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November 6, 2022

WEREWOLF GIRL STORY: I've officially made Wolfgirl's Pet Witch a prequel to Innocent Devil's Harem.

The setting is the 1650's, so there won't be any major overlap, but there is one character from IDH whose origin story is going to be a part of the plot.

The plot also advances a lot faster than IDH. Over a month has already passed in the story after only 8 chapters.

Based on polls, tentative title change will be Innocent Wolfgirl's Pet Witch (for the eventual book version), just so people know there's a connection between the two. It's an 'all female' harem (MC is female, as well as her two lovers).


NOTE: This is the first major event planned for the afternoon, and is self-contained (no major cliff-hangers).


<< Chapter 104 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5) | Ch 76 (Book 6) | Ch 91 (Book 7)


- CHAPTER 105: Trouble -


The repast banquet was probably about a quarter of a mile down the street from the cathedral, definitely making it within comfortable walking distance. And when we all climbed into Elizabeth’s car to drive over there, there were even a few people, clearly dressed for the funeral, who were still walking that way.

Pulling off the street, taking a small alleyway that led back to a rear parking lot behind the modern banquet hall, there were also a couple of small clusters of five to ten people standing just outside the standard glass doors.

Which got me wondering.

“Doesn’t seem like anyone else is in a rush to get here,” I commented, glancing back at Serenity, Rachel, and Joseph in the back seat.

Surprisingly, Joseph responded even though he didn’t meet my gaze, his arm wrapped tightly around Rachel. “Father can be fickle in his anger. He may not notice that we are arriving a little late, but if he does notice, it might set him off. He expects all of us, in particular, to be perfectly obedient to his expectations, and he can be very harsh if he sees even the slightest hint of disobedience or disrespect. Even the cruelest of our brothers will shamelessly fall to their knees and bow before him if they find themselves beneath even so much as a glare.”

“Damn,” Serenity said quietly. “I’m almost hesitant to ask what kind of punishment he would dish out.”

Having just parked the car, Elizabeth spoke up. “We don’t have time for it anyway.” She twisted in her seat, speaking vaguely to everyone. “Now, let’s calmly get our asses in there, and just act like we were here all along, socializing outside. Okay? Act normal, fall in line, and don’t look anyone directly in the eyes.”

“Yes ma’am,” Joseph said respectfully, popping his door open.

As we all climbed out, I watched my brother help his blind wife get out of the car, before all of us began walking in between vehicles, with Rachel holding onto Joseph’s shoulder as they moved single file. We then made our way between the clusters of folks talking, with me moving ahead of Elizabeth to grab the door for her, as well as everyone else.

A small smile tugged on her lips, but she otherwise ignored the gesture as she strode inside like she owned the place, literally like she was the CEO of this banquet hall, and the others filed inside behind her.

There was a sort of carpeted lobby section, but Elizabeth moved right through the space full of mingling individuals, to enter into a large area that almost looked like a gymnasium repurposed as a banquet hall, the floor a shiny pale blue surface that almost reminded me of my school’s cafeteria. And the space was filled with a mixture of long and circular fold-out tables, all of them covered with black disposable tablecloths. The thin plastic kind that could just be thrown in the trash afterward.

There were also flower arrangements at each table, along with those glass pebble beads scattered randomly around the vases, looking fairly nice, but not quite as expensive as I was expecting.

To the right was a series of three long tables, with people on either side filling their plates -- specifically, real glass plates, not paper or plastic, with me finally seeing that more ‘high-end touch’ I would have expected from a man like my father. The silverware was also real metal, and the food itself was in professional metal trays and containers, as opposed to being like a potluck style of mismatched containers.

In the middle was then all the circular tables, and toward the left was a single rectangle table, where my father presently sat…

Staring directly at me.


Without hesitation, the moment we made eye contact, he raised his finger, and curled it toward himself, gesturing for me to come over there.

Elizabeth noticed too.

“Shit,” she hissed. “Joseph, Rachel, get in line. Serenity stay with me.”

Of course, my brother and his wife obeyed without question, even as Serenity was silently panicking, trying to look outwardly calm instead of overly concerned.

