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January 30, 2022

NOTE: I’m posting another bonus chapter of Combat Healer today (Aug 14) to make up for the few months when I didn’t release any of that story (and that will likely be the last bonus chapter for a while, for real this time).

That of course means I just posted the next chapter of Innocent Devil's Harem too.

ALSO: Next week will be the next chapter of Combat Healer (no IDH). However, after that, I will likely resume posting mostly Innocent Devil’s Harem, with only the occasional Combat Healer chapter, roughly 1 per every 3 chapters of IDH, like I was doing before.


Hope you enjoy!


<< Chapter 11 | Chapter 1

- CHAPTER 12: Sharing -


Present Day

A young Oni woman with rosy skin and white hair approached an Elf Guard in a dimly lit hallway, with a busty Holstaur girl not far behind, the two of them having heard of the return of the scout who almost lost her sister to a horrible monster. The same scout who came specifically to this location in search of the male healer.

They of course wanted to know how the sister was doing, but also hoped to find out if the older woman might know when their man might be back. Currently, they were on the second floor of the Remnant guild hall, down a different hall from where their man was staying, already coming to a stop when the Guard gave them a firm look.

“Is your room down this hall?” he asked harshly.

Mel spoke up. “No, we came to check on the sisters.”

“They are to have no visitors. Please leave.”

“Can you at least ask?” Mel said seriously. “We’re with the male Healer. Allister is our boyfriend.”

“No visitors,” he repeated. “Now, I insist you--”

Unexpectedly, the door flew open and a tall woman with chestnut hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes focused down the hall at them, only to look at the Guard.

“They’re okay. But no one else, unless it’s the Guild Master, receptionist, or someone with news of Allister Rosengard.” She then focused on the pair of women in the hallway when he nodded. “Please, join us.”

Mel and Val quickly hurried past the Guard and entered the room, with Val closing the door behind her as they both focused on the younger sister, sitting on the bed with her arms wrapped tightly around her knees, tearstains visible on her tan cheeks.

The older sister immediately walked over to the bed and sat down, wrapping her arms around her younger sister again.

“Oh shit, are you alright?” Mel asked sincerely, her tone laced with concern.

The older sister spoke up. “She’s a little traumatized,” she added with a grimace. “She remembers getting attacked. The bite causes excruciating pain.”

“I’ve never suffered so much,” the younger sister whimpered, tightening her arms as she trembled. “I almost wish someone would knock me out. Just so I don’t have to remember it.”

“Shh, please don’t say such things, Celestine,” the older sister whispered.

Mel cleared her throat. “Umm, so I’m Melantha by the way. But Mel is fine. I’m very sorry for what you went through. I’m just really glad Allie was able to help.”

The older sister nodded. “I’m Astaer and this is Celestine. We’re both very grateful to him. He did the impossible. I am so thankful he didn’t give up on her, like that other human.”

“Ugh, Lyla,” Mel spat. “Part of the reason why I came up here is to stop myself from knocking her teeth in. She’s down there ranting about how he treated her, and how he thinks he’s all high and mighty. Girl doesn’t even seem to realize that no one cares.”

Astaer nodded, focusing on the busty blonde with tan skin. “And what was your name?” she wondered politely.

“I’m Valshia Kumrahg, ma’am. But Val is fine. I’m Allister Rosengard’s betrothed.”

Astaer’s blue eyes widened at that. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought Mel said she was his girlfriend. I misunderstood.”

“Nope,” Mel said cheerfully. “We’re both with him.”

“Oh,” she replied simply, not seeming overly surprised. “So then, you’re open to sharing him?”

Mel frowned. “Umm, with each other, yeah. Why?”

Astaer shrugged. “He did the impossible and saved my sister’s life, when I thought hope was lost. I’d very much like to repay him.”

Celestine spoke up, trembling again. “I should repay him too. I still can’t believe I really almost died. I thought I was ready to die if required of me, but not like that.” She shivered. “Not like that. I owe him everything.”

Astaer gently rubbed her arm, holding her tighter.

Mel sighed. “I mean, if you want to fuck him to show your appreciation, I don’t really have a problem with that. But if you want more than a few fucks, then that could get complicated.”

Astaer shrugged. “We practically live in the wilderness, so I don’t think it would be too complicated. We’d just attend to him if we happen to be in the area, and would probably be out of your hair most of the time.”

“Oh, then yeah. That’s fine.” Mel glanced back at the busty Holstaur.

“Y-Yes,” Val quickly agreed. “Anything for my betrothed.”

“We’re pleased to hear that,” Astaer said sincerely. “And we’ll reward him generously with our bodies to show our appreciation. I am not aware if he has had the pleasure of becoming one with an elf, but we would both be very happy to make it an experience he is unlikely to forget.”

Mel laughed. “I guess we have some competition, Val,” she said playfully. “But I like a good challenge.”

Astaer grinned. “Perhaps we will one day ally together, and win as one.”

“Perhaps,” Mel replied warmly.


