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March 6, 2022

PLOT: Really hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 

The next few chapters are going to be a bit on the steamier side, and then the main plot will progress.

This chapter begins with a bit of a summary of recent events (it's not too long).


<< Chapter 75 | Ch 1 (Book 1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5)


--- BOOK 6 ---

- CHAPTER 76: Bonding -


I laid on the living room couch with the blue-haired Natalie sleeping peacefully on my chest, completely passed out and unconscious, feeling like I could finally relax and truly rest, even though a part of me seemed to be aware of my surroundings at all times.

More than that, a part of me felt far away, my thoughts on the sexy succubus I’d spent so much time with the previous evening, even though most of my unconscious attention was simply on the noises surrounding the house.

Honestly, for a time, it almost felt like I was with Miriam, despite the fact that I was undoubtedly lying in my own home, with the goth magazine model resting contently on my chest.

But as I continued to rest, I also slowly began to find my thoughts wandering slightly, as if in the place of dreams, slowly recollecting both the good and the bad that had happened in the last few days, noting how bizarre it was that such wild extremes had happened in such a short period of time.

After all, it had only been last night that a literal werewolf horde attacked Miriam’s mansion. It had only been last night that I fought side-by-side with a powerful vampire, only to seal him away, while allowing his blonde charge to be free of such a fate.

More than that, we’d discovered that the blonde vamp had a curse placed on her that resulted in bleeding when she drank blood, which would normally be a death sentence, only for me to offer my own blood in hopes it might save her.

It did save her.

And then, I completed my promise with the blue-haired Rockstar chick, who was cursed to suffer an agonizing transformation once a month that turned her into a literal nightmare of a monster. I gave Natalie some of my blood, injected directly into her bloodstream, and it both broke her werewolf curse and made her somewhat like me.

After all that, I was exhausted.

Miriam felt like it was important for everyone to maintain appearances, especially since I might have a looming threat on my life -- indicated by the mystery stone and the fact that a creature like me even existed -- so both Serenity and Gabriella went to work while I was still waiting for Natalie to finish changing in response to my blood.

However, after everything that happened, I didn’t want to spend all day at Miriam’s mansion.

The short succubus and I had sort of jumped right into a very serious relationship, and combined with how addicting she could be, I knew it would be wise to get a break from her. Never mind the fact that I needed to rest.

Thus, Mrs. Rebecca then drove me and Natalie home, and here I now rested on the couch, the busty redheaded MILF contently watching over us as we slept.

However, when there was a knock on the front door, I heard Mrs. Rebecca get up and check out the window, only to rush over when a key was inserted into the top lock.

She quickly unlocked both the doorknob and deadbolt, causing the person on the other side to withdraw the key.

Mrs. Rebecca then opened the door.

“Oh,” a mature woman said in surprise. “Hello. You aren’t Gabriella’s mother, are you? I saw the black car, but didn’t realize you were over.”

“Yep, that’s me,” Rebecca replied warmly. “And you must be Michelle and Avery.”

A small part of me was surprised that Avery had stayed home from school after all, but it wasn’t enough to rouse me from my deep relaxing slumber.

“Oh, umm. Yes.” Michelle paused. “Sorry to intrude.”

Mrs. Rebecca scoffed at that. “If you have a key to the house, then clearly you’re more welcome than I am. Please come in.” She lowered her voice. “Although try to keep it down. Kai is asleep on the couch.”

“Of course,” Michelle agreed, stepping through the door, followed by another set of footsteps.

Mrs. Rebecca continued, her voice still low. “Really, I should be the one apologizing. I didn’t mean to just stand there like that. I was just surprised you’re both so beautiful. I’m used to being the prettiest woman in the room, so it took me off guard.”

Michelle laughed at that, only for a youthful voice to shush her, prompting Michelle to apologize.

“Sorry honey.”

“It’s fine,” Avery whispered. “I just don’t want you to wake him up. He’s really tired.” Her tone was matter-of-fact, as if she had personal knowledge about how exhausted I was.

“Of course, sweetie.”

“Here,” Mrs. Rebecca chimed in. “Maybe we can talk in the kitchen.” She began walking, only to continue as a single set of footsteps followed her. “It’s my understanding that Kai made you both different, and that you’re pretty much aware of everything going on, correct?”

Michelle’s voice was quiet as she took a seat in the other room. “Oh, umm, yeah. Kind of crazy this werewolf thing turned into such a huge deal. I’m glad everyone is safe, but Avery and I were up almost all night with worry. We just woke up an hour ago.”

“I didn’t even know about it,” Mrs. Rebecca admitted. “Not until after it was over.”

“Oh, well we were over here yesterday, and met Natalie then. And really, had Serenity not kind of kept us in the loop, then we might not have known either.”

Mrs. Rebecca responded, but my subconscious focused on the comforting presence moving into the living room and stopping just as she came into sight of me and Natalie sleeping together on the couch. Avery was quiet for what felt like a long time, before turning back around and moving into the kitchen.

Michelle and Rebecca’s conversation had moved to other topics, but Michelle spoke up when Avery entered the room.

“Everything alright, honey?” she asked sincerely.

Avery took a seat at the table before responding. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just wish Kai and I didn’t have to wait. I think he’s had sex with everyone except for me at this point.”

“Oh honey,” Michelle replied. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I don’t mind. And I’m really happy it’s working out well between you and him. I just wish I didn’t have to wait is all.”

Rebecca chimed in. “Why do you have to wait?” she asked in confusion.

Michelle spoke up. “She’s worried about transforming at school. They have several classes together, and she’s concerned that the memories of them being together will be too much.”

Surprisingly, Mrs. Rebecca’s tone sounded skeptical. “Is that the only reason?” she wondered, sounding like she was asking Avery.

Michelle shifted in her chair, as if she was angling more toward Avery as well.

The younger blonde finally spoke up. “It’s…it’s not the only reason.”

Michelle sounded concerned. “Is it something you don’t want me to know?”

“No, of course not,” Avery replied reassuringly. “It’s just that…” Her voice trailed off.

Rebecca spoke up again. “You want to wait for penetration? Or for other stuff too, like oral or even just kissing?”

There was a long silence, the younger blonde not responding, her heart rate elevated.

“Was that too much?” Mrs. Rebecca asked in concern.

“N-No,” Avery stammered, only to take a deep breath. “I know we need to talk about this kind of stuff. And I still want to be involved. The other night was amazing.”

“What happened the other night?” Rebecca wondered.