Trying to control my breathing, knowing that my skin could be affected if I got too worked up, I began making my way around the front of the circular tables, heading in his direction, seeing that his tan expression was firm, his brown eyes hard. Glancing away briefly, I noticed that there was an exceptionally attractive woman heading this way from the back end of the circular tables, carrying two plates of food, a large cut of steak on both, one of which I realized must be for my father.

Really wanting to try to avoid any issues, and having absolutely zero problems going out of my way to placate someone like him, who could sincerely cause me issues, I walked right up to him, stopping about three feet away, and immediately got down on one knee, so that I was the one looking up at him.

Nothing in his expression showed any hint of surprise or even a hint of appeasement, but he did hesitate speaking to me, just holding my gaze for a long few seconds. Long enough for the woman to stop just on his other side, speaking up hesitantly.

“My love,” she said simply.

He immediately held up his hand, and she said no more, just standing there patiently with two glass plates of food in her hands.

“You’re late,” he finally said matter-of-factly, as if he was just stating the most obvious.

“Please forgive me,” I said sincerely. “There’s no excuse for it.”

“Why are you late?” he asked seriously, his tone hard but not angry sounding just yet.

I grimaced convincingly. “I was a bit anxious, and so insisted Ms. Monroe tell me more about my brothers and what was expected of me. She did warn me that I shouldn’t be late, but I did not heed her warning, as I should have. And for that, I apologize.”

He frowned at that. “Go fill your plate, and have a seat.” He paused then, as if almost surprised, finally, that I was simply waiting for him to indicate he was truly finished speaking. “You’ve missed the prayer for the meal, and I’ll not have you disrespecting your deceased brother. Bow your head and pray before you eat. Ensure the girl with you does as well.”

“Thank you,” I replied, feeling like it was an appropriate thing to say in this situation.

His eyes narrowed slightly, before he nodded his head.

I took that as indication that I was free to go.

Standing up, I calmly walked away, surprisingly feeling completely composed, almost a little proud of myself for being so convincing. It was almost too easy for me, since I had no problem bowing my head to someone I didn’t respect, or feigning sincere submission to someone who was beneath me.

Possibly because my pride wasn’t fragile, like those who felt the need to always assert themselves over others in order to avoid wounding their weak egos. Or possibly it was something else…

Possibly it was because there was a part of me that was a bit lazy.

Like the average predator.

A part of me that was more than happy to placate someone if it meant less headaches for me, while there was simultaneously another part of me that wouldn’t hesitate to just incinerate everyone if they did become a headache.

If anything, my pride wasn’t wounded, because I had a very real sense that I was allowing all these insects to live. Because I was allowing them to exist within my presence. And I could change my mind at any second. I could literally snap my fingers and send them all to hell in a blazing maelstrom of hellish flames and ash.

But I needed to avoid thinking like that right now, and not only because a smirk was threatening to tug on my lips. No, it was also because that really wasn’t the kind of person I wanted to be. Certainly, I might have the power to do such things, but I didn’t want to be someone who killed on a whim.

If I killed, it must be because it was deserved, or otherwise required, to protect those I loved.

Otherwise, it was possible that next time, the death clinging to me might not leave.

Even after years of remorse, that stench of death might never wash away from my soul.

Especially not if it was actually a stench of evil, that Miriam was able to sense.

And I couldn’t afford that.

Couldn’t afford a reality where I was stained with death or evil.

The very thing that was unappealing to all succubi, Delilah included. Perhaps even Gabriella and Rebecca too, since they were more succubi now after receiving my blood.

Surprisingly, I must have actually looked a bit grim, because Elizabeth was giving me an especially concerned expression, whereas Serenity of course knew what was actually on my mind. However, the mature brunette MILF didn’t say anything as she moved to lead the way to step in line, which was a lot shorter at this point.

Serenity stood at my side and held onto my arm while freely looking around the room, even making eye-contact with some of my brothers, only to glance away casually, which absolutely began to cause shocked glances toward each other, as well as some whispers among those who were sitting closer together.

But there was no avoiding that little secret getting out, so I didn’t worry about it.

Joseph and Rachel were already through the line and moving to sit at a circular table that was closer to my father, with me suspecting that Joseph’s determined expression, as his wife held onto his shoulder, was a conscious ‘knowing’ that it was less likely they would be bothered if they were near the one man who might get annoyed at such behavior on a day like this.