* * *


I knelt directly in front of Queen Eliza while she sat in her furnished chair, with me focused up at her tender amethyst eyes as she gazed down upon me with longing. Her black silk dress was so shiny that it almost shimmered every time she moved even a little, like when she uncrossed her legs and placed her bare feet on my thighs, gently rubbing over my pants as if to caress me.

From this angle her full breasts looked even more maternal, with me being able to see a hint of her large nipples poking through the shiny midnight silk.

Across the top edge of her bosom was a series of tiny midnight tassels with black gemstones attached, giving her already fancy dress an even more ornate feeling. In many ways, it felt like she’d adorned herself much like one might wrap a gift, including little things like a string or bow, in order to enhance the visual appeal.

The overall color of her pitch-black hair and silky black dress made her flawless pale skin seem even more stark and alluring, the supple smooth appearance giving everywhere I looked a very soft look of perfection.

And then there were her rich purple eyes, so full of affection and tenderness as she held my gaze.

Yet, despite all this, I just wanted to hold her.

To gently feel her body with my hands, and explore the woman who I’d vowed to marry when I was younger, to experience the softness of her body for the first time as if we’d never been intimate before. Of course, I had no doubt that this experience felt new for her as well, for while she was physically much more mature than when I’d last seen her, I was likewise older, stronger, and more grown.

Certainly, I was still far younger than she was at this point, but the boy she’d once knew had certainly matured some as well and become a virile young man.

And I suspected she liked that about me.

She liked that I wasn’t much older than I’d been, and especially liked that I was at that stage in my life where even the soft touch of her feet was enough to make me tremble. She said as much, when she slowly reached out with her right hand and gently caressed the side of my cheek, as her foot slid over the bulge of my cock straining against my pants. Which of course made me shiver.

“My sweet boy,” she said softly. “As painful as this last century has been, I am so thankful to have you with me here now, still so full of life and virility. It brings me great pleasure to know that even a simple touch from me is enough to make you tremble, and I look forward to fulfilling all your desires. Whether that be through marriage, or other means.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

She reached up with her left hand then, and began gently gliding against the side of her own heavy breast, the movement drawing my attention as she slowly grabbed herself, only to slide up and slip her finger into the top of her dress.

I tried to control my breathing as she began slowly moving that finger back and forth, both gently tugging down on the silk that covered her maternal tits, while visibly beginning to rub against her left nipple, moving side to side.

She gently bit her full bottom lip as she continued to do so, her thumb caressing my cheek again, her foot gently pressing on my cock now, even as she teased her hard mound.

“My baby boy,” she said softly, her amethyst eyes full of longing. “Would you allow me to find out ‘how little’ is needed to bring us both pleasure?”

I swallowed hard, and nodded.

She let go of my face then, and gently pushed the silk covering her full breasts just enough to expose her hard brown mounds surrounded by tan skin so soft and smooth that there was a slight shine from the light. “Then come and suck on me, my sweet boy, while I take care of you.”

I immediately reached up to put my hands on her silk-covered thighs, shocked by just how smooth and warm the material was, heated by her body, before drawing even closer when she grabbed my face in both hands and gently led me to her nipple.

I moaned uncontrollably as I sucked it in my mouth, surprised when she moaned even louder, abruptly wrapping her arms around my head.

“Oh my sweet baby boy,” she whispered. “How I’ve missed your touch so much. Yes, please enjoy me while I also enjoy you.”

I moaned as I continued to suck, beginning to tremble again when I felt her reach down and begin to tug up on the lower portion of her dress. I had no idea what she had planned, but was perfectly fine with letting her lead, allowing her to pull me just a little closer between her silky thighs.

She then carefully reached down for my pants, and undid them, allowing them to slide to my knees as she carefully grasped my cock in her thin hands. For a brief second, I was confused as she seemed to wrap the edge of her dress around my member, only to moan again when she slid the material over my cock’s head in a firm stroke, causing me to whimper from the intensity of the situation.

“The closer you bring me with your sucking,” she whispered. “The more I will do for you. Now let us enjoy this moment of reunion as long as possible by taking our time. After all, we have several hours before all preparations are ready, and we are scheduled to leave the city.”

My face was already burning up, my whole body feeling hot, just to have my face pressed against her soft breast, her hard nipple sucked between my lips, knowing she was enjoying this very much when her thighs began to squirm ever so slightly. After a few seconds, her breathing became heavier, with her beginning to gently stroke her fingers through my hair affectionately, even as she gently squeezed the head of my cock every once in a while, wrapped up in the silk fabric of her dress.

It was almost as if she could sense when I was beginning to get close, possibly because my cock began throbbing, only for her hand to remain motionless while I sucked. But then, the moment that the intensity began to drop, she’d squeeze again forcing my gut to tighten in pleasure.

Her tone was soft as she spoke up after a few minutes of passionate silence. “Now the other one, my sweet boy. It needs some attention too.”

