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August 14, 2022

Facebook Group Announcement:

In case you missed it, I made a post about some Facebook Groups you might be interested in joining.

Succubus Fiction

-- For discussing and sharing anything related to Succubi, whether that be pictures, anime, books, etc. (doesn't have to be harem, and can also include female vampires, devils, dragon girls, or anything else that might be relevant and has horns and/or wings).

We also have THEME Days!

(So like, on Sunday it's sexy nuns and angels/fallen angels.)

SuperLit Book Club

-- For discussing cool fantasy and sci-fi, including Superpower fiction, as well as LitRPG/GameLit, Cultivation, Post-Apocalyptic, or anything else that involves 'powers' being involved.

Kurtis Eckstein's Fan Group

-- This is my personal fan group, and where I often share book releases first (I usually share to Patreon and my Fan group around the same time).

NOTE: I only approve requests if people answer the 3rd question (and name at least 4 names). It's for fans only, so otherwise I have no way of knowing if someone is a fan.



>> Combat Healer Book 1 is available for $0.99 on Amazon. <<

Please leave a rating (just say you read it on Patreon, if you also leave a review).

The initial ratings are HUGE, especially for a book 1, so please leave one!

(It covers Chapters 1-14, and is 101,000 words.)


Innocent Devil’s Harem Book 6 is also now available, for anyone who prefers the kindle version.

OLD NOTE (Aug 14, 2022): I’m posting another bonus chapter of Combat Healer today (Aug 14) to make up for the few months when I didn’t release any of that story (and that will likely be the last bonus chapter for a while, for real this time).

(Aug 21, 2022) will be the next chapter of Combat Healer (no IDH). However, after that, I will likely resume posting mostly Innocent Devil’s Harem, with only the occasional Combat Healer chapter, roughly 1 per every 3 chapters of IDH, like I was doing before.


Hope you enjoy this chapter!


<< Chapter 95 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5) | Ch 76 (Book 6) | Ch 91 (Book 7)


- CHAPTER 96: Sired -


After sharing in a really intense and passionate experience with Gabriella and Michelle, I finally decided to take a shower while the two of them continued to share in some intimacy, knowing I was the only one who really had to stop now. After all, the whole purpose of all this was to recharge my magical energy, so that I could try practicing this defensive spell more.

However, as I showered and cleaned up, the two women still on the bed in a sixty-nine, fervently eating each other out, I was surprised that they truly only grew more passionate, becoming almost aggressive as they sucked on each other’s clits.

By the time I got out of the shower, they’d both gotten there once again, but were still passionately going at it, their auras shifting too, with there almost becoming this palpable ‘need’ in the air.

The room was brighter as well, something that I wasn’t sure if I was imagining, or if there was truly a noticeable difference in the illuminated space.

Deciding to sit down on the bed as I watched them go at it between each other’s thighs, they both unexpectedly reached out to me at the same time, as if they wanted me to hold their hands. And without thinking, I reached out too, intercepting both of their hands as they came together, only for the entire room to grow blindingly bright out of nowhere.

Literally, one second I could see just fine, and the next second I couldn’t see anything, feeling like I was unexpectedly sinking in an entire ocean of pure white light. And within that light, I unexpectedly heard a voice.

Miriam’s voice.

My love,’ she whispered simply. Affectionately.

And I could feel her this time. Feel her in my arms as it felt like we floated in the light endlessly, time ceasing to exist…

But then, all at once, we were back in the bedroom, all of us having frozen solid, the lights completely normal. Except one thing was different…

‘Oh my God, what just happened,’ Michelle thought silently.

‘Oh fuck, did I just hear your thoughts?’ Gabriella thought in complete shock.

Holy shit, it happened again.

With Michelle and Gabriella this time, it happened again.

I’d formed a new bond!

‘Kai, I can hear your thoughts!’ Gabriella exclaimed.

‘Did something just happen?’ Serenity unexpectedly chimed in my head.

