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October 16, 2022

WEREWOLF GIRL STORY: I've officially made Wolfgirl's Pet Witch a prequel to Innocent Devil's Harem.

The setting is the 1650's, so there won't be any major overlap, but there is one character from IDH whose origin story is going to be a part of the plot.

The plot also advances a lot faster than IDH. Over a month has already passed in the story after only 8 chapters.

Based on polls, tentative title change will be Innocent Wolfgirl's Pet Witch (for the eventual book version), just so people know there's a connection between the two. It's an 'all female' harem (MC is female, as well as her two lovers).


NOTE: Hope you enjoy this chapter!

<< Chapter 102 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5) | Ch 76 (Book 6) | Ch 91 (Book 7)


- CHAPTER 103: Snapped -


Listening to Serenity introduce herself to the blind woman, I discovered that Joseph’s attractive lover, who had willingly blinded herself to avoid being taken advantage of again, was named Rachel. And after talking a little, she seemed to grow more comfortable, now that Elizabeth had scared off the guy who had been taunting her.

But I had other things going on right now, knowing Serenity had this.

Thus, having pulled out my phone, as Elizabeth and I started walking up the steps again, due to a few other people approaching behind us, I quickly typed out my first message to the blue-eyed succubus named Delilah. Of course, she’d never gotten my number, but she should know who it was considering we had sex barely fifteen minutes ago.

‘It’s me. Weird question. Did you ever go by another name a long time ago?’

In the meantime, seeing that we were blocking others now, Serenity offered to help Rachel back inside, to which she agreed, no doubt in part because her options were limited, and Serenity was a better option than most.

Thus, I followed in after them, my phone tight in hand, focusing on our surroundings as we finally made our way into the massive concrete cathedral.

The space wasn’t quite what I expected, with the entrance leading directly into what appeared to be a wide and tall hallway that seemed to run along the entire outside of the main sanctuary room. I tried to keep my glance casual as I focused on the random groups of people clustered together, with there being slightly more people than I’d been anticipating.

Certainly, I assumed there would be a few dozen, but it was looking to be closer to over a hundred people, between those mingling in the halls and those who had already found seating in one of the wooden pews inside the sanctuary.

Deciding it was probably best to put my phone away, since Delilah might not realistically get back to me for a while, I was surprised that her response came the moment I began doing so.

‘Oh God, I have been dying wondering when you were going to send me a message. I need to see you again. Like, yesterday.’

Damn, it had only been about fifteen minutes!

Barely fifteen minutes, since we were fucking in that large breakroom!

She sent a follow-up before I could respond.

‘Fuck, where are you right now? Are you still at the office? Please tell me you’re here. I NEED YOU.’

Trying not to roll my eyes, kind of liking her somewhat dramatic attitude, I decided to prompt her again.

‘Can you please answer my question? And I’m already at the church.’

‘Fuck, okay I am leaving now. And how far back are you talking? To be honest, I’ve gone by a lot of names. Sarah, Micaela, Hannah, the list goes on.’

Well shit, that wasn’t helpful.

Glancing up briefly as Elizabeth stepped ahead of Serenity and Rachel, starting to lead the way into the main sanctuary, with us beginning to pass rows and rows of empty pews, I focused back down to type out a response.

‘How about when you were still human? Or around that time?’

Sending the message, I held my phone downward again as Elizabeth picked a row of pews on the right side, four back from the front, with me deciding to just file in after her, and Serenity then helping Rachel get seated on her other side, closer to the aisle.

My phone vibrated again, but I was unexpectedly distracted when Elizabeth raised her sunglasses for the first time, revealing that she had rich green eyes that complimented her fair skin and chestnut hair perfectly.

Fuck, she was actually extremely, extremely beautiful.

Way more attractive than I was expecting.

Looking forty-three years old, as hot as hell, both literally and figuratively, and having a bitchy attitude that stemmed from her being an overpowered badass.

Glancing at me, the brunette MILF raised her thin eyebrows at my reaction, only to smirk slightly and roll her gorgeous green eyes, gesturing with her chin forward, as if to get me to stop gawking at her.

Fuck, she knew she was hot. It was in her every mannerism.

But damn.

Way hotter than I was assuming.

All my women were objectively super attractive, to the point that it would be impossible for me to rank them based on physical appearance, and yet this woman was undeniably toward the top of the list.


Trying to swallow, I finally focused down at my phone, reading Delilah’s message.

‘Oh…you know I was once human. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but most people don’t know that we were once human.’


Just answer my question!

Thankfully, my phone vibrated again.

‘When I was still human, I went by Abigail, but please don’t ever call me that. It brings up bad memories.’


