.

And she was mine.

I fell even deeper in love with her.

As it began to near sunrise, her bite having completely healed now, not even a scar present, she finally began to notice my thoughts. Began to realize that she could hear me, not yet remembering that the white fluffy bedding wrapped around her was actually me. But then, as the moon reached the horizon, she finally recalled everything.

Finally realized what was happening, like waking up from a stressful dream.

‘Ariana?’ she thought, gasping out loud, beginning to look around in search of my face. ‘I can hear you speaking.’

‘You can hear my thoughts,’ I replied affectionately, shifting myself carefully so she could grasp my snout. ‘No, this is new to me too,’ I added, already knowing she wanted to ask it. ‘Petra…’ I then continued, my tone intense as I stared into her eyes, her face so much smaller than mine right now. ‘Petra, you’re my wife now. My mate.’

Her face flushed intensely. ‘Rose?’ she thought in concern, not wanting to cause discord for us.

‘Rose is my wife too, as a human. But this is something special, as a wolf. Something special between us,’ I added, shifting my weight as the moon finally disappeared, and I regained the ability to revert back to my human form, my body beginning to shrink slowly. Petra sat up to watch me transform, the longing growing in her green eyes as I reverted back to my smaller size.

The same size as her.

She spread her knees and reached out for my face as I crawled back toward her, our lips meeting as we shared in an intimate kiss. One of her hands then slipped down to my breast, squeezing me gently, before abruptly moving to her own belly, feeling for her wound.

She broke the kiss, looking down at her white dress.

“Am I really healed?” she whispered out loud, pulling up the chemise to reveal her naked legs, hips, and stomach. Of course, like the bite on her arm, there wasn’t even a scar on her slim belly.

The sight made my gut tense, desire filling my core as I bent down and placed my lips where the wound had been, causing her to abruptly grab my shoulders as I slowly planted more and more kisses. Tickling her, teasing her, making her squirm, until she was beginning to moan occasionally as I started moving lower and lower.

Petra laid back of her own volition when I started licking her pussy, tasting her, enjoying her, sucking on her. She was mine and I wanted her, my new lover’s hands stroking through my dark brown hair as I savored her. When her body began tensing, I knew she was close, but then she spoke up quietly.

“Ariana,” she whispered, her tone full of passion. “Can you…can you get on me, like when you saved me?”

I hesitated as I thought about that, thrown off by the reminder of that event, when she got stabbed, only to realize what she wanted. To return the favor. To taste me while I tasted her.

I pulled away to readjust myself, carefully getting my knees above her shoulders, spreading my legs more, watching as her flushed face and passionate gaze shifted from my eyes to between my strong thighs. Her breathing became heavier as I carefully lowered myself down, both my pussy toward her face, as well as my lips to hers.

My body tensed when she started kissing and licking me, my skin feeling hot as I more urgently mashed my lips between her thighs.

I’d never had sex with a man, and never would.

But I felt like this was by far more ‘right.’

A perfect exchange of pleasure and intimacy. Petra and I fit together perfectly, not just small parts of us, like for a man and woman, but our entire selves, our entire bodies, our entire souls. And everything about this moment felt perfect.

More than perfect.

She wetted my lips first, and I was careful when a surge of ecstasy rushed through me shortly after. And then we continued to kiss each other between our thighs, wanting to prolong this perfect intimacy. The sun was beginning to climb into the sky by the time we finished.

Finished with sitting with our pussies pressed together as we held each other and passionately kissed, our legs interlaced and wrapped around each other. Not for the sake of more pleasure, but only for the sake of a closer intimacy.

Truly, this was intimacy.

The only reason we stopped was because I knew Rose would begin to worry if we didn’t come back soon, scared that maybe it didn’t work out, except that I didn’t have to tell Petra that. She simply knew, the moment the thought popped into my mind. And equally as easy, I understood that she agreed.

Agreed and was looking forward to sharing in future intimacies.

All three of us, together.

