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May 1, 2022


Combat Healer Book 1 is available for $0.99 on Amazon.

Please leave a rating (just say you read it on Patreon, if you also leave a review).


The initial ratings are HUGE, especially for a book 1, so please leave one!

Book 1 ratings often determine whether or not someone will even check out a series.

It covers Chapters 1-14, and is 101,000 words.


ALSO: Innocent Devil’s Harem Book 6 is also now available, for anyone who prefers the kindle version. I do plan on getting free versions available soon on Gumroad for you guys.


<< Chapter 14 | Chapter 1


--- BOOK 2 ---

- CHAPTER 15: Omens -


Present Day

A mature Oni woman with deep blue skin and black hair trembled in the darkness as she sat next to her two large companions, both of them unconscious, their breathing shallow, neither having woken in several days now from their severe injuries.

Injuries inflicted by a monster like none other.

Some time ago, her powerful team of three had been sent on a special mission by the Queen to defeat a Dungeon that opened up on the eastern coast of the kingdom, their wise elf ruler indicating that it was far too difficult for anyone other than the strongest team to defeat.

As was common when facing certain types of Scourge Beasts.

And as was common when the yearly Northern Invasion was so close to arriving.

Normally, the other teams would just get in their way.

However, they’d shockingly been ill prepared.

The strong female Blue Oni was the backbone to the top team in the top guild of the entire kingdom, and yet she now feared for her life. The Dungeon they’d entered was something far worse than even her most horrible nightmares…

And it had nothing to do with the caverns being full of Flesh Collectors.

No, as horrible as those abominations were, especially in large numbers, there was something far more fearsome stalking the passageways, and roaming around in the darkness. Something far more sinister and malevolent silently moving through this stale domain, the horribly deadly Arakna’cabra nothing but prey to this monster.

A true monster.

One unlike anything they’d ever encountered before.

A creature that slipped past her defenses with ease, as if her powerful magic didn’t even pose a hindrance, and a demon that severely injured and crippled her two male companions, who were undeniably among the most powerful men on the entire continent.

There was nothing that had previously stood in their way in earnest opposition…

And yet now they were defeated and trapped so easily.

The only reason they still drew breath…

The only reason…

Was because

The demon allowed it.

Unexpectedly, the Blue Oni woman stiffened when she heard something slip through a crack in the sealed space, terrified out of her mind as she waited in the darkness for the powerful abomination to tear her to shreds, just to hear her scream, only for her heart to slowly calm when it was completely silent.

Hesitantly, afraid of what she’d see, she tentatively used the basic fire spell to create a little light, illuminating the small space they were cramped in, shocked by what lay by the massive bolder sealing them in the room.

A severed hind leg of what appeared to be a deer.

It was meat.

The sight made her stomach cramp in hunger, while also causing a new realization to cross her mind, everything finally making sense.

It was toying with them.

To what end, she didn’t know, perhaps for its own enjoyment, but without a doubt it was toying with them.

She knew it was true the moment she slowly began easing away from her unconscious comrades to grab at the severed venison rump…only for a midnight clawed hand to appear like lightning, abruptly yanking it away, back through the small crevice.

She immediately jerked away, in fear of losing her own hand from those razor-sharp claws, knowing without a doubt that they were all going to die. Horrible gruesome deaths, the three of them were all going to be slaughtered, never to see daylight again.

She knew because, with that impossibly swift motion, an unnerving giggle echoed into the room, sounding like it came from an amused girl. One from hell.



* * *


I woke up groggily to find that the sun was beginning to rise, the sound and vibrations of the horse-drawn wagon filling my ears as I vaguely recalled making a brief stop at the second outpost village a few hours ago to get fresh horses, only to continue on our journey to the third and last stop in the northeastern region of the Delanor kingdom.

To the place where a horrid demon had been spotted, that must soon be slain, lest it reproduce too quickly and overrun the continent by sheer numbers. At the very least, there had already been a report of a second Arakna’cabra, or Flesh Collector, spotted elsewhere, indicating there might already be many more.

If left alone, in a week there might only be a hundred, but by the second week there would then be a thousand, and within a month there would be millions, as the spider-like monsters bred at an alarming rate.

Currently, the elf scout Celestine was at the reins, her older sister Astaer now asleep next to me after having sat at the front nearly all night. Both of them were dressed in brown leather pants and tan tunics that were loose everywhere except their modest chests.

