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October 31, 2021

NOTE: Book 3 is available on Amazon (covers up to Ch 45).

Please leave a rating on Book 1, if you haven't already (people use book 1 to decide if they will even try a series, so those ratings matter most).


I guess last chapter and this chapter have turned into a mini-arc of 'fun with Miriam.'

We will have some more plot progression in the next chapter (Ch 63) and Gwen is also going to get a turn.

Then, from Ch 63 onward, things should start getting really interesting as we have several plot points begin to come together.

Hope you enjoy!


<< Chapter 61 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4) | Ch 61 (Book 5)


- CHAPTER 62: New Experiences -


After a surprisingly intimate date with Miriam, mostly in her underground laboratory -- where she presented an offer I couldn’t refuse and we officially agreed to make things work out between us -- we finally made our way back to her master suite. At which point, I ended up fucking her again in her massive romantic bed in a failed attempt to help her get out of the shiny skintight bodysuit.

To be clear, I was trying to stay on task, but she made the casual comment that I was free to ‘use her’ whenever I desired, and ‘little me’ immediately got ‘not so little,’ prompting me to take her up on that offer without hesitation, now knowing that she could handle the pounding, fucking her like I fucked Gwen the day before -- as a means to enjoy myself with her cute body.

However, it turned out that taking control like that really turned her on, and she actually cummed just before I got there, only to squirt harder once I filled her up with my thick load.

Fuck, her moans and whimpers were so adorable.

And so strange to see a succubus so overwhelmed with passion, to the point that it looked like her head was swimming like she was dizzy, her midnight wings twitching uncontrollably.

I also quickly realized that stopping for us was going to be difficult if we fully gave into our lusts, because when her passion sored afterward and she decided to gag herself on my cock, I realized I was already feeling like I needed to cum again.

Not just wanted, but needed.

Honestly, it wasn’t much different from fucking Mrs. Rebecca, aside from the lust and passion cycle just being stronger. However, I was also different now, and felt more in control of myself, being less affected by her erotic charm overall, causing us to end up settling with some snuggling in her bed before dinner.

Yeah, it was already that late.

Serenity, Gabriella, Natalie, and I all arrived at Miriam’s mansion just before 3:00 PM, and it was already almost 6:00 PM, the time having flown right by, although some of that initial time was spent just socializing with Miriam, and sharing my biggest secret.

At first, Miriam and I didn’t realize we’d spent more time alone than we’d anticipated, but upon checking the clock on her cellphone, she got dressed in a more presentable outfit, just tossing on what she’d been wearing previously -- including her leather bolero shrug and leather pants, coupled with her creamy open-back shirt -- and we regrouped with everyone else and headed to the dining room in preparation for dinner.

At which point, I met one of Miriam’s chefs, who apparently wasn’t her ‘renowned five-star’ chef, but had been employed for nearly a decade, looking quite attractive for a woman in her late forties. I tried not to feel awkward when Miriam introduced me to the lady, knowing very well that Gwen had made it a point to emphasize that her mistress used to fuck everyone, including her chefs, instead just being thankful it wasn’t one of the male cooks who happened to be working today.

But then again, I wondered if maybe it wasn’t a coincidence.

Miriam had already disclosed that she’d suddenly found herself in a situation where she couldn’t resume her previous lifestyle, and I suspected that having her only female chef come in for the day might have been a conscious choice on her part. Hard to say without asking directly, but I didn’t want to put more stress on her than necessary, trusting her to keep her promise to me no matter what other ancillary decisions she made.

Meaning, I didn’t expect her to start firing everyone working for her, just because she’d slept with them at some point. Maybe eventually she’d transition to a staff who’d never had the honor of such an experience, but I figured I’d let her make that decision in her own time.

She was a grown woman after all, far older than me, and had already made the one decision that mattered most to our relationship. So I wouldn’t stress about the rest, or stress her out about it.

Of course, that meant I’d probably have to get used to potentially meeting people who Miriam had fucked at least once, if not dozens of times. She was a succubus after all, and that had been a biological requirement of her existence for thousands of years.

But again, as far as I was concerned, all that mattered most was that, upon meeting me and getting to know me, she’d decided to dramatically alter her life, in part because she could actually have a more normal relationship with me in particular.

But it was still a huge transition, and I would have to be patient with her.