And just like that, I had six women tossing thoughts at me, kind of surprised that I could keep each voice separated, instead of feeling like I was in a room with everyone shouting at the same time. However, while I could ‘think’ in response to questions, I could only actually answer one question verbally at a time.

I started with Gwen, who was the most concerned of all.

‘Master, did something just happen?’

Her question was almost an echo of Serenity’s thought.

‘Yeah, it seems I’ve formed this bond with Michelle and Gabriella.’

‘Shall I inform my mistress? She’s waiting for you in the grand foyer, to take you back to the archery range.’

‘No, I can tell her, since I need to meet her anyway.’ I then directed my thoughts at Michelle and Gabriella. ‘This is honestly wonderful, and I’m really excited about this, but learning this spell is really important, and I don’t want to keep Miriam waiting. Her giving us an hour was already a lot longer than what was technically necessary.’

Michelle and Gabriella responded almost at the same time.

‘That’s alright, honey,’ Michelle thought sincerely, still lying on top of my busty redhead. ‘We completely understand, and expected you to leave now anyway.’

‘Of course that’s fine!’ Gabriella thought excitedly. ‘Even if you walk out of the room, we’re still in each other’s heads now! This is so amazing! We should have done this sooner!’

It was obvious that my fiancé was especially thrilled about this development, revealing how much she sincerely did feel a little left out, after I’d formed this bond with the others, especially Serenity and Avery.

It of course brought up a ton of questions, like why it happened with them in the first place, but I knew I’d probably have to wait until later to try to figure it out. Or, at the very least, it would be most efficient to just tell and ask Miriam, who might have the answers I would otherwise ponder on for hours.

Bending over to give Michelle a kiss on the cheek, her head still between the younger busty redhead’s thighs, and then giving Gabriella’s leg a playful tap, I got up and headed for the bedroom door as Michelle finally rolled off of Gabriella, now just staring up at the ceiling as she focused more internally on this unique phenomenon of being able to experience our minds.

‘Wow, this is so cool,’ Gabriella was thinking cheerfully, even as Michelle just silently observed our passing thoughts, seeming stunned that she could even start to pick up on sensations, like having an out of body experience, when she concentrated.

Having closed the bedroom door behind me, I headed down the hall and made my way down the stairs, only to meet a grinning little succubus who seemed especially cheerful.

“Ready to go at it again?” she wondered with glee, her suggestive tone almost sounding like she meant it sexually. “You might not have made too much progress with that spell this first time, but I know you’ll get it eventually. Just got to practice, practice, practice!”

I knew she was intentionally trying to cheer me up, in case I was a little bummed by my continued failure thus far. But actually, I was feeling pretty hopeful.

“Yep, I’m ready. Oh, and it looks like sex just now turned out to be more fruitful than we were expecting.”

Miriam cocked her head to the side, looking as adorable as ever. “Oh, how so?” she wondered innocently.

“We, umm, sort of formed a bond.”

Her emerald eyes widened at that. “You did? With Gabriella and Michelle? Oh wow, I did not expect that. Did it feel elemental again?”

My brow furrowed. “Honestly, not at all in the same way, but it did get really bright. Like super bright.”

Her red eyebrows shot up, seemingly in shock.

“Is light magic a thing?” I wondered, knowing it kind of was a form of energy, in a way.

“Well, creating light is a thing. And in fact, knowing a basic light spell is very useful when you don’t have a flashlight. But I never would have classified such magic as being its own affinity.”

“I mean, a laser is light, right? And those can cut through metal if they are strong enough. So theoretically it could be used offensively.”

“Perhaps,” she offered. “Except what you’re talking about would require a ridiculous amount of magical energy, assuming it’s even possible, enough that you’d probably run through your magic in half a second. However, while I can honestly say that I am now super curious about this development, I am trying so hard to not steer off course. Because you really need to practice this defense spell.”

“Right,” I agreed. “I know this is important. Any other time, and it would be different, but I can’t get distracted.”