I was currently reclined against a pack of supplies, my head and shoulders supported, while my beloved Eliza snuggled against my chest, her full figure relaxed in my embrace as she slept soundly. The mature woman was beautiful even when uncomposed, a sort of youthful look to her peaceful expression, even despite her age. Her skin was pale and flawless, strands of her pitch-black hair resting on her soft cheeks.

The blonde elf Sylvia was then sitting up, at Eliza’s feet, having already roused after getting a few hours of rest, and also being the one responsible for using her blue silk cloak to conceal the Queen as she slept when we made our second stop, knowing it would be problematic for the Elf Guard to catch sight of their Ruler lying with a human who was both relatively unknown and far younger than she.

As was the mystery of our existence, the fact that Eliza and I had been about the same age when we were young, only for one of us to somehow end up frozen in time, stuck within a Dungeon, while the other aged a full century.

Thankfully, elves had longer lives, or else fate might have prevented us from reuniting after so much time. Still, that left her basically a full century older than me, despite there being less than a year between us when we first met.

And then, there was my Red Oni girlfriend, Mel, along with my half-Holstaur betrothed, Val, who were similarly both awake and sitting up, seeming content as they occasionally yawned while Astaer, Eliza, and I all slept.

But now I was awake, with Mel being the first to notice, speaking up softly, her gold eyes content, her white hair blowing gently in the breeze, both a sharp contrast to her rosy skin.

“Oh, good morning, Allie,” she said warmly. “How’d you sleep?”

Val chimed right in as well, before I could even respond, the busty blonde Holstaur sounding eager. “Good morning, master.”

“Good morning,” I replied with a controlled yawn, being careful to speak softly so as to not rouse Eliza snuggling against my chest. “I slept decent, considering the occasional jarring bump.” I then grinned as I glanced toward Sylvia, her icy blue eyes now focused on me affectionately. “I think I was a little worn out after staying up so late,” I added.

Of course, between the look and my words, the tall blonde elf knew I was implying that she wore me out, though it would probably be more accurate to say that she gave me great pleasure that allowed me to fully relax and feel content.

Celestine spoke up then, glancing down at me over her shoulder. “My sister told me about last night when we switched. Wish I’d stayed awake,” she added playfully.

I couldn’t help but grin.

While last night had been mostly shared between me and Sylvia, both Astaer and Eliza were fully attentive, though the former didn’t get to participate much since she was busy attending to the reins. Still, having the older sister's hands running through my hair at one point had been surprisingly very pleasant.

I cleared my throat softly as I spoke. “Any idea how long we have?” I wondered.

“Should be there by mid-morning,” Celestine replied. “At our last stop, they said a runner had been sent from that area, requesting for assistance, not being aware that help was already on the way.”

“Oh shit,” I hissed. “Does that mean it’s already worse?”

“Possibly not,” the brunette elf replied. “I did not stumble upon the Flesh Collector’s lair, but instead came across it while it appeared to be hunting. Thus, neither me, nor my sister, got to see how established it was. It is possible that it had already constructed a small lair, and a nearby village only recently came to notice it.”

“Let’s hope,” I replied quietly, knowing this situation could get out of hand very quickly if not dealt with as fast as possible.

Queen Eliza unexpectedly sighed heavily then, revealing she’d roused, speaking up quietly. “Oh love, how I’ve missed your scent. It was one of the only pleasant smells in the otherwise stale air within that Dungeon, and even after all this time, I have not forgotten it.”

I squeezed her tighter, closing my eyes in response to the memories briefly hitting me.

“But nevertheless,” she continued. “There is nothing like the real thing. My memory doesn’t do it justice.”

I smirked then. “Well, I like your smell too,” I admitted, though I knew it was a bigger deal to her because she had both sharper eyesight and a better sense of smell, as did pretty much all elves. For her, my natural scent truly was something she cherished, knowing she’d commented as much when we were stuck in a living hell together for three months long ago.

Eliza sighed heavily then, taking her time to inhale my scent for a while longer, before finally sitting up and yawning loudly, her purple eyes appearing sleepy but content.

Sylvia spoke up. “My dear Eliza, might you perchance be inclined to have a little something to hold you over before we arrive?”

Queen Eliza shook her head, yawning again. “No, I can wait like everyone else. Better to save our supplies for the wilderness, as the village should have a meal ready for us when we arrive.”

“Of course, my Queen,” the blonde elf replied simply.