Michelle spoke up. “Serenity and I took turns seducing our cute young man in the recliner, while we all pretended to watch a couple of movies.”

“Oh, that’s creative,” Rebecca mused. “And really hot.”

Michelle made an amused noise. “It was extremely hot, especially since he didn’t expect it the first time, and the second time he thought it would be Gabriella sitting in his lap, so we surprised him again.” She then sighed in contentment, sounding like she was reliving the memory. “I’ve never felt so alive in my entire life. And apparently he loved it so much that he wants to do it every night. He asked Serenity if we could all dress sexy, so he doesn’t know who is going to be sitting in his lap for the movie.”

Avery spoke up. “And I really want to be there for that,” she emphasized.

“Of course honey,” Michelle agreed.

The younger blonde sighed. “Yeah, but it’s not much of a guess if he knows it’ll be two out of three every night.”

“Well, I don’t want to impose,” Rebecca interjected. “But I’d really like to participate in that too.”

“Oh,” Michelle replied. “Yes, of course.” She paused. “I mean, it’s not really my place to say yes, but I can’t imagine anyone not loving that idea.”

“Wonderful,” Mrs. Rebecca replied warmly. “And yes, I think that both Serenity and Gabriella will be thrilled about the idea too.” She paused. “Is that alright with you, cutie?”

“Yes,” Avery squeaked.

Rebecca laughed softly. “You’re really fond of him, aren’t you?”

“Very fond,” Avery agreed.

“So then, can I ask again why you want to wait? There’s no judgment here.”

Avery gulped audibly. “Well, there’s sort of two reasons, not counting being around him at school.”

“And what’s that, sweetie?” Rebecca prompted.

She sighed heavily. “Well, probably the biggest reason is because…” She sighed again. “I stopped taking my birth control, and I’m pretty sure I’m in my window.” She paused, only to quickly continue. “Not that I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant with his child, but I just feel like it would be too soon. I’d like it to be more of a planned thing, maybe in a few years, and I want to make sure it’s what he wants too.”

“Oh honey,” Michelle replied. “That’s completely understandable, and very responsible of you, but why did you stop taking your birth control medicine? And when?”

She sighed. “A couple of months ago. I pretty much stopped having periods when I started running a lot more for track, and finally just stopped taking my medicine. But I started cramping yesterday and I always used to get small cramps when I’m in my window and about to ovulate.”

“Is it because of the situation with your father?” Michelle unexpectedly wondered.

Avery took a deep breath. “Umm, sort of. It just really shocked me that he was cheating on you, and for a while I stopped taking care of myself. Didn’t shave for like two weeks, stopped taking my medicine, and I started eating more. I barely even showered. But then Kai started giving me looks at school like he knew something was wrong, and while I liked the attention, I didn’t want that kind of attention. So I pulled myself together, but just kind of forgot the birth control. Didn’t even think it mattered anyway, since I’ve never had sex.” She sighed. “Was not anticipating to end up in his life so abruptly.”

Mrs. Rebecca spoke up again. “I’m sorry for prying, sweetie. I didn’t realize there was a more serious reason. I can sort of tell when others have certain preferences, and I just wanted to help you get it out.”

“No, it’s fine,” Avery replied. “And yeah, there’s kind of another reason too, but it’s embarrassing, so I’d rather not share right now. Either way, it’s probably not safe for me to have sex for at least a week, since I’m not entirely confident I did ovulate already, and I really don’t want to chance it with condoms.”

“That’s very understandable,” Mrs. Rebecca agreed. “And I think Kai will be very understanding too. However, I think it might be important for you to share that with him yourself. To explain why you really want to wait, and let him know what you are okay with. Such as kissing, or even oral sex.”

“I…I would tell him,” Avery replied. “I just haven’t really gotten a chance to talk to him alone.”

“Oh,” Michelle replied simply, only for everyone to fall silent.

Mrs. Rebecca spoke up, changing the subject. “Well, Michelle, I’d very much like to get to know you better. Do you think you’d be interested in going out for some coffee? Or maybe even lunch? That way we can leave Avery here alone with Kai and Natalie, and maybe give them a chance to talk.”

“Yes, that sounds like a great idea,” Michelle agreed. “Ever since Kai changed me, I’ve actually been really hungry nonstop, so I wouldn’t mind lunch.”

“Perfect,” Rebecca agreed, only to speak to the younger blonde. “Is that alright with you, sweetie? Do you think you can share with that other girl here?”

Avery hesitated, like she wasn’t sure if she understood the busty redhead correctly. “Umm, y-yeah,” Avery agreed. “She seems cool, and I don’t think she’d mind if Kai and I spoke alone.”

“Perfect,” Rebecca repeated, only to sound like she was checking her phone. “Well, if you’re ready Michelle, then I am. We can take my car if you want.”

“Sure,” Michelle agreed, standing up. “Let me just use the bathroom really fast, and we can go. Really looking forward to getting to know you better,” she added.

“Me too,” Rebecca replied warmly.

Michelle went ahead and quietly made her way up the stairs then, aiming to use the upstairs bathroom, only for it to sound as if Mrs. Rebecca had gotten up too…followed by her sitting down again in another chair.

Avery sounded flustered. “M-Mrs. Watson?” she stammered.

“Rebecca, please dear. Or Mrs. Rebecca if you want.” She paused. “I can see why Gabby is so interested in you. And as it turns out, you’ve got my flavor of kinks too.”

Avery squeaked.

“Michelle and I are going to spend some time getting to know each other, and afterward we might just go ahead and get a bit more…umm, comfortable…with each other, as well. So that we can spend some time with our cute man together, and give him a good show. It’s something I feel confident he wants.” She paused when Avery gulped loudly. “Do you think that’s something he wants?” Rebecca then asked.

“Y-Yes,” Avery barely managed.

“Keep that in mind while we’re gone, okay cutie?”

There was a pause. “O-Okay,” she whispered.

“Wonderful.” Unexpectedly, there was the sound of a noisy kiss, followed by a ragged breath. Rebecca continued, her tone a little seductive, not sounding out of breath at all. “And here soon, I’ll take you out to get to know you better too, alright?” She paused. “Oh wow, you look really cute like that. Do your lips and eyelids always turn white?”

“Y-Yes,” Avery squeaked.

“Hmm, I can’t wait to see what Michelle looks like.” She then made an amused noise as she stood back up. “Have fun while we’re gone, and make sure it counts.”

“B-But he’s still asleep,” Avery whispered. “I don’t want to wake him up.”