At the massive dinner table, while munching from a fruit platter that included berries and nuts, the women all socialized more with each other, while I just listened for the most part, enjoying that they were all getting along so well, especially the two redheads and darker-haired women.

The four of us visiting were sitting across from Miriam and her maid, with both Gabriella and Serenity on my left, while Natalie sat quietly on my right.

Gwen was especially super interested in Serenity after finding out that she was probably part-imp, having already seen her transform while Miriam and I were alone, but still seeming very focused and engaged with the girl I grew up with, as if the devil maid had found her new best friend.

But then again, if imps were really so rare now, then I could understand why.

And similarly, Gabriella was very interested in getting to know the family she hadn’t been aware existed prior to just a day ago.

Natalie didn’t really participate in the conversation, but she seemed to be much more relaxed compared to when we first arrived. I supposed that part of that was her learning that Gwen’s stares weren’t necessarily hostile, and that she was truly welcome here so long as she obeyed Miriam’s rules.

The biggest, of which, was to just be careful what she did with her mouth, so as to not accidentally give someone else her curse.

At first, even as everyone else filled a small glass bowl of fruit to snack on while we waited for dinner to be ready, the blue-haired magazine model only sat quietly in her seat on my right, seeming content to just sit there. But when her belly quietly grumbled, a noise I suspected only I heard, in part because of the eavesdropping spell that controlled sound travel in the mansion, I decided to fill her a bowl myself and then slide it in front of her.

Unsurprisingly, there was a bit of surprise in her expression, followed immediately by hesitation, but when she glanced at the other four women and didn’t see anyone even reacting to the gesture, she whispered ‘thanks’ and began digging in, being much more graceful than the last two times I’d seen her eat.

While I couldn’t be entirely sure, I suspected she might still feel unwelcome, which would make perfect sense considering Serenity and I basically picked her up earlier that morning, and essentially dragged her along for all our pre-arranged plans.

However, I figured her inclusion in the overall group should shift once I successfully became her alpha, and possibly once I gave her some of my blood too. Although, I was fully aware that getting rid of her previous tormentors would be a factor as well, and even then she might need time to sort of get used to normal life again.

Not to mention, even though becoming her alpha involved sex, that didn’t necessarily mean we were going to end up forming a relationship afterward, something I knew she might not be interested in after all she’d been through.

For all I knew, it might be sex one time, just so I could have the level of authority to control her as needed when she turned into a monster, and then after that we might never have sex ever again. Hard to say for sure at this point how things would turn out, but I was plenty happy with my current situation, and wasn’t going to lose sleep if she ended up having no interest in becoming more than just master and servant.

Granted, she was going to have to be in my life from now on, either way, but her inclusion didn’t necessarily need to be romantic.

I glanced at Serenity right next to me on my left when I realized she was asking more about the experiment now, since Miriam had just made a comment about taking me to check on it after dinner.

“What exactly are you checking?” she wondered, only sounding curious. “To see if it’ll change Natalie like it has done to us?”

Miriam had a pleasant smile on her face, seeming very content as she leaned forward on the table, her cheek in her hand, leather-clad elbow on the table. “That, and I also wanted to ensure his blood wouldn’t be harmful to Gwen or myself.”

“Is there a reason to think that it might?” Serenity asked in concern.

Miriam glanced at me briefly, before focusing back on her. “Well…” She paused, frowning slightly. “I once heard a story, a very long time ago, about a creature with cursed blood that would turn humans into monsters, but would actually kill other supernatural beings if exposed to it. Honestly, I have no way to verify if that tale was true or not, but figured the interaction of his blood with ours was worth investigating, rather than just assuming Kai has miracle blood that can benefit just about anyone.”

Serenity turned her head to look at me, seeming sincerely worried about that possibility.

I decided to chime in. “Good thing is that I don’t bleed easily, so there’s that.”

“Yeah,” Serenity agreed, seeming hesitant. “But Gabriella and I now share your blood, and we’re not as durable as you. At least not yet.”

Oh. Shit.

I focused on Miriam, seeing that she didn’t seem overly surprised or concerned about that realization. “How soon do you think we could check?” I wondered seriously.

She shrugged one shoulder, her cheek still resting in her palm. “You said four to eight hours to transform an entire person. So we probably could have checked an hour ago and felt confident about those results.”

