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December 10, 2021

NOTE: This is practically a whole new story at this point, so be sure re-read the first 2 chapters if you read the older version: “My Girlfriend’s an Oni Demon”

I took the first 2 chapters and turned them into 4 chapters.

It's now a story that will have multiple love interests, as well as LitRPG elements (which was what I intended to begin with, as seen by him commenting on his 'analyzing' skills, but I hadn't fleshed out the world that much yet when I first started writing this).


<< Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 

- CHAPTER 3: Girlfriend -


Present Day

A young busty Holstaur doublechecked that she had everything she might need for her short trip, preparing to leave the farm where she’d grown up and hoping that she wouldn’t be back for a long time, since that would imply that she’d been successful in achieving her goal.

Not that she didn’t love her large family with every bit of her heart, but she was ready to leave home and to make herself useful for the man she loved.

As it turned out, she’d been betrothed to a strong and handsome human who had saved her mother’s life, as well as the life of her youngest brother, and she’d been deeply ashamed to discover that she wasn’t what he wanted in a woman.

Her father had made the offer when he saw how his gorgeous blonde daughter, who never had an eye for anyone, waited on the young human like a servant, attending to his every need and watching him closely whenever he wasn’t in need. Thus, it wasn’t a stretch for the older man to attempt to arrange her marriage with a guy she was clearly taken with, an unexpected proposition that made her deeply embarrassed, even if she desperately wanted it.

Yet, the healer wanted more than a woman to bear his children.

He wanted someone who could go where he went, and fight by his side.

The young Holstaur never imagined herself as someone who would travel the world as a Scourge Suppressor, but if it meant she could be with the man of her dreams, then nothing was going to stop her from achieving her goal.

However, she had a lot of things holding her back.

For one, she didn’t know how to advance in her class as a Ranger, having difficulty wielding a bow, and even if she did advance, she was confident she wouldn’t be useful without a Focus. But that meant she needed money, a lot of it, in order to pay for the Focus Ritual, and her family was practically broke.

They had all the basic necessities, including plenty of food, water, and clothing, and they owned the land they farmed, but they didn’t actually have very much coin.

Thus, in hopes of finding some way to begin saving up, she attempted to sell animal shit from the farm to the local tanners, hoping they’d purchase it to use in their leathermaking process.

But that didn’t work out.

There were already plenty of Shit Collectors from the city, with Adennais shit being preferred, and no one was in need of extra shit. So she instead attempted her hand at hunting small game, when she overheard a vender suggesting that the prices of meat was too high for his preferences, and he’d gladly buy from a different source. Of course, her large chest wouldn’t allow her to use a normal bow the correct way, but her father had a crossbow, and she hoped it would help her train her Class.

However, in the end, that didn’t work out either, and she was exhausted from working all day on the farm and then using all her spare time to try to earn some extra coin.

But then her father, having seen her hard work and persistence, came through by deciding to sell one of their prized Herdalope in order to make just barely enough money for her to do a Focus Ritual.

It was a big risk, they both knew it, since she probably wasn’t ready for the ritual, but she was determined.

More than that, she had Determination, and she could feel it giving her strength.

So she took the Focus Ritual, desperate to unlock a Focus, only to be confused when the examiner gasped in surprise. And yet, she didn’t know what the big deal was about.

“Is that a rare Focus?” she’d wondered.

“Very rare,” the examiner agreed. “Any guild would be lucky to have you. Although, you might need to train first, before one of the top five will accept you. Did you have one in mind?”

“Remnant,” she said automatically, knowing it was the guild of her betrothed.

“Then train hard. They’re the best of the best.”

So that’s exactly what she did. She went back home and trained.

More than that, she earned her family money. Enough to pay back what her father had given her and then some.

Because when unlocking her Focus, she also gained Sharp Eye, Perfect Aim, and Critical Bullseye.

Now, killing game of any size wasn’t a problem for her, and she made a lot of money selling meat, as well as a decent amount of silver from tracking down certain hides when they were in shorter supply.