Glancing back behind me when I caught the slightest whiff of maple syrup, I tried not to seem overly eager at the impending company, only to be slightly dismayed when an older gentleman walked into the room and moved to the side, simply leaning against the wall.

The guy was clearly in his sixties or even seventies, with white hair, but who was suspiciously good-looking and well-built for his age, and also suspiciously dressed like a high-end chauffeur. No doubt it was Delilah’s driver, and thankfully the scent on him was very faint, like he’d offered her his arm to get her to the car, as opposed to smelling like he’d recently had sex.

Granted, she was a succubus.

Even if not today, I had zero doubts they’d done it before.

But that was before she met me, and I also now felt confident she would give all other men up without hesitation now, if only for the sake of experiencing sex with me again.

Focusing back down at the table as Serenity grabbed two glass plates, handing one to me, I searched the room for Joseph again, seeing that both he and Rachel had their head’s bowed in prayer, only for me to focus on my other brothers in the room, realizing that not a single one of them had touched their food yet.

Which surprised me.

Looking at my father, I saw that he was sitting with his head turned, his elbows on the table, his fingers loosely interlaced in front of his face as he listened patiently to the woman who had brought his plate. Yet, he too hadn’t touched his food.

For half a second, I wondered if they were actually waiting on me, since quite a few others were already eating, but then my father finally reached down for his fork, and everything changed.

The moment my father indicated he was going to start eating, my brothers grabbed their forks too, almost in sync with each other, and began cutting up their steak.

Holy shit.

Not a single one of them dared to take a bite before he had done so.

Like fuck, I’d never seen such respect in my entire life.

Or perhaps fear

It was obvious every single one of them were going to eat now, but prior to this man picking up his fork, not a single brother had so much as touched their food.

Just completely stunned, I glanced at Joseph, watching as he cut up Rachel’s steak first, before giving my attention to the metal trays in front of me, realizing the very first one was steaming hot steak. Which immediately made my mouth start watering.

Fuck, I was hungry.

Those protein bars had only done so much to hold me over, but now I was about to demolish at least two of these…if I was allowed to.

Focusing up again, I had to double-check that at least two of my brothers had two steaks on their plate, before using the tongs to grab up two pieces at once. Granted, while there were still some people in the front lobby area, we were practically the end of the line at this point, and there was clearly enough meat for most everyone to have seconds.

Getting the two cuts on my plate, unexpectedly my brow furrowed.


Just like that, everything changed.

One second, I was thinking about my hunger, and the next second I was hit with a wave of intense nausea that could only be described as revulsion to something rotting.

To something unappetizing.

To something evil.

A putrid scent, combined with a malevolence that was palpable.

I could smell it.

And as I urgently looked up at Joseph and Rachel, I could see that they were both about to eat it.

I reacted without thinking.

STOP!” I nearly roared at the top of my lungs, my voice as intimidating as if I was standing twelve feet tall, causing everyone to freeze solid at the outburst.

But in my escalated tunnel vision, I could only see two people right now.

Joseph and Rachel were practically paralyzed, both of them having a fork in their hand, Rachel with a piece of steak halfway to her mouth.

Drop your fork!” I added. Demanded.

While Joseph immediately lowered his utensil, Rachel straight-up just opened her hand and let her fork fall onto the plate with a loud clatter, otherwise remaining as stiff as a statue.

It was then completely silent for a long second.

Only for my father to abruptly rise to his feet with both hands on the table, looking visibly outraged, his tan face rapidly becoming red.

My youngest!” he boomed loudly. “What is the meaning of this disrespectful interruption?!”

Setting down my plate, I turned to face him, fully confident in what I smelled.

“It’s poisoned.”

Not a soul made a sound.

For two long seconds, it was completely silent.

Only for one of my brothers to jump to his feet in outrage, Judah, the same one who almost got his arm broken earlier when he tried to take my phone, speaking directly to me. “That’s fucking absurd!

“I can fucking smell it!” I snapped at him.