Eliza then focused down at me, still lying on my back. “What about you, my love? If you are in need, I am fine with you having some of our rations.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that, causing her to give me a bizarre look. “Sorry, and thank you, but I’m a Scourge Suppressor. Being forced to skip meals is a part of the job description, not to mention surviving in that Dungeon wasn’t too long ago for me. My perspective on dining has probably not changed as much as you might think. I would still very much resort to eating a raw frog if required of me, only smashing its head in before tearing the meat off its bones.”

Eww,” Mel retorted playfully.

Eliza only looked somber. “I am so sorry, my love,” she said sincerely. “I wish so desperately that things could have turned out differently. The day I left the Dungeon still haunts me to this day.”

Mel spoke up again. “So what exactly happened?” she asked seriously. “I mean, because you didn’t leave him on purpose, right?”

Eliza sighed heavily, glancing at me as I decided to sit up, only for her to lean into me slightly once I was facing more toward Mel and Val. She then replied quietly. “I was confused when I woke up,” she admitted. “I couldn’t even remember where I was, or how I had gotten there in that final room. I didn’t even recall that someone had been with me. I simply saw the open door in the distance, and found myself confused.”

“So you walked out, and the doorway closed?” Mel assumed.

Eliza gently shook her head, her purple eyes somber. “No, the doors began closing, and so I ran out. I almost didn’t make it, the doors coming so close to crushing me, that had I been only a few seconds slower, then I might very well have died.” She paused with a grimace. “My thoughts didn’t clear up until after I’d fallen down the steps, and only once the gate had fallen apart. Then…” Her voice trailed off briefly, only for her to sigh as she reached to grab my arm tightly. “Only then did I remember. And it all but killed me.”

Sylvia unexpectedly chimed in. “Even when I met her, about fifteen years later, shortly after she’d become Queen, she was still suffering. I’d met with the man who was her primary rival for the crown, and he seemed fine after recovering for a few weeks. But my Queen was different. I could see in her eyes that a torment so great plagued her heart, that the trials to become the Elven Ruler were nothing compared to it. And I decided right then and there that I would seek to do everything in my power to heal the wounds on my Queen’s very soul.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered to Eliza, unsure of how I would have handled knowing I’d accidentally left her behind, if the roles were reversed. Honestly, I’m not sure I would have tried so hard to find her, just assuming the worst, that she wouldn’t be able to survive on her own. But then again, she couldn’t heal on her own like I could, and I also wouldn’t have been afforded the opportunity to become a king, since royal blood was everything for the humans.

Eliza immediately squeezed my arm against her full chest as she shook her head. “I am sorry, my love. And I hope to do everything in my power to make it up to you.”

I nodded in acknowledgement, taking a deep breath. “So, who was the rival?” I wondered.

“He’s actually passed,” Eliza replied with a frown. “I had offered for him to become the Head of the Guard, but he refused, saying that looking upon me would only remind him of his failure. He instead became a Scourge Suppressor, but was slain by a Beast, along with half his team.”

Part of me wasn’t surprised to hear that, since death among Scourge Suppressors was actually somewhat common, even with each team usually having at least one healer. At the very least, I could predict that at least one team in the top five Guilds would suffer a loss at a minimum of once a year, with the smaller teams often suffering several losses per year.

As was the life of a Scourge Suppressor.

And as was the value of having a competent healer on the team.

But even still, the unexpected could happen.

And there were certain injuries most healers couldn’t fix, like a beheading.

Mel spoke up. “So what about that other guy, the current Head of the Guard?”

“General Vildred,” Eliza replied. “He too was a Scourge Suppressor. Very loyal to the kingdom itself, and by extension, the current Ruler, knowing such a person was deserving of the crown, no matter their age.” She paused. “When I became Queen, I was much younger than previous Rulers, and there was talk in the southern Ryfle Kingdom as to whether or not such a young woman could defend the continent against the yearly Northern Invasion. Thus, I approached the man, being informed of his perspective on me, and loyalty to our people, and made the offer. And together, we made it known to the human kingdom that beneath the young Queen was an experienced battle-hardened man, leading the Elven military.”

“Did he take interest in you?” I asked without thinking, realizing I really didn’t have a right to complain about any decisions she’d made while I was gone, even though I knew she’d never been with a man -- not once, even in the hundred years we were separated.

However, she definitely had been with the beautiful blonde elf, Sylvia, presently sitting just on her other side.