And she got stronger.

A lot stronger.

In fact, her progress was so fast, that even she felt confident it was abnormal.

But she was determined to be with the man she loved, and that Determination made all the difference.


* * *


Despite my eagerness, I honestly couldn’t believe this was really happening.

This hot Oni chick was really going to let me sit in her lap while she jerked me off? Fuck, it was almost too difficult to believe. But after making the offer, she was sitting there expectantly on my bed, her midnight metal staff now on the floor, her leather-clad thighs parted slightly, her glossy black clothing a sharp contrast to her rosy skin.

And my cock was as hard as a rock.

I stood up slowly as I looked her over, examining her rose-colored skin doing little to hide her firm muscular build. Between the vibrant red skin, chin-length white hair and thin white eyebrows, along with her black leather outfit, she was hot as hell to look at.

And she had amazing tits, as did most Oni women.

Huge, firm, and plump, her tits would be just as perky without the black leather that held them firmly in place, her busty cleavage just begging me to bury my face against her breasts. But for some reason, I couldn’t touch her tits.

That was one of her rules.

However, I could touch her ass, thighs, and she was even willing to suck on my cock.

Bizarre rules, but I was not about to complain!

Getting my pants down, my cock now pointed straight at her, I watched as she focused on it with an unexpected hunger in her gold eyes, before she looked briefly alarmed, her expression becoming reserved. It all happened so fast that most might not have fully picked up on the subtleties.

But I caught it.

For one, she seemed to be sincerely aroused by the sight of my puny human cock, which was only about eight inches in length. Very small, compared to Oni length and thickness, though I was confident I was above average by human standards.

But then, the reservation.

She liked what she saw, but was holding back.

For some reason, it was almost as if she didn’t want to get aroused herself. Which suddenly caused everything to make a lot more sense. She didn’t want me to touch her tits because that would be arousing for her, whereas she could manage to control herself if I only touched her ass and thighs. Likewise, she was fine with sucking on my cock and jerking me off, which she could probably manage to do as a sort of ‘service’ without getting aroused herself, but regular fucking was off limits.

Honestly, I was curious as to why that seemed to be the case, but no way in hell was I about to ask right now.

As the Oni motto went, ‘Fuck first, ask name later.’ Granted, I already knew her name, but the general concept still applied. We had plenty of time to talk, but fucking was on the menu right now, before she got cold feet.

Or jerking, in this case.

However, as I began pulling off my shirt too, she abruptly sounded alarmed.

“Wait!” she exclaimed, lifting her rosy hand in the traditional stop gesture while turning her head away.

I focused on her intently, watching her shift her thighs, her cheeks a slightly darker crimson hue.

Damn, she was sincerely trying to avoid getting aroused herself.

But damn!

That just meant she was aroused by seeing me shirtless! Hell yes! How did I ever get so lucky?! A hot Oni chick who grew up with humans, preferred human men over her own kind, and even wanted to be in a long-term relationship?!

Fuck, I’d really won it big here!

Dropping my shirt to hide my own abs, I decided to walk over while still half clothed, my throbbing cock barely a foot from her face when I stopped. She glanced at it hesitantly, then looked up at me, before the hint of a smile touched her full pale lavender lips again. She then patted the black leather on her thigh, seeming more confident and relaxed.

“Have a seat, young man,” Mel teased.

I grinned, recalling that she was twenty-four, three years older than me, taking a step to the side and carefully lowering my naked ass onto her muscular thighs. The black leather was warm against my skin as I made contact, largely because her body was so warm, making a chill run up my spine. My cock was leaking now, that familiar clear sticky fluid beginning to form a bead at the top.

Mel wasted no time wrapping one arm around me, pulling me against her shoulder while her thin strong fingers from her other hand began slowly wrapping around the base of my cock. I moaned as she did her first stroke, prompting me to lean into her more, enjoying her embrace. My head was higher than hers in this position, but it wouldn’t be too much trouble to curl my back a little and crouch, since we were the same height.