I let go of her nipple even as she shifted her torso, gliding the other breast against my face, until I had a hold of that one between my lips.

Mmmmm,” she moaned softly, giving my cock another firm squeeze, her fingers still running through my hair. She then finally moved her left hand to her own wet nipple, beginning to gently squeeze while I sucked on the right one, her hand becoming more consistent as it worked on my shaft.

I suspected she was beginning to be alright with this first round not lasting quite as long, her back beginning to arch as she thrust her breasts outward more, starting to work my cock more diligently.

I knew I was leaking a lot, but I did my best to hold off, deciding to slowly begin easing my right hand from her thigh to between them, until I started to wiggle between her legs, prompting her to tighten just briefly before relaxing.

“Naughty boy,” she whispered in a chastising tone. “I won’t last much longer if you touch me there, but I suppose it can’t be helped.”

I simply moaned in response as I began to feel her warm juicy folds against my fingertips, gently prodding, rubbing, and poking, each time encouraged by her quiet whimpers. She was now tugging hard on her left nipple, prompting me to suck harder too, only for her to gasp.

“Oh baby boy, I’m so close,” she whimpered, beginning to slide her rear further downward into the seat and thus closer to my cock. “I’m so close and I so desperately want you in me. I so desperately want you to fill me with your--oh!”

Letting go of her nipple, I got my left foot underneath me and abruptly pushed upward, grabbing the arm of the chair while thrusting forward, even as my mouth aimed for hers, my left hand going for the nipple I’d just been sucking.

The head of my cock sank into her wet pussy even easier than I was expecting.

Mmmmm!” she exclaimed into my mouth, tugging roughly on her nipple as her entire body tensed beneath me, her hips beginning to twitch on their own as if her body was desperately trying to get me deeper.

I immediately shot my load.

Eliza broke our kiss and jutted her chin upward, struggling to contain the guttural noise escaping her throat as she clung to the side of the chair with her right hand while still tugging with her left. She then abruptly wrapped both arms around my head, pulling my face against her neck, my cock sinking in just a little bit deeper.

“Oh my love, it’s so warm. I’d forgotten how warm it was. I can feel both you and your seed deep within me. Oh, how I wish I could still have your child.”

I smirked at that, trying to control my breathing after unloading in her. “Would be a bit of a problem if we went with your second plan.”

She chuckled softly at that, holding my head even more firmly against her neck. “Yes well, if we choose that option, then I will certainly enjoy the experience with you. You’ll have to have your own room, but I’ll sneak to your bed every night, and maybe even invite you to mine on occasion. Please know that if you decide on that, I will spend every night ensuring you are satiated with my body.”

I cleared my throat. “I think it’s the ‘calling you Atara’ part that is difficult to swallow. Not because I don’t like the idea, but because I would no longer be able to call you anything else. You would have to really fill that role in my life, and there would be no way to choose an alternative relationship, if I one day changed my mind. If we could try it for a year, then I would agree. Or even if it was only for a few years, I might still not hesitate.”

“It’s a small sacrifice for your safety, in my opinion,” she said softly. “And keep in mind that I will not be the Queen forever. One day I will step down, and we can be to each other whatever you want.”

Of course, I was aware of that. But the only problem was, after living like that for a decade or longer, going back to normal would be hard. Especially since a decade for me was a very long time.

“How long?” I asked hesitantly. “How long until you step down from the throne?”

She sighed heavily, wrapping one leg round my waist more to keep my cock buried in her. “I do not know,” she admitted. “There is much to share that I do not have time to tell you right now, but now would be a very poor time for a change of power. I have finally found you after searching for so long, but it couldn’t have come at a worse time.”

“Well, that only created a thousand questions on the tip of my tongue,” I commented.

She giggled softly. “Oh my sweet baby boy, how I wish to avoid troubling you with such things. But I suppose I shall soon, for even if I become your guardian, I will still treat you as my lover and equal in all things.”

My cock throbbed, still buried in her.

Mmmm,” she moaned softly, squeezing my head tighter. “How I long to stay like this forever. Shall we continue from where we left off, or do you need a break?”

I smirked. “My firmness should be enough for you to know.”

She slowly let go of my head then, and moved her hands to my face, guiding me to look at her even as I tried to stay buried inside her warm folds. “Then I want you to continue from where you left off, and I will watch you, as you find pleasure in me.”

I gulped, knowing what that meant.

Aside from the very first time that we had sex, it was pretty much how we always had to do it in the Dungeon, with only one of us enjoying it while the other essentially ‘kept watch.’ And, in particular, I could recall vividly Eliza watching my face intently as I shot my load deep within her, with her finding great pleasure in seeing how good she made me feel.

And she was going to do it again, just like we used to.

I readjusted myself, even as she lifted a leg up slightly, until we were angled perfectly for me to slide in deeper, even as she remained in her chair, with her holding my gaze as I began thrusting in and out slowly.