“That’s a fucking load of bull--”

SILENCE!” my father roared at the top of his voice, shockingly intimidating, and also visibly shaking in anger. He then lowered his voice as he returned his focus to me. “My youngest son, what do you mean by you can smell it?”

Fuck, of course it would be weird that I could smell it!

Though in truth, I felt like this was different than a regular scent. It wasn’t so much that I was smelling it, but instead I was perceiving it, with my third-eye. Much like I sometimes perceived auras as smells.

Thinking as fast as I could, truly uncertain of who knew ‘what’ about the supernatural, within this crowd, I immediately raised my finger to my forehead, repeating myself more meaningfully.

I can smell it,” I said calmly. Confidently.

It was again completely silent for a long few seconds, as he just stared at me, with me honestly starting to panic a little, feeling like maybe the gesture wasn’t so obvious. But I mean, surely he knew what I was implying!

That I was sensing it with my third-eye.

Surely, he understood, right?


Fuck! Say something!

Abruptly, my father finally glanced to his left, and then turned his head fully to his right.

“Delilah. Where is Delilah?” he exclaimed, only for his tone to become harder. “Where the fuck is Delilah?!”

The older man leaning against the wall, undoubtedly her chauffeur, cleared his throat as he stood up straighter.

“Sir,” he said respectfully. “She indicated she wasn’t feeling well, and is lying down in the car. Shall I go retrieve her?”

“Yes!” he yelled. “Fucking yes! Get her in here right now!”

Needless to say, the older man with white hair, fucking turned the fuck around and ran out of the room with all the grace of a man in his twenties…like someone who ran marathons for the fun of it.

Shit, the man was in shape.

And fast.

However, the moment he left, it was again absolutely silent.

Not a single soul so much as budged an inch in their chair, or otherwise moved. As if they were all prey cornered by a predator, my father, afraid to even make eye contact, lest they experience this man’s wrath. Which was saying something, considering I’d just claimed the food was poisoned, and quite a few people had eaten some of it already, yet none of them were outwardly freaking out.

However, as the seconds ticked by, he finally focused on the crowd seated between me and him.

“Who here has eaten already?”

Of course, about half of everyone raised their hands tentatively.

“Fuck!” he hissed aggressively, only to glare at me, as if I was somehow responsible.

But I didn’t hold his gaze for long, and not because I was afraid to hold it. Instead, I caught a much more potent whiff of maple syrup, combined with the soft creaking of leather pants as the short succubus ran inside.

From this angle, I was right in line of sight to the doorway for this room, with her bright blue eyes widening slightly in alarm as she focused on me, before she looked away entirely as she entered the room, slowing down to a fast walk the moment she was inside.

“What’s wrong, John?” she said without hesitation, sounding extremely concerned. “What’s happened?”

Shockingly, my father composed himself immediately, speaking to her respectfully.

“My youngest has just informed us that he believes the food is poisoned. I need you to verify the truth to this claim.”

“Fuck,” she hissed, slowing down briefly. “Have you eaten any yet?”

“I have not.”

“Okay, fuck. Well, if it’s actually a chemical, then I would need my crown. It’s back at home.”

Shockingly, Judah rose to his feet, seeming outraged. “Why don’t you fucking have it on you?!”

She looked alarmed at that. “Because I don’t fucking have need of it most of the time!” she yelled.

Our father wasn’t having that though, immediately glaring at his son. “SHUT THE FUCKUP, AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN!”

Needless to say, he practically fell back down into his seat, as if his knees buckled.

The woman sitting next to our father immediately spoke up. “My love, I have a moonstone on me. Always, as you requested.”

Visible relief washed over him, with him truly seeming to have forgotten that he’d asked her such a thing…which meant, more than likely it was something he had requested a long time ago, possibly decades ago, given that she looked a bit older, and was only now remembering.

The woman was already fishing in her purse for it, only to hold it up, barely the size of a marble, and holding it out for Delilah.

“Will that work?” he asked hopefully.

“Yes,” she said firmly, grabbing it and holding it up to her forehead without hesitation.

“No one make a sound!” he ordered, even as it was obvious she was already focusing on his plate.

My heart was starting to race now, because while I knew what I sensed was real, I was almost afraid of her not being able to verify that was the case.