Now I was confused. “Then…is there any reason why we can’t check now? Why wait?”

She gave me a small smile. “Because I’m honestly not too worried about those results.” She glanced at Natalie. “The werewolf curse is what needs a lot more time, and we have samples of both Gwen and my blood actively reacting to hers.” She focused on me again. “However, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to check soon, since ultimately what really matters is determining whether or not your blood will affect her curse in any detectable manner. Hopefully eliminating it entirely.”

I nodded, glancing to my right to see that Natalie was now looking away from everyone, her hands folded in her lap, her legs entirely bare due to the short sheer dress and leather jacket not covering much beyond her hips, her expression pained.

Miriam’s tone was unexpectedly affectionate. “Do you want to come with me and check now, Kai?”

I returned my focus to her. “I mean, yeah. If you don’t mind, and think we’ll at least know how my blood affected things. I wasn’t really too concerned before, but kind of feel anxious about the results now.”

She nodded, glancing over her shoulder as the chef and a single waitress began wheeling out two carts full of covered plates and dishes. She then sat up and slipped out of her chair, focusing on the other four women.

“Go ahead and start without us.”

Gabriella spoke up. “Are you sure? I don’t think any of us mind waiting.”

Serenity nodded as I slipped out of my chair. “Yeah, we can wait for you and Kai to get back,” she agreed, focusing up at me when I briefly rubbed her upper back.

Miriam gave a small smile. “Thank you. But that’s alright. I don’t technically need to eat food, and was only planning on poking at my meal a little. This large feast is mostly for all of you.” She glanced at her maid. “Gwen, you’ll make them feel welcome by eating your fill, won’t you?”

“Yes mistress,” she replied simply.

The female chef spoke up. “Would you like for me to reheat your plate when you return, Madam Klein?”

We all looked at her in shock, none of us having heard anyone call Miriam by the name ‘Klein’ before.

Was that her last name?

The redhead minx wasn’t affected by our looks, giving the chef a similar warm expression. “No, that is alright, Emma. You already came in on your day off. You may go home after you’ve cleaned up in the kitchen. Gwen can handle the rest of our dishes.”

“As you wish,” Emma replied. “Thank you, and I hope you enjoy tonight’s selection.”

“I’m sure I will,” Miriam said warmly, only to focus on me, gesturing with her hand. “Let’s go.”

“Wait, is Klein your last name?” I blurted out, knowing everyone else probably had the same question.

Miriam shrugged. “It’s the one I’m currently using. I didn’t share, since I’ll probably end up changing it again in a few years, considering 'Ms. Miriam Klein' is on record as being over ninety years old.” She paused. “Miriam is my real first name though. I usually don’t change that.” She then abruptly looked at her devil maid. “I let Gwen pick it out the most recent time I changed my last name.” Her look turned into a playful glare. “She thought it would be funny to name me something that means ‘small.’”

“Sorry mistress,” Gwen blurted out, the corner of her purple lips twitching like she was trying not to smirk.

“Sure you are,” Miriam scoffed, rolling her eyes, only to grin at me. “Now, ready?” she prompted again.

“Yeah,” I replied simply.

Having already patted Serenity’s shoulder, I similarly gave Gabriella’s shoulder a gentle squeeze as I passed, prompting an affectionate look from her, only for her attention to shift to the waitress when she came around the long table with two covered plates.

Now that I was becoming more familiar with the mansion, I knew that going to the right of the table, or east, would lead to the grand foyer, whereas heading deeper into the dining hall, toward our left, would lead to a breakfast room with a glass wall that opened up into a conservatory with a ton of plants.

However, just beyond that space was the doorway that led to the west service hall with the secret door to the underground laboratory. Previously, we’d reached it from the second floor, going past a laundry room, additional guest room, as well as some sex rooms I still hadn’t seen, only to take the stairs down to the first floor.

In this case, we were already on the first floor, so after following Miriam into the stairwell area, we went right for the lab, with her waiting on me briefly to hold my hand as we walked down the wide spiral stairwell together.

“Hey, so kind of a random question,” I blurted out without thinking.

She looked up at me with a tender expression. “What is it?” she wondered.

I sighed, deciding to just be blunt. “I’m assuming you’ve fucked both that chef and waitress, right?”

She immediately looked away, her expression slightly pained. “Oh. Umm, yes.”