Sharing a bed, sharing in warmth, sharing in love.

Our hearts full and complete.

When we got to the edge of the forest, Rose was already outside, scanning the trees with an anxious expression, only for a relieved smile to blossom on her face when she spotted us, holding hands, our fingers intertwined. She ran to meet us without hesitation. Greeted us both with the same enthusiasm, throwing herself on us and hugging us both tightly, her head squished between ours as we returned the embrace together.

“I’m so happy you’re okay,” she told Petra sincerely. “I was so worried.”

“Thank you,” my new lover said with just as much sincerity. “Ariana stayed with me the whole time. Kept me safe.”

Rose finally pulled away, looking between us with a warm smile, her hands still on our shoulders. “Are either of you hungry? Margaret and Mabel are working on breakfast. Eggs, bread, oh, and my mom gave us some strawberry jam, since it’s about time to start picking fresh ones.”

Petra’s rich mossy eyes lit up in excitement.

I laughed. “Silly girl was dreaming of strawberries for half the night,” I teased.

Rose looked confuse by that comment, seeming to visibly wonder how I knew.

“Uh!” Petra complained playfully. “I was not!”

I giggled some more, squeezing her tightly against me. “Uh-huh, and you remember the whole time, huh? My pet.

Her face flushed, unable to respond.

I abruptly leaned forward and gave Petra an intensely passionate kiss, only to pull away just as fast to wrap my arms around Rose fully, mashing my lips against hers until her body was melting into mine. I heard Petra gulp loudly as she watched us kiss.

I then pulled away with a big grin. “Well, I’m hungry. Let’s go eat!”

Rose wasn’t able to respond either, her face just as flushed as I intertwined my fingers with both of them, and began leading them back to our house. A wife on each side.

But I was already home.

With them, I was already home.

Together, we were always home.



FEEDBACK: Thoughts on the lovey-dovey-ness going on in this chapter? Were you anxious about how things would turn out?

Thoughts about the IDH connection made?




Okay, so hopefully you noticed that I just made a blatant connection between Innocent Devil’s Harem and this story.

This connection will not ruin either story. They are in separate time periods (about 370 years apart, more or less, hint, hint, someone else mentioned 369 years in Ch 102 of IDH), and won’t really have much overlap.

However, I do want to make that connection clear by how I name this story (for the sake of eventually putting this in book format). Wolfgirl’s Pet Witch is unfortunately a title that probably wouldn’t do well elsewhere.

The general formula I want to go with is:

Innocent Wolf’s Something

Obviously, ‘Innocent Wolf’s Harem’ could be an option, but I’m not sure that I want to use harem in the title for this one (since the MC is female). Most people feel harem should be M/FF+ (not F/FF+), so I’d rather call it something different.

Any ideas?

Innocent Wolf’s…What?

I already have my own ideas, but don’t plan on sharing them until I’m ready to create a poll. I’ll list all the ones I like, so people can vote on them.


Chapter 9 >>


Robert Crews

I like the story so far, I think the title is good, I missed the tie in to the main story, unless you tie to the pack. Somehow


Is the "Chapter 9" a placeholder or is it meant to be a link?


One thing I realized rereading the story is that Arianna has clearly a male mindset, and she had it even before becoming a werewolf. She isn't just "a lesbian". She dresses with male clothes, does male work during the harvest and considers herself the husband of Rose and Petra. So, what if her wolf is actually male? If she becomes a male wolf when transformed, then she and Petra could have descendants that you can introduce in IDH.


Y tho? Why make her wolf form male? And why does she need to have kids? And having some masculine traits doesn't make a lesbian a man. Depending on how she decides to carry and conduct herself, it *might* make her a either a tomboy or a "butch". Or maybe both. Some women have traits more common in men (like a highly systemizing way of thinking). Some men have traits more common in women (like high agreeability). This is as normal and natural as people not all being the same height, and doesn't really mean anything.


Innocent Wolfgirl's women/wives.