“Exactly right, which is why I plan on waiting to enjoy you, for myself, until late this evening. It’s nearly 4:30 PM now, so I’d like you to try again for another hour and a half, and then we’ll have dinner when Serenity gets here with the others.” She paused to grab my hand, interlacing our fingers as she started leading me toward the dining hall, likely to take me outside through the conservatory. “Then, after you eat, you can try for another hour and a half. At which point, I’ll have you ‘recharge,’ and then I want you to try for another three hours.” She squeezed my hand, her voice becoming more sultry. “It should be fairly late by then, so I’ll take you to my bed and we can fuck until you’re ready to sleep for the night. Sound like a plan?”

“Absolutely,” I agreed. “And hopefully I’ll learn how to use that spell by then. Kind of wish there was a trick to it that would make me ‘get it,’ but I’m assuming there’s not. I just have to keep trying.”

She nodded. “Yes, well it’s unfortunately like riding a bike. Someone can explain to you how to do it, but at the end of the day, there’s only one way to learn. You just have to do it yourself and figure it out. Your body has to figure it out. All the instruction in the world won’t make a difference once you understand the basic idea, and so from that point on, all you can do is try. And keep trying, until you finally get it and find your balance.”

“Right,” I agreed. “I assumed as much.”

She simply nodded, not responding verbally to that, as she led me through the breakfast room, into the lush conservatory, and then onto the back terrace. I suspected she thought I was being too optimistic about learning this spell so quickly, especially when I’d struggled so much thus far, but that she didn’t want to discourage me from trying.

And honestly, that was fine with me.

Because I did want to be optimistic. I had a little over a day now to learn how to activate this spell, and I felt confident that I could do it…


Once we got to the archery range, I recited the spell she’d taught me, just to make sure I hadn’t gotten any of the words mixed up, and to ensure that my cadence was correct, which thankfully it all was.

Thus, giving her one last hug, I watched her depart before setting my focus again, starting to recite the spell over and over, trying to make each time count, hoping that this would be the time that it finally activated like it was supposed to.

But I supposed my magic was being stubborn for some reason.

Or maybe I’d just been spoiled, so to speak, by finding other forms of magic so easy.

Because thirty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and I started growing a little frustrated when I still felt like I was making zero progress. I knew that made sense, considering this was something that might normally take weeks or months to learn, likely a reason why so many people never even learned magic to begin with, but this was kind of a very important spell.

Like, out of all the magic I could learn to wield, it sounded like a basic protection spell ranked up there as top three. If not number one, since someone could have the most powerful attack spell in the world, and still be killed in an instant by even an average opponent who knew how to use their magic effectively.

Granted, I had to admit that my skill with fire magic was technically above average.

Like, I wasn’t sure that most others could just pop off a spell like that with only a thought. Meaning, if it came down to a simple matter of speed and power, then I’d probably overwhelm an enemy and even overwhelm their defenses, so long as I knew they were a threat in enough time. But unfortunately, that was the problem.

What if I didn’t know someone was a threat until it was too late?

I was basically just a sitting target if I had no sense of who might hold me ill will.

Like walking into a viper’s den with there only being one snake with fangs in their midst, and not knowing which one it was.

Honestly, I kind of wondered if there was a spell for that -- to be able to detect when someone else held ill will toward me. I wasn’t sure, but figured I’d ask once it was time to have dinner.

At this point, Serenity had gotten off work, and was heading to our house to pick up Natalie and Avery, which meant they’d all be at the mansion in roughly about an hour. I wasn’t yet sure who I would be having sex with to recharge after I practice for another hour and a half after dinner, but I knew I shouldn’t be thinking about that right now.

No, I needed to focus.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke the spell out loud again, trying to infuse the words with my magic, and activate the ward, remembering that Miriam had designed it like a prayer to God.

Protect me from evil, protect me from violence. Keep me from vile plans, keep me from wicked hands. Body through and through, envelope and subdue. The poison of vipers, the bite of snakes, no matter the strength, refuse to break.