“And of course, I know that you’ve pretty much fucked all your other staff too. How do you think they’re going to react to you potentially not doing that anymore?”

She sighed heavily. “Not potentially, Kai. I don’t break my promises. I don’t commit to something unless I fully intend on following through.”

“Oh, well, I didn’t want to sound rude.”

She shook her head, stopping at the door leading out of the hall into the bright lab in order to allow me to open it for her. She then took my hand again as we walked more slowly down the short hall, slowing down even more once we’d turned into the main room. “I don’t think it’s rude of you to expect me to keep a promise I made,” she finally said quietly. “And for now, it probably won’t affect anything, in terms of their reactions to that decision. I can only fuck a human about once a month, maybe twice a month at the most, without hurting them, so doubtful anyone would even notice that anything was different right away.” She glanced up at me, our fingers still intertwined, her looking so sexy in her black leather pants and leather bolero shrug, with her creamy ivory shirt hanging seductively off her small perky tits. “I have roughly sixty humans who work for me, rotating throughout the week, so that pretty much allowed me to have sex with anywhere from two to four people daily, without hurting anyone. But for them, that meant only getting to fuck with me once or twice a month.”

I nodded slowly as I considered that. “And having sex with me one time can replace all that lust?” I clarified.

She frowned slightly. “Kai, the last time you were here, you gave me enough lust to fill seven opals, which would normally require sex with over a hundred humans. You gave me more lust than I need for half a year.”

My brow furrowed, trying to work out that math.

She seemed to pick up on my confusion. “At bare minimum, I really only need to have sex every other day to remain healthy. I fucked around much more than that because I love to fuck.”

“Oh. Make sense.” I paused, just wanting to fully understand things, now wondering why she was implying she previously had sixty partners. “But if you don’t need the lust of up to four people per day, then is there really any harm in sleeping with the same person more frequently?”

She shook her head. “Even if I don’t absorb their lust, I’m still fatiguing their capacity to produce it. And once that capacity is fatigued, their ability to generate lifeforce gets fatigued next if I have sex with them again too soon, again even if I don’t absorb anything. Of course, that lust would just go to waste if I don’t store it somehow, but that’s what I’d been doing. Absorbing the lust, converting it to magic as my body naturally does, and storing the extra in opals to ensure I had plenty of energy to fuel my other obligations, such as the barrier sealing the portal.”

I nodded, fully understanding now.

She unexpectedly grinned at me. “You want to see me in this leather without my shirt, don’t you?”

I was stunned by the abrupt change in topic. “Oh, umm, well kind of.”

She giggled, reaching up to the silver buttons over her upper chest. “I knew from the moment you arrived, of course, but figured now might be a good time to make your dreams come true,” she said with a wink as she audibly unsnapped the bottom button on her upper chest. “Want to help me undress a little?” she asked innocently.

Fuck. Yes please!

I reached down to unbutton the other silver button and grabbed the sides of her bolero shrug like I might the top of a full leather jacket, pulling her toward me to plant a rough kiss on her lips. She giggled again from the gesture, seeming amused by how horny she’d just made me, only to help me slip the leather shrug off.

She then seductively slipped her shoulders out of her open back shirt, of course not wearing a bra, allowing it to fall directly to the floor around her ankles, only to take the leather shrug from me and slowly begin donning it a second time, seductively biting her lower lip as she snapped the buttons in place while I took it all in.

Truly, her tan body was perfect, thin in all the right places while having just enough plump to really get my hormones raging. I’d never really taken the time to appreciate her tits though, since even when we’d been mostly naked together, she’d had those covered up, such as when she was wearing her latex bikini top. Certainly, I’d gotten to touch them when she wore the red silk robe, but this felt like the first time that I really got to see their shape unhindered, the leather shrug covering her arms, shoulders, and upper chest, while her leather pants covered part of her hips and legs, leaving everything completely naked in between.

Her tan belly alone was so fucking adorable, but I realized her cute tits truly fit that description as well. They were just large enough to have a hint of that familiar breast shape, while also being small enough to give her the flexibility of not wearing a bra without it being overly noticeable, unless her cute nipples got hard.

And those nipples were very hard now, just begging me to suck on them.

Deciding to take the lead, and just enjoy her like I’d done back in her master bedroom, I reached down to grasp her underneath her armpits and hoisted her into the air to set her leather-clad ass on the nearest island countertop.