“Can I kiss you on the cheek?” I whispered as she stroked me again, beginning to get into a steady slow rhythm. Her gold eyes were focused now, like she had a job to do.

“Yes,” she said firmly.

I reached up to cup the side of her other cheek, mesmerized by the sharp contrast in our skin tones for a second, before slowly bridging the short gap and pressing my lips against her silky smooth skin.

Shit, this was heaven.

She smelled so amazing too, like cinnamon and nutmeg.

Honestly, her face was so attractive alone that I wouldn’t even care what her body was like. She could have no tits at all, and I’d be fine with that, though huge firm tits were pretty standard for Oni. Still, I wanted to reach down and grab them so badly, but knew I shouldn’t flaunt with the rules or else risk her changing her mind.

Unexpectedly, she pulled away a little.

“Just a second,” she whispered, removing her arm from my back and hunching down over my cock. “You’re leaking too much,” she added, just before she wrapped her lips around the head.

Shit,” I moaned, feeling her hot tongue swirl around to collect all the precum. I could feel the side of her firm tit pressing against me a little, wishing again I could squeeze it.

With her leaning over me like this, I decided to gently feel her white hair for the first time, finding it even softer than I was expecting, as I gently ran my fingers through it. Then, after petting her a little, while she continued to suck on the head, I began tracing down her neck and then feeling the black leather on her upper back. Her red shoulder blades were delicate for an Oni, though the rippling muscles on her back was undeniable proof of her strength.

In a wrestling match, I honestly didn’t know who would win between us.

Granted, I’d probably let her win, assuming she wasn’t actually stronger than me.

Tracing the tiny bumps of her spine covered in soft red skin, I moved lower past the dimples in her lower back until I reached her leather pants. She was leaned over enough that I could feel just the top of her ass, but not enough that I could really grab it. Wiggling my fingers into her pants a little, I slipped one finger down her crack, leaving it there while I continued petting her white hair with my other hand.

“I’m getting close,” I whispered.

She pulled away slightly. “I’ll just stay down here then,” she replied, beginning to focus more intently on jerking me with her hand, her voice suddenly seductive. “Now, cum in my mouth, my cute little human.”

Shit, something about her slightly haughty tone pushed me over the edge.

She was just returning her lips to the tip of my cock when I started shooting my load. Mel immediately began swallowing, jerking me more fervently while I shot three more times, clearly knowing exactly what she was doing. She then licked the tip clean before beginning to sit up straight again.

The moment she did, I grabbed her arm to wrap around me again, and then leaned into her shoulder, grabbing the side of her face to pull her cheek toward me. She froze solid for half a second when I kissed her tenderly, before thawing out and holding me more intently in her arms.

“That was amazing,” I whispered, feeling almost a little sleepy now.

She smirked. “Best you ever had?” she said playfully.

“There’s no comparison,” I admitted, though I wasn’t about to tell her I’d never actually gotten a decent blowjob before. Sure, I’d fooled around with a handful of chicks when I was younger, even fucked a few pussies, but this was only my second blowjob and the first one sucked…not in a good way.

She grinned more fully, before pulling me tightly against her, snuggling her cheek into my forehead as I hunched more to fit in her arms. She seemed extremely content, as if she was just as satisfied as I was.

“Remind you of home?” I teased playfully, referring to her giving me a blowjob.

She laughed, a sincerely adorable chuckle. “I usually just let them touch my tits,” she replied, her gold eyes dancing as she focused on me from the corner of her eye. “They really liked it because apparently human tits aren’t this firm. But I’d be lying if I said this was the first time I’d jerked a human off. Or sucked on a human cock.”

“I’d be shocked if you’ve done it any less than a hundred times, with how amazing that was. You’re a pro.”

She laughed again. “I think I’m going to like having you as a boyfriend,” she admitted.