Still no luck.

I was definitely using some of my magic, but wasn’t fully activating the spell.

Taking a deep breath, I tried again.

And again.

Until almost another hour had passed.

Serenity had long since picked up Avery and Natalie, and the three of them were almost here. Possibly only about ten minutes out. Really starting to feel hungry now, since I’d sort of skipped lunch, only having a late breakfast, I tried to keep my focus on the spell, closing my eyes, wanting even these last few minutes to count…

Unexpectedly, Gwen spoke up in my mind, sounding alarmed.

‘Master, something’s wrong! It’s Rosa!’

Instantly, my eyes flew open, and without thinking I began bolting for the rock wall, feeling more than confident that I could leap right over it, even as my back began to reconstruct, my wings automatically wanting to sprout out from the startle, my body starting to grow larger.

However, even as I jumped straight over the tall stone fence, I tried to control myself, knowing that the passageway to the dungeon-basement was narrow, and that I would struggle to even make it through the tiny closet if I wasn’t careful about my size.

Thus instead, as I ran as hard as I could for the rear terrace, I tried to process what was happening right now.

Gwen was in the bare concrete hallway of that fourth basement, but she’d just heard some strange noises coming from the room Rosa was in, and then what really startled her was the unexpected dent in the metal door that appeared at the very top -- way higher up than should be possible for the skinny blonde.

The devil maid wasn’t weak, but she also wasn’t stupid.

Something was happening, and she knew it was best to wait for me to get there before she even so much as tried opening the door.

As I flew through the conservatory, breakfast room, and then the dining hall, not seeing anyone, I focused on my brand new connections with Gabriella and Michelle, discovering that they’d been in the East Drawing room with Rebecca and Miriam, all of them now running down the hall. From their panicked minds, I could see that they’d been first signaled by the unique method of communication Gwen and Miriam shared, something akin to an invisible spark rushing between them to inform her mistress that their was a problem. However, that only prompted Gabriella and Michelle to focus on my thoughts, realizing something truly was going on, beginning to piece things together as I processed the situation.

“Stay up here,” I ordered as we all met just underneath the twin stairs, grabbing the handle for the closet.

Only to freeze solid when I didn’t see the stairs.

For half a second, I thought I’d lost my mind.


I was so used to someone else opening the back wall, that I’d almost forgotten it was even covered most of the time. However, I’d also seen them open it enough times to know where the switch was.

Realizing I actually had grown in size, I kicked off my shoes and socks as I waited impatiently for the wall to open enough that I could slip through, starting to yank my shirt off as I flew down the stairs, only to strip my pants and boxers off when I saw visually that Gwen was still okay.

Of course, I knew from her mind that she was fine, but seeing her with my own eyes was more reassuring, knowing from her head that after the initial dent in the metal door, there had been no other activity. But damn, now I was beginning to wonder what exactly was behind that door.

Serenity had already pulled off the road in a secluded spot, with them not being in the best position to shift if I had to grow any taller than seven feet, but at least being able to kind of hide if required of them.

Not wanting to startle Rosa, but also wanting to be ready for anything, I did end up growing right up to that point when I knew the others would start to shift, standing at almost seven feet tall, with horns nearly six inches long sprouting out of my head.

I was nearly in my crowned state, just shy of going all the way.

Reaching the metal door, I waited for Gwen to step back a few feet, before slowly opening it up, peeking through the crack into the darkness beyond. There was absolutely no light within, but my glowing gold eyes had no problem seeing.

And what I saw sincerely shocked me.

In the corner of the room, standing at nearly nine feet, if not ten feet, stood what could only be described as a monster, with its back against the wall. More than that, the creature was trembling, looking like it was trying to merge with the concrete.

Terrified crimson eyes stared at me in the darkness.

The monster’s exposed body was covered in taut dark brown skin, pulled tight over disfigured bones, looking like it was literally starving to death, the overall shape somehow still feminine despite the thinness. Honestly, it looked like a massive shriveled corpse, the portion between the ribs and hips shrunken to a sickening degree, the creature’s bony arms being far too long, the massive hands reaching far past its bony hips.