But then, her thin black eyebrows shot up, and she stood straighter, focusing up at my father.

“It’s not poison, but it is a curse.”

“Fuck!” he shouted. “Do you know what curse?”

Mathur’s End,” she said flatly.

“Shit!” He focused on the crowd. “If you’ve eaten, stand up!” he ordered.

About half the crowd quickly moved to do so.

But then, he almost looked shocked that it was so many, quickly speaking up again. “If you’re fully human, sit back down! It won’t harm you!”

Just as fast, almost every single person sat back down…all except one.


And when Judah saw that he was the only one standing, he almost looked afraid for the first time. “I-I just took one bite!” he exclaimed.

My father’s tone was urgent as he focused down on the short succubus, his tone almost pleading. “Can he be saved?”

“Fuck!” she yelled, throwing up her hands, and abruptly moving to action, walking with surprising speed across the room, heading straight for him. “I guess I’ll fucking try,” she snarled then, unexpectedly beginning to yell at the top of her lungs.

Yelling words I couldn’t comprehend.

Judah immediately fell to his knees like something unexpectedly shoved him downward, only to get shoved forward by an invisible force onto his hands too, even as the short woman came upon him like a violent storm, still shouting foreign words.

Then, all at once, she spun when she reached him, putting her entire body into a downward punch, her small fist hitting him square in the back.

Instantly, the guy’s mouth opened up and he projectile vomited on the light blue floor with the force of a dam exploding, an entire ocean of bile flooding out of his mouth.

Fuck, he looked like he was actively dying!

And even as he continued to vomit like it was never going to end, he finally sucked in a panicked breath, just in time for even more bile to spew out of his mouth with just as much force as before…

All while Delilah…

Continued to just calmly walk away, heading in the direction of the table…

In the direction of me.

Still having the moonstone in her hand, she stopped directly on the other side of the food table from me, Serenity, and Elizabeth, holding the stone up to her forehead again as she slowly began moving down the line in this direction.

Judah was still vomiting his guts out, as if it seriously was never going to stop…or at least, until Delilah allowed it to stop. And it was obvious everyone was just shell-shocked, like they were actively watching a horror scene unfold before them.

She then spoke up, focusing on Elizabeth. “It’s just the meat. Can you torch it?”

A small smirk touched the mature woman’s lips, as she reached up to slip her sunglasses down over her eyes again, focusing directly at me. “Gladly,” she said warmly, her gaze seeming to imply that she was about to put on a show specifically for me, even as her irises started to glow orange.

Instantly, something like a hundred fires erupted in the room all at once, one for each piece of steak, including an especially large one right next to me, even as Elizabeth just held my gaze as she rapidly incinerated the cursed meat. And I held her gaze despite the startle, making it very clear that I wasn’t afraid of the fire so close to me, or even remotely concerned about the flames that threatened to lick at my suit and burn it to ash.

The fires then died down, and Delilah simply walked away, moving over to Judah again, who was still vomiting without restraint.

“Oh God!” he finally cried out just as he vomited yet again, sucking in another gasp for breath. “Make it stop!” he then begged, spewing even more bile, a literal puddle of it around his hands, and even going down to his knees, looking like far more vomit than he even had to give.

Completely unfazed by his suffering, Delilah simply stood over him with a calm demeanor, holding up her moonstone to her forehead as she focused on him for a few long seconds.

She then simply kicked him gently in the thigh and began walking away.

Judah immediately collapsed in his own vomit, gasping for breath like he had just crawled out of the ocean after almost drowning.

Delilah spoke up once she was about halfway to my father.

“It’s a slow curse, so he should live. Another minute though, and it might have been too late. Sounds like your youngest just saved everyone’s lives.”

My father immediately fell into his seat, as if collapsing from exhaustion, and pressed his fingertips together in a teepee, resting his forehead against his hands, looking visibly relieved. However, unexpectedly he then lashed out violently, not even looking as he slapped the burnt glass plate with shocking force, and sent it flying a dozen feet away, causing it to shatter on the floor.

Even Delilah stopped in her tracks, only about five or six feet away now.

My father then took a deep breath, and reached into his pocket, his eyes still closed as he pulled out his phone, his other hand now shielding his eyes.