“That’s alright, sweetie. We have lots to talk about, so we can stay out for a few hours. Or even longer, if needed. Do you know how to cook? Maybe you can wake him up with lunch in an hour. I heard he loved Gabby’s enchiladas.”

“Oh.” Avery paused. “Umm, yeah, I could do that.”

“Perfect,” Mrs. Rebecca cooed. “Then we’ll be back later,” she added, sounding like she bent over to give Avery a tight hug.

Avery didn’t respond, her heart racing again, and about a minute later, Michelle came back down from the bathroom. They all exchanged quiet goodbyes, and then headed out the door, the two busty women already beginning to talk warmly to each other as they got into the redhead’s car to head off to grab lunch.

It was then quiet for what felt like a long time, my mind wandering to the distant sounds outside.

The next thing I noticed inside the house was the sound of something sizzling on a skillet…or maybe the sizzle was actually coming from inside the oven. Was she cooking chicken in the oven? And then I smelled chopped up peppers too, as well as heated up refried beans. Followed by the smell of sour cream.

The oven opened, the chicken was chopped up, a bag of tortillas was opened. And then soon after, another dish was placed in the oven, all the ingredients beginning to fill the air with mouthwatering aromas. It then sounded like Avery turned the oven off, and took the food out.

But I still didn’t rouse.

Instead, someone else began to rouse.

After a while, it sounded like Avery walked into the room and sat down on the low coffee table right in front of the couch, next to my head. A few seconds later, Natalie groaned, only to sigh heavily.

She then sounded a little alarmed. “Oh. Umm, hi. I didn’t know you came over.”

Surprisingly, Avery’s tone sounded normal.

More than normal, she sounded like her usual self, the version of her that I was used to seeing at school, with no hint of shyness at all. The ‘confident Avery,’ who only seemed a little shy when she was interacting with me.

“Yeah, Mrs. Rebecca was here too. She brought you two home.”

“Oh shit, I must have been really out of it. I vaguely remember getting here, but I was so tired that I didn’t even realize who was with us.”

“Yeah, sounds like last night was a nightmare.” She paused. “And how are you doing? Are you…I mean, are you okay now?”

Natalie sighed heavily, her hand beginning to rub my bare arm. Her tone was more husky than normal, sounding very much like a screamo chick who was hoarse from her performances. “Umm, yeah. Pretty sure he broke my curse. I sort of…well, I sort of woke up earlier and started transforming, and it really freaked me out, but it didn’t hurt.”

“What did you change into?” Avery wondered hesitantly, sounding like she was super curious but afraid of getting yelled at for asking.

“Oh, no, I stopped it. Trust me, werewolves are nothing like you’re imagining. They are super ugly. I’m super ugly when I’m transformed.”

“Sorry,” Avery said sincerely.

“No, you’re fine. I’m sorry for biting your head off yesterday when you thought it was cool that I was a werewolf. I’m really not a bitch normally, but that was just a sore spot for me.”

Avery didn’t respond, probably giving a nonverbal cue like a head nod, and the two of them fell silent.

Natalie then spoke up hesitantly. “Hey, umm…are you okay with this? I’m sort of just laying on your guy.”

“What? No, that’s alright.” She paused. “I mean, you’re sort of with him now too, right?”

“Umm, yeah. I suppose I am. But I mean, I know you’ve had a thing for him for like forever, right? I basically just met him.”

“That’s okay. I’m just really happy to be in his life. And I’m perfectly fine with sharing if you are.”

Natalie laughed at that. “Kind of have to share.” She then sighed. “Hey, I know this is probably awkward, but figured it’d be easier to ask you.”

“What’s that?” Avery wondered.

“Well, I mean, I’m assuming you’ve all had sex together, so I was kind of wondering if you could give me an idea of what to expect. Like, is it just a huge orgy where everyone fucks? Is it more like you put on a show for him? Or is it more like he fucks one of you, while everyone else watches and…” Her voice trailed off. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. Is that wrong?”

“N-No,” Avery stammered. “I mean, we haven’t had sex like that yet, but we probably are going to soon.” She took a ragged breath. “Right now, we’ve been doing more of the whole ‘everyone watches’ thing. Or I guess, ‘everyone listens,’ since we pretended to watch a couple of movies when we did it.”

Natalie let out a long sigh. “Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is awkward to talk about.”

Avery laughed. “No, it’s not just you.” She paused. “I think Serenity finds it a little awkward too. Honestly, probably Gabriella and Mrs. Rebecca are the only two who don’t seem to have a problem talking about it. But I know we need to talk about it, and keep talking about it as things progress.” She lowered her voice. “Gabriella plans on making threesomes a pretty regular thing, so I guess you can expect that to happen soon.”

“Oh,” Natalie replied simply.

“Err, unless you’re not into that kind of thing. I didn’t mean you, specifically, had to be ready, just that it’s something you could expect to see happen.”

“No, I understood, and umm…” She paused. “I mean, I’m okay with that.”

“You are?” Avery said in surprise.

“I mean, yeah. Aren’t you?”

“Umm, yeah, it’s just…” Her voice trailed off, only for her to sigh heavily. “Guess no point in being embarrassed about it. I sort of stopped taking my birth control and I think I’m ovulating, or about to, so I can’t really have sex with him right now. Don’t want to risk condoms. Which means I’m kind of out of the picture right now. Observer only.”

“Oh,” Natalie repeated. “But you can still do oral, and you can fuck a girl, right?”

Avery didn’t respond, her heart suddenly racing.

“S-Sorry,” Natalie quickly said. “I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

“N-No, I’m not upset.” Avery gulped, sounding out of breath. “I just…the way you said that, sounded like…”

“Oh. Well, I guess I sort of was offering, since I kind of figured we were all going to end up being intimate with each other at some point. Figured you seemed pretty cool, and if I was going to do it with someone, then you’d be a good pick.”

“Oh, umm, I think you’re really cool too.”

Natalie hesitated. “I bet you’re not normally shy, are you? Just with this kind of thing.”

Avery cleared her throat. “Umm, yeah. Not normally, but this stuff makes me really embarrassed. What about you?”

Natalie sighed. “I don’t know. I’ve sort of had a lot of experiences in the last year, so I guess I’m not shy about this kind of thing, now that I’ve accepted that it’s going to happen. If anything, I think I’m sort of looking forward to it.” She paused, seeming to clarify. “Not at first, I wasn’t. Even after he and I fucked, I felt kind of embarrassed to have the others around while I was naked. They didn’t watch, but they showed up toward the end,” she clarified. “But you all seem really nice, and I’d like to have a sexual experience that was all positives for once.”