The only thing recognizable was the face, being familiar from the nose upward, framed by white hair, black veins seeming to cover the brown skin around her red eyes, whereas below the nose was a massive mouth filled with dagger-like teeth, visibly trembling and drooling as if in anticipation of a meal.

Honestly, the thing I was staring at looked more like a wingless humanoid dragon with a humanoid head, than anything else, though I wasn’t sure why I thought that. Perhaps because her hands were so large? Her arms so long? Her jaw so massive, even if the upper portion of her face looked human?

Without further hesitation, I continued growing taller, shifting past my crowned state, my horns growing fully, and stood at my full twelve feet, my midnight horns just barely scraping the ceiling almost thirteen feet above me.

The monster immediately held out a massive clawed hand, looking even more terrified.

Her voice was extremely deep. “WAIT! PLEASE!”

Holding my arms out in a nonthreatening gesture, even as my wings finished growing and folded behind my back, I slowly approached one step at a time, until finally the monster turned it’s humanoid face away from me and made a sound like a tortured animal.

I stopped briefly once I was standing just in front of her, having her exit completely blocked off, before slowly reaching around her arms and pulling her against my chest, the nearly three feet difference causing her head to not even reach my chin. She trembled against me like she was freezing, another tortured sound escaping her throat.

“Go ahead,” I said in a deep voice, knowing why she was so afraid.

Knowing what she needed.

She hesitated, before making that tortured whimpering sound again, only to slowly reach up to my chest, and then to my neck, pulling herself up effortlessly and wrapping her arms around me as she carefully sank her dagger teeth into my throat.

Shockingly, the moment blood started flowing, her teeth unexpectedly began to recede a little, as if they were retracting back into her jaw, and she pressed her mouth more fully to the wound she’d created, sucking desperately. However, I was healing fast, and felt those daggers start to protrude once more, her jaw tensing as she sank them in a second time and continued to drink.

Unlike the first time I’d let her draw blood from my neck, I felt completely fine.

Not even remotely lightheaded.

However, what happened in response to that feeding was truly shocking.

I could feel her bony body begin to fill out underneath my embrace, feel her flesh begin to grow supple and nourished instead of dry and desiccated, and I could feel her jaw begin to shrink in size, until it finally felt like it was proportional to her face.

And then, after another long minute, she pulled away and dropped back down to her own feet, whimpering slightly as she focused up at me like she expected punishment. But honestly, either she hadn’t drank that much blood, or else I’d healed so quickly that I barely even noticed the loss. It did appear that my magic had dropped a decent amount just in the last minute, but it wasn’t enough for me to have to replenish it right away.

However, the change to her appearance was striking.

Her teeth were still very sharp looking, a mouth full of tiny daggers, but everything about her face was normal size now, including her jaw, with her overall looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair was snow white, her eyes bright red against a midnight sclera, and now that the veins around her eyes had disappeared, her dark brown skin was actually appealing.

A deeply tanned face that was oval, chiseled, and beautiful.

She was also completely naked, her clothing having obviously been far too small to contain this larger form, though there wasn’t much to see.

While her body looked more normal now, just larger, she barely even had breasts at all, being far too skinny to have anything substantial, and both her arms and legs were still much longer than I felt like would be normal proportions for a person. Still, due to the shape of her bones, she had a feminine figure.

And honestly, now that I was really taking it all in, I realized she was actually not much different than me right now.

Aside from being malnourished, as well as lacking horns and wings, she was almost like a female version of me.


In need of an alpha.

Or at least, something similar.

My eyes widened at that realization, having been wondering why she was looking up at me like she was still a little scared, or at least nervous, only to realize what was going on right now.

I was the one who made her like this, I was the one who just fed her with my own blood, something that was no doubt a big deal in her perception, and I was the one who needed to exert my dominance over this new creature that I was inadvertently responsible for.