Holy fuck!

‘IT’S ABIGAIL!’ I exclaimed so loudly in my head, that I almost shouted it out loud too.

Serenity actually put her hand on my thigh, as if to stop me from yelling.

But I just couldn’t believe it.

I was literally stunned.


It was really her!

But fuck, how could I tell her, without risking Miriam’s safety?

Because a lot could happen in 3,000 years.

It was possible we really couldn’t trust her, even as much as I wanted to.

Which meant, I had to choose my words carefully.

I glanced up when a guy with tan skin but lighter colored hair, stopped at our aisle and carefully sat down next to the blind girl, his face looking visibly ashamed as he glanced at me briefly. The woman stiffened just for a second, only to seem to recognize who it was, leaning right into him as he wrapped his arm around her defensively.


So…this was Joseph.

I could see the pain in his eyes.


He definitely didn’t want to be here right now.

But he didn’t have a choice. And neither did she.

It made me wonder what the consequences would be for refusing to come. Certainly, they must be bad, considering he came anyway.

Dammit, I really didn’t like this.

Why the fuck did my father let this happen?

I mean, it was great he didn’t try to steal everyone else’s women, but it was obviously a complete free-for-all for his sons. Like shit, this wasn’t okay. This woman next to Serenity freaking gouged out her own eyes, for heaven’s sake!

All because of what our brothers did.

This wasn’t fucking okay!

Clenching my jaw, I took a deep breath and looked back down at my phone, trying to focus on the task at hand right now, since this was really important.


I couldn’t risk saying Miriam’s name right now, because I truly wanted to confirm it was Abigail and that she actually cared about the person in question, so I had to try to be vague.

‘Is there anyone you miss from back then?’

Her response came so quick, that I was sure she’d already been typing out a message.

‘Okay, I’m in the car and on my way. Driver says he doesn’t mind if you meet me in the parking lot, so we can fuck once I get there.’

I rolled my eyes this time.

Of course the driver didn’t care!

No doubt he’d be fine with anything she asked. But I didn’t respond, wanting to give her a chance to reply to what I’d just sent.

‘Anyone I miss? Shit, I really don’t want to talk about this. But it’s you! God, it’s fucking you!’

I raised my eyebrows at that, kind of surprised that she was so enamored to this extent.

Like damn, I must have really rocked her world.

Probably also helped that we had some kind of bizarre connection.

‘Yeah, I had a best friend. Pretty sure she’s dead, so don’t want to talk about it.’

Okay, definitely the right person. And definitely seemed to still care.

I quickly typed out another question.

‘What was her name?’

I felt like the seconds ticked by at a painfully slow pace, waiting for her to respond.

Finally, my phone vibrated.

‘Fuck, I need you so bad! But I really don’t want to talk about this. You’re bringing up memories that are making me feel sick. It was Miriam, okay? Please don’t ask any more questions. Please.’


Her responses told me everything I needed to know.

Not only did this confirm that it was really Miriam’s friend, but there was also a very high chance I could really trust her, if for no other reason than she wouldn’t want to jeopardize Miriam’s safety. Still, I had to make my position clear.

‘I’m going to be honest with you. I barely know you and I want to trust you. But I don’t know if I can. So I’m just going to say this. Please understand my position.’

I glanced at Elizabeth when she shifted her weight, realizing she was reading my messages. But honestly, I felt confident about her right now, and when she met my gaze, I simply focused back down to type out my next message, not caring if she saw.

‘I have a friend who I will fucking kill for. Like, if any harm comes to her, I will murder everyone responsible.’

I had to make it clear that betrayal wasn’t going to be an option. Just in case.

Her response took longer than I was hoping, especially with how short it was.

‘You…are kind of scaring me now.’

I quickly responded.

‘She’s like you. And her name is Miriam.’

Unexpectedly, the response came much faster.

‘Red hair?’


Again, a fast response.

‘How tall?’

I felt like my thumbs were on fire as I typed out a response, because that was only a question someone would ask if they knew the height was an extreme -- either very tall or very short.

‘According to her, four-eleven. About the same height as you.’

My phone vibrated again.

‘I think I’m having a panic attack. I can’t breathe.’

I just stared at my phone, uncertain of what to say to that. I knew she was probably fine, but it was hard to know for sure, especially since she seemed to be a fairly dramatic person to begin with.

My phone vibrated again.

‘Is this some kind of trick? Oh my God, I’m so scared right now. I feel sick. Please tell me this is not a trick.’

I typed out a response.

‘Trust me when I say that I will kill to protect the person I just mentioned. And I would also kill to protect her friends…including you. No trick.’