“I love you, my sweet boy,” she whispered, pulling my face down enough to kiss my forehead, and then moving to my cheek, followed by a gentle peck on the lips, before holding my gaze again. “Please find pleasure in me,” she added quietly.

My primary intention was not to get there a second time, but to simply enjoy this special intimacy as we held each other’s gaze while being in the slow act of intentional lovemaking. However, after what felt like a long time of me slowly thrusting while she searched my eyes intently, neither of us speaking as was always required while being in such a vulnerable situation, her purple eyes began to flutter and she reached down to begin caressing her own full breast.

She had decided it was safe to enjoy herself two, her eyelids lowering in pleasure as she continued to focus intently on me, even as she also began growing closer and closer to experiencing our heavenly bliss. Yet still, neither of us spoke.

Until I could sense that we were both near, even as our movements continued to be slow.

“I’m close,” I whispered softly.

She nodded while biting her full lower lip, tugging more on her nipple while her other hand searched underneath my shirt and for my chest. “Oh God,” she whimpered, her thighs squirming at the touch of my toned torso. “Oh love, you’ve truly become a young man, haven’t you? Oh my sweet baby. Oh my sweet--uhh!”

She tensed, and I began pumping my seed, both of us swimming in ecstasy at the same time, both of us managing to remain almost completely silent. Something that almost increased the intensity of the pleasure, in a strange way.

Except, there was no fear afterward. No dread of being attacked.

We were safe, and we could enjoy the release of tension together.

Except…there was suddenly a knock on the door.

“Just a moment!” Eliza exclaimed, clearly flustered as we separated, some of my cum clinging to her pussy briefly, only to fall and land on the inside of her silk dress. She immediately shoved down her silk skirt, immediately looking completely presentable, even as I tugged up my pants.

I quickly went to go have a seat in the chair, crossing my ankle over my knee since I was still hard, and tried to act normal.

Eliza was now focused on her parchment, her face a little flushed, but otherwise unassuming.

“Come in,” she said loudly.

I glanced over my shoulder as the door opened, only to be shocked by who I saw.

Sylvia’s expression was neutral. “My Queen, it is only me. May I come in?”

“Yes, of course,” Eliza said casually, glancing up at her. “Are you here to learn what we’ve decided?”

“I am, my Queen. Runners have been sent ahead of you to the outposts, so that they will have fresh horses upon your arrival, and I’ve just been told that there are two carriages and four wagons prepared to leave. We only need to know who is going.”

Eliza grabbed a page where she’d written down the other names previously, only to quickly begin jotting down a few more, for our team, asking me to repeat Mel and Val’s full names, so that they could be notified, along with Astaer, and brought to leave the city.

She then focused up at Sylvia. “And also, I would very much desire that you accompany us, if you might be so inclined as to do this favor for me.”

“My Queen,” she said in surprise. “Of course, I will accompany you.”

Eliza held up the page. “Then please deliver this list, and return here afterward. I would like to speak with you before we leave.”

“As you command, my Queen,” she replied simply, only to turn around and hurry off, closing the door behind her.

I focused on her amethyst gaze. “What do you plan on talking to her about?”

“Mostly us,” she replied. “She is already aware of who you are to me, but I feel it is necessary to discuss everything, in hopes that maybe she will find it in her heart to at least interact with you civilly.”

I sighed. “She did say that my presence causes her great discomfort,” I admitted.

“It’s not really you,” Eliza replied. “Rather, Sylvia is very set in her ways of thinking. She assumes the worst in men, and would soon rid the world of them, if not for the detriment that would cause to our population.”

“So do you think she’ll give me a chance now that she knows I’m not some random human?”

“Person,” Eliza corrected. “It has nothing to do with you being human, my love. And it is difficult to tell with her. I do know of one man who she came to trust, and that man even found himself very interested in her. Yet she continued to treat him with absolute respect, despite her repeatedly denying his interest. Implying that her decision to respect and trust another is unyoked from that person’s race or interest in her.”

“Who is that?” I wondered.

“Oh, no one you know, my love. My only point is that she loathes men as a sort of ideology, but is not unwilling to get to know and respect someone just because they are male. And to be completely honest, she is not friendly with most women either, but tolerates them better.”

I scoffed. “So really, she just doesn’t like people.”

Eliza chuckled. “Yes, that is precisely correct. Which is why I would like to discuss all this while you are present.”

I nodded, only for there to be another knock on the door.

“Come in,” Eliza replied.

The door opened and Sylvia stepped in, only to close it behind her and walk up to the desk, almost standing within arm’s reach of me. Close enough that it surprised me, since she usually made me feel like I was a cretin and that getting too close would infect her with my assumed stupidity.

“My Queen,” she said simply.

The room was very large, but it only had the two chairs within, which I suspected was because Eliza didn’t usually entertain guests in this room. Or if she did, it was only one person at a time. Part of me thought about offering to give up my chair so she could have a seat, but I decided against it, doubting she would react positively to the gesture.