“I know I’ll like having you as a girlfriend,” I replied sincerely. Shit, this really was heaven. “Would you be interested in sharing a room with me?” I wondered. “Whenever we’re in town,” I clarified, since it wasn’t uncommon that we’d have to make camp, both in the wilderness and in the Dungeons. Granted, we could share a tent too.

She was pensive, her white eyebrows knitted together. “If we share a room, then there will have to be extra rules.”

“Okay,” I said simply. “What will they be?”

“I’m not ready to be naked in front of you,” she replied. “So you need to give me privacy when I ask for it.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

“Seriously,” she pressed, her muscles tensing a little. “If you break that rule, then we’ll probably have to split.”

My expression grew more serious. “Yeah, I get it. I’m alright with that.”

She relaxed, a warm smile returning to her face. “But if you follow the rules, then we can do this more often,” she added.

I kissed her on the cheek again, enjoying the softness, which was a sharp contrast to the very firm arms that held me. “Sounds good,” I agreed.

“So does that mean I’m on the team?” she wondered, a hint of playfulness in her gold eyes.

I sighed, knowing from her tone that she was only teasing -- that she hadn’t done all this to get on the team. “I guess we should probably get to that evaluation,” I said just as playfully, only to grow a bit more serious. “I checked the Quest board this morning and didn’t see anything I think Turg would be interested in taking. But, in the event we leave later today, we’ll need to make sure everything is official.” I paused. “Paperwork and such,” I added.

“Did my services earn me some points?” she wondered curiously.

I rolled my eyes. “Maybe,” I admitted. “But honestly, I trust that you’re smart enough to know your own capabilities. My personal evaluation is more for myself, to know what I’m dealing with in terms of team composition.”

She nodded, holding me slightly tighter.

Shit, this was great! She really seemed to like me!

“I like being your human,” I replied in amusement, recalling what she’d said just before I got there. “Almost like being your pet,” I teased.

She grinned widely. “Yeah? Then maybe I need to give my pet a little nickname.”

“And what would that be?” I wondered.

She laughed. “Well, your name is Allister, so how about Allie? Sounds like a cute pet name to me.”

I grimaced, though not necessarily because I didn’t like it. “Sounds more like a girl’s name,” I hedged, not wanting to admit that someone else used to call me that.

Someone I was very fond of.

Someone I missed dearly, and who my heart ached for.

She chuckled more, her tight abs tensing against my side. “Yeah, it does,” she giggled. “So then, Allie it is!” She continued to chuckle at my reaction.

Ugh, I should have known what I was getting myself into with an Oni. They enjoyed to tease, harass, and bully, and definitely did it affectionately to those they liked. My own mistake, for revealing my disapproval, though it was another big sign that she sincerely was interested in me.

Part of me wanted to resist the nickname, just because it was going to bring up some unpleasant memories, but I knew that would be a great way to ensure it stuck. Might be better to pretend like I didn’t care and hope she settled on something else, though I doubted there was much I could do about it at this point.

Honestly, maybe this was a good thing though. I kind of needed to get over it, and it might be healthy to get used to someone else calling me Allie.

Sighing heavily, I finally pulled away, suddenly struggling a little as she tried to keep me in place, a huge grin on her face, before I managed to climb off her lap and get my pants on…

I definitely had the distinct sensation that she let me, as opposed to me overpowering her, but I also hadn’t been trying my hardest yet.

Once I was dressed, I focused on her expectantly.

She reached down for her staff and then stood up this time, holding the crystal-shaped bulbous end toward the floor. I was a little confused for half a second, before I sensed her transferring essence within the weapon, activating it.

With a crackle of vibrant orange, a curved ethereal blade shot out like lightning, the entire room suddenly twice as bright.

“It’s a scythe,” I said in shock, sincerely not expecting that outcome.

