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February 20, 2022

PLOT: This chapter is from Miriam's perspective, and then the next few chapters will involve Kai, Natalie, and a few others.

PURPOSE: Hopefully this chapter answers most questions about Miriam (if it doesn't, let me know).


<< Chapter 74 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5)


- CHAPTER 75: Deliberations -

Miriam’s crossed arms and folded wings were tense as she stood at the front gate leading to her mansion while she watched the small team of five men and one woman bag up the bodies for transportation and disposal. There were also a couple of police dogs in two of the cruisers, waiting for their turn to begin searching the nearby property once the most obvious bodies had been collected in the sheriff’s van.

Everything was being taken care of…

And yet, as she stood there, her slim muscles were tense like she was cold.

But she wasn’t cold, not when it was so warm outside.

She was still wearing her cobalt-blue silk robe, with only a sky-blue thong underneath, pulled up right underneath her relaxed midnight tail, having mixed feelings about the effect she was knowingly having on the group of police officers.

Of course, she had no intentions on fucking any of them, a decision she never would have dreamed of making even a week ago, but it was still very important for her to exert her influence to ensure compliance in keeping this ‘incident’ a secret.

And thus, she used her erotic presence to put that same intense pleasure in their bellies that she’d done for a special young man not long ago…surprised to find herself feeling dirty from an act she’d done millions of times, if not billions.

Of course, her charm was working.

They were all so hot and bothered, as they worked, that the activity they were doing probably didn’t even feel real to them, as if they could have been picking up stuffed animals or toys after their kids, instead of gruesome bodies.

However, the problem for her, was what to do after they were done.

After all, they’d need a ‘release’ to guarantee compliance, and this was the first time she wasn’t willing to offer that release herself…

If only her charms were more flexible.

She often liked to compare her abilities to a drug, because she was far more addictive than even the worst offenders, but it didn’t exactly function in the same way. Similar to a functioning alcoholic, the five men and one woman would be able to act mostly normal, so long as they were getting a hit of her charm, much like the rest of her hired help.

But the outward normalcy was purely a facade, with all of them inflicted with a chaotic desperation in hopes of getting sex. However, they also had been trained the first time she’d fucked each of them, much like Pavlov’s dogs, to know that she would only reward them by keeping their desperation contained.

She would not fuck someone who begged her.

Honestly, it was kind of amazing how long a human could remain compliant with only a small taste of her charm when they were so addicted to the promise of sex. When they were trained to know they would only get it, eventually, if they exhibited self-control and hid their overwhelming desire.

Though she could only expect so much of humans.

The moment these officers saw her, suddenly recalling who she was and what she meant to them, they all got that crushingly desperate look in their eyes, ready to beg, which was only eased by getting the hit she was now giving them all.

But that might not be enough for long-term obedience, once they left and forgot the details of her existence, knowing vaguely of a ‘Ms. Klein,’ but unable to recall what she looked like or why it was so important that her wishes were always followed, even when illegal.

For now, the hit of pleasure was enough to get them to do what she wanted, especially since they were trained to know what would normally follow as their reward, but she wasn’t certain that it would be enough for them to faithfully keep what they’d experienced to themselves, once they were away from her. And even though she had fucked all of these people at least once in the past, which theoretically might be enough to ensure compliance, it was risky to let them leave without another dose of that addiction.

Honestly, she’d never really experimented with how little was needed to guarantee the absolute obedience of another. Because she’d never been unwilling to fuck to get that obedience.

After all, why bother seeing if it could be done without fucking, when she wanted to fuck?

Why bother, when she assumed that she would always want to fuck?

Why would she ever take that risk with something big like this, just for the sake of experimenting?

Especially when she never imagined a world where she’d want to do the bare minimum.

But now…

But now what?

What was she supposed to do?

She knew there was no other choice.

She would be required to take that risk.

To hope that the bare minimum would be enough.

Maybe she’d spend a little time giving the one female officer some attention, and warm her up so that she’d enjoy the other five guys fucking her, allowing all six of them to get that release Miriam normally would have offered herself. A release that would renew their addiction to the pleasure that succubi could create.

Doubtful it would be as strong as having sex with a succubus directly, and an outsider might perceive it as unethical to have all those guys fuck the one woman, even though Miriam was pretty sure the woman fucked at least with two of the guys anyway, but Miriam had long since stopped caring about established relationships.

She used to fuck married men and women all the time without qualm, and likewise had married men fuck other married women, without concern about what their spouses might think if they found out.

After all, she had to keep herself well-fed, and the risk of killing someone was too serious to go without, in search of someone who wasn’t in a relationship. So it just wasn’t something she’d worried about for a very long time, not when she was literally a creature who had to fuck a different person regularly in order to survive.