“Me…me too,” Avery agreed.

They were then both quiet for a minute, with that silence beginning to drag on longer and longer.

And longer, as if they were just holding each other’s gaze.

Natalie finally spoke up. “You know, umm…you’re really pretty.”

Avery’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I think you are too. Really sexy.”


Avery cleared her throat. “I, umm, sort of always thought that girls who dye their hair bright colors, and like, wear dark clothing and such, are really hot.” She paused. “Although, it was more of an appreciation of their appearance before.” She sighed. “Prior to recently, never really thought about being with anyone other than Kai.”

“So, I’m your type then?” Natalie wondered.

“Umm, yeah. You and Gabriella, in particular, kind of do it for me.”

“Cool,” she replied. “Cuz I sort of have a thing for blondes, and even more so when a chick has tan skin and platinum hair. Kind of like you do now.”

Avery gulped audibly.

“I kind of like this,” Natalie commented.

“Which part?”

“Just being able to talk about it. And I like the tension. You like me, and I like you, at least superficially. And you seem really cool.” She paused. “Plus, it smells like you made lunch, and that’s like a hundred points in my book.”

Avery laughed. “Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells. Do you want me to bring you a plate? Looks like Kai has a pretty tight hold on you. Or do you want to try getting up?”

Natalie hesitated. “Not to be a pain, but do you think you’d be okay with feeding me?”

“Oh.” She paused. “Yeah, I can do that.”

Natalie continued. “It’s just, I can sense he’s pretty out of it right now, but I think he really will wake up if I try to get off. And I don’t want to inconvenience him. Out of everyone, he’s definitely earned some decent rest.”

“No, that’s okay.” Avery stood up. “I don’t mind at all.”

Natalie didn’t respond, and the blonde returned after about a minute, sitting down with a plate, beginning to cut the enchilada up into pieces. She then carefully gave Natalie a bite, prompting the blue-haired vixen’s entire body to relax as she chewed.

“Oh shit,” she said with a mouthful. “This is so good.”

“Yeah?” Avery said warmly.

Natalie didn’t respond right away, accepting another bite, and swallowing much faster this time.

“Yeah, it’s amazing. Please keep it coming.”

Avery giggled. “With pleasure.”

The blue-haired vixen opened her mouth for another bite, not saying anything this time, only to open her mouth for another a few seconds later, with them both beginning to pick up the pace until the first enchilada was almost gone. Then, the pace slowed down a little, and the aura in the room began to shift.

Natalie felt tense again.

She spoke up after swallowing her most recent bite. “You’re kind of turning me on right now,” she whispered.

“Me too,” Avery responded just as quietly.

Natalie then seemed kind of surprised. “I actually think I’m kind of wet.”

“M-Me…me too,” Avery stammered.

“Oh, sorry. I was saying that because normally I don’t get wet, even if I’m really horny. It’s a werewolf thing. But I guess maybe I’m a little different now. Maybe I’m more like a normal person again.”

Avery seemed stunned. “You mean you were dry when you and Kai had sex?”

“Yeah, but it felt good. Amazing, honestly. Again, it’s a werewolf thing. And even now, I’m not like wet like when I was a normal person. But it just feels a little different before, like maybe I could have sex normally now.”

“Oh, well, that’s good.”

Natalie cleared her throat, her tone suddenly suggestive and seductive. “Granted, doesn’t matter too much if I’m having sex with a girl.”

Avery made a cute noise.

“Want to?” she wondered bluntly. “We could wake him up by messing around a little, just touching and stuff. And then, once he does wake up, we could all three fuck together.”

Avery gulped loudly, her heart racing. “Umm, okay. Although, I should probably check with Serenity and Gabriella.” She swallowed noisily again. “D-Don’t want them to have an issue with it.”

“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.”

It was quiet again for a few seconds as Avery got out her phone and sent a couple of messages. Her heart was racing even more as the first response came about half a minute later.

Avery sounded out of breath. “Okay, Serenity said to do whatever makes him happy.” She paused when her phone vibrated a second time. She then sounded really flustered. “A-And Gabriella just wants me to tell her all the details when she gets off work.”

“Sounds like they’re okay with it then,” Natalie pointed out.

“Umm, yeah. H-How should we start?”

“Take off your shirt and bra, and then kiss me. I really want to know what those pale lips taste like.”

Avery swallowed loudly, before hesitantly doing so, only for her to slowly lean into me as she lowered her face to my chest, her large bare D-cup tits touching my arm.

The first kiss was quiet, but then they both took shaky breaths and then moved in for a deeper kiss that quickly became louder, especially when they both started to moan softly.

“Yeah, I could definitely get use to this,” Natalie whispered. “A threesome with you is going to be so hot.”

Avery whimpered this time, as they resumed their passionate kissing, their breathing becoming heavier and heavier, Natalie’s legs beginning to squirm the more passionate they grew. After a few minutes, the blue-haired vixen broke away again.

“Hey, I think he’s getting hard. Do you want to kiss him while I suck on his nipple?”

Avery whimpered again, and then moved a little higher to begin resting her lips on my cheek, her whole body beginning to tremble as she gently planted little kisses on my skin. At the same time, a pressure developed on my nipple, with an unmistakable sensation of wetness accompanying it, feeling like a tongue was probing, lips sucking.

When Avery’s lips finally reached the corner of mine, I groaned, sucking in a sharp breath.

Avery immediately pulled away, and then cleared her throat, sounding like she was trying to be brave. “Good morning, sleepy head. Do you want to have a threesome with me and Natalie?”

With my eyes still closed, my entire body stiffened when I began to fully register all the sensations going on around me -- everything from how Natalie’s body felt against me, her thigh pressed into my hard cock, to the realization that it felt like Avery’s exposed D-cup tits were pushing up against my arm.

And then, as if I was beginning to recall a foggy dream, I began to comprehend everything that happened while I was asleep, including the conversation between Rebecca, Michelle, and Avery, as well as the conversation and general interaction that transpired between Natalie and Avery after my two MILFs left the house.

“Oh fuck,” I whispered, taking a deep breath. “You two are turning me on so much right now.”

“Really?” Avery said hopefully.

I nodded, my eyes still closed.

“Only thing is,” Natalie chimed in, releasing my nipple from her lips. “Avery might get pregnant if you fuck her right now, so we need to keep your cock out of her cunt.”