When a few people in the pew behind me began to file in, I held my phone screen against my suit, wanting to make sure no other prying eyes saw, before glancing at it again when it vibrated.

‘Okay shit, I’m here. But please delete all these messages. I am deleting mine right now. I need to see you later.’

My brow furrowed at that, knowing she meant that in a more serious sense now, so we could talk in person…but I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. At least, not yet.

‘You might need to wait until tomorrow, and then we can meet someplace. Otherwise it might be suspicious.’

I frowned when I heard someone whispering behind me, one guy asking, ‘Is that him?’ and the other responding, ‘He’s with the fire bitch, so yeah. Must be.’ Followed immediately by another guy shushing them, ‘Shit Judah, she’ll hear you.

Ignoring them for now, beginning to delete the previous messages, trusting my brothers wouldn’t try anything right now thanks to Elizabeth, I kept my focus on my phone.

I got through deleting about half of the messages when Delilah responded.

‘Fuck, I know you’re right. I know you’re right! But fuck, I need you so bad. You don’t even understand! I can’t wait until tomorrow! Please. Somehow please. I’m begging you. Please find me and fuck me. I’ll do anything for you. Anything!’

I sighed, wondering if I could make that happen for her…

Because I kind of wanted it too…like just the idea of experiencing that intense euphoria again almost made my head spin…but…

Unexpectedly, completely out of nowhere, a large tan hand came reaching over my right shoulder, between me and Elizabeth, with surprising speed, aiming straight for my phone.

And I fucking reacted without thinking.

As fast as lightning, I reached up with my own right hand, and snatched the person’s thick wrist, only for ‘something’ to fucking snap inside of me.

Just like that, rage boiled up out of nowhere, threatening to overflow.

Instantly standing up while twisting hard, the face of a large guy almost hit Elizabeth in the head as his shoulder slammed into the back of the pew, with him immediately crying out in pain. Even as Elizabeth leaned forward to move out of the way of the unexpected conflict.

“Ahhh! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Let go!”

No fucking way.

I twisted harder, an intense bloodlust filling my core as I yearned to hear the crunching of his bones.

Just like that, I was cold again.

Just like that, murder was on the fucking menu.

This guy was huge, the kind of guy who probably walked around like he owned the place, and his single action could have risked exposing those I loved.

Fuck no.

This little shit was going to know his place.


I tensed my grip even more.

Everyone was staring at me in complete and total shock, but I didn’t give two fucks.

I was about to tear this bastard’s arm off, and shove it down his throat.


He finally had sense to try to swing at me with his other arm, but I immediately caught it across my body with my left hand, beginning to crush his fist in mine.

FUUUUUCK!” he shrieked.

Enough,” Elizabeth finally said seriously, looking up at me sternly. “Let Judah go.

I immediately let the bastard go.

Because I knew she wouldn’t tell me to stop without good reason.

The muscular man, apparently named Judah, practically flew backwards in the pew to put some distance between us, causing a woman to scream when he slammed into her, only for him to ignore the woman entirely as he just looked stunned briefly…

Only for his expression to darken.

“You’ll fucking regret that,” he hissed at me.

Oh fuck no.

My rage fucking boiled over.

The homicide in my aura EXPLODED.

Someone screamed, even though no one moved, frozen solid by the unexpected bloodlust and death engulfing over half the sanctuary.

Instead of responding with words, I stared him down, murder in my eyes.

And then, I decided to shift my eyes.

Only my eyes.

Instantly, as black as coal, my irises a vibrant gold.

And then I forced my pupils into slits.

I had witnesses, but I didn’t fucking care.

I had no idea who was ‘in the know’ and who wasn’t, but I didn’t fucking care.

I was borderline about to light this place on fire right now, just like we’d joked about in the car, and burn every single person in here alive.

I was livid.

Far more livid than I felt like I’d experienced in my entire life.

All because he tried to grab my phone.

All because of what could have happened if he had succeeded.

All because of the danger that would have put them all in, especially Miriam and Delilah.



Needless to say, he finally shrunk back in his seat at the sight of my slitted gold eyes, even despite his size, all that bravado vanishing like a deflating balloon, as I was sure he saw death flashing before his own eyes.

Because I was more than just a body right now.

I was an aura of death and bloodlust.

An aura of homicide and murder.

It was like something I didn’t even realize was inside of me had suddenly reared its ugly head.

Something angry.

Something PISSED.

Something that had only appeared one other time -- the time I died and resurrected.

This was something more than just ‘circumstantial’ anger.

This was like a presence within me.

As if my anger itself was alive.

As if my anger itself was a monster threatening to break out.

And I was a hairline away from reaching right out and snuffing out his life.

It was obvious every single person could feel it.