“No, he did not,” Eliza replied gently, still holding onto my arm. “He is very much of preference toward blondes. And did take an interest in Sylvia for a time. One he was not shy about.”

“It was very annoying,” Sylvia chimed in. “I was so thankful when he moved on.”

Eliza laughed. “Yes well, his very young wife, whom he settled on only twenty years ago, has a strikingly similar appearance to Sylvia, and an attitude to match. The only difference is that the girl was interested in being sought after by an older man.”

“How young?” Mel wondered.

“She’s about my age,” Celestine chimed in over her shoulder, looking very much like she was barely twenty, compared to a human girl, though being double that age. “Maybe mid-forties? But he’s like almost two-hundred, isn’t he?”

“Just shy of one-hundred-eighty years,” Eliza agreed. “About the same as a human sixty-year-old dating a twenty-year-old girl.”

“Dang,” Mel replied. “It’s somewhat common for there to be a decade gap in age for Oni, but a hundred-and-forty-years age difference? That’s pretty huge.”

Eliza smiled, looking at me affectionately. “Yes, well, the young man I love is similarly much younger than me now. Yet I still cherish him the same.”

“Oh, of course,” Mel agreed. “Although, if it’s not unheard of for such an age difference, then why can’t you and Allister be together now? Just because he’s not an elf?”

“Yes, because he’s not an elf, and because I am the Queen. No Ruler in the history of our kingdom has ever taken a partner from another race. Not a single one. And there are some who may still disapprove of the decision, even when I do announce my intentions, once the time is right.” She sighed heavily. “It is very likely he may become the target of assassination.”

“Fuck,” Mel hissed, with Val’s purple eyes growing wide.

“But I’ll ensure he’s made a hero first,” Eliza quickly continued. “I’ll ensure there isn’t a single person in the capital who doesn’t know his name.” She glanced at me, her expression affectionate. “They’ll know the name of my beloved, just as I am known.”

I smirked. “Good thing I’m worthy of being by your side,” I replied.

She frowned slightly at that. “I would consider you worthy, even if you were not strong. But yes, it is a good thing you are strong enough for them to believe that you are worthy. And all that really matters is that the Guard sincerely accept you, since it will be their responsibility to help ensure that no threat ever reaches the castle.”

“Makes sense,” I agreed simply. I glanced at Val then, seeing that she seemed a little uncomfortable, though I couldn’t exactly place why. I decided to address her. “Thanks for coming with us, Val. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’re capable of.”

“Oh,” she said in surprise, her purple eyes wide. “Of course, master. I am so very thankful that you invited me along. And it must have been fate that I arrived when I did, for you would have already left the city had I been much later.”

“What prompted you to come when you did?” I wondered.

She frowned slightly, her thick straw-like blonde hair such a sharp contrast to her deeply tanned skin, her massive Holstaur breasts looking like they might burst from her leather top restraint. “I actually showed up about a week ago, but you were off on a Quest. I tried to pay the elf receptionist a small amount of coin to let me know when you’d returned.” Val paused when my eyebrows shot up. “The woman told me she had a few kids that she paid small amounts to run errands for her, and that she’d send me word when you returned. Wouldn’t accept the coin.”

“Eira?” I said in surprise. “Eira let you know I was back?”

She nodded, seeming uncertain. “Umm, yes. When we went to ask her about adding me to the team, it was not the first time I’d met her. I found out the previous day when she sent a kid to my home to find me, and I packed that night, planning on leaving in the early morning, since I was told you might not be back long.”

I nodded, seeing that she still seemed a little uncomfortable for some reason, though not about the topic. More looking physically uncomfortable. “And how are you feeling?” I wondered.

She sounded surprised. “Oh, very happy to be here. Happy to be useful to you, master.”

I frowned slightly, deciding not to press right now. Maybe I’d ask her later, just to ensure something wasn’t up, because she definitely seemed a little pained. Or maybe just stressed. Yet, a quick check of her information didn’t reveal anything.



Valshia Kumrahg



Race: Holstaur/Human (Hybrid)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Class: Ranger

Focus: Essence Archer

Ailments: None



Strength: 15 (Lv. 7)

Dexterity: 18 (Lv. 9)

Fortitude: 17 (Lv. 8)

Wisdom: 12 (Lv. 6)

Intelligence: 19 (Lv. 10)

Charisma: 19 (Lv. 10)

Total: 100


Rank: S Tier

Level: 50/50



Like, she wasn’t in actual pain or anything, as far as I could tell, and didn’t appear to have any ailments.