I nodded, my eyes still closed. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I then carefully lifted one arm that had been fully wrapped around Natalie and reached for where I knew Avery’s head was, running my fingers through her white hair and then pulling her lips down to mine.

She whimpered as we kissed, beginning to tremble when I thrust my tongue into her mouth, separating her pale lips in the process.

“Damn, that’s hot,” Natalie whispered, only to go for my nipple again. The sensation sent a spark throughout my chest and down to my gut, causing my whole body to stiffen. She then let go. “Avery, do you have sensitive nipples?” she wondered.

“I…I don’t know,” Avery admitted after pulling away from our kiss.

“Let’s find out,” Natalie replied, her tone mischievous. “Sit up more. Kai you get one, and I’ll get the other.”

I finally opened my eyes just in time to see Avery’s shapely tits come into view, her skin a gentle tan, her areola and nipples a pale hue like her lips. Her toned belly looked so hot from this angle, but I didn’t get to appreciate it long as Avery grabbed her own tit and aimed it right for my face, her black and icy blue gaze full of passion, prompting me to suck her pale nipple in, the moment it hit my lips.

UHH!” Avery exclaimed really loudly.

“Oh shit, that was cute,” Natalie mused, only to lean toward her other tit. I could hear her suck Avery’s nipple in her mouth.

UHHHHHH!” Avery yelled in ecstasy, wrapping one arm around the blue-haired vixen’s head while she grabbed a fistful of my hair to pull me closer. “UH, UH, UH,” she gasped repeatedly with each breath, her entire body tense.

We both just kept sucking, encouraged by her escalating moans.

“Oh my God, you guys,” she finally managed. “Oh shit, I think I’m going to cum.”

Natalie quickly lowered her hand and tugged on Avery’s jeans, causing the button to snap open, even as she continued to suck on the tit in her face, only for her to slip her hand inside.

“Oh Kai. Natalie,” Avery whimpered, grabbing my head tighter, even as the blue-haired vixen rubbed her clit. “Oh Kai, I love you so much, I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you, both of you. Oh shit, thank you so much for sucking on my tits. Oh shit, OH SHIT! UHHHH!”

Her entire body jerked into us as she cummed, beginning to pant like she was suddenly hyperventilating, only to sound emotional.

“Oh shit, that was so good. Oh shit, that felt so fucking good. Mmmm,” she moaned, biting her bottom lip.

I finally let go of her nipple, giving her areolar a peck, before speaking up. “Good, I’m really glad you enjoyed that. Kind of surprised you got there so fast, but I hope you’ll help me feel good too.”

“Oh, of course,” Avery replied, pulling away to focus down on me, her tan face flushed, her black and icy blue eyes affectionate and submissive. “What do you want me to do?”

“I have an idea,” Natalie chimed in, finally beginning to sit up. “Here, Kai can you take off your shorts and sit normally?”

“Sure,” I agreed, more than fine with Natalie taking the lead. If anything, it was a big show of trust between us, allowing her to direct how this sexual experience went, even though we were in a very absolute hierarchy, with me being her alpha. Natalie took the opportunity to pull her sheer black dress up over her head, and then she slipped off her black vinyl thong.

Once I was in position, my cock already leaking, she carefully moved between me and Avery, reaching back for my cock as she sat down on my lap. However, shockingly, unlike before when she was super dry, I was able to begin advancing with much less pressure, even though I still wouldn’t consider her to be exactly wet. And she continued to sink down on my throbbing head, until I was fully buried inside of her, causing her to readjust her legs at my sides and then lean back into my chest with a big deep breath.

“Fuck, this is great,” she groaned, reaching up to rest her hands on my forearms as I wrapped them tightly around her. There was a strong pressure against the head of my cock at first, but after a few seconds, I began to feel it lessen, causing her to begin shifting her weight slightly as I felt my cock go even deeper and deeper.

It was much like before, but when I felt her cervix begin to tighten on me, I was surprised to feel like I might be able to still thrust in and out if I wanted. However, Natalie apparently had other plans, prompted by the sexy platinum-blonde speaking up.

“W-What should I do?” Avery wondered, just kneeling in front of us shirtless, her large tits exposed, her pants still unbuttoned.

Natalie spoke up. “I’ll return the favor, but can you eat me out while we fuck?”

Avery’s entire face flushed as she focused on my cock buried in Natalie, only to swallow hard as she obediently leaned forward between our thighs, reaching up to place her hands on the couch on the sides of our legs.

Natalie reached out with her hands in encouragement, gently grabbing the sides of Avery’s face as she pulled her closer.

“Like I said,” Natalie whispered. “I’ll return the favor. Okay?”

“O-Okay,” Avery said almost inaudibly, before leaning down the rest of the way and burying her face between the blue-haired vixen’s legs, beginning to lick her bare pussy, the platinum-blonde’s tongue going from my shaft up to her clit.

Natalie moaned, beginning to rock gently on my cock as she rubbed my arm with one hand while holding onto Avery’s white hair with the other. “Yeah, such a good bitch,” she whispered.

Avery whimpered.

“Oh, did you like that?” Natalie said louder.

“Mhmm,” Avery replied in the affirmative.

“Then lick my cunt, bitch. Make me cum. And after Kai cums in my pussy, I want you to slurp it all out.” Her tone became almost sarcastic. “You fed me earlier, so feeding you is the least I can do.”

Avery moaned again, growing more fervent and passionate in her licking.

“Yeah, good bitch,” she repeated, beginning to bounce more, only to shift her upper body on my chest to look up at me, her light brown eyes affectionate. “Is this fun for you?” she wondered seductively.

“Very fun,” I agreed, realizing from her gaze that she wanted me to kiss her. Leaning forward, I gently planted my lips on hers, only to meet her tongue with mine as she moaned louder, with me beginning to use my arms to help her bounce on my cock as we made out, our heads now rocking in sync.

Reaching up with one hand, I grabbed one of her modest tits while we kissed, loving the feel of the vinyl bikini top against my skin, enjoying how overall skinny she was in my grasp. I then moved my hand to her belly, feeling her tense repeatedly as she rocked steadily on my shaft, before carefully feeling for her hand on Avery’s head as the platinum-blonde continued to lick and suck her pussy.

Natalie finally broke the kiss to look down.