“Yep,” she said cheerfully, the blade actively moving outward a little to become more like a War Scythe instead of a Harvesting Scythe. “I can adjust the position as needed in a fight.” The ethereal orange blade abruptly shot inward like it was on a spring that abruptly released. “Easily decapitate monsters with no movement of the actual weapon.” She held it up and swung it in the tight space to grasp with her other hand, the blade now at shoulder level as she held onto it firmly in both hands. The orange projection was still curved inward, barely a foot from her rosy fingers. “And I can even use it like a large Battle Axe if needed. Lots of flexibility in battle.”

I didn’t respond right away, a little distracted now, busy trying to assess its information.


WEAPON: Ethereal Scythe



Grade: Epic

State: Bound (Melantha Murta’rahg)

Attack: Unknown (Slashing), 212 (Blunt)

Properties: Unknown

Skills: Unknown

Spells: Unknown


A bound weapon?! Of Epic grade?!


And I was actually finding out her last name this way? It was actually a somewhat common last name for an Oni, one I’d heard at least once before, but I’d have to be careful with that, since she hadn’t told me yet…

But having seen another bound weapon before, about a year ago, I wasn’t surprised by the extra ‘State’ description, of bound or unbound, something that normal weapons didn’t have. I also wasn’t too shocked by all the Unknowns at this point, knowing I’d probably be able to discern more information eventually. Although, with the slashing damage, I was fully expecting that number to be ridiculously high.

An ethereal blade that might be able to cut through almost anything?

Yeah, it was probably an attack boost that had few rivals.

A typical sword provided an attack boost of 200 to 300, although a typical sword also couldn’t cut a Scourge Beast without the additional Essence Infused property. Nevertheless, even with being Essence Infused, the overall attack buff was about the same, just capable of cutting through monsters too.

But based on what I’d just seen, it was even possible her weapon didn’t have an upper limit, much like the rare Immortal Form skill temporarily gave a seemingly infinite boost to Attack, Defense, Endurance, and Agility.

Of course, while it only lasted for a handful of seconds for most users, it literally made them immortal.

And here Mel had a weapon that might give her that kind of attack boost permanently, so long as she wielded it.

No wonder she didn’t want to show it off, even though it was bound to her. Although, despite her caution, it was possible that even she didn’t fully understand the value. Which meant I needed to keep what I just learned a closely guarded secret.

“Damn,” I said out loud, sincerely impressed by both the weapon grade and little display she’d just put on. “I can only imagine how badass it is to watch you fight. Kind of makes me jealous.”

She smirked, deactivating the blade with a swoosh. “Now maybe you can understand my hesitation to show it off. This weapon is bound to me, but that wouldn’t stop someone from trying to steal it.”

I nodded in agreement, knowing full well the situation now. I was also glad she both knew it was bound to her and freely offered that information.

“Yeah, although some of our other guildmates might see,” I admitted. “If we run into them in the field.”

“Which is fine,” she replied. “But I still prefer to not show it off.”

I smirked. “Who knew my girlfriend was such a badass though?”

She grinned widely, setting the end of the staff on the wooden floor. “Who knew my little human was so cute?” she teased.

I rolled my eyes, though I was sincerely happy about the compliment. “Glad you think so. Shall we go get the paperwork started?” I wondered, deciding not to delay adding her to the team, since she was A Tier to begin with, had an extremely versatile and powerful weapon, and was willing to be my girlfriend. “Oh, and mind if I ask your last name?”

She shrugged. “It’s Murta’rahg. What’s yours?”

“Rosengard,” I replied simply.

She nodded. “Mind if I leave my bag here?”

“Of course, since it’s your room now too.”

She was all smiles again, before that frown resurfaced as she glanced back at the single bed. Her gold gaze then shifted to mine. “Are you going to be able to keep your hands to yourself when we’re trying to sleep?” she wondered seriously.