I could smell their fear.

Probably never in their lives had they been as close to death, as they were right this second.


Not everyone was reacting the same way.

Elizabeth had an almost wired look to her exotic green eyes, as if the fire spirit inside of her was just hoping I’d erupt into an inferno, and take down the whole fucking place with me.

She was here for it. Ready for it. Hoping for it.

Do it.

I could see it in her green eyes, starting to spark to life with hints of orange.

Do it. Fucking do it. I’ll serve you forever, if you do it.

The entire sanctuary was so silent that a pin drop could be heard, as I radiated with violent murderous hostility.

But then…

I finally blinked when sounds of gratitude echoed from the hallway, the now somewhat familiar sound of my biological father’s voice prompting me to look up just in time to see him walking in with an older man dressed in robes, very clearly looking like he might be the priest who would officiate the funeral.

My eyes shifted back to normal, thankful incubi couldn’t ‘normally’ sense auras.

Obviously my aura was potent now, enough so that even normal people could feel it, but he would be none the wiser the moment I bottled it up.

Focusing back on my large prey, and then glancing at the other men and women around us, the visibly older males clearly related, but too far removed to have any kind of longevity or power, I decided to say one last thing.

Something that would instill a sense of mystery, enough so, that they might all tread more carefully for the foreseeable future.

My tone was low, but clear. “You haven’t a clue what my mother was, do you?”

My prey’s brown eyes widened at that, easily grasping the implications -- that my mother wasn’t human.

Still, I wanted to emphasize that point.

“I’ll give you a hint. Nothing like your mother.”

And with that, I looked up again, giving my biological father a big smile as he finally focused in this direction, bottling up all my homicidal aura at once, and then promptly sat down, wrapping my arm around Serenity’s shoulders and pulling her close.

But no one moved.

Not until Elizabeth cleared her throat, and settled back in her seat fully, crossing her legs…

Her thighs tense…

A small smile tugging at her lips as she carefully slipped her sunglasses back down to hide her still glowing eyes, the green shifting into even more orange…

A lingering arousal in the air…

Coming from her…


One body, but two arousals.

Liz and Bethel…were both aroused, two distinct auras, even though they only had one scent.

And fuck, I knew I’d just made a big move, and I had no idea how this was going to bite me in the ass, suspecting there was no avoiding some kind of issue coming up because of it.

But fuck it.

For right now, I was just going to accept that what was done, was done, and I was going to try to enjoy the small slice of peace I’d just earned, if only for a brief time.

Surprisingly, my father didn’t seem to notice that anything was up, ignoring me completely as he greeted various people -- probably assuming their careful strained smiles were for him, rather than because of me -- and then sitting down himself in the front row, a sincerely somber aura beginning to leak through his facade.

One that probably only I could sense, considering that sensing auras wasn’t something most incubi could do.

It wasn’t until I caught a whiff of maple syrup, which promptly seemed to disappear, that my thoughts drifted to Delilah again.

I glanced at my phone when it vibrated, deciding to turn it on silent, planning on just having it angled so I’d see the screen light up if I got a message, only to read what she just sent.

‘Holy shit, what is going on in there? It feels like most everyone just came face to face with death. I basically walked in, and then turned the hell around.’

I sighed.

‘There’s no danger. It’s safe. One of my brothers just pissed me off, is all. Tried to grab my phone.’

‘You…you made everyone that scared?’

I took a deep breath.

‘To protect those I love. Yes.’

‘And…I fit in that category, right?’

‘Assuming I can trust you, then without a doubt.’



She didn’t respond after that, but I could smell her reappear, and then was surprised when she walked calmly down the aisle past where I was sitting, still wearing those leather pants and that loose fitting sheer black shirt -- her tight cute ass looking so ridiculously hot in the shiny black leather, the dimples in her lower back competing for my attention -- and went to go sit by my father up front.

Like, he had his right arm up on the back of the front pew, and she sat right inside that space, with her looking up to give him a concerned look, even as he looked down to give her a sad smile.

He didn’t touch her, nor did it appear as if she touched him, but I could sense the comfort there, the two of them having clearly been around each other for a long time, and I could finally see the truth in my father’s words earlier.

‘In a way, she’s like a daughter…’

I could see that, plain as day in this moment, three pews ahead of me.

I could see a father and daughter sitting together, even though there was no actual relation, never mind the fact that they were almost the same age.

I knew Delilah wasn’t at all mourning this loss like he was, but I could sense her making an effort to at least show compassion for how he felt. And I knew partially why that was. Because, while I had no doubt that her feelings were sincere, I also felt confident that the core to her very being was Dependence.