And I could feel it.

I could feel her humble submission as she stood beneath me.

However, it was transactional just like how Natalie explained about herself. I had to do more to finish the process. Still, I had barely spoken with this girl since she’d begun living here, and didn’t even know how she felt about me, or this entire situation. I mean, she was a princess, in the sense that she’d lived her entire life for the sole reason of possibly becoming the wife or concubine to a vampire prince, holding almost no power herself.

But would she be alright with me being that prince?

I decided I would just ask a simple question.

My voice was deep. “What do you want right now?” I grumbled.

When she didn’t respond, I continued.

“Anything you want, and I shall make it yours. Including me leaving right now, if you desire it.”

Her crimson eyes widened at that, only for her to look ashamed as she focused down at my chest. Tentatively, she slowly raised her larger hands and placed them gently on my muscled stomach, her large fingers trembling.

Surprisingly, when she spoke, her voice sounded more normal now that her jaw was proportional to her face.

“It is I who should give you whatever you desire, my lord.”

I didn’t hesitate. “I wish to finish what has been started, if you are willing.”

She focused up at me and swallowed hard, her hands tensing on my stomach. “I am,” she managed simply, her breathing growing heavier.

Not in a million years did I think I’d be doing this anytime soon, if at all, but this feeling was just so much like how it had been with Natalie, that I knew exactly what needed to be done. And that realization was now getting me extremely hard, not out of any sense of arousal, but purely out of a sense of domination.

Rosa’s entire tan body tensed when she felt me stiffen against her flat lower stomach, and when I started to slowly wrap my arms around her bony shoulders, in anticipation of picking her up, she almost reflexively started spreading her legs, seeming to know full well what was coming her way.

Crouching down a little, prompting her to shift her arms upward to embrace my neck, I felt the head of my leaking cock slip between her deeply tanned thighs, finding myself having an almost sixth sense about where to get it just right.

Sinking inside her just a little at first, precum serving as lubrication, I then straightened up fully and buried myself in all the way, my engorged cock filling her up as I lifted her right off her feet. She was completely silent, her entire long body squirming as she buried her head against my neck, simultaneously wrapping her legs tightly around my thick waist.

This wasn’t meant to be sexual though.

At least, not yet.

She had just submitted to me fully.

I was now dominating her in the most raw way possible.

And now, that transaction was taking place.

I was becoming her alpha…or perhaps, her Sired Lord.

With her wrapped around me as she sat impaled on my engorged cock, a newly forming bond was coursing between us, the distance between our minds dramatically decreasing, until it was like she was directly underneath me. Not just physically, but mentally too.

Not to the point that I felt as if I could hear her thoughts, but enough so that I understood her general well-being, similar to how it had originally been with Natalie. And she was still hungry right now. She still needed to feed. However, she was surprisingly something else as well.

In need.

And when she sensed that it was alright for her to do so, she began tensing her arms and legs, tugging herself up on my engorged shaft…

Only to slide back down with a guttural groan of pleasure and relief.

Clearly, unlike with Natalie, we weren’t stuck together.

However, like Natalie, it was obvious it felt really good.

Enough so to begin filling the air with a little bit of passion, which I promptly began to absorb to help refill what I’d lost from using some magic to heal.

Shifting the tightness of my own embrace, since it was obvious that she was more than capable of holding her own weight without my help, as she pulled herself up again, I slowly began to explore her bony back, her deeply tanned skin surprisingly smooth after she drank my blood, feeling the ridges of her spine and then moving down to cup her tight ass in my palm.

Surprisingly, her ass was the one spot where she did have some fluff present, despite otherwise being emaciated, although really her ass only felt small in my own perspective. Technically, I knew that right now her ass was actually way bigger than any of my other women, considering she was over nine feet tall. It just felt small when I was towering twelve feet tall myself.

However, I honestly didn’t mind how skinny she was, because I wasn’t worried about my own pleasure right now. I’d already accomplished my goal of becoming her alpha, even though she was definitely not a werewolf, and now I was letting her enjoy herself.