“Sylvia, my dear friend,” Eliza began. “This is truly the boy I’ve spoken of. The young man I lost a little over a century ago. I first wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for you bringing this to my attention.”

“Of course, my Queen,” she said sincerely, her tone full of devotion.

“Sylvia,” Eliza continued gently. “Now that my beloved is with me again, it is very important my feelings for him remain concealed. I have already expressed this to you, but do it again to emphasize the importance of this request.”

“I would never even so much as utter a word, my Queen.”

“Thank you, Sylvia. But now I must ask. How would you like this friendship between you and I to proceed moving forward?”

The tall blonde elf seemed a little surprised, her icy blue eyes wide, before she glanced at me briefly, her expression impassive as if she were only glancing at the wall, and then she returned her eyes to the Queen. “However you wish, my dear Eliza.”

“My beloved is very important to me, as I know you are aware, but I also desire for our friendship to remain fully intact.”

“Of course, my Queen. As do I. Nothing is more important to me than what I share with you.”

“Then will you also accept my beloved into your life?”

I froze solid, unsure if she was implying what I thought she was, seeing in the corner of my eye that Sylvia had frozen too.

“In…In what way would you have me accept him?” she finally asked.

“I know you hold animosity toward most males, and it would cause me great displeasure if you held such feelings toward my beloved.”

“Of course not, Eliza, I…” She abruptly sighed heavily, only to turn to face me.

I focused up at her in surprise, shocked that she was staring directly at me, with no hint of disgust. “I apologize Mr. Rosengard for how I’ve treated you these last couple of years. I had no idea you were so important to Eliza, and had I known I would have behaved differently. Please forgive me for my abrasiveness, and please accept my apology.”

I was stunned.

And completely confused.

No way she was just ‘okay’ with me, just like that.

But I knew I should be polite.

“Umm, thank you, and I gladly accept your apology. Although, I don’t feel like it’s necessary.” I paused when she seemed both surprised and confused, still holding my gaze. “I will admit that you have been a bit abrasive with me, but it’s not like you’ve singled me out. From what I can tell, you’re like that with everyone, and at the end of the day, you’ve been compliant with nearly all of my requests. Honestly, if I could ask one thing from you, it would be just that you weren’t so displeased with my very presence.”

She sighed. “I stopped being displeased with your presence the moment I confirmed that you were Eliza’s beloved. The moment she confirmed that the name of her beloved was Allister Rosengard.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise, finding that hard to believe. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yes, really. I have known of your existence for nearly as long as I’ve known Eliza. And I have thought about you on a number of occasions over the years.” She paused, seeing that I was really confused. “It was not only she who was searching for you,” she admitted. “I too was searching, though Eliza never requested it of me, nor was she aware. Of course, I was looking for a man who would be of an appropriate age, elderly at this point, so I never even considered that you might be her beloved, even if you are a male human healer. If anything, your presence in particular reminded me of Eliza’s loss, and of my own failure to help find him. So again, I am sorry for how I’ve treated you. Had I known, our interactions would have been different.”

“Oh,” I repeated. I supposed that made more sense. She was rude to me because I reminded her of what her beloved Eliza had lost, and it made her feel like a failure. Which also made it pretty clear that Sylvia inherently interacted differently with those in her inner circle, those who she loved and respected, versus most others. And since her behavior wasn’t necessarily from prejudice, but just a general distaste of most people, it was easy for her to completely flip, and start interacting with me as a close associate. Possibly even as a friend. Because she didn’t really hate me specifically, and never had. She just acted cold toward everyone, except for those she’d grown to love and cherish. “Umm, thank you,” I added.

“You’re welcome,” she said with a nod. She then turned to the Queen. “And I hope you have also forgiven me for mistreating him,” she said hopefully.

Eliza nodded. “Of course, Sylvia. And your sensibility in this matter has made me very happy. But now, we also need to discuss our physical relationship.”

The tall blonde elf swallowed audibly. “What is it you wish, my dear Eliza?”

“Only that you are able to continue visiting my bed, even if I have recently been with my beloved.”

Her blonde eyebrows rose. “Oh, so then you’re not requesting I sleep with him too.”

Oh shit! Was that something she had been expecting?!

Eliza glanced at me. “That is a decision I would never impose on you, my dear friend. Even though it would please me if you did, I would never directly request it. Rather, I only request that you fulfill your pledge, even if I’ve just been intimate with my beloved.”

Sylvia relaxed fully. “Oh. Yeah, I can do that, my Queen. I do not mind at all. As I’m sure you’re aware, before I met you, I frequently did as much for a married woman, often after she’d recently had sex with her husband.”

Eliza gave her a warm smile. “Then would you please kneel before me now? I’d forgotten what it was like to have sex with a man, and do not have any undergarments to contain his seed.”

Oh fuck!

Sylvia immediately nodded without hesitation, walking around the desk and kneeling before the Queen. “Of course, and I apologize if I interrupted you earlier.”