Or at least, that had been her reality, until recently…

But, if anything, those already in a serious relationship often produced the most lust, even if incrementally, with the difference between someone married versus unmarried being fairly minor, considering that she always maximized their lust either way.

Still, when they knew that what they were doing was taboo, it often gave it that extra kick, like adding hot sauce to fried rice.

But for all she knew, maybe it would work.

Maybe watching over humans fucking could truly be an alternative way to gain blind loyalty from them without having to participate herself.

It was hard to say though.

And this was the riskiest time to test it.

Because all it would take was one leak, and then her name might end up on the news, or there might at least be information about this situation that could cause unwanted attention on her property. The kind of attention that she would normally have to fuck her way out of, or else risk even more dangerous exposure.

Yet, she was now forced to test alternatives.

Fucking her way out of anything was no longer an option.

But would having them all fuck together be enough?

Her daughter Rebecca of course had a similar influence on others, but it wasn’t as strong. Which had both positives and negatives.

On the one hand, it allowed those men who were addicted to still function overall, being able to go to work and act normally, so long as Rebecca didn’t fully reject them. More specifically, so long as they believed she’d fuck them again, they were able to go through the motions, with time flying by in a blur as they waited for that next phone call.

It was a big reason why Rebecca no longer slept with married men, since she wasn’t able to use magic, thereby having no way to erase their memory, which ultimately resulted in her stealing those men from their families as they glided through their lives like zombies just waiting to be brought to life again.

To awaken to a single blissful night of fucking that might only come once a month.

So Rebecca instead only targeted hot studs who were single, or loosely attached.

On the positive side, for Rebecca’s husband who saw her every day, her weaker charm allowed for him to have a true relationship with her, being able to make his own decisions.

But the downside was, in fact, obedience.

Her husband could refuse to listen to her if he chose to do so, and while that was preferable in a spouse, it was not ideal in the other random fucks. Because they could make their own decisions too.

Granted, the only time the addiction usually reared its ugly head was when she rejected them.

Like raiding a functioning alcoholic’s cabinets, closets, dressers, cars, and even under the bed, taking away all their liquor, forcing them to go without, similarly those who Rebecca rejected became belligerent and often showed the signs of withdrawal, though many stayed away with the threat of police intervention.

But it was one of the reasons why Miriam had been required to help her daughter out a few times when a handful of especially addicted men refused to leave Rebecca alone. Because Miriam could use magic, and was very proficient at using her memory spell.

One that would cause them to forget the specifics.

Like the police officers who were currently bagging bodies.

They all remembered a Ms. Klein once they left her domain, and all knew they were to obey her every wish, but it wasn’t until they saw her in the flesh that they recalled everything. And really, that specific release of the memory spell was a condition she added to avoid the hassle of having to manually undo the spell.

It was much easier to just have them remember her when they saw her.

But even while she would ensure they forget her when they leave, she wasn’t sure if they would be hooked enough to continue obeying her every wish, enough so that they didn’t accidentally slip when possibly a spouse asked how their day was. Or when a coworker asked about it.

Which was a problem.

She needed them to be addicted.

She needed them to obey.

But would having them all fuck the one woman be enough?

As Miriam watched the six officers work, her body grew even more tense as she recalled the events of the last few days, knowing exactly why she was so opposed to fucking without restraint now. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she’d reach a point where she didn’t want to fuck almost everyone in sight, but it all changed in a single moment.

Just one single moment.

Of course, she hadn’t realized just how much that one moment affected her right away, just feeling stunned from the experience and doing her best to hide her reaction. But nevertheless, she could pinpoint the exact second the change occurred, only being reinforced repeatedly from that moment onward.

A dramatic change, attributed to just one incident.

An incident involving a young man visiting her mansion.

An incident involving her sitting in his lap.

The exact moment she pressed her lips to his.

Or rather, the exact moment his lust overflowed, and he pressed his lips to hers.

Miriam didn’t speak much about her rare Soul Scrying to anyone, not even her daughters, because the one time when the wrong person found out about what it was truly capable of, the bastard took advantage of her and put her through a lot of pain and agony.

But essentially, it was an ability that allowed her to peer into the essence of one’s soul. To comprehend the extent of one’s existence, to a point that a human could spend a lifetime with another person and yet still not fully understand their partner in the same way that she could know them in mere seconds.

And, upon experiencing this young man’s soul, she felt like she’d been hit by a freight train in the most intense, amazing, alarming, terrifying, blissful, somber, joyful, and longing way possible.

For truly…

If soulmates really did exist, she felt like she’d just found hers, and it was all she could do to hold it together as she tried to recover from the most violent and amazing connection she’d ever experienced in her entire life.

“Uncover his eyes, and release him,” she’d instructed her maid, attempting to keep her tone neutral and apathetic. “Bring him up to the dining hall while I go get my daughter. I’d like to offer them a meal before they leave.”