She needed to be supported by someone to feel secure, but also needed to feel needed.

And right now, the man who had just lost one of his sons was giving her ‘purpose.’

By making her feel needed, if only just a little.

And so she remained seated by his side, his arm still on the pew directly behind her, with her being surprisingly attentive and composed as the priest began the service.

There was no casket or open viewing of the deceased, with the priest instead just giving a very lengthy sermon on the meaning of life, and the role of God’s salvation in our lives. It all felt very standard, and definitely felt way too long, but it was also almost ‘too vague’ for the occasion.

As if I was expecting something more, than what I’d get by walking into a random church on a random Sunday.

There weren’t even photos of the brother who passed, only an elaborate arrangement of flowers. It wasn’t until toward the end of the sermon that I began to suspect that maybe his body was cremated, but had no way of knowing for sure without asking.

Finally, once it seemed like the priest was wrapping it up nearly an hour and a half later, I carefully pulled out my phone again, recalling that I still needed to delete some messages, including the most recent ones. However, literally the second I deleted the last one, Elizabeth, who had long since raised her sunglasses back up to the top of her head, held her hand down toward it and gestured with her fingers, as if telling me to put it away.

I promptly did so, not wanting to bring any extra attention to myself than I already had.

Still, the guy droned on for another ten minutes, before wrapping it up with a prayer.

If God existed, and was truly capable of creation and destruction in the blink of an eye, then I had plenty of respect for him, simply due to the fact that he didn’t put an end to all life on the planet, and just be done with it. As well as respect for him giving people the choice to make decisions in the first place, which was unfortunately a double-edged sword, and the reason why evil existed in the world.

I’d heard plenty of people complain about him ‘allowing’ evil in the world, but I knew enough about religion to know how it supposedly ended -- with judgment. Evil would not go unpunished. There would be a day of judgment. But in the meantime, everyone had freewill, ultimately resulting in both good and evil existing.

Ultimately leaving it up to the ‘good people’ to enforce justice on the evil. To right the wrongs of the world that they’d been given stewardship over.

So if he was real, I could respect that.

The fate of the world was in our hands, and God’s intervention would deprive us of any kind of responsibility or autonomy. Like an overprotective parent who never let their kids ‘go out into the world’ and make something of themselves.

But no way in hell was I bowing my head and closing my eyes in a den of vipers. I did duck my head just a little, just to not seem openly rebellious, but my eyes definitely stayed open, my senses on high alert.

I could see in the corner of my eye that Elizabeth was watching me, though I had no idea what was on her mind.

However she surprised me, because just before the prayer was done, the priest growing louder as if he wanted to finish with a bang, she immediately leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“I’m going to try to catch him right away, to get ahead of the lies.”

She then promptly pulled away, just in time for everyone to say ‘Amen’ in unison.

Dammit, I should have known.

Of course, they weren’t just a bunch of asshole abusers.

They were a bunch of liars too.

And sure enough, the moment a few people started standing, she immediately stood up, slipped her sunglasses back down, and began scooting in front of our knees to get into the aisle as fast as possible. She then promptly made her way past those who were beginning to cluster in the aisle, and intercepted my father first thing, leaning right in for a huge hug.

Focusing on my hearing, trying to make out her words through the murmurs, I watched as she used the opportunity to whisper in his ear.

“I know this is a rough day for you, but I need to forewarn you that a few of your sons are at it again. Don’t be surprised if they come to you with elaborate and false tales about your youngest. I was with him the whole time, and nothing happened.”

My father simply nodded and pulled away, moving to shake hands with an older couple coming up to greet him.

Of course, Elizabeth had no idea just how powerful my senses were at this point, so I felt reassured that she would say such things in private, when she thought only he was hearing her. Truly, despite how quickly she switched allegiances, I felt confident she was on my side.

We would still have to figure out how in the hell she was even going to ditch him, but I knew we’d have plenty of time on the way home to discuss it. A betrayal that I had no problem with at all.

Because honestly, I was really finding it difficult to feel much sympathy for my father at this point.

It was obvious he wasn’t exactly an evil man, but I felt like he could do so much more just to be a decent man. And really, even those he was decent toward were only valued due to what they had to offer. No doubt, he wouldn’t give a fuck about Delilah if not for her ability to create magical artifacts.

And of course, it was the same for Elizabeth.

Without Bethel, the fire spirit within her, the woman would hold no value in his eyes, even if she was somewhat adept at magic all on her own.

So yeah, it wasn’t like I’d be stealing these women from him.

He was doing that all on his own, by how he treated people. And by how he allowed his sons to act, perpetuating a cycle of abuse that was never-ending. I mean, shit, it was obvious Elizabeth really didn’t like being around all the shitheads, but put up with it because there wasn’t much she could do -- not when the man who should do something, simply didn’t.