She immediately wrapped her arms tightly around my head as I went straight for her chest, beginning to gently kiss her affectionately on her slightly dark areolas, being a shade deeper than her tan skin. It kind of reminded me that Avery and Michelle had frosted features, wondering if there was a reason for those two actually having lighter areolas and nipples. And also, of the fact that Serenity’s transformed nipples were actually purple like her lips, whereas Gwen’s areola and nipples were sort of a dark brownish gray even though she similarly had purple eyelids and lips.

I realized I could ask Miriam if she knew, but decided I just wanted to suck on her tits right now.

“I love you, baby,” the sexy minx whispered, gently stroking her thin fingers through my hair. She then giggled when I sucked harder. “Keep that up, and you might actually get something.”

I froze for a second, just surprised that she was serious. I then let go of her nipple long enough to speak. “What will I get?” I wondered, only to go back to sucking while she responded.

“Not milk,” she said playfully. “But with enough stimulation, my nipples do leak this clear sweet fluid sometimes. The taste will probably make you hot and bothered, but if you don’t mind staying down here for a little while then by all means. Suck to your heart’s content.”

I let go briefly to plant a kiss, only to move to her other nipple and suck on it for a few seconds, eliciting a soft moan. I then kissed her areola again, and finally pulled away to instead plant a heavy kiss on her lips. She moaned into my mouth, tensing her leather-clad thighs against my hips, only to focus on me tenderly when I pulled away a second time.

I couldn’t help but smile at the desire in her emerald eyes, clearing my throat as I spoke. “Maybe when we have more time, I’ll nurse on you until you start leaking, but for now I think I want to find out the results of our experiment first.” I paused when she gave me a playful look of disappointment. “And then I want to fuck you from behind again on your stool, before we head upstairs for dinner.”

She grinned. “That’s more like it. Truly, I never imagined I’d meet a man who could resist me, and certainly not one who would make a point to tease me by playing hard to get.”

I smirked. “Well, you did make my dream come true, by showing me what you look like with only the leather on, so I figured fucking you in the ass was the least I could do.”

She gasped, dramatically looking frightened by that disclosure. “In the ass?” She gasped again. “But you’re so big, mister. How will you ever fit?”

I chuckled at her obvious roleplay. “Haven’t you ever heard, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way?’”

She giggled at that. “As a matter of fact, I think I have heard that before. As well as probably a million other such snippets of wisdom that you’ve probably never heard.”

“Fair enough,” I commented, pecking her on the cheek. The tender gesture surprisingly caused her face to flush, something I’d notice her do before when I showed her affection.

I suspected it might be because she was used to people desperately expressing their sexual craving for her, along with their sexual frustration, but that she wasn’t nearly as used to someone showing a controlled form of affection, like a simple tender kiss, that only a person not hopelessly addicted to her could do.

Essentially, rather than attempting to ravish her body with my every gesture of desire, I was instead mixing it up, occasionally surprising her when I simply showed her gentle and controlled affection.

“I like you so much,” she whispered, clinging to my shirt with her small fist as I took a step back. Of course, considering what she’d said about ‘love’ feeling like an empty word, and instead feeling like she needed to describe how she felt about me with something stronger like everlasting infatuation, I knew there was a lot of meaning behind a simple ‘I like you so much.

It was possible to love someone you might not like, and for her I was sure it was likely she’d fucked a lot of people she might not actually like -- at least, not in the same way that she liked me. If anything, how much she actually ‘liked’ me was new to her. Granted, I was sure she’d continue to say ‘I love you,’ as well.

“Me too,” I replied warmly, taking in the sight of her all over again, including her thin plump thighs as she sat on the counter, as well as her completely naked belly and chest, only to focus on her leather-clad arms and then finally her face, meeting her emerald gaze. “Very much.”

She grinned, her expression longing and almost somber.

“So, results now, and fucking after?” I said playfully.

She smirked, only to give a dramatic sigh. “Oh, very well.” She reached for the counter to support herself as she slipped onto the floor, her midnight wings reflexively flaring out as if to help slow her brief fall. “I suppose I can just have fun teasing you with my charm a little while I work.”

I gulped as she turned to walk away toward the microscope, suddenly finding myself mesmerized by the dimples in her lower back just above her midnight tail on either side. Fuck, everything about her was so ridiculously hot, even just the way her spine kind of curved inward to make a small indent compared to the rest of her back, almost making her look more muscular than she was.