But she knew Gwen sensed something had happened.

“O-Oh, umm, okay, mistress,” Gwen had stammered, still having the bag over the boy’s head bunched up at his nose, clearing her throat after a pause. “But all the kitchen staff were sent home, and I haven’t prepared anything in advance.”

Miriam had hesitated as well, grabbing onto the doorframe to steady herself as if she were dizzy, knowing she had to pull herself together. She’d tried to lighten her tone. “Don’t worry,” she’d replied. “I’ll help you cook something simple up. It’s been a while since I made my own food anyway.”

“Y-Yes, mistress. Understood, mistress.”

Gwen wasn’t fooled. She was never fooled.

The maid knew that Miriam needed a moment to herself, to process what had just hit her with the force of a tsunami and typhoon, together, in the middle of an ongoing earthquake that shook the very foundations of the world -- the foundations of her world. The maid knew that Miriam needed something to focus on, a task to put her hands to, so the succubus could try to collect her thoughts before she fell apart from such an intense experience.

Because a part of Miriam had wanted to fall to the floor and stare blankly at the wall, sincerely just stunned by what happened to her. By what hit her. By what punched her in the gut and made her want to laugh, cry, sob, dance, scream, and praise, all at the same time.

But she did manage to collect herself.

She briefly convinced herself that he was just a typical young man, and nothing more.

Sure, maybe he was a little special, being the spawn of an incubus and yet having a purity like none other, but she could never have a real relationship with him, not like she desperately wanted. And a part of her was almost afraid of going too far with him, especially since he had evoked such a powerful desire within her, being sincerely worried that she might accidentally kill him by being unable to resist that desire.

Which meant, by the time she had made it to the kitchen, she’d fully planned on sending him home after offering some basic hospitality as apology for how he’d been treated.

But by the time her maid and the boy had made it upstairs to meet her, she was already finding herself slipping in her resolve, instead wanting to be intimate with him.

If only for a moment.

If only for a single time.

She wanted it so desperately.

For, what would it be like to have sex with someone like that?

What would it be like to have sex with someone whose soul felt like that?

She’d met plenty of people with pure, kind, gentle, and appealing souls, if not ones that were outright attractive to her, so she wasn’t sure why his was different, unable to quantify how the experience was so vastly intense. And she especially didn’t understand why his, in particular, was different when she could sense from his memories that he’d killed several times, seemingly as an act of justice.

Yet the blemish of death didn’t cling to him.

It didn’t stain his purity.

And so, she did her best to act normal as she tried to process it, but the more she thought on it, the more she realized how vast her longing had become in such a short amount of time.

For, while he’d known her barely an hour, she’d experienced him to a point that his closest loved ones might not grasp even after a century.

And this young man was everything she found desirable, and then some.

He was thing she didn’t even know she needed, with her somehow knowing the truth of that fact, and yet having no idea how to even define the qualities of that truth. Why had she fallen so hard for him?

Truly, what had she just experienced?

But when she began stirring up his arousal during their meal, that just made his initial rejection all the more confusing and alarming, sending her into a whirlwind of chaotic emotions, finding a desperate need to convince him to let her show him what she could offer. To prove that she could meet his every need, and then some.

Truly, she’d gone from completely stable, to teetering on the edge of the cliff, having grown desperate to cling to both life and hope. To cling to him.

The experience also made her feel young.

She truly felt like a teenager again, as if she were experiencing first love for the first time, and was beyond elated when he finally accepted.

She’d never felt so thrilled in her entire life at achieving just one small victory.

But then the intimacy they shared was even more intense than she was expecting, and they didn’t even have sex!

She tried to play coy, acting like she wasn’t already addicted, enthralled, and mesmerized by his very existence…

Mmm,” she’d mumbled quietly, having taken a deep breath of his neck. “I think I’m starting to understand why Rebecca and Gabriella find you so enticing. You feel much nicer than a human, and yet lack all the repulsion that comes with an incubus.”

But she wasn’t sure if she was careful enough, feeling like her tone was off. Like she was giving too much away in the intensity of her voice. She tried to sound casual, but was sure she was failing.

Thus, she’d laughed when he commented that she felt nice too, trying to force herself to lighten up. Trying to keep her internal turmoil from leaking through. After all, she had a task to accomplish. A reason to be in bed with him.

It was so easy to get distracted though.

She was so enthralled.

So in love.

Similar to others she’d used her Soul Scrying on, she felt like she’d known him for hundreds of years, except for the first time ever, she had actually discovered that she deeply longed, in a way she’d never longed before, for the person she’d just come to know and understand in mere seconds.

However, she knew it could be dangerous for him if she were to get too attached. Dangerous to ignore the harm she could cause him if she allowed her longing to become unrestrained.