She was like the queen to a fickle king, who might as well lop-off her head with the rest, if she fell out of line.

Still, I did want to avoid conflict with him, if at all possible, which meant I’d have to be very careful about how we approached this situation. He couldn’t know she was coming over to my side. He’d have to always remain in the dark.

All in due time though.

Deciding to pull out my phone again, I was surprised that I had another message from Delilah, prompting me to glance up to see that she was still in her seat, but kind of turned sideways. It quickly became obvious she was looking at me in the corner of her eye, while trying to be as discreet as possible, because she definitely noticed when I looked up.

Immediately looking more fully in my direction, she then looked away and slowly stood up, proceeding to walk the exact opposite way as the middle aisle, heading toward a side exit on the right with a pair of large closed wooden doors.

Making sure no one was looking, I focused on her message.

‘Watch where I walk. There’s a private bathroom. Meet me there as soon as you can. I will be waiting.’

I took a deep breath, holding Serenity tighter in my one-arm embrace, not planning on getting up right this second, since there were so many other people clustered in the aisle.

Of course, that meant we were kind of blocking our row, but not a single person tried to get me to move, instead escaping the other way and walking around. Similarly, neither Joseph or Rachel got up, with him still holding onto her protectively, no doubt because she was blind and could easily trip in a crowd like this.

Or…could easily be tripped.


Serenity seemed amused by Delilah’s message, speaking silently through our bond. ‘Man, she really has it bad. She got a taste of you, and now is desperate for more.’

‘No joke,’ I thought seriously. ‘And I really don’t know if I can even humor her. Honestly, not sure if I want to, at this point, because I don’t really want to have sex just for pleasure. I don’t even know if she’s willing to be committed like Miriam is.’

Of course, what I wasn’t saying -- but what I was sure Serenity was picking up on -- was the fact that there was a part of me that was a little nervous about allowing myself to experience sex with the short black-haired minx again.

Because I knew she could pull me to the very edge of my willpower, stretching me far beyond what I even imagined possible -- both in a mind-blowing amazing way, and also kind of in a scary way.

I really felt like I could lose my mind having sex with her, not in the sense that I would be mentally crippled, but more in the sense that I might ‘wake up’ on the other side of having sex with her, only to realize that months had passed while I fell victim to her overwhelming pleasure. Because without a doubt, I could lose all sense of time if the sex never ended.

Thankfully, Serenity didn’t respond to any of that, her thoughts instead shifting to something else entirely.

Something annoying.

‘A few of them are trying to catch my eye,’ she thought seriously. ‘Probably trying to compel me. Testing the waters. I’m sure they view me as your weak spot.’

I almost scoffed. ‘I’m so glad you can’t be compelled.’

‘Me too,’ she thought seriously. ‘A part of me almost wants to rub it in their faces. Wink at them, or something, to taunt them.’

‘Yeah, but better to not provoke them.’

‘I know,’ she agreed. ‘I wasn’t planning on actually doing it.’

I simply nodded, focusing on my father again, as he started making his way down the aisle finally, only shaking hands here and there, instead of stopping to talk with people. Elizabeth had just been politely standing to the side, but as the crowd of people began to kind of follow him, at least those who hadn’t already headed out to the main hallway, the mature brunette began walking slowly behind the stragglers, only to stop once she was at the end of our row.

She glanced down at Joseph briefly, who met her emerald gaze, with her having pushed her sunglasses up again, before looking around slowly, almost aimlessly, while waiting for most everyone to clear out.

She then focused on me, her tone more formal, since we had an audience.

“The repast banquet is at a different location, just down the street. We can walk there or drive, but attending is mandatory.”

“Would we be leaving directly from there to go home, Ms. Monroe?”

She pursed her lips, almost looking like she was hiding a grin at my use of her last name.

“That depends,” she said carefully, seeming to try to keep her tone in check. “If your father wishes to speak with you before the evening is done, then we may make another trip to his office. The two of you haven’t really had a chance to talk much yet, so the possibility is fairly high.”


I sighed. “How soon do we need to be over there?”

She raised her eyebrows. “Maybe twenty minutes, at most.”

Silently double-checking with Serenity, as well as the others while I was at it, I decided to give a desperate little succubus the attention she urgently wanted, despite my better judgement.

“Okay, then mind if I use the bathroom before we head over there?”

She simply inclined her chin. “Go ahead. Do you need help finding it?”

I stood up and straightened my suit, my stomach in knots now, both in anticipation and nervousness, feeling like I was about to walk to the end of a cliff and balance at the very edge. “I think I’ll manage. Thank you though.”