“Of course,” I replied, realizing I probably needed to truly explain my perspective. “Look, you jerking me off just now was my first time with an Oni, and the first in a long time since I’ve had any fun with a woman.” I paused to let that sink in, her eyes widening slightly. “So trust me when I say that I don’t want to mess this up. I believe you have firm boundaries, and I’ll respect those to the best of my ability. I won’t intentionally overstep them. I’ll keep my hands to myself in bed, only touching you where you say it’s okay. And if you ask me to stop, then I’ll stop, even if I’m about to cum.”

Her expression was briefly stunned, before it transitioned to something else entirely. She was looking at me with a sort of tenderness now.

She then grimaced and looked away.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” she said almost inaudibly.

“Wait, what?” I said in alarm. “Why?”

Her gaze was somber. “I just…” She took a deep breath, still averting her gold eyes. “The more I talk to you, the more I like you, and I just…” Her voice trailed off again.

I held up my hands, having no idea what was wrong, but not liking where this was going at all. I quickly tried to pull the reigns on the situation. “Look, don’t think too much about it right now. Let’s just go downstairs, get the paperwork going, maybe have some fun at the training grounds, and then we can all hang out together tonight as a team, assuming Turg doesn’t want to leave today. But you can get to know the guys, as well as Shel. And I heard a Bard is stopping by as well, so if we stay another day then there’ll be something fun to listen to.”

She looked up at me, her expression suddenly warm and endearing.

“No pressure,” I added. “I mean, I’m still going to claim you as my girlfriend, if you don’t mind, but no need to think too deeply about where the relationship is heading. Let’s just have a good time, and then we’ll head out in the next day or so to make some good coin.” I paused. “I can help you out with money until then, and you can even pay me back if you’re uncomfortable with it.”

Honestly, I had no idea why she’d even have a problem with the relationship heading in a good direction, especially since she claimed that was exactly what she wanted, but I wasn’t about to ruin what we had going on before it barely started. I could tell it was a subject she really didn’t want to discuss, and might really break up with me for being too pushy.

However, one thing was clear -- there was something I was missing. Something possibly big.

A reason why she didn’t want to get aroused and was uncertain about dating in general.

“Okay,” she finally agreed. “I still need to ask around about that healer though.”

“I can go with you,” I offered, really beginning to wonder if the two things were connected. “Assuming you don’t mind an escort. I know the city pretty well.”

She smiled. “That would be very helpful,” she admitted.

“Then it’s a deal. We’ll get the paperwork started, spend some time at the training grounds, and then go do some asking around. Better to do it in the afternoon, when more people are awake and social.”

“Okay,” she repeated, lifting her staff onto her shoulder like it was a long mace. “Lead the way?” she offered hesitantly.

I grinned. “Mind if I hold your hand?”

She smirked. “You really want to flaunt your new girlfriend around, don’t you?”

“I want to stake my claim, yes.”

She tsk-tsked me playfully, even as she reached out to intertwine our fingers. “You know how Oni handle coveting, right?” she wondered, only to answer her own question. “If I’m not of strong preference, and a male Oni tries to steal me for a quick fuck, then it comes down to a fight between men. Which means all a guy has to do is grab my arm, and I’d have to go with him, since you can’t fight back.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing full well she was teasing me. Another sign she really liked me, as ironic as it sounded. “Except, you’re of a preference,” I retorted. “Unlike most Oni women. Although, I admit that’d be kind of depressing if you weren’t. Not big on sharing,” I added carefully, gauging her reaction.

She shrugged, her tone still a playful mocking. “You could always get stronger, just to make sure it doesn’t happen.”

I scoffed.

We both knew that wasn’t possible, given my Class and Focus, never mind the fact that I’d never be able to match the physical strength of a full-grown Oni man even if I was in a different Class. At least, not the kind of men I was surrounded by, who were all top tier.

And I was still uncertain if I could even take Mel in a wrestling match, especially if she had some enhancement skills. Maybe it might be possible for me if I could somehow dual-class, and if I wasn’t close to my maximum level, but that just wasn’t feasible. The closest thing to a dual-class was something like the Battlemage or Essence Slayer, but both of those Focuses were firmly in their respective Classes, Mage and Fighter.