And yet, it was like the universe was tempting her, by showing her again that he seemed to have so much lust flowing within him. Far more than a normal person, as if the limit to his lust fatiguing was dozens of times higher.

Could it be possible to spend a full day with him?

Maybe even a few days?

But after a few days, would she be able to stop herself? Could she control herself when she knew that the experience would only make her crave his body more?

Of course, she would just forgo the sex, if it meant she could simply remain in his arms forever, but even that could be dangerous if she wasn’t careful. Not when her body demanded to be fed. At the very least, she had found herself feeling obligated to warn him of the dangers. To explain to him why it could be very bad if they spent too long together…

And yet, even as she explained, Miriam found the words coming out of her mouth sounding much more like an argument for why it would be okay. For why they should be fine to spend a few unrestrained days together.

But then the shock.

One she wasn’t expecting.

She finally got a dose of reality when he disclosed how fast he could heal, wondering if it was related to his capacity to produce lust.

It hit her the moment she bit his jaw as hard as she could…and failed to draw blood.


Stupid, stupid, stupid!

She’d let her guard down. Again.

She couldn’t stop the traumatizing memories flooding into her mind.

She couldn’t stop her heart racing as she vanished from his lap, preparing to defend herself against the creature that had disguised itself as everything she craved.

It took her longer than she’d have preferred to collect herself.

To recover from her fear.

And when she finally returned to his lap, all she could do was apologize.

Apologize and seek forgiveness.

For pushing this young man, who she so desperately longed for, away from her. For making him feel like he was alone and had no one to turn to. She’d focused on his aura again, sensing a hint of what she’d experienced when peering into his very soul. It gave her comfort in more ways than one.

She tried to resume the facade.

To act normal again.

She even managed to relax for a moment, thinking she’d over reacted…

But the surprises kept coming.

His wings elicited more fear, even despite what she felt from him.

However, what she felt helped her overcome that fear, and she found herself opening up more and more. Sharing things that she’d scarcely told anyone else. And before long that youthful thrill was sparked again, causing her to be eager to finally consummate their first time together.

But that just made his continued reluctance to have sex even more jarring.

She’d never felt so unstable, and once she’d broken the seal on his third-eye, she even found herself feeling deeply bitter for a moment. Bitter to have such a perfect partner reject her.

To have this perfect young man find her undesirable.

Only to become scared yet again, when she tried to escape his grasp, and his wings trapped her against him.

Truly, she’d never been so unstable.

But after calming down, her determination finally began to solidify.

Because his wings felt safe.

She needed him, more than she’d ever needed anything in her entire life.

“Look at me,” she’d whispered, waiting for him to open his beautiful gold eyes. “I will make you very happy,” she’d promised. “Will you allow me to show you just how happy you can be? You may stay for the rest of the day, and both my maid and I will give you the rawest and most carnal of blisses to ever be experienced. Maybe even stay a few days, so that you fully grasp what I am offering you.”

Yet, he refused.

She tried to respect his wishes, planning on sending him home without giving him a taste of what she could give him, but the longer she spent with him, the more she craved that intimacy. And the more she discovered evidence that began to reveal that she might truly be able to have a real relationship with him…

After checking the barrier protecting the gate, due to the mini-earthquake, she’d decided to spend some time with him after all. Especially when she’d already experienced his wonderful cock inside of her accidentally when the earthquake happened and she fell on it, having been unable to keep her mind off the sensation.

She had to be intimate with him, if even indirectly.

But the evidence began piling up. She attempted to hide her sincere shock when she invited her maid to help her test his ability to generate lust, only to find that he just kept filling up opal after opal, until he’d reached seven of them. Which was roughly equivalent to the amount of lust generated from a hundred people.

A hundred people!

In barely fifteen minutes!

She was beyond stunned.

And beyond hopeful.

Could it really be possible? Could she really have a true partner?

Miriam did her best to be good, to keep her promises that she’d made to him, but she longed for him so desperately. At the very least, she did manage to avoid having normal sex, even if she’d joined him in pleasuring her sexy maid.

But then everything fell apart.

All hell broke loose, and she soon after suffered the greatest loss she’d ever experienced.

This young, handsome, perfect boy…


Murdered, right before her horrified eyes.

Slaughtered, as he saved her own life in the process…

She’d finally begun to feel the most overwhelming hope she’d ever experienced, a hope that no human could understand, not having suffered for thousands of years…only to have him lost…

Just like that…

He was gone…

She almost died trying to save him, even though his heart was already removed from his body.

Almost died trying to recover his corpse, even as she felt his soul cling to hers.

It was the greatest moment of agony she’d ever experienced, rivaling the time long ago when she’d been forced to watch her family slain before her eyes, prior to being cursed into the wretched creature she now was.