“Sure thing,” she said simply, beginning to lower her sunglasses over her eyes again, a small smirk tugging on her lips, as she repeated herself, even quieter. “Sure thing.”

FEEDBACK: Thoughts on this chapter? Specifically...

1) What do you think about Delilah at this point? Do you like her? Uncertain? Etc.

2) What do you think of Elizabeth? (As well as her reaction to the situation?)

3) Obviously, not everything will be without consequence, and this is only the beginning of the drama, but what did you think about Kai's reaction (or perhaps overreaction) to the situation?

(There are some hints going on here, which will likely become 'huge' hints in the next chapter, though I won't confirm anything just yet.)


Side Note: Due to this bond that Kai shares with all the others, they will become a little more involved in the upcoming chapters, voicing opinions here and there, even though they aren't there.

I'm honestly really excited about this arc of the story. Both by what I have planned, as well as excited about your reaction (because, whenever you guys think a chapter is amazing, like the last Ch 102, it makes me feel really accomplished).


Chapter 104 >>




Clear Muse

Lizbeth is great, super interested. Del seems much crazier. Guessing both have a lot of tragedy in them.


Absolutely great. These new girls are amazing. I just hope we won't leave this banquet without a real confrontation with his brothers... And a face slapping/shaming. Great story!

Ryan Hough

I like Delilah but im curious about her true motives. I also really like Elizabeth and I feel that she was honest about her intentions. As for Kai's reaction to his brother I believe it was completely normal. I think he should have torn his arm off and beat him to death with it but that's just me.


I like Delilah and I think she is being honest her dependence characteristic seems to be amplified by Kai but I believe both ladies are being honest.


Now that I think about it maybe Delilah is the one Miriam has been missing to form the bond with Kai

J Bone

This chapter has me wondering if Joseph will team up with Kai. He seems like he just wants to be left alone and doesn't like the family dynamic either. Delilah seems like she could be a risk. She can't control her list for Kai. Making her unpredictable. I know everyone was probably surprised by Kai's strength though. I bet there's gonna be a big blow out if Kai's brothers or his father try to have sex with Serenity. Looking forward to the next chapters. I will say Kai's rage does seem to be something he might have to look into. He went from 0 to 1000 quickly. Which I guess he'd need to if he or his people were in danger. I think he will find his Harem is more powerful than anyone has every had. Making him a huge target.

Christopher Miller

As for Deliah, I'd say she strikes me as a damaged, broken woman who has settled into a predictable if not comfortable existence in Absolom's household. She hasn't been able to emotionally heal or grow past what she's gone through because she hasn't received enough nurturing or stability to facilitate it. I think once she is away from Absolom's household and is with Miriam, Kai and his women on a day to day basis that will change. ESPECIALLY when she bonds with Kai so they can hear each other's thoughts and feel each other's emotions. Once that happens I predict that she'll eventually feel so much more secure to the point she will begin to feel less needy and dramatic.

Christopher Miller

As for Elizabeth, she is an interesting dicotomy of a character. Liz, the woman, is typical of an average human in many respects. She longs for stability, respect and her own place in the sun. Since being with Absolom gives her that, she tolerates the drama his family brings. But because she has become comfortable for a very long time in those particular circumstances she is reluctant to make a life changing decision to leave. Bethel on the other hand, is much more ephemeral and flighty. As an elemental spirit she seems to embrace change, which is what you would expect from a fire elemental. Seeing the two try to come to a consensus is entertaining. And obviously, it seems Liz is coming around to Bethel's PoV

Christopher Miller

As to Kai's confrontation with Judah, I personally don't think I could have gone much better than it did. It was a foregone conclusion that his brothers were going to push the envelope with what they could get away with. And giving Judah a semi-public bitch slapping set the tone for what they could expect when you fuck with Kai and his women.

Christopher Miller

And let me say I really enjoyed Kai's ruminations on God, free will and the responsibility of good people to bring evil individuals to justice. It feels like Kai is making a conscious shift from hiding and protecting his women to going out and rescuing the victims in the world and bringing justice to the monsters that hide there.


&gt; I will say Kai's rage does seem to be something he might have to look into. Hold onto that comment. This topic will come up possibly in the next chapter, and definitely in an upcoming one (likely 2 or 3 chapters from now).

Christopher Miller

It definitely seems to me that that rage is tied to who he is on a genetic level. Like his power originates from this hulk-like rage monster that is hiding most of the time. I think we will see Kai's character tested at points on consistently keeping that rage monster in the bottle and under control.

J Bone

I'm starting to wonder if Kai's mom is an Angel or Lilth herself.