As a Healer, with a focus in Essence Diviner, there was no way for me to gain the kind of combat prowess needed to defend her against another man. And I doubted my Stun spell would give enough of an advantage to win a fight where I had to stand my ground. Especially since it only lasted a couple of seconds, and had a ten second cooldown on individual targets, leaving eight seconds of downtime.

Sure, I could try to put on more muscle, and even practice more with certain weapons, but I’d never be able to learn and master the kind of skills I’d be up against.

However, technically I didn’t need to, so long as she was of a preference to only bed me.

“Aww, don’t worry my little human,” she cooed when I didn’t respond. “I’ll thwart all the big ugly men from bedding me, and leave the more appealing small men for you to scare off.”

I grinned. “Now that, I can work with,” I replied.

Walking down the hallway hand-in-hand, with her Battlestaff carefully positioned on her shoulder, we continued on down a different set of stairs from where we’d come, entering a lounging space that led to the Guild Office. We could technically get there through a doorway in the Guild canteen, but I didn’t want to get stopped with a thousand questions when people saw Mel and I holding hands.

Okay, maybe I was a little nervous about our first interactions with others, as boyfriend and girlfriend, but who could blame me?

We literally just met barely an hour ago, and had only been dating for possibly half that amount of time. By human standards, that was downright crazy.

Good thing most of our company wasn’t human.

Still, when we entered the lobby for the Guild Office, I got a raised eyebrow from Eira, the brunette elf receptionist. However, the look didn’t last long once I explained why we were there, with her getting right on the paperwork. Of course, Mel and I also stopped holding hands while she filled out her basic information, signing the waivers and agreeing to the payment measurement system and rate.

But that didn’t stop my eyes from wandering.

Damn, Mel was something to look at.

Just watching her work a quill, seeing the muscles in her toned arms ripple as she used them, along with the size of her muscular upper arms and shoulders. It was just enough muscle to be sexy as hell without being a turn off for me. Because even I had a limit to how much muscle I could tolerate, before a woman looked too manly.

But nothing about her was manly. Masculine, sure, in the sense that she had a strong build, but still very feminine in all the ways it counted, especially her huge tits, attractive face, and wide bony hips. Never mind her hot ass!

Shit, her bubbly ass was amazing in those leather pants. And her thick thighs!

I had to look away to let myself cool down for a few seconds before I sprung an erection right then and there.

While we were signing paperwork, I was kind of hoping to see the Guild Master Lucius, also an elf, but apparently he wasn’t in. Figured I’d introduce Mel to him, but I supposed it would have to wait for another time.

Thus, after we were all finished up, we made our way back through the lounging area, and then through a hallway that exited on the side of the massive building. Taking the alleyway toward the back, we made our way to the training grounds.

The initial area was packed dirt from all the foot traffic, with wooden planks laid out for when it rained and got too muddy. There were also several stone sparring rings, as well as an archery range, and a unique stone range for single target spellcasting.

However, the pride of Remnant was the behemoth stone enclosure that could be seen rising taller than the primary Guild Building itself, serving for much more advanced spellcasting of all kinds. Pretty much every Class that used essence in some form used the space for training, since there were Essence Dispersion Crystals inset in the stone walls to help diffuse magic like an artificial barrier.

The entire thing had only four massive rooms though, all open to the sky, which meant a line of people could sometimes form at certain times of the day.

However, I figured that was where we’d go, since I was curious to see what other magic Mel could use beyond her weapon -- she was a Mage after all.

Unfortunately, we got stopped on the way.

An Archer I wasn’t a fan of, an elf by the name of Krylish, called out to me, looking like he was just finishing up some target practice. He was tall and lean, with black hair and pretty wide shoulders, despite his thinness. He was also someone who was decent at his craft, but not good enough to be in a top team. Thus, he seemed to have issue with me being a male human healer, who was objectively weak in his perception, but still on the tenth strongest team due to my utility.