“Yeah, that feels so good, bitch,” she moaned. “You’re such a good little slut. Oh shit, yeah suck on my clit. Oh shit, that’s so good. Fuck, that feels so good. Oh fuck!” She abruptly leaned her head back again to meet my lips, moaning loudly as she began trying to shift her hips back and forth instead of up and down, shoving her cunt into Avery’s face, only to reach down to grab the platinum-blonde’s head with both hands as she thrust into my classmate’s mouth. “Mmmmm!” she moaned, her entire body jerking in my arms as she got there. “Oh fuck,” she gasped, turning her head away. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. Oh fuck, that was so good. Shit,” she added, finally relaxing.

“My turn?” I said playfully, pecking her on the neck.

“Fuck,” Natalie hissed, only to sigh. “Yeah, go for it. Fill my pussy up with cum so I can feed your little blonde friend here.”

Well shit, I was already horny, but that dirty talk was certainly helping me climb my peak. I wrapped my arms tightly around the vixen’s body as I felt Avery’s tongue more focused on my shaft now, the sensation not inherently doing much for me, but the knowledge that she was urgently trying to kiss and lick me turning me on even more.

“Fuck,” I hissed, already beginning to pulse intense streams of cum deep into this sexy chick’s pussy, shooting my load over and over again. I then sighed heavily, relaxing my arms.

Natalie was breathing really heavy now, as if in response to my cum, her face deeply flushed.

She sounded out of breath when she turned to look up at me. “F-Finished cumming?” Natalie wondered, her tone a little mischievous.

“Oh, umm, yeah,” I replied simply.

She nodded. “Good, because I’ve got a promise to keep.”

I quickly focused on her as she began leaning forward while grabbing Avery’s head more fully again, keeping a hold of the platinum-blonde as she began easing off my cock. She then quickly thrust her pussy right in Avery’s face, quickly pushing forward even more as she slipped one of her legs over the blonde’s shoulder while turning slightly, angling them between the coffee table and couch, only to get the other leg over her shoulder as she pushed Avery down toward the floor.

My classmate was urgently grabbing at Natalie’s ass, her face buried between her legs, as the blue-haired vixen gently laid her right down on the carpet, suddenly sitting on her face, already starting to slide back and forth in order to rub her cunt against her pale lips.

I stared at Avery’s shapely tits now hanging slightly to the sides, her thighs beginning to squirm as she loudly slurped, her semi-panicked confusion rapidly becoming loud moans as she swallowed noisily, drinking my cum out of another woman’s pussy.

“Yeah, I bet that tastes good, doesn’t it, slut?” Natalie moaned, continuing to slide on Avery’s face. She then looked back at me, her expression almost haughty, still sounding a little out of breath. “Well? Are you just going to watch, or are you going to help? I think your girlfriend needs to cum again,” she added, reaching back to briefly grab the platinum-blonde’s knee.

Damn! Natalie was like a goddess in the bedroom!

Granted, we weren’t exactly in a bedroom right now, but still!

Moving to action, I got down on my knees and reached for Avery’s pants, causing her to whimper loudly as I pulled them off, panties and all, and then separated her now squirming legs to go for her pussy. Similar to Gabriella, she wasn’t completely bare down there, but was definitely well trimmed, her pubic hair currently white like her hair, her skin a light tan, her pussy lips having a hint of paleness to them between the folds.

I began with kissing her trembling thighs as I lowered myself to the floor, listening to her continuing to slurp at Natalie’s cunt, her whimpering growing louder as I neared her juicy lips, the anticipation building.

The moment I finally dove in and started full-on servicing her, her thighs immediately tensed on my head, her fingers suddenly raking desperately through my white hair as she licked and slurped loudly at the pussy in her own face.

When Avery cummed only a few seconds later, she practically screamed in ecstasy, the sound muffled by Natalie immediately sitting firmly on her face as the blonde trembled, only for the blue-haired chick to ease up and resume sliding over her mouth a few seconds later. Avery finally relaxed after a minute, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath, but it seemed that Natalie was already going for her own orgasm again, likely from my cum causing her to skyrocket toward another climax, placing one hand on the couch as she bent over slightly, really starting to rub her cunt roughly against Avery’s face.

“Oh fuck, that’s right slut. That’s right bitch. Make me cum again. Make me--Uh!” She moaned loudly as she fell forward onto the floor, her hips still involuntarily thrusting, her firm ass jiggling just slightly as she twitched into the blonde’s face. “Oh fuck, that was good. Shit,” she gasped.

I kissed Avery one last time on the clit, causing her to squeak, only to pull away. “Well, that was fun. But now I have a question for Avery.”

Natalie glanced back at me, her eyes looking like they were nearly spinning, only to lift up her cunt so that I could actually seem my classmate. Avery focused on me from between those sexy thighs, her tone hesitant.

“W-What is it?” she wondered.

“I’m okay with not doing normal sex, but I was wondering if you wanted to try anal?”

Her face flushed, her icy blue eyes hesitant. “Umm, okay.”

“Are you sure?” I asked seriously.

She gulped, only to nod.

“Okay, then both of you flip around.”

Natalie carefully did so, twisting and sitting on her ass, while Avery rolled over onto her stomach, only to get her knees underneath her so she could stick her ass up.

Natalie spoke up. “Oh, yeah, this is a great position for her to eat some more pussy,” she commented, scooting forward and shoving her snatch back into Avery’s face.

My classmate just whimpered, readjusting her arms while getting her ass up higher. My cock was already lubed up, mostly from my own cum after shooting my load in Natalie, so I aimed the tip for Avery’s pale asshole and very gently started putting pressure.

At first, she didn’t say anything, just breathing heavily between Natalie’s thighs, only for her to wince.

“Ouch. It hurts,” she whimpered.

“Should I stop?” I asked seriously.

She sucked in a sharp breath. “No, keep going.”

“You sure?”

“Keep going,” she repeated, shoving her ass backwards a little, causing me to sink in deeper. “Ouch, ouch, ouch,” she repeated, only to start breathing heavily. “Okay, okay. Are you in? I think you’re in.”

“Yep, I’m in.”

“Okay, okay, it still hurts, but it feels good too.”

“You’ve got to try to relax,” Natalie said gently, stroking her white hair. “Take a deep breath, and try to relax.”

Avery did so, only for her tense muscles in her back and shoulders to begin to visibly relax. She then sighed heavily. “Okay, yeah. This is good.” She rocked back on me again, only to sound a little emotional. “Oh Kai, you’re in me. You’re really in me. I’ve wanted this for so long. I can’t believe you’re really in me.”

My tone was gentle as I pulled out a little and then slowly slid back in, going further this time. “Yeah baby, I’m in you. Almost all the way. Feels really good.”