For, if getting to experience his soul was like being hit with a freight train…

Then, losing the hope and longing that came afterward, was like being crushed to oblivion by an entire mountain.

Yet somehow, it got worse, if only briefly.

He came back to life as a terrifying monster.

A terrifyingly powerful monster that wanted to fuck her to satiate itself after using up so much energy to defeat the first enemy. A monster that sincerely frightened her to her very core.

Truly, she’d never experienced so many intense emotions in such a short period of time.

Being in the worst of a hurricane didn’t even come close to the cascade of pendulum thoughts and feelings that bombarded her in those first few hours of meeting that wonderful young man.

In those first few hours of meeting her soulmate…

And the following day had been nearly as intense, as she began to miss him and long for his presence like she’d never longed before. As she began to think seriously about what they’d experienced together the previous day, and what it meant for her future.

For their future.

For his sake, she had to be careful not to reveal just how obsessed she was, and she was well aware of the dangers that his life might bring into hers, being potently reminded of that fact when a horde of monsters attacked her home…yet she knew that she would still proceed, no matter what.

For there was now only one path for her.

And even though she’d lived almost her entire eternal life being as cautious as possible, especially after suffering the consequences of not being careful enough, now there was no risk she wouldn’t take in order to finally have what she’d desperately desired for thousands of years.

For, after living for so long, she finally felt truly alive.

And it all happened in one moment.

One single moment.

The change occurred instantly, and she only came to understand what it would mean for her in the ensuing hours as she was thrown into a maelstrom of conflict within and without.

However, even now, her internal turmoil was ever-present.

She was using her charm on the six police officers, giving them all immense pleasure, and yet visibly looked as if she was in pain while she did what was necessary to hide this mess that had stumbled onto her doorstep.

Miriam hadn’t realized that she was staring blankly at the back of the Sheriff’s van until one of the men finally began slapping his hands together, as if brushing them off, while walking over toward her. She focused up at Sheriff Hawthorne, immediately putting on a warm smile as if she couldn’t be happier to have him looking so affectionately at her.

Almost like he was looking at his own daughter who had just suffered through a great trauma. Except that he’d jump in bed with her in a heartbeat if she asked of it, no doubt loving it when she called him ‘daddy.’

Yet, even so, she put on an inviting smile.

Her own facade made her sick to her stomach, her folded black wings tensing as her posture relaxed a little…

Folded black wings that the others could not see, though the Sheriff in particular was actually aware that she was more than she seemed, even though her illusion spell hid her nonhuman features.

His voice was deep as he spoke with great concern. “Looks like we’re done with this lot, Ms. Klein. About to get the Shepherds to look for any others. Would you like to pet Bear for a few moments? I suspect some Canine Therapy would help.”

Of course, the Sheriff didn’t know the true source of her distress, but had easily picked up on the fact that something was bothering her, easily assuming that it was the events that transpired leading to a bunch of dead bodies at her gate.

Miriam glanced at the German Shepherd in question, sincerely being fond of Bear in particular, loving how cuddly he was despite his size, loving his slobbery wet kisses, but feeling like it wouldn’t help right now.

Nothing was going to help right now.

She cleared her throat, her youthful expression very appreciative. “Maybe after you’re done,” she offered. “Kind of just want to get this over with.”

Hawthorne appeared very understanding. “Of course, Ms. Klein. Whatever you want. I suspect the map you marked will help with finding most of the others, but we’ll still do a thorough search. It’s a lot of land, so a few of us may have to come out tomorrow as well, even after finding all the ones you’ve told us about.”

Miriam simply nodded and gave a smile in response, prompting him to nod in return and then turn to begin barking out orders, splitting the six of them into three pairs, with two groups each going with one of the Shepherds, while the last pair stayed with the vehicles.

She was almost glad that the sole female would be staying behind for now, knowing this was her opportunity to warm the woman up for what was to come later, but finding herself hesitant to do anything beyond what she’d already been doing.

Alexandria, who preferred to go by Alex, was certainly very appealing, being thirty-two if Miriam recalled correctly, but still looking like she was in her early twenties, her Hispanic heritage giving her a youthful appearance, even though the woman had never lived anywhere other than the small town where she now worked as a cop, and only knew the one language she’d been around.

Still, there was a reason why Alex had never really settled down, finding that she could fuck with two of her coworkers on occasion, and then go out to party on the weekend without qualms, no doubt finding a few quick fucks to enjoy, before doing it all over again the next week.

Alex was very much a woman who was in a stage of her life where that kind of lifestyle was preferable, unlike the succubus who had been forced into that lifestyle for an eternity. But Alexandria also wasn’t a ‘romantic’ like Miriam, who personally would have always preferred a single intimate relationship over many shallow ones.