“I think I see the outpost,” Celestine unexpectedly announced, prompting both Sylvia and Eliza to get on their knees to look into the distance.

Queen Eliza responded. “Yes, I think you’re correct, Celestine. We should probably announce our arrival,” she added, focusing on Mel. “Would you like to do the honors?” she wondered. “I’d like to see how many fireballs you can shoot off at once. If you can create fourteen Flame Daggers, then you should be able to create the same number of Fireballs at a lower cost, just without the piercing effect.”

“Oh,” Mel said in surprise, reaching back to touch her long black metal staff resting behind her. “Umm, yeah, I can do that.” She focused on Val sitting next to her. “I don’t want to get in your face though. Do you want to switch?”

Val shook her head. “I don’t mind. Go ahead.”

Mel nodded, leaning forward slightly as she grabbed her heavy staff more firmly, her toned rosy stomach tight as she carefully lifted it up over her white hair and readjusted it so that it was pointing toward the back of the wagon, the bulbous end just beyond Val’s youthful tan face.

“Okay, here goes,” Mel added. “I’ll try for fourteen. Fireball.”

Instantly, a little over a dozen tongues of fire appeared at the tip of her staff, one right in front of the other, before they all shot both out and upward, spreading as they rose far into the sky, only to dissipate soundlessly.

“Perfect,” Eliza said warmly, glancing at me. “I’m very happy to see she’s as competent as you said, as opposed to you being bias due to your relationship.”

I scoffed. “It would be too dangerous to bring her along, if she wasn’t competent.”

“Pretty sure I would have been a Fire Specialist,” Mel commented. “If not for my weapon unlocking the Battlemage Focus.”

“Yes,” Eliza agreed, returning her attention to the Red Oni’s gold eyes. “I believe your assessment is accurate. When we arrive, I intend to teach you a little about how to control your Flame Whip better, and then I’ll have you do an exercise with your Fireball spell, in hopes of getting you to push your limits. We have plenty of Essence Crystals to replenish your energy, and I’d very much like to take the time to ensure you’re at your best.”

“Sounds good to me,” Mel said warmly. “If you can help me get stronger even just a little, I’d be eternally grateful. Especially if you can teach me how to control my Flame Whip to capture things.”

“Capture and burn,” Eliza agreed. “Wouldn’t want to use it on a person.”

Mel’s gold eyes widened at that, only for her to laugh as she glanced at me. “You mean you can’t use your Lightning Chains to tie Allie up?” she said playfully.

Eliza gave me an affectionate look, her amethyst eyes tender. “No, I would have to resort to normal chains for that.”

“Hey now,” I retorted, holding up my hands. “We’ve got a job to do. Let’s not tie up anyone.”

Mel and Eliza both laughed, and even Val cracked an adorable smile, though she still seemed a little off, like she was truly stressed, her delicate tan shoulders a little tense. But then again, maybe she was uncomfortable after riding in the wagon all night. I wouldn’t normally think that, given that she grew up on a farm, but maybe she had a kink in her neck or something causing her pain.

Of course, Sylvia’s expression didn’t really change, but I could tell in the blonde elf’s icy blue eyes that she was mostly content right now.

Celestine spoke up again over her shoulder. “They must have seen the fire spell. A couple of the Guard are coming out to greet us on steeds.”

“Very good,” Eliza replied. “But that means we’ll have to be careful now. Please remember that I am your Queen, and that Allister is simply a human healer who has shown himself competent.”

“As you wish, my Queen,” Celestine replied.

“What about Astaer?” Mel wondered, focusing down at the older brunette sister sleeping kind of curled up in front of me, her gorgeous tan face partially hidden by her rich brown hair, her head resting on her bent arm.

“Let her be for now,” Eliza replied. “She’s obviously exhausted if she has not roused from our discussion. And she’ll need to be alert when she leads us to where the Arakna’cabra appeared.”

Celestine tensed slightly at that, but didn’t respond.

We all fell silent then as the two Elf Guard approached on horseback, with Eliza deciding to carefully climb over me and sit up with Celestine, so that she might be seen upright and poised once they arrived. And sure enough, they noticed her and both placed their hands over their hearts, even as they slowed down and had their horses turn around, ready to ride beside us just as we began passing.

“My Queen,” one of the men began. “We are honored to have you grace us with your presence. Is it true that you intend to fight this demon yourself?”