&gt; And a face slapping/shaming. Wait. Is this xianxia, now?


Oh, *damn*. Now *that* would be something. My fingers are now firmly crossed.

Christopher Miller

At this point my fav theory is that his mother, or a group of illuminati type individuals she was working with, changed him after birth. Remember that god-monster that created the incubi, succubi, and presumably most of the other supernatural races as well? Well, it's reasonable to assume it possessed the traits and characteristics of all those races it created/mutated. Well, it was shattered into hundreds of shards that were defeated piecemeal because it was to powerful to be defeated as an united being. What if one of those shards survived and was implanted in Kai the way Wren transplanted a monster core in Allie in CH? All those traits and strengths could be cultivated in Kai as well. Sounds like nasty plot from mad scientist story doesn't it? It could also explain the rage and arrogance he's experienced a couple times now, since those would originate with the shard.

Christopher Miller

Also, upon rereading I noticed there was no mention of a widow or any wife at all representing the deceased brother. An incubus would need to have companions, even at an elderly age. Does this mean once a mortal concubine loses her incubi master she is shut out of the family and loses all standing and support?


Remember Absalom's letter (the concept of everything owned by the sons 'truly' belonging to the incubus who spawned them). Also recall that, in their perception, women are just arm candy, and nothing more. Absalom takes over everything owned by his deceased son, and does with them what he wants. But there's no 'widow owed respect' to be there. No need for arm candy when there's no arm to hang onto.

Christopher Miller

So when one of his sons dies Absolom keeps any of their women he is interested in and kicks the rest to the curb, albeit perhaps with a bank account so they don't draw any attention? Or is it more sinister than that? If an incubi's compulsion isn't permanent are unwanted female concubines dealt with in a permanent way?

Christopher Miller

Definitely a possibility, although other potential matches could include Deliah with Rebecca and Elizabeth with Rosa. Both would place a submissive personality with a more dominant one. And Rebecca can be even more nurturing and maternal than Miriam which would be good for Deliah. Although as full-blooded succubi the could share the lust affinity (life affinity?). There are other possibilities as well. There are currently 3 unbonded women in the harem, Miriam, Rebecca and Rosa. There are 3 incoming candidates (possibly), Elizabeth, Deliah and.....Claire. Apart from Elizabeth we have no firm idea of anyone's affinity. With the unbonded harem women we have two dominant personalities and a submissive one. With the new girls we have a definite submissive, Deliah, and a confirmed dominant one in Elizabeth. I'm thinking Claire is a submissive, but I could be wrong. I think if she was an alpha personality she would have confronted Avery instead of sneaking around spreading rumors. But maybe that's my male bias rearing it's ugly head. If Claire does not join I see Miriam as the sole unbonded female of the group sitting on top of the pecking order as the queen bee. And it would be Elizabeth getting with Deliah or Rosa, and Rebecca pairing up with the other submissive.

Christopher Miller

And yes J, I could definitely see Kai taking Joseph aside to shake his hand to offer him friendship and protection since he seems to be the only brother Kai has worth more than a bucket of spit. I think Kai could really warm-up to the idea of having a big brother he could befriend.


Haha darn couldn’t read for a few weeks so I had quite the binge today from 96 to this one.

justin reijnders

something to keep in mind Elizabeth is technically 2 entities Liz and Bethel it is entirely possible that she could end up bonded with herself turning her existence into something more symbiotic rather than a constant battle for dominance and even if that isn't what happens it's still possible that they end up bonded to 2 different people as apposed to the same person being bonded to both entities

hawkshe .

Love the Elizabeth character, but I find Delilahs dramatics a bit trying.


I would assume after he gets done, the other brothers go through and pick out any they want. it just seems like that kind of family.


Lol, I sincerely had you in mind when I was saying that people would probably love or hate her (that there might not be an in-between). Based on other comments you've made, I couldn't help but think you'd probably find her annoying, if anything. That being said, I will say this. The way she acts is partially how her personality has developed after suffering repeated trauma, but she's also the type of person who will intentionally act that way (and act selfish) because she doesn't want to reveal when she has truly selfless intentions (and thus reveal the pain and helplessness she feels deep down -- meaning, she uses it partially as a facade too, as in normally dramatic, but lays it on thick when she's trying to hide -- it may be a handful of chapters before you're able to see that though, which is why I mention it now) .


I just want the mystery about kai’s mother and the rock solved

Lord Shiva

"3) Obviously, not everything will be without consequence, and this is only the beginning of the drama, but what did you think about Kai's reaction (or perhaps overreaction) to the situation?" Nah, I found it appropriate and the right thing to do. Fuck them.