Tapping the screen twice, he held it up to his ear, resting his head in his hand now.

I was shocked that I couldn’t hear the voice on the other line, especially with how quiet it was in the room, wondering if there was an eavesdropping spell on his phone.

My father spoke up right away. “We’ve had an incident.” He paused. “A curse. On the steak for the repast.” He paused again. “No, we caught it in time.” He sucked in a deep breath. “Yes.” He then spoke more firmly. “Yes.” He paused. “Very well.”

And with that, he put his phone back in his pocket…

Only to slowly begin rising to his feet, his expression exceptionally hard. His tone was apologetic, but with a hint of that anger still there.

“My family and friends. I am deeply ashamed of what has transpired on this very day, and I can assure you that such an offense will never happen again. Someone has clearly attempted an assassination, and on a day of mourning no less. This action will never be forgiven, nor shall it go unpunished. I can assure you of that.” He clenched his jaw, repeating himself. “I can assure you, of that.” He then took a deep breath. “However, I am afraid the repast is ruined for today. If you have eaten of the tainted meat, but are fully human, then you have nothing to fear. The curse was not meant for you. Thus, I request you speak nothing of this, and be on your way for today. Thank you for coming.”

He then sat down.

And no one moved.

Until finally someone stood up, which prompted an almost immediate reaction from most everyone else, with suddenly everyone rising to their feet in sync, gathering their things, and beginning to exit out of the room, filing out with surprising speed.

Everyone except my brothers, and each of the women they were expected to bring.

Judah was still sprawled out on the floor, prompting our father to speak up again, directing his words to Joseph, since he was closest.

“All of you, help your brother to the showers. Get him clean and then come back here.”

Joseph got out of his seat without hesitation, followed by every single one of my brothers getting up as well, having clearly heard their father just fine. Not a single one of them hesitating to obey, not a single one of them so much as even worrying about the vomit, as they together reached down to begin helping their brother rise to his feet.

Fuck, it would have been such a beautiful sight if not for the fact they did so out of fear, rather than doing so because they actually cared about each other.

My father then spoke to the woman beside him. “Go find the staff and have them clean up this mess.”

“Yes, my love,” she replied immediately, setting her purse on the table and getting up to do as she’d been told. He then looked up at Delilah, who hadn’t moved since he tossed the glass plate, only to grimace and give her an apologetic expression.

“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “If you are feeling unwell, please return to the car, if you so wish. I am sorry for startling you.”

Delilah hesitated briefly, before moving to walk around the table, and then slipping behind him, slowly having a seat in the woman’s spot, and resting her small hand on his back. He immediately ducked his head, folding his fingers together again and resting his forehead on them, hiding his eyes as he sucked in another deep breath.

It was obvious she’d just dissolved his anger with a simple touch.

Delilah used the opportunity to glance at me, her expression reserved, before she focused on him again, beginning to slowly rub his back as she spoke quietly.

Quiet enough that a normal person wouldn’t be able to hear. Enough that she would have no idea I was listening, especially not with the murmurs from those still leaving.

“You said your youngest was who noticed the curse?”

“Yes,” he whispered simply, his eyes still hidden.

“Then I assume he’s owed the Law of Deliverance.”

He sucked in a deep breath. “Yes.”

“I know you are ashamed by this, so I only bring it up so you do not experience more shame later.”

He sighed heavily. “Yes, you are right. Thank you. I will speak to him before I send him home.”

Her tone became more concerned. “Any idea who could have done this?”

My father sighed heavily. “Only six sets of hands came into contact with this meal, all women. They’ll be interrogated, and if the culprit is revealed, he or she will be dealt with.”

Delilah frowned. “This curse could have been performed on the beast while it was still living. In which case, it may be very difficult to track down the responsible party. If I have but one request of you, please don’t punish anyone not proven responsible.”

He sucked in another deep breath. “Very well, I will not. Thank you.”

She didn’t respond, and they were both silent for a few moments.

In the meantime, two women dressed like cooks came in the room with two separate mops and buckets of water, the scent of a cleaning solution rapidly becoming potent in the air. Of course, they looked stunned by the sheer volume of vomit that had run underneath the table, but didn’t even so much as comment on it as they began to clean it up. The mature woman who had gone to get them also came back, and moved to sit down on the other side of the succubus.

