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If you haven't started reading Wolfgirl's Pet Witch, then give it a chance!

You have nothing to lose, and it's amazing! (It's a bonus story, so it won't affect my regular release schedule for IDH.)




For those of you who have been reading it, I've decided to determine Ariana's appearance (something I usually don't do). If you think about it, I've never once mentioned what color Kai's eyes are from IDH, aside from gold when transformed, or his hair color for that matter, aside from white.

Kai could have brown hair, brown eyes, or he could be blonde hair, blue eyes (or anything else).

It's up to you what Kai looks like normally.

However, I want to give Ariana an appearance.

Please only vote if you've read at least the first 2 or 3 chapters!

> What do you think Ariana (MC) should look like?

She is gorgeous either way.

No green eyes though, because I have too many other characters who have green eyes.


Aaron Floyed

As a ginger with brown eyes...I'm gonna pick that option 🤣 that said depending on where you are basing the village (also unknown) it could be up north somewhere like Scandinavia when red hair would be more common, or maybe a coastal village that has been pillage more than once


Village is either in England, newly settled US, or Canada (probably about 1650). I'm going with red hair being uncommon, so it's kind of a matter of whether want her to stick out in a crowd or be able to blend in (to an extent).

Aaron Floyed

I get the impression from the chapters so far that she is nothing remarkable from a human perspective. Looking up paintings from. Early 1600's shows women with all natural colours of hair. Just to throw a spanner in the works


Right. I would have to make some adjustments if she ended up having red hair (would stand out too much otherwise, to the point that it would need to be commented on, an would affect people's behavior). I might have to run another poll, removing the blue options, and adding slight variations.