Letting her feel what I was fairly certain she’d never felt before.

The warmth and pleasure of having a thick cock inside of her.

This felt good to her.

Really good.

And I was more than willing to let her experience that feeling, something that was probably a slice of paradise in contrast to the months and years of near-starvation she’d experienced, both when growing up, and when she was trapped inside that other dimension in an effort to escape death. If anything, my touching was specifically to give her more pleasure, since she seemed to enjoy my large hands roaming her body, in part so that she’d generate even more passion for me to feed on.

So I spent my time slowly exploring her thin body, feeling her bony hips, feeling her thighs wrapped around me, even feeling her stomach tensing over and over as she picked up her pace, with me standing there patiently and allowing her to rock up and down on my thick shaft.

Until she was finally tensing and whimpering, as she had her first orgasm on my cock.

She then kissed me tenderly over and over again on my neck, her abnormally long arms continuing to embrace me tightly, starting to shiver slightly as I continued to leak precum deep inside of her.

It wasn’t until she readjusted her position, trying to pull herself up to continue kissing my neck, that I realized she was shrinking in size. Yet she wasn’t showing any signs of discomfort yet, despite my engorged cock still filling her up.

Nevertheless, I started to decrease my size too, keeping pace with her as she began shrinking even faster, until finally we were back to our normal sizes. Her skin was pale again, and the height difference was less extreme, but she remained impaled on my throbbing cock, her arms still wrapped around my neck, as she planted tender kisses underneath my jaw.

She also felt much less emaciated now.

Still skinny, but not nearly as bad as when she was larger.

I continued to let her show me both affection and submission for what felt like another twenty minutes, long enough for Serenity and the others to arrive at the mansion, now that Serenity could look normal again. Granted, I knew from Natalie’s mind that if I’d been much longer, then she was just going to drive the rest of the way herself, since my blue-haired woman hadn’t responded to my crowned form like Serenity and Avery.

Of course, by no means did she view this as an inconvenience, instead just figuring that the best way to avoid exposure was actually to just get on Miriam’s property as fast as possible.

However, once I could hear talking upstairs through the open stairwell doorways, most of the others waiting in the grand foyer, I decided it was time to separate for now.

And not only because I still had a lot of training to do.

There was also another reason why I wanted to head upstairs.

“Rosa,” I said gently, finding it a little adorable when she tried to cover her naked body up with her arms when she pulled away. “The sun is still up. Do you want to find out if you can stand in God’s light now?”

She looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Her voice was exceptionally emotional.

Yes,” she whimpered.


FEEDBACK: Well, two of the three big things that need to happen (before the meeting on Saturday) just occurred in this chapter.

Gabriella and Michelle did end up bonding with Kai, and Rosa has woken up to reveal that she is now 'more' than what hopefully anyone was expecting (remember that her face transformed when she first fed from Kai, and that it was implied she might have a transformation like a werewolf, though smaller, since the same type of ritual created both creatures -- and of course, Kai's blood would only enhance that, with her now being something similar to him, but with an extra transformation comparable to what she was capable of at her original size).

So, what did you think?


Chapter 97 >>





Kinda want to see a scene between kai and natalie in her hell hound form


Finally caught up! I love what I've read so far, keep up the great work! I do kinda feel like I'm watching a show that is ignoring an important piece of information though. What about the stone? It feels like it's that letter that they just need to read before going into the important meeting... like with an unknown and possibly dangerous father? Is it the stone that's talking to Kai every time he hears that mysterious voice?


In order to undo the curse on the stone, it would 1) take a decent amount of time and effort, and 2) Miriam would need a scapegoat. So while it's on the 'To Do' List, it's not the biggest priority in this moment. They all thought they'd have more time, but it ran out on them. That being said, the stone will come up again, here in the next 10 or so chapters, that mystery will likely be resolved, but I don't want to give out any spoilers.