Of course, I found her wings attractive too, including even the section where they came from her back, the initial portion looking very much like her upper arms, only for the skin to rapidly transition to pitch-black. Only thing was, I didn’t really know how to define how or why it was sexy, other than just visualizing me grabbing her by the base of her wing ‘arms’ and holding onto her while I fucked her from behind. Really, it would be pretty similar as holding her regular arms in that position, forcing her face into the bed, except somehow more exotic feeling, much like it might feel to hold onto Gwen’s horns while fucking her.

Realizing that Miriam was already stepping onto her step stool and sliding the microscope forward to inspect the samples, I moved closer to lean against the counter while she worked, really enjoying the sight of her perky tits from this side angle. And, enjoying the feeling she was giving me as that ball of pleasure began to radiate in my gut, causing my stomach and chest to begin feeling hot.

“Hmm,” she said after a second, already examining a slide.

“What is it?” I wondered, suspecting it wasn’t good by her tone.

“Well, I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising, but the werewolf curse seems to have fully tainted Gwen’s blood.” She pulled away from the microscope to focus on me. “At this point, because I don’t have a human control, I don’t know how it compares to a normal person, but the curse has definitely contaminated her entire blood smear.”

I nodded. “And what about yours?” I wondered.

“Just a second,” she replied, focusing back into the eyepiece to reexamine Gwen’s blood. She then went ahead and removed that slide, to replace it with hers, speaking up after a second. “Huh, that’s actually unexpected. I can still detect the curse from the drop of Natalie’s blood that I added, but it doesn’t appear to have spread at all.”

“Does that mean you’re immune to the werewolf curse?”

She shrugged infinitesimally. “Perhaps. I’ll need to check again once more time has passed, because it’s also possible that the curse just spreads slower for someone like me. It already spreads fairly slow for a human, at least compared to how quickly your blood can apparently change someone.”

“How slow are we talking?”

She frowned, leaning forward to look at her slide again. “Well, previously recorded evidence suggests that it depends on how much of the curse someone is exposed too. Usually meaning, the severity of the bite. A graze is still going to result in a werewolf, but the spread of the curse is much slower, possibly even allowing the individual to make it through their first full moon without transforming.” She straightened to look at me. “But a normal nonlethal bite usually is enough to spread the curse within two or three days.”

“Oh, so quite a bit longer than my blood.”

“Yes,” she agreed, switching out the slides. “If you were anyone else, I might question the validity of your claim, but I know you’re not one to exaggerate.”

“Nope,” I agreed. “Gabriella and Serenity were both still normal prior to this weekend. And while I’m not entirely sure how long it took for Gabriella, in particular, I feel confident about the length of time it took for both Avery and Serenity. My blood knocked them both out for roughly four hours, and when they woke up, they were like me.”

She nodded, seeming focused on the slide. “And Avery is your classmate, right?” she wondered, almost absentmindedly.

“Yeah,” I replied simply.

She didn’t respond, still focused.

“Which one is that?” I asked.

“Your saliva,” she replied, switching out the one labeled for Gwen and putting in her own.

It only then occurred to me that she’d looked at Gwen’s first each time, prompting me to point that out as just a random thought.

“Is it important to look at them in a certain order?” I wondered.

She paused just as she was getting ready to switch out another slide. “What do you mean?” she asked with surprising hesitation in her tone.

“Just that you’ve looked at Gwen’s first each time.”

She inclined her chin just barely, in acknowledgement of my comment, as she slowly slid in Natalie’s slide that was combined with my saliva. She then sighed heavily while leaning forward to examine it. “I suppose it may not surprise you to know that I care a lot about my maid.”

“Oh,” I said simply, not realizing personal concern might be the reason.

“No, it doesn’t really matter,” she continued, answering my question. “I do want to compare equal things, which is why I looked at the ones with Natalie’s blood first, and now I’m looking at the ones with your saliva, so I can make semi-equal comparisons. But as to the exact order I look at them, no it doesn’t matter. Aside from my concern about how all this affects her.”

My voice was quiet as I responded. “What do you mean?”

She sighed again, straightening up and focusing on me, almost at eye-level thanks to the step stool. “Kai, as far as I’m aware, there are no full-blooded imps left. She may very well be the last of her kind.”