But, if anything, Miriam felt confident the woman would enjoy having two of her lovers share her at the same time, and that Alexandria’s lust would grow to its fullest when she even had her boss and other coworkers fuck her together.

The problem was, Miriam knew she’d feel dirty while it was happening.

While she was making it happen, enhancing the experience for them all, like being the one to administer an illegal drug.

And worse, she knew she’d find herself enjoying the experience too, once everyone began exuding all that juicy lust, which was similarly like a drug to her as well. Because the lust entering into her body would absolutely have an aphrodisiac effect on her, as it always did, and even if she didn’t give in and participate, she’d still be involved in the experience, even if only as an observer.


Miriam winced and lowered her gaze to the paved ground, tightening her arms around herself as her heart ached. She didn’t want to feel dirty like this. And yet, she knew exactly why she felt that way. She had a true lover now, one who she longed to be with, and it was the fear of betraying his trust that made her feel so filthy.

She didn’t know where ‘the line’ was anymore.

She didn’t know what was acceptable, and what wasn’t.

And even if she knew what was okay for her to do, knowing where the boundary was, she wasn’t sure if she could always stay on the right side of the fence in order to fulfill her duties as protector of this place.


She didn’t even realize she was crying until, unexpectedly, a spark of warmth hit her, briefly making her alarmed as she tried to look around with her blurry vision, only to realize the sensation was purely internal.

Something rapidly growing.

Just like that, out of nowhere, a heat residing both within and without, stirred deeply through her entire core, causing her to freeze solid as it ensnared her entire body.

‘Miriam,’ a simple whisper came, one that had no volume.

It wasn’t even a word, so much as a thought.

Not even a thought, so much as a feeling.

Not even a feeling, so much as an instinct.

An instinct involving the strings of her soul, being gently plucked like a heavenly harp, strummed tenderly…

Strummed…by her soulmate…

Who still clung to her soul, even now.

The unexpected release of tension was so abrupt and absolute that Miriam’s knees almost buckled, feeling like she was going to fall down and start sobbing. Because he was here with her.

Even now, he was with her.

And she immediately knew what she could do, as if that sudden realization made everything crystal clear, almost like he’d actually given her a solution. Of course, there was always her love’s compulsion to consider trying, but if that wasn’t effective in all situations, then she could, in fact, make this work by overseeing other humans having sex with each other, using her erotic presence to create that addiction while simultaneously staying physically out of it.

And then, in order to remain faithful to her love…

She’d simply have to ensure that he was there too.

So that she might turn an otherwise filthy and unfaithful moment into a clean and beautiful one. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for couples to watch adult videos together, nor was it entirely uncommon for a couple to be involved in a sex party while only having sex with each other, only participating with the others by watching or being watched. And if her love found that arrangement uncomfortable, then she’d simply move their own private sex to another room, knowing a wall would do nothing to reduce her potency.

Even now, she was still affecting the other officers, even though the distance was slowly increasing.

But at least then, she could ensure obedience and commitment from the humans, without having to be involved herself while simultaneously being able to turn their lust into a passion for her love, rather than enjoying pleasure from the group sex occurring before her.

And she knew it would work, because she realized there were a few situations where she’d achieved that level of addiction without regular sex. Which meant, all that truly mattered was that their lust was maximized, being like a true addictive drug when they experienced pleasure unlike anything they’d experienced before, and unlike anything they would ever experience again without her involvement.

So yeah, it could work.

And if her beloved couldn’t visit that day, then she felt like it should be safe to hold off until the next, since all of these officers had experienced a taste of addiction at least once, and that anticipation should be enough to keep their mouths shut, even if they left for the night.

Taking a shaky breath, Miriam reached up to wipe her emerald eyes, her folded wings relaxing even more as the final bit of tension left her body.

She felt okay now.

She felt reassured now.

She could make this work without giving up her deepest desire. To finally have true intimacy with just one special person. To finally have the kind of union that had eluded her basically all of her existence.

So yeah, everything would be fine.

Miriam sniffled and focused on the Sheriff’s van when she realized she heard quiet kissing, with it sounding like the desire she’d created in Alexandria, as well as the guy who was asked to stay behind, had finally tipped over the edge.

Unsurprising, really.

Out of everyone, it was Alex who might hold out the longest, to keep things professional while they were on the job, but it was also that beautiful tan woman who Miriam had begun putting more effort into, spiking her lust in preparation for what was to come later.

Which was fine.

If Miriam could get each of the guys alone with Alex, one-on-one, then she would be able to accomplish the same goal without affecting herself too much. She’d just have to make sure that the tan beauty didn’t quite reach orgasm each time, keeping her lust from maximizing and causing her to become almost sexually frustrated and ready for the next guy.