Eliza focused on me as she lifted up her black silk dress, only to place her hand on Sylvia’s blonde hair as the elf gathered it up, with the Queen appearing to hold the blonde locks for her, all while the beautiful tall woman bent forward and buried her face between Eliza’s thighs. “Thank you, Sylvia,” Eliza replied in relief, still focused on me. “You’re a life saver.”

Sylvia didn’t respond, but I could hear her tongue working.

And my cock was so hard, it was throbbing in pain, aching to be freed from my pants.

I didn’t realize I was trembling again, just holding Eliza’s amethyst gaze, until she spoke up.

“My love, I may be required to use my mouth to give you pleasure in the future. Or else grow accustomed to wearing undergarments again. I’ve not done so for a long time, as a small reminder of what we went through.”

I was surprised to hear that, though I fully understood what she meant.

After all, while I could heal flesh and bone with my spells, I couldn’t repair cloth and fabric. Which meant, within the first day of fighting for our lives, we’d been rendered completely exposed, though it wasn’t like I’d been able to see her naked very well.

The Dungeon tunnels were frequently very dark, and I didn’t have night vision like she did. Certainly, I’d developed a skill that allowed me to perceive things in the darkness, but only occasionally was there enough light, usually created by her spell ‘Shock,’ for me to see her form. I saw her thin body frequently during fights, but it hadn’t been an arousing thing. Not when we were literally about to die from every encounter.

“Oh, umm, yeah that’s fine,” I managed, agreeing to her offer to suck me off next time.

Eliza’s tone was affectionate. “My love, are you in need of relief now?” she wondered curiously.

I could only nod.

“Then come sit on my desk, my sweet boy. I will take care of you while I clean up.”

I tried not to shake as I quickly got to my feet, unable to believe that this was really happening, but not about to question it. Hurrying to get my pants down, I did as she asked, moving the parchment out of the way and sitting down at her desk, relieved when she immediately grasped me in her thin fingers.

At first, she only examined my cock as she gently rubbed the leaking head with her thumb.

“You know, Allie,” she said softly. “You actually surprised me earlier.”

“I did?”

She nodded, continuing to gently rub the tip, her amethyst gaze focused on it. “You’re bigger than you were when you were younger. I can remember how it felt to have you deep within me, and it was already almost too much back then. But now, I feel even fuller when you’re inside me.”

I gulped, glancing down at Sylvia who was almost methodically licking Eliza’s pussy clean, Eliza still holding up the blonde’s hair. “G-Glad you like it,” I managed.

She smiled warmly, her amethyst eyes full of affection, tugging up a little on the blonde elf’s hair with one hand, causing Sylvia to moan quietly at her hair being pulled, before my love leaned forward and slowly wrapped her mouth around my throbbing head. “Mmmm,” she moaned, only to pop off after a few seconds, a clear thread of fluid clinging to her lips. “I’d long since forgotten this taste. Your sweetness is bringing back memories.”

“I hope not bad ones,” I said hesitantly.

She sighed, her tongue flicking out to collect the clear fluid on her full pink lips. “Well, of course they are bittersweet memories, my love, but now that so much time has passed for me, I primarily recall all the special moments I spent with you.” Her tone became more affectionate. “I am looking forward to making new memories, ones that are solely special.”

“Me too,” I agreed quietly.

She gave me a warm smile, and then leaned forward to engulf my cock again, her hand grabbing onto my shaft firmly as she worked her tongue around the tip. I reached up to begin stroking my fingers through her pitch-black hair, only to tuck some of it around her pointy ear, gently stroking the tip to see if she’d respond like she used to.

Sure enough, her ear twitched at the slight tickle, something I’d always found adorable.

It was truly her, my Eliza, though I certainly had no doubts at this point.

Not when it literally said she was Bound to me.

Still, in many ways, it was the same girl I’d fallen in love with, only more mature, but still just as wonderful as I remembered.

After so long for me, and after so very long for her, we were finally together again.

And I honestly couldn’t be happier.

“I love you so much, Elizatay Mariona,” I whispered. “My Queen Eliza.”

She popped off just long enough to respond. “And I love you so much, my beloved Allister Rosengard. My Soulmate. Now please give me your seed, my love, so that I might taste your sweetness once more.”

“As you wish, my Queen,” I replied tenderly, using both hands to hold her face as she resumed our intimacy.

Her whimper was cute when I found relief, my cum shooting into her mouth.

But she chose to continue the task, finding pleasure in the intimacy alone, until the blonde elf was making my love whimper in her own relief from being stimulated for so long. With Sylvia sucking on her pussy, and her mouth sucking on my cock, my sweet Eliza cummed between us.

I figured we were both satiated by that point, for now, and that we would attend to other matters, but I hadn’t considered that the Queen desired that all parties were taken care of.

Nor had I anticipated my role in the matter.