Mel was holding my hand again, our fingers intertwined, but the guy was to my other side, making it impossible for him to see our clasped hands at the moment, since I was able to hide most of her body with my own muscular figure.

“Allister!” he sneered. “Come to practice your slingshot?” he asked sarcastically, walking toward us.

I rolled my eyes as we slowed to a stop, taking a small step back so I could angle toward him while still holding my girlfriend’s hand. “Does it look like I have it on me?” I retorted in annoyance.

He froze solid in his tracks, focusing on Mel. “Who’s this?” he asked, his taunting already forgotten.

I raised our intertwined fingers slightly, her rosy fingers sharply contrasted against my own skin color. “My girlfriend.”

She didn’t bother introducing herself, and I had no intentions on doing so either, although she did hold his gaze with a bored unamused expression.

“B-But you’re an Oni,” he retorted, focusing on our hands, then at her again. “You’re fucking a human?”

She shrugged. “I have a thing for human men. What’s it matter to you?”

He just gawked at her, only to begin getting a pissed look in his eye. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what the guy’s problem was, but for some reason it just really made him upset whenever things were going well for me. And I supposed the fact that I couldn’t get laid made him extra smug, except now that aspect of my life had made a drastic shift, at least in his perception.

Mel quickly continued with a smirk. “The smaller, the better,” she added.

Krylish’s black eyebrows shot up in surprise, only for him to bark out a laugh. “I guess you’re alright,” he said, shaking his head. “Have fun with your human toy,” he scoffed dismissively, angling away to begin leaving.

Damn. Mel was actually pretty intuitive.

She knew exactly what would make him go away.

However, while I wasn’t offended at all, she still apologized once we were walking again, which actually surprised me. Obviously, in her perspective, there was a difference between her teasing me directly, compared to making fun of me with someone else.

“Sorry,” she whispered, looking concerned.

I shook my head. “No, he was getting pissed, though he had no right to. You sounding as if you were belittling me actually was what made him go away.”

“I know,” she agreed. “Elves sometimes act like Oni in certain situations, so I was aware. Still, I’m sorry.”

I squeezed her hand gently, smirking at her, able to look directly into her gold eyes since we were the same height. “Hey, I’d rather you take a stab at me and let us get on with our date, rather than stand there all day having to listen to his shit.”

Her gold eyes widened in surprise. “A date?”

I shrugged. “Why not call it that? We plan on hanging out together all day, and we are dating, so why not?”

She pursed her full pale lavender lips, before a smile slowly formed. She then frowned. “Do you really use a slingshot?”

I grinned confidently. “I do,” I admitted.

She looked bewildered.

I laughed, before leaning closer as we walked, lowering my voice. “I have a little secret,” I teased. “Want to know?”

She nodded, seeming sincerely curious now.

I pulled away, looking straight ahead, ready to leave it at that in order to tease her.

She immediately pouted, sticking out her pale bottom lip, only to bump her leather-clad hip into mine playfully. “Please, Allie?” she begged, her tone suddenly seductive. “Please tell your hot girlfriend? I promise it’ll be our little secret.”

I grinned like an idiot.


FEEDBACK: What's your level of interest in the story at this point? (As of this chapter)

1) It's okay,

2) Really like it a lot,

3) Super Engaging (love it),

4) I am so obsessed with this story, and can't get enough.

Please be honest. A 1 or 2 is perfectly fine, if that's what you think. How does it compare to Innocent Devil's Harem? (I'll still write on that one, but just want a reference.)


Chapter 4 >>


Melancholy medic

I also really like how while the protagonist is powerful in his field, he isn't all-powerful in lots of ways like the protagonist in IDH. Well done!

Andrew Haskell

3. Good story building, can not wait for the Oni/Cowgirl interaction. I like the fact she is willing to defend him from idiots like the elf, but still cares enough about his feelings to apologize, yet still calls him Allie. I will keep coming back.