“Feels so good,” she agreed. “Oh, it’s so good. I’m so glad we did this. Oh God, I’m so glad we did this. Please cum in me. I want to feel your cum in my ass.”

Natalie grinned at me. “Well, you heard her. Can’t leave a bitch wanting now, can we?”

I smirked at her, beginning to rock slowly, and then sliding my cock all the way, as deep as it would go while leaning over Avery’s back to grab for one of her tits.

“Uhh,” she moaned, with her shifting her own weight onto one hand, to reach up to cup my hand grasping her. “Oh Kai,” she whimpered. “I’m sorry for making you wait. Please cum in me. Please fuck me.”

I didn’t really feel like she’d made me wait at all, but didn’t comment on it.

Instead, I leaned back again, and grabbed her hips, deciding to do just that, beginning to thrust my cock in and out of her crack, prompting her to begin moaning as she leaned her face into Natalie’s cunt. The sexy vixen immediately leaned back more herself and got her pussy right back in Avery’s face.

“Yeah, taste his cum while he cums in your ass,” she taunted, causing the platinum-blonde to whimper again as she began licking at the juicy lips pressed against her mouth.

It was definitely more than enough stimulation to send me over the edge.

“Shit,” I hissed as I shot my load into her ass.

She immediately reacted.

Mmmm!” Avery moaned loudly, her body visibly flushing as she felt my cum fill her ass up. She then turned her head to the side, her brow furrowed in obvious pleasure. “Oh yes! I can feel your cum! It’s so warm! Oh God, yes! Please! Oh shit you feel so good!”

Natalie giggled, sounding like she thought we were done now. “Damn, that was fun. I’m really glad we did this too.” She focused on me. “But I suppose you probably want lunch now, huh?”

I scoffed, my tone playful, knowing from Avery’s escalating reaction that she was probably going to end up cumming again with almost no stimulation, due to my cum in her ass, which meant Natalie wasn’t done either. “Umm, no I don’t think we’re done yet. If I recall correctly, you promised Avery that you’d ‘return the favor,’ and I think I’d like to find out what cumming in your ass feels like.”

Natalie abruptly gulped.

“Ready to switch places?” I said with a grin, knowing from our bond that my assertiveness actually turned her on. Specifically, because she felt safe.

Both safe and secure in our newfound relationship, especially once I’d defined her as my wife.

She swallowed loudly again. “Umm, yeah. I guess it’s my turn to eat some pussy. And get fucked in the ass.”

“Definitely your turn,” I agreed with a grin.

Pulling out of Avery, the two of them switched places, with Avery moving to sit with Natalie’s face between her legs, my classmate’s adorable face extremely flushed as she watched us intently with her icy blue eyes, while the blue-haired vixen stuck her ass in the air, the head of my cock at her asshole.

Natalie hissed and then immediately started moaning as I sank right in, going as deep as possible.

And with it, I felt something strange in our bond, something I hadn’t been expecting.

Almost a craving for me to take control of her.


To make her do something, anything, to exert my authority and power over her.

Merging our bond closer, slipping that proverbial ring on my finger a little that represented her autonomy, I started to make Natalie desperately begin slurping up the cum leaking out of Avery’s asshole, causing the platinum-blonde to flush intensely as she readjusted her hips more while grabbing the blue-haired model’s head and pulling her in closer.

And even as I pulled away my control again, Natalie continued to obediently and almost desperately give the most passionate rim-job imaginable, as she reached between her own thighs to rub her clit, supporting her weight on one elbow, moaning in ecstasy once I began cumming in her ass.

Avery finally cummed too, both from the visual and anal stimulation, gasping loudly as she roughly shoved her pussy into Natalie’s face.

There was so much passion in the air, so much intensity even now, between all three of us.

But I knew it might be good to be satisfied for now.

Part of me didn’t want to stop, but Natalie was especially messy at this point on both ends, and after the unexpected control I’d exerted, I wanted to make it clear that she was important to me and her well-being still mattered. That she could still trust me.

Thus, after briefly discussing it, we all made our way upstairs to the bathroom together to shower, only to have that to turn into a session of pure intimacy.

All three of us looked at each other with intense longing as we cleaned up together, taking turns underneath the stream of hot water, but sort of making a threesome out of soaping each other up.

My hands were all over both of them as I helped with the body wash and shampoo -- finding intense enjoyment in being able to cup a smaller tit in one hand and a larger fuller tit in the other -- while both of them had their hands on me almost nonstop as I cleaned up.

Once we were done, we then dried off and headed downstairs together, completely naked, eating the lunch Avery had made for us, with Natalie being plenty hungry even though she’d already had some.

It was strange, because out of all the times I’d had sex, I’d never really experienced this sense of affection, passion, and love afterward that continued to linger as if we were still in the act itself.

I mean, not even when I helped Miriam eat her maid out, did this feeling develop so strongly and persist. In a strange way, this felt a lot different.

Although, I had to admit that our hot foursome at the mansion turned into a nightmare when a monster appeared right afterward, so it was possible the passion might have persisted, but we just didn’t get that chance to experience it.

But it was like we were all lovesick, as if there was some kind of strange phenomenon resulting from us all fucking together, making me almost feel like I suddenly had a unique bond specifically shared with these two sexy women.

Rather than individual connections, we’d shared a really special moment together, experienced just between the three of us, and we could all feel it. It wasn’t just a bond between me and Natalie, and me and Avery…it was a bond between all three, as if the strong connection Natalie and I shared suddenly had my classmate squeezed into it too.

Almost like that dream the previous night, when I imagined Avery lying between us, feeling like she was really there, even though I knew she physically wasn’t.

And there was so much passion in both of their eyes.

As they looked at me.

As they looked at each other.

So much passion.

A feeling that wouldn’t seem to dissipate, only growing stronger as the minutes ticked on.

By the time we were finished eating, we were heading upstairs to my room, initially with the intention on taking a nap naked together, only to end up exerting ourselves for another overwhelmingly passionate round in my bed.

Natalie was on her hands and knees, Avery laying on her back as if they were going to do a sixty-nine, with my classmate instead watching intently as I fucked Natalie from behind over her, my cock thrusting in and out of the vixen’s pussy close to Avery’s face…only for us to both to enjoy the platinum-blonde giving us oral in that position once I’d cummed.

We then finally cuddled together in complete and absolute bliss, the two naked women in my arms as we slowly drifted off to sleep.

I couldn’t be happier.

And I was really looking forward to doing this with Serenity and Gabriella next.