When Eliza promised the blonde elf that she wouldn’t make her sleep with me, I assumed that implied that Sylvia had zero interest in being sexual with me at all. Which of course made a lot of sense in my perception, especially when considering how she’d always treated me. However, apparently, the tall blonde’s reluctance to be sexual with anyone stemmed more from her commitment to the Queen, rather than any other factor.

And while it was clear that Eliza would never make Sylvia do something sexual with me, or anyone else, it similarly became clear that Sylvia would actually do anything sexual that the shorter bustier elf implied she wanted.

No forcing required.

Because the tall blonde was always willing to do anything her Queen truly desired, even if it wasn’t something she especially wanted to do.

Thus, much to my surprise, with the Queen instructing Sylvia to sit in the chair, I was tasked with burying my face between the blonde’s smooth pale thighs while Eliza shared with her an intimate kiss that lasted even beyond the first time my face was wetted with the tall blonde elf’s release.

To be clear, it didn’t feel like there was any inherent intimacy between me and Sylvia specifically, even if she did start running her fingers through my hair, though I certainly enjoyed the experience. Still, it was obvious she had no problem mostly ignoring me while she focused on the one she truly cared deeply for.

And it seemed I wasn’t the only one fond of the Queen’s full lips and even fuller breasts, as the tall elf couldn’t seem to get enough of them as I continued to service her as repayment for her role in reuniting me with my love. Unsurprisingly, Sylvia didn’t actually touch me herself very much, aside from using my hair to control some of my movements, but also didn’t seem opposed to having my mouth on her clit and juicy lips, seeming fully content to being licked and sucked on while she focused on her intimacy with the Queen.

And truly, I couldn’t be happier.

Because Sylvia’s mature pussy was far tastier than I could have ever imagined.

Especially since I never imagined I’d ever be able to become intimate with this sexy blonde elf in the first place. And considering I never thought I’d become intimate with two sexy women who were both far older and more mature than me.

Without a doubt, this was a slice of heaven.

And without a doubt, I never wanted this to end.


FEEDBACK: Okay, so we now know why Sylvia acts the way she does (maybe not the true reason behind her behavior, but at least her overall reasoning).

Do you feel like this explanation is sufficient to make her change in behavior believable? Meaning, did I explain it well enough?


ALSO, the whole adoption thing is pretty much going to be forgotten after this chapter, just in case you were wondering. Or rather, Eliza will focus on her first plan. Hopefully that was hinted at enough in this chapter (with him explaining why he was hesitant).


Chapter 13 >>


Darth Mole

Thank you thank you thank you for another CH chapter!!!! At first I was having some trouble with the baby boy, and the power dynamic (even if it was reversed), but then I considered the fact she has had 100 years of experiences and interactions more than him. Plus she is a person of supreme authority and has been for a while. It would make sense she held more dominance in the interactions since they are no longer kids… well kid since Allie is still young. The only thing that I can’t reconcile yet is him going down on Sylvia. I can kind of see it with the way the queen is dominant now, but the fact she made Sylvia accept it so soon seems odd to me. Especially after the statement the queen made about not forcing her to sleep with him. I got Sylvia being ok with doing stuff to the queen afterwards but not that she would be ok getting serviced directly by him. Also thankful semi-feral elf sisters ftw! :D


One big concern I had at the start of this chapter was the 'taking their time's during their intimacy. One of my favourite things about this story is the world it is set up in so I was concerned for the fact that they weren't worrying more about the beast and it's flesh collectors while they were having their intimacy. Don't get me wrong, I loved the chapter, I'm just a bit concerned by the lack of urgency about the formation of the team.


First and foremost, I really liked this chapter, the tender moments are always so sweet under your quill. Sylvia's reasoning is well explained, though I have the feeling that she changes a little too much too quickly, going from "I almost hate you" to "I'm OK with you licking me to orgasm" very fast. Being an elf, I would have thought that she would be slower to accept him being intimate with her, though when I think of it, Astaer and Celestina already want to f*** the hell out of Allie (which sounds veeeery ... interesting!), so maybe it's more that I tend to see elves as being less sexual beings than the way you describe them (which is perfectly fine). As a side note, on two occasions, "I've forgotten" should be "I'd forgotten" I think, since she now remembers what it is like. Once, Sylvia said "Yeah", and it struck me as odd, given her otherwise uptight speech mannerism. Once again, a very pleasant read, eagerly awaiting the next part, thank you for your stories!

Christopher Miller

Now that Val and Mel have met the sisters I'm eagerly anticipating the whole harem coming together. I'm under the impression that Celestine will not be coming due to recovering from her mental trauma, or that she'll be assigned to the secondary team. Either works for me. I'm*really* looking forward to either Eliza or Allie sitting everyone down to camp and reveal all the history behind him and Eliza. Maybe even have everyone reveal a little of their unrevealed past to whet our appetite for upcoming sideplots. Overall a sweet, intimate chapter, but I'm actually looking forward to the scourge ass kicking commencing 👍


Holy shit what a chapter super hot. At first I was like wtf was that change of attitude and then you immediately explained. it was a solid explanation maybe if she opens up some more we could get more backstory but i think it works for now

Chosen Juan

“ Not when it literally said she was Bound to me.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Allie bound to Eliza not her to him, considering it was his skill that attached his lifespan to hers? It seems odd that it’s written she’s bound to him and not him to her…


In her stats, it says "Bound: Allister Rosengard" If you think about Mel's weapon, it says "Bound: Melantha Murta'rag" Just like Mel's weapon is bound to her, similarly Eliza is bound to Allister (as if she was his weapon). Just because Eliza has a longer lifespan doesn't mean he's the one bound to her. In a future chapter, there will be more specific information about the Soulmate skill, and what it exactly does.

hawkshe .