This particular guy was a bit overweight, and definitely wasn’t one of the two guys Alexandria normally messed around with, but that just made their lust all the juicier, experiencing intimacy for the first time. And it was clear that appearance and loyalties didn’t matter at this point, the two of them already hastily undoing their pants, a cock already sliding between the woman’s legs as they began making passionate love while standing up, leaning against the other side of the van.

Miriam sincerely loved the tender passion of two lovers having sex for the first time, and even though the lust they were exuding was affecting her some too, she surprisingly found that she mostly just felt happy now.

A small smile was now touching her lips, a warmth in her heart coupled with the warmth she felt from her soulmate all around and within her, filling her with a contentment she hadn’t experienced in a long time.

More than that, she felt at peace.

The two lovers kept their pace slow to keep the noises quiet, but their kisses were desperate, their breathing heavy, as they both enjoyed the raw carnal pleasure of each other’s warm body. Miriam wanted Alex to almost get there at the same time that the guy cummed, so she tweaked the pleasure each of them were receiving incrementally, until they were both tensing in ecstasy as one.

She then immediately ramped up the guy’s pleasure while tugging back on the woman’s enjoyment, knowing Alexandria would still feel like it was one of the best ‘almost orgasms’ of her life, even if it was much less than it could have been.

Even if she would soon be sexually frustrated when it happened to her again, and again.

All for the sake of preventing her from fatiguing, so that she could enjoy this intimacy with four others. And if for some reason, the woman’s lust did fatigue before then, Miriam also had another plan.

There were plenty of female maids who worked for her, women who she might never fuck again, and she realized she could probably use a couple of them for this very purpose whenever the need arose. Which meant she might need to make a phone call, to ensure someone was available to fuck a couple of the officers in the event that Alex found herself tired out.

Nodding to herself, even as the two police officers finally separated and began buttoning up their pants, Miriam realized that was exactly what she’d do. So, without another thought, she turned around and began making her way back toward her home, intending on making a single phone call.

For, she already had just the perfect human maid in mind.

The perfect maid, to fuck in her place whenever a situation like this arose.


Miriam's Experience: If you want to re-read the scene Miriam describes (when she first meets and interacts with Kai, now that you understand her experienced), it’s Chapters 36, Ch 37, Ch 38, and Ch 39.

FEEDBACK: I’m curious to know, based on how Miriam describes her Soul Scrying, why (or how) might a shrewd individual abuse that?

I have my own ideas, but I’m curious to know yours.


Chapter 76 >>



Correction: Miriam’s crossed arms and folded wings where tense where -&gt; were

Creative Amoeba

This chapter seems to say that Mirriam really loves and treasures Kai. She is devoted to him. The story used to demonstrate that (involving the police) seems suspect to me though. As was pointed out before, without a body, a police case is more difficult to prove. Why didn't they just pile up the MONSTER bodies and let the inferno imp incinerate them all - or Kai could do it? I think they could have got rid of the bodies in a number of ways that did not require reporting it to the police. Even the cars could have been driven away/destroyed as Kai had done before.


I'm sorry but this has officially become too far out of the realms of possibility. Who in the world would ever eat "fried rice with hot sauce"?!

Clear Muse

Great chapter, enjoy the alternate points of view

Christopher Miller

Story wise it feels like Miriam having permission to have sex with females "if necessary" is a nice compromise for her as a character. And really that could apply to all of Kai's women if circumstances warrant it. None of them would seek out sex with women outside their group, but if it potentially solves a serious issue like it did in this chapter they could consider it. Also, it sounds like this maid in Miriam's employ is going to be a reoccurring character who gets reintroduced as an unofficial "9th harem" member when the need arises.


Pretty good chapter and a nice little delve into mirriams backstory


I could see that. I notice a lot of stories with harem elements do something like a “core harem” of the emotionally closest to the MC, then a “secondary harem” that are kind of like assistants to the core harem members.


Billions! "...from an act she’d done millions of times, if not billions." Very Carl Sagan.


Thanks for including the link back to Chapter 36


"She could make this work without giving up her deepest desire. To finally have true intimacy with just one special person. To finally have the kind of union that had alluded her basically all of her existence." I think instead of allude here which means to make an indirect reference to something, you should instead use elude which means something desired and pursued but not attained.


Great chapter as always, it is nice to have someone else's point of view on the story. As for your question about the Soul Scrying, if I'm not mistaken it allows her to understand another's motivations and 'alignment'? If so, I have a few ideas on how a 'shrew individual' might take advantage of that, depending on a few factors: if Miriam told him how it worked, he might have used her to gain knowledge on other people, thus manipulating them and making Miriam his unwilling accomplice. Another idea would be that the Soul Scrying only gives her an overview at the time it is used, so the individual may have started as a good guy, then turned bad but she would have turned a blind eye on his turning based on her first Scrying. Alternatively, the bad guy could have manipulated a good guy (with magic perhaps?), so the good guy's soul would remain good, and the bad guy could then use that link to Miriam to manipulate her. Last idea I have: she might not have been as proficient at using it at the time, thus overlooking a tiny black mark that grew over time (through killing, since she emphasizes that it leaves a mark on most souls).

hawkshe .