Delilah then stole another glance at me, and spoke up again quietly to my father. “Your youngest son…” she began simply.

“What of him?” he wondered.

“His perception must obviously be stronger than most. Perhaps I should make myself more useful, and attempt to hone that ability. Doubtful he knows much of anything about magic, but a strong third-eye can be very useful all on its own.”

My father finally sat up at that, prompting me to look away entirely, so he didn’t see that I was watching, with him focusing down at her in surprise.

“Nearly two-thousand years that I’ve known you, and this is the first time you’ve offered to take any kind of initiative, without excessive prompting. And an offer to train one of my sons, no less.”

She rolled her blue eyes, as if he was making a big deal out of it. “Well, I’ll be honest. First of all, he’s not unappealing like most of them.” She sighed. “Honestly, I truly thought he was just a yummy human when I first laid eyes on him. And second of all, much more importantly, he just saved your life, John.” She gave him a meaningful look. “I want to repay him just as much as I’m sure you do. And helping him develop his third-eye seems like the least I could do. Especially since I otherwise spend most of my time doing nothing.”

He scoffed. “What you do is plenty and invaluable.”

“Oh yes, I am aware,” she replied.

He sighed heavily, resting his face in his hands again. “Well, you are always free to do what you want. Train or don’t train him. The choice is yours.”

She frowned at that. “You almost sound as if this isn’t something that would benefit you as well.”

He clenched his jaw. “His perception will not be needed a second time. This will never happen again. I swear on my life, such an offense will never happen again.”

Delilah’s brow furrowed, and she resumed rubbing his back, not responding.

Now that most of the room was clear, aside from the twelve women who had been accompanying my twelve brothers, sitting quietly as they waited for their men to return, Elizabeth directed me and Serenity to have a seat nearby at one of the round tables, and patiently wait.

Which we did.

My father continued to rest his head in his hands, Delilah continued to rub his back, Rachel continued to simply sit there by herself, and otherwise we all just waited.

Until all my brothers came filing back in the banquet hall, half of them soaking wet from the shower room, with Judah mostly walking on his own now, holding his stomach while having his arm wrapped around another one of his brother’s shoulders.

Joseph and most of the others immediately went to go sit with their women, but Judah and the one guy helping him moved closer to the table where my father sat. Only for them to stop a good distance away, with Judah speaking up.

“Thank you, Delilah,” he said simply with surprising appreciation, his voice hoarse. “And I’m sorry, father. For ruining the meal.”

Our father immediately shook his head, not responding, but instead gesturing with his hand for him to have a seat. We were then all quiet again once everyone was at their respective tables, my father not saying anything for a long few moments.

When he did speak up, his voice was surprisingly quiet. “Today, something unforgivable nearly befell our family.” He paused. “No one here is to blame. And if anything, I bear this shame. I vow to never allow this to happen again.” He took a deep breath, glancing only briefly at me. “We have two people here to thank. My youngest son, Cairo, for perceiving this curse and notifying us without hesitation. And of course, the invaluable Delilah, for confirming the truth and saving Judah’s life after he had already partaken of the cursed meat. Both of you have my eternal gratitude.”

I tried not to frown, since his words didn’t sound very appreciative.

And since he didn’t even look at me when he said it, instead only glancing down at Delilah. Not that I needed to be thanked, considering I had really only shouted like that to save Joseph and Rachel, who were now my allies.

In fact, had they not been about to take a bite, I may not have said anything at all, since that would have been a very easy way to solve a lot of problems.

But shit, that was morbid to even think about.

Was it really okay for me to feel that way?

I wasn’t sure, but I at least knew there might have been some hesitation if everyone I cared about had still been filling their plates. And even a second or two of hesitation might have been the difference between life and death for all my family presently here.

I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing.

After a few seconds, my father continued. “Even though the repast has been ruined, I still wish to hold this meal in memory of your deceased brother. Delilah has confirmed that nothing else here is unclean or tainted, so I wish for us to consume what remains and share in a quiet meal together as initially intended. As of now, that is all I ask.”