“Yes,” Queen Eliza said firmly. “And I am led into battle by a competent and powerful human healer, Allister Rosengard, who has the power to cure the incurable bite of the Arakna’cabra. Together, with this team he has assembled, we will defeat both this Flesh Collector, as well as the one spotted to the west of here.”

“My Queen,” both men said in sync, their tones slightly different, only for an awkward pause to ensue. The second one sounded like he was honoring her with his words, while the first one seemed like he wanted to say more.

“Speak,” Eliza commanded, being fully accustomed to the different implications of tones.

“This healer,” the first man said hesitantly. “He can truly cure the cursed?”

“Yes, he can,” she said firmly.

Celestine spoke up. “I’d been bitten,” she blurted out. “He saved me from the clutches of death.”

“And how far had you progressed?” the man asked.

“I was nearly dead,” Celestine replied seriously. “Why?”

“A young boy was found this morning just after sunrise,” he explained. “Everyone has prepared for your arrival, but morale is low. The boy is near death, and another is missing.”

I finally spoke up. “Bring him to me,” I demanded, causing both tall elven men to focus on me in the wagon. “Go now,” I added firmly. “Go ahead of us and bring him, even if he looks dead. Hurry.”

Both men looked to the Queen, as if for permission.

“Do as he says,” she commanded. “For it is Allister Rosengard giving you a command.”

Both of them looked alarmed at that statement, only for the two to abruptly give their steeds the command to run at full speed, a slight hope to their expressions, the two taking off toward the outpost which was already close enough that I could see it clearly.

A handful of minutes later, by the time the Guards reached the main entrance, we could already hear them yelling out to bring the boy, their tones urgent. They were already shouting that the great healer, Allister Rosengard, was here and might save the child.

Within a few minutes, a group of people had begun gathering right at the front, between two stone buildings that likely marked the Guard stations. This village wasn’t large or condensed enough to have walls around all of it, but there were a few spots where either a wall or building served as a barrier.

Eliza focused back at me. “Do you need anything, Mr. Rosengard?” she asked, intentionally being more formal with me as a nonverbal reminder of the facade we must put on.

I shook my head. “So long as he is still hanging on to life, I should be able to heal him. My essence is recovered, so I might only need one Crystal to restore the cost.”

She nodded. “Very well. Then switch with Sylvia and prepare to get out the moment we stop.”

“Will do,” I replied, only to hesitate. “My Queen,” I added with a grin.

Eliza rolled her amethyst eyes. “Be good now, lest I have to adopt you, instead of marry you.”

Huh?” Mel and Celestine said in sync.

“It was a joke,” Eliza attempted, quickly trying to move on. “Now, be ready.”

I nodded, focusing on Sylvia to see that she was already readjusting her posture so that I could slip past her, only for her to speak to me apologetically.

“You’ll have to forgive me, Allister,” Sylvia said seriously. “But for the sake of appearances, I’ll resume treating you how I did. There are many who know me to not be friendly toward men, and it might bring undesired suspicion if I am too friendly with you.”

“That’s alright,” I replied, carefully slipping between her and Mel to get at the back. “I kind of always found your bitchy attitude to be a little hot anyway.”

Sylvia’s icy blue eyes widened in shock, and Eliza burst out laughing.

The blonde’s icy gaze then narrowed. “The next time I allow you to enjoy me, you’ll pay for that comment.”

I grinned. “Really looking forward to it,” I said sincerely.

She sighed, rolling her eyes.

I focused on Val then, just in time to see a discomfort in her purple gaze, before she straightened up a little when she saw that I was paying attention. She then forced a smile, prompting me to look her over briefly.

Damn, her thighs were so ridiculously thick, mostly muscle even though she had enough fat to keep the definition smooth, just as her tits were beyond enormous with firm juicy fat, all while her wide hips somehow seamlessly tapered in to her thin waist and overall smaller torso. As if the heaven’s themselves had sewn together the thin delicate top half of a normal human girl, with the thick juicy bottom half of a full-blooded Holstaur.

Out of all the women in the wagon, she was by far the one who filled me with the most lust upon a simple glance, especially due to her tits, yet she was also the one I’d spoken the least to in the last day, largely because she was content to remain quiet as she listened.

But now it was obvious there was something truly bothering her, and I couldn’t tell if it was physical or emotional.

“Hey Val,” I commented, wanting to be careful to not point out that something seemed wrong in front of everyone.

“Yes, master?” she said in surprise.