FEEDBACK: I feel like someone is going to comment about not liking that Mrs. Rebecca kissed Avery (since Kai hasn't done much with her yet, prior to this chapter), but otherwise did you guys enjoy this chapter?

It was almost 9,000 words, so a much longer one (could almost be two chapters).


Also, as far as the Avery x Rebecca things goes...I'm just telling you right now, that as hot as this chapter was, things are going to get a lot hotter next chapter.

This story is kind of at the point now where all the women are fully aware they are with the same guy and that he is interested in them doing stuff with each other too (with him involved, of course, or at least being aware it's happening).


Chapter 77 >>



Creative Amoeba

Use 'fiancée' for the women rather than 'fiancé'.


That was really hot indeed! Loved the distinctive personalities of each character, and the alchemy between Kai/Avery/Natalie is great! I guess Rebecca sensed Avery's submissiveness, so I'm very interested in seeing where it leads!

Christopher Miller

FINALLY! A proper threesome with his house women 😍🤯 I feel like all of his women share a kind of supernatural bond with him. Avery, Miriam, Gwen and Natalie probably have the strongest connections, but it feels like all of them have some kind of a connection with each other as well, even if it's primarily through him and making him happy. So it really made sense to me that two members of his harem that have the strongest bonds with him fully embraced that in a passionate, kinky three-way where they opened themselves up to a whole new level of intimacy. Also, I have zero issue with Rebecca kissing Avery. No doubt there is sexual component there, but it also felt like there was a maternal acceptance there as well. Like she to was embracing another part of Kai's life, and she was throwing herself into a role of as an accepting and kind mentor. I feel like she would have done the same for Natalie had she been awake. It feels to me like she is launching into a relationship with Michelle as well, but being closer to equals since they are both older and experienced. In short, Rebecca in my view is being nothing but kind, accepting and affectionate. Yes sex is coming, she is a succubus after all, but she is desperate to have a role in this family and not alienate anyone.

Christopher Miller

"Honestly, for a time it almost felt like I was with Miriam." Is Kai developing a bond with Miriam similar to his connection with Avery? If Avery's bond with Kai is as strong as it is because it's been there for years and is more mature could his connection with Miriam be the same, but its strength was jumpstarted by their "soul hug" that happened when Kai died? It just felt random otherwise that he connects to his women while sleeping.


I mean, yeah that's basically what is going on. Kai is very strongly connected to Avery and Miriam at this point, though for slightly different reasons, and so their perspectives 'exist' in the story (the chapters from their perspective), because of Kai having some awareness of what's going on with them while he's asleep.


Agree with the above. It was a nice way to start creating strong positive connections between the women.

Christopher Miller

Also, I'm really looking forward to to the reaction from the rest of the harem, especially Michelle, to the news that Avery's surrendered two of her three V-cards and had a kinky FFM threesome! I had really expected Gabby to be her first FF experience, but makes sense the way it happened. I predicted before they left for Miriam's place that out of all his other women Natalie would be the closest to Michelle and Avery. Though now she's here Rosa also makes sense.


Glad to hear it! And yeah, that is one of Rebecca's talents (knowing what others want sexually).


So I’m really hoping for this to be a story with a more realistic harem than the Wuxia stories I read. Those it is always the man who sleeps with the women and the women are competing for affection. It’s never a true threesome. It’s sex with a woman while another is just there. This threesome was real. The participants were equals and equally taken care of. I hope Kai makes a ruling that his ladies can get with each other without him involved as well. Making it more of a family dynamic instead of “Kai is main boy, no touch without Kai”. That shit is just boring to read.


Well, I can at least say that the social dynamics involved in the threesome in this chapter is basically how all my stories are, when there's such a relationship involved. Everyone is usually an equal, even when they are roleplaying, and they are all taken care of equally.

Christopher Miller

I sorta feel like this was covered after Michelle and Avery got out of the hospital. Basically Kai gave his blessing for the harem to hook up with each other so long as there were no secrets and they let him know about it afterwards. They didn't even need to ask permission before the fact. However only the first four knew about that conversation though.


Man I feel like I've been waiting for the Avery W for ages loved this chapter!!!

Carter del Rosario

Absolutely fantastic! That scene was incredibly sexy. Can’t wait to see what happens when all the women are in the house together, particularly the MILFs. Keep up the good work!

J Bone

Great chapter. I'm really interested in the bonds he shares with each woman he "turns." And the power each got from him. I think he will need these bonds in the future against his greatest threat. Natalie was on fire. And Avery's submissiveness made the chapter even hotter.


&gt; “Oh no, I stopped it. Werewolves are nothing like you're imagining. They're super ugly. I'm super ugly when I'm transformed.” Now, see, Miriam made a big deal about not making assumptions about what Kai’s blood would do to her. We know it “broke the curse” according to Miriam's magic sense, we assume her feeling cold and having a seizure was her body's reaction to the curse being broken, and we know she can transform at will, quickly and painlessly. Why would we assume that she transforms form into the same abomination as before? Keep in mind that, according to Miriam, the ritual that made the first werewolf did use a wolf. I, for one look forward to finding out for certain what she transforms into, now. And also finding out whether she has to transform during the full moon.


Well, there are two things going on here. One of those things is trauma. Natalie described the transformation as being chopped up into tiny pieces and then stitched back together as a horrible monster. Only to be chopped up again, and turned into a defeated insect of a creature that had to deal with not only the memory of the agonizing pain, but also the memory of what she'd done while a monster. No one is really assuming anything here, except for Natalie, who is not about to transform at will, even if it doesn't hurt, simply because of the repeated trauma she suffered over the last year. (That kind of trauma runs deep and is not easily overcome.) That being said, it also means she 'might' transform if given the right reason to do so, in which case, we'll know for sure at that point.


I kind of figured as much. Basically, she'll transform if a) she chooses to, b) Kai forces her to, c) the full moon forces her to, or d) necessity forces her to (a life-or-death fight, presumably). A and B just aren't going to happen, and C seems unlikely considering "the curse is broken" (even though she's still obedience-bonded to Kai), which leaves D.


Im curious about natalie’s transformation


Hahahahaha like seriously?! Everybody wants a piece of Avery hahahaha.Serenity think she is cute, Gabriella is hot for her, Rebecca wants her too and now Natalie.She is the most wanted after Kai and Miriam hahahahaha

Jon Van Meter

Wow a wonderful way to bring Avery to the party! Natalie is a great foil and her passion is really interesting. Very well done especially with the foreshadowing in the dream. Avery has arrived. Thanks.