I really hope the maid won't be considered a harem member since she's basically going to be banging a bunch of dudes for Miriam. I'd be okay with her as a friend to the harem though.

Christopher Miller

With Rosa's appearance KW pretty much said the harem was complete. My guess is the maid is either a super slutty nympho or is super kinky that will really get the cops wound up. Either way I just see her as a peripheral character that might return to the story occasionally.


Great chapter with good character development. Just one question. Why didn’t they just get Gwen to burn all the bodies? You still could have the character development plot just with the disposal of all those cars. Just curious doesn’t really matter in the greater scheme. The chapter did what it was intended for so it’s only a small plot hole that can be easily looked over.


It's not a plot hole at all. Similar to Miriam (who is so opposed to death that she is a vegetarian), Gwen does not enjoy killing, and has only ever done it out of necessity. She also would not want to burn dead bodies unless absolutely required of her, nor would she want to drag them around and transport them so that the ash (and smell) wasn't just lying in piles at the front entrance. Dead bodies are not a pleasant sight to look at, and definitely not something pleasant to touch. Miriam sincerely cares about Gwen and would never ask her to do such a thing (and if she did 'have' to ask her, then Miriam would help out as well -- to share in the unpleasant act with her beloved maid -- who is primarily a maid because that's how imp hierarchies are -- they desire to have a 'master'). I realize this is a story and 'just burn the bodies' sounds like a simple solution, but I write my stories as if it were real life, and in real life, that would be a very unpleasant and disturbing thing to have to do. Bodies in real life smell horrible when they burn, and touching a dead body in real life is a very unpleasant thing. The average person probably thinks "Oh, it's no big deal. I bet if I came across a dead body, I would be able to handle it." But how people 'actually' react to that kind of situation is often different once they actually experience it for real. Edit: Yes, I have handled a dead body before, and I've also heard lots of personal stories of others who have (such as from EMTs, etc.).


&gt; &gt; &gt; From Christopher Miller &lt; &lt; &lt; The potential for abusing a soul scrying is HUGE! Being able to instantly know a person's deepest, most heartfelt desires and highest priorities would leave them very vulnerable to manipulation by a succubus on pretty much every level. She'd know how to completely enthrall them for ever. The fact that was that moment where Miriam was first obsessed by Kai makes so much sense in hindsight, but really surprised me at first. I would have originally thought that it would been the moment Kai died where she first became captivated by him. Realizing she truly lost him the moment their souls touched as his body died. But this was so much better. I really feel like I know her better now. Before, I felt like she was most developed character in the story, even more so that Kai is. But now, wow, it's on a whole other level. The quiet desperation she projected in that first phone call after Kai got home makes so much more sense now.


You're welcome! Figured it would be a hassle for people to try to search it manually.


IMO Characters like Miriam and Mrs. Rebecca to some extent can work but they have to be done with great moderation and with a quite limited "screen time" or otherwise they'll just become overbearing and, at least for me, exhausting and wearisome to read/see/hear, they can be great characters to bring forth for an effect though. I get what KW wanted to do with Miriam to show what kind of effect succubus can have, but I think it just became too much. One of the big problems with harem stories is that there tends to be a lot of girls, and things escalate very quickly, I'd generally prefer quite slow ramp up, and good number for the women in harem is maybe 4 or 5 tops. The fast ramp-up what they do I find quite annoying, especially with the inexperienced characters, although I get it that most readers of harem-fiction are expecting quite hard smut.


I hope my feedback doesn't come off too harshly, as English is not my native language, so some subtleties might be missing. Introduction of Rebecca and especially Miriam as they were IMO greatly diminishes the other girls, and makes them seem like secondary choices or less important for Kai and the reader. Kai is engaged to Gabriella and he has loved Serenity for his whole life, and it feels like they have been displaced and replaced by Miriam and Rebecca, which doesn't sit right with me, especially as they are Gabrielle's mother and essentially grand mother, partially the same with Avery and Michelle, but that to lesser extent now. I think it would've much better if Rebecca would just show him and Gabrielle the ropes in a few "sessions" for using the energies, and then mostly moved on, same with Miriam opening his 'third eye'. I do admit that I find both of their personalities and behavior very grating and I've started to just skip their interactions altogether.


That was awesome!!!!And it sure showed the true thoughts of Miriam. A new side.100%worth