“So much has happened, that we haven’t really gotten a chance to talk. And last time I really spoke to you was basically a year ago when I was at your farm.” I paused, nodding toward Mel and Eliza. “Since there’s going to be a little teaching going on, I’d like to go on a walk with you, just so we can catch up.”

She nodded. “Oh, of course, master. I would actually appreciate that. There’s been something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”

I was surprised to hear that. “Sure,” I agreed, focusing back toward the front, knowing we were getting really close now. “Maybe we can do that before our meal?” I asked more generally, directing my words toward Eliza.

The Queen glanced back at me. “Perhaps that will be best,” she agreed. “I intend to give a speech, and I think it might have the ideal effect if I give it after we’ve eaten, and are about to depart.”

“Okay, then maybe soon after I heal this kid, I’ll try to sneak off with her. If the crowd will let me.”

She nodded, now grimacing slightly. “I just hope we aren’t too late,” she said more quietly, now that we were almost upon the end of the stone road. “If the boy is already dead then…” Her voice trailed off.

I understood her concern. The people would certainly be understanding if I couldn’t heal the kid, since they’d assumed that it wouldn’t be possible anyway, but we had just given them a glimmer of hope, and if that hope died out then surely morale would plummet. Because even if I could heal this ailment, they’d still lost one of their own, a child no less.

Thus, as the wagon began slowing down, I climbed over the back board to stand on the wooden ledge, preparing myself to step down the moment I was able. The crowd that had gathered was large enough that we’d already passed a few people, all of them elves as was more common this far north, with Eliza speaking up just as we came to a stop.

“Set him down right there,” she commanded, only to speak to me. “To the right,” she added, likely assuming that I hadn’t seen who had the boy within the crowd.

Stepping down, I quickly rushed to the right side, thankful that the tall elven folk were parting for me to get to the boy they’d set on the ground, a brunette elf who looked similar in age to Astaer and Celestine, only with pale skin and brown eyes, clasping her hands as if in prayer as she knelt beside him while focusing up at me, her rosy cheeks puffy from her tears.

But I ignored her, quickly trying to assess the physical appearance of the boy, hoping it wasn’t too late.

But it was really bad.

Was I too late?


FEEDBACK: This chapter is obviously more of a transition / setup chapter for the next few chapters, and overall plot. But any thoughts, concerns, likes/dislikes?

Can you guess why Val is uncomfortable?


Chapter 16 >>



This chapter, while great, is making me want more of this story as opposed to IDH. You always know where to place your cliffhangers, Kaizer. Maybe you can speed up the release of Chapter 16, and make us wait another week before going back to IDH? Love your work either way!

Rob Thiebeau

I know when these are supposed to come out and I get emailed.. still check for CH just in case...


I would guess Val is coming into her heat and that their race doesn't get many opportunities to procreate


I love the stories, just wished you would have told us what happens to boy since we only get one chapter a month of this, but overall loved it

Johnny Galt

No chapter title for this one?


Glad to see another chapter for this series.

Patrick Briley

Curse you and these damn cliffhangers! Keep up the wonderful storytelling.

Christopher Miller

Nice character building chapter. Loved all the little touches of fleshing out the cast. Even stuff like Sylvia being "bitchy" gets Allie hot 😋 Not sure we have enough info to accurately guess Val's issue. But the ideas so far have been hilarious to hot. I mean, in heat, in need of milking, etc.

Christopher Miller

Well, just to make clear on what I mean, hilarious equals very amusing and/or very funny. Ridiculous in my way of thinking is farcical, absurdist, and to over the top to be taken seriously. I was commenting on the speculating here in the comments, not on the events in the story. The idea that Val is lactating and needs relief is pretty amusing. But since she isn't preggers, much less given birth yet, though funny I can't take serious. Although, the thought of Celestine and Astaer nursing on her massive tits simultaneously does evoke a certain reaction from me👿 The thought that holstaur biology might be driving her into heat also gets my thoughts going in an equally naughty direction 😍

Carter del Rosario

I originally started reading this story just for something to do between IDH chapter realeases, but I am quickly becoming a bigger fan of this story. Keep up the good work and I’m really looking forward to the next chapter!


Good catch. I think someone else had pointed that out, but I only changed it in the document on my computer, and forgot to change it here too. My bad! Thanks!


Thx for the chapter and the previous ones 👍👏👏 As for Val’s ailment/discomfort, maybe she has already milk …