Immediately, without fail, every single one of my brothers looked shocked, only to instantly focus directly at me with various levels of expectation.

Of course, I had to be the Guinea Pig. They probably weren’t going to touch a single thing that I didn’t choose to eat myself.


I would have actually felt happy about this situation, if not for the fact that I doubted any of them had any sense of appreciation, instead only having a selfish desire for this to not be their last meal.

Sighing heavily, I stood up without hesitation, and spoke to the incubus who spawned me.

“Father, if I may, I just want to thank you for giving me notice of this day, and for ensuring I was a part of it. I realize this difficult time has only been made worse by this situation, and I take no pride in having to be the bearer of bad news. In fact, I sincerely wish things had turned out differently. That we could all be eating right now, with everyone else who had been gathered, in remembrance of the one no longer with us. But as that is no longer the situation we’ve found ourselves in, I think I can speak on behalf of all of us, by saying that we are happy to salvage what is still good, and make due with what remains.”

My father simply held my gaze for a long few seconds, beginning to make me think I’d overdone it, even though I was trying to be as sincere as possible, as opposed to feigning that I even cared. The staring was even long enough for Delilah to finally glance up at him uncomfortably.

But then he simply nodded, and I focused down at Serenity, prompting her to calmly rise to her feet too, as we moved over to the table full of food, grabbing new glass plates to fill them up again. And truly, there was a lot of good food left, including mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, baked macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and tons of other restaurant-grade dishes.

Elizabeth initially remained in her seat, but then as my brothers slowly began to get up, she got up too, joining us in line right behind Serenity, filling up her own plate as well.

Wanting to ensure everyone knew that the rest was truly safe, I ended up getting a little bit of everything, to the point that my plate was nearly overflowing, even though I’d taken small portions of each individual item.

I then proceeded to sit down, realizing that I should probably wait for everyone else, since they’d done so in the first place. I mean, fuck, the last thing I wanted to do was start eating, only to have that come back to bite me in the ass, due to ‘waiting on our father’ truly being an unspoken rule.

However, as everyone began to sit back down, and as the woman with my father finally delivered three plates this time, balanced like she used to work at a restaurant, including a plate for Delilah, I unexpectedly realized something else entirely was going on.

For, as I focused on my father, waiting for him to pick up his fork and eat, so that I could satiate my own sincere hunger…

He unexpectedly focused on me instead.

Causing me to realize everyone was focused on me.

Trying to hide my shock…

I slowly picked up my fork…

Prompting everyone else…to immediately follow suit, including my father, only taking a bite after I’d done so myself.

Of course, as we all began eating in silence, I understood the reason why, but I couldn’t help but think of the irony.

Out of everyone in my family, I’d been last in line, and would have been last to eat.

Yet now, I was first in line, and first to eat.

And I couldn’t help but recall the fact that this general concept was actually a passage in the bible.

One I’d heard several times, when I was younger.

That those who were first, would be last, and those who were last, shall be first.

I had no idea what the context was, but it popped into my head nonetheless.

Overall, the meal was a bit awkward, since no one socialized.

But hey, the food was tasty, at least.

Silver linings, as they say.

Silver linings…

Now I just hoped I could get through the rest of the afternoon without any other headaches.

One could hope, at least.


FEEDBACK: The next chapter is looking to be really long, and will probably be the most exciting chapter I've written thus far (maybe? hopefully I'm not hyping it up too much).

1) Thoughts about this situation with the cursed meat?

2) Oh, important question: What is your general understanding of Absalom at this point? Like, what kind of man would you describe him as?

3) What do you think the outcome of this situation is going to be? Will Kai be in everyone's good graces, or do you think it will backfire on him?


Chapter 106 >>




Melancholy medic

Someone please remind me, are these available as an ebook as well?

Melancholy medic

And KW, the plot is incredible and well-varied. Thank you


1. I liked the cursed meat angle. Probably a retribution from the "disappearance" of the previous incubus. Just more ripples coming back over time.


2. Absalom strikes me asa self absorbed power broker. He's so overly confident in his own power and place in things that he's forgotten to be concerned or ready for the unexpected. Probably now really wishing he been more circumspect of Cairo's mother though.