I think Sylvia letting him eat her out feels like going to far, especially since it's summarized instead of properly shown and it's left a bit vague as to if the queen forced her or Sylvia gave him permission. Forced would be problematic considering the queen promising she wouldn't order it, but maybe she just meant she wouldn't force Sylvia to serve Allister like Sylvia obviously serves the queen? That is, she doesn't intend on giving orders when for sex she isn't present for the act itself, but that the pledge is such that she can order threesomes that involve her and is fine with forcing that. Also, did Sylvia have a threesome with a married couple or was she fucking some guys wife behind his back? It's left kind of vague and with my still somewhat negative opinion of Sylvia I leaned towards her being a homewrecker, which might not have been the implication you had intended. Anyway, there's just a lot of weird unclear stuff in this chapter that is brought up, but not properly explained all in order to get to the hot steamy sex.


I'll try to see if I can go back through this chapter sometime soon and address some of these issues. Especially the oral part (and Sylvia allowing it).


They have a designated amount of time before they have to leave (because preparations have to be made), so they are 'taking their time' within that established time when they'd just be sitting around waiting anyway. People have to be notified of the mission, carriages have to be prepared, horses readied, etc. They can't just leave right now when everything isn't ready.

hawkshe .

Sounds good, especially since it also decreased my opinion of Allister that he was so excited to eat her out, in his position I wouldn't even want to touch her to be honest. This is a woman who's treated him badly for years, a woman who likely wouldn't let him touch her if someone else wasn't suggesting it, a woman he could easily be jealous of for all the time she's gotten to spend with Eliza that he missed out on and a woman whose personality can change on a dime so she could be putting on a pleasant image in front of her queen, the person she actually cares about, so he shouldn't trust this is his long-term treatment from her until he's had some alone time with her. Add that to the fact that he's got a harem so he isn't sex starved anymore and won't be in the future and it kinda makes him look a little pathetic or like a sex addict.

hawkshe .

To be fair, the other two already had a positive opinion for a long time since they are beast-masters and he's been spending time in the city healing animals. So for them it went "he's a great guy who is good to animals, something I find to be incredibly important and a rare quality" to "not only is he that, but he saved one of our lives as well as our most precious griffin as well." For the two elves that seems like a perfectly reasonable final push into a romantic, or at the very least sexual, relationship. As for elves as a whole, his old elf teammate is described as constantly looking for new female companionship. My guess is that it's more that it differs from elf to elf, the same way not all humans are the same, but we'll see since there's going to be enough elven teammates/harem members now that it seems reasonable to dive a little further into their culture in the near future.


to be honest it kind of bothers me that Eliza can't have children, but that just stems from the fact that impregnation is a big turn on for me. I do wonder if Allister's divine restoration could de-age someone or return them to their physical (and sexual) prime though.


Look forward to the next chapter!

Johnny Galt

I'm ashamed to say that it took me re-reading this chapter to realize what you did with Val's last name (Valshia Kumrahg) Well Played, Sir Well Played indeed

hawkshe .

Well, it's better, but the fact that he's still enjoying having to eating out Sylvia leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth for all the same reasons as before.

Johnny Galt

You've posted a LOT of updates over the last 2-3 weeks or so Both here and IDH How important is it to go back and re-read those chapters? Are there minor character reveals and/or minor plot changes? That we don't HAVE to read to follow the story? Or do they contain (semi)major changes that we really *should* see?


If you're talking about the emails, then the 'update' is mainly just the fact that I've given the chapter access to a lower tier. Which, if you're in the highest tier, then it's possible you'll get those notifications, even though they don't really apply to you. I try to keep those emails down as much as possible, but also want to make sure that someone in a lower tier knows they have access to a new chapter. Otherwise, no other changes to the stories have been made recently.

Andrew Haskell

Of all the things some folks have issue with, no one mentioned this. How has it only been 6 years for Allie and 100 for Eliza? Did I miss something, or has it not been explained yet? If not yet... Why not!?!?


It's not been fully explained yet, and the reason why is because the characters themselves don't know the exact reason (how could they?). However, in a later chapter, they will begin to discover clues as to why this happened, and they will end up figuring it out.

Andrew Haskell

I guess what I meant was, no one seems to question it, not even him. Not world shattering though, I am just jonesing for the next chapter.