Oh,” I repeated, unsure of what else to say, since they’d already implied that they were rare, but I hadn’t realized the situation was that bad. “W-What happened to them?” I asked hesitantly.

“That’s a mystery,” she replied simply, still holding my gaze. “Their numbers were already on the decline, but then at some point in time they all just seemed to vanish without any explanation. Traces of their lineage still exist in humans, mostly due to the impregnation of human women by male imps, but full-blooded imps are just gone. There’s only Gwen left. And even her existence is a bit of a miracle. The fact that she doesn’t age, like she’s frozen in time, is a miracle.”

I nodded, realizing by Miriam’s aura that her heart sincerely ached for Gwen.

“Anyway,” she continued. “The role you could play in her life, in particular, has been weighing heavily on me. She would probably never admit it, but being the last of her kind is hard on her. Knowing she’s the last of her kind, is hard on her. And I want her to feel like she belongs. I want her to feel like she has a family.”

“You want me to change her,” I assumed softly.

She sighed. “I don’t know. That’s a decision I’d leave up to her.” She paused. “Well, and you too, of course. It is your blood after all.”

“I’m not entirely opposed to that,” I admitted. “I do want to be careful who I share it with, but if we’re really all going to be together, then I would like that. For her to be like me, and…” My voice trailed off. “Well, you too, if you want.”

She gave me a small smile. “I’m not sure how it would affect me, but depending on these results, I might consider it. I’ve been the same for thousands of years, so I’m sure you can imagine that introducing a substance into my body that might permanently change me is a little…well, it causes me a bit of anxiety.”

I nodded. “And what are the results so far?” I wondered.

“Oh.” She paused. “Well, for the slides I just checked, it appears your saliva has broken down the blood, but otherwise hasn’t had an effect.”

“What does that mean?”

She shrugged. “Just that it’s what I would have expected. Normally people have enzymes in their saliva that begins the process of digestion. For example, let’s say you eat crackers or chips, and a bunch of wet crumbs get stuck in your teeth, the reason why that gunk disappears after a while is because the saliva is actually digesting it. Specifically sugar and carbs though, since protein is mainly digested in the stomach, which is why a piece of meat or something high in fiber stuck in your teeth stays there until you get it out. Similarly, your saliva has kind of dissolved the red blood cells.” She shrugged. “It’s not at all an unexpected outcome. Human saliva might have a similar effect.”

I nodded, prompting her to turn to grab another slide, appearing as if she was grabbing Natalie’s blood smear -- the one that had a drop of my blood.

Now,” she said emphatically. “The moment of truth. How does your blood affect werewolf blood?” She paused as she leaned forward, remaining silent for a painfully long few seconds.

As much as the anticipation was killing me, I couldn’t help but love the sight of her exposed tan torso framed on top and bottom with leather. Her ass looked so ridiculously amazing in those leather pants, and the transition was exceptionally arousing. All she needed to make it even more perfect was a shiny thong pulled up on her bony hips, though I was pretty confident she wasn’t wearing any underwear to begin with.

Either way, the sight certainly helped me be patient.

Finally, she spoke up, seeming stunned. “It’s gone.”

“What’s gone?” I asked seriously.

She continued to focus on the slide. “The curse. The curse is really gone. I can’t detect it at all.”

Relief swept over me, revealing I’d actually been pretty stressed about it without realizing. “So, does that mean she’d become like me if I gave her my blood?”

Miriam frowned at that, straightening to meet my gaze. “Unfortunately, I can’t say. There are no noticeable physical changes in the blood itself, and I doubt a DNA analysis would show anything either.” She paused, realizing I needed her to elaborate on that. “Both Natalie, as a werewolf, and probably you too, would pass as humans right now, on a genetic level. It’s why I didn’t even bring up doing such a test, because all we really care about is to ensure that your blood doesn’t destroy ours, which would indicate it was lethal, and to otherwise confirm that it will or won’t remove Natalie’s curse.” She paused. “And that’s what is most important here. We won’t know how it changes her until you give her some of your blood, but at least we’ve confirmed that it should at least remove the curse.”

I nodded. “And what about your blood sample?” I asked seriously. “Can we make sure it’s okay?”

She nodded, going ahead and grabbing it instead of Gwen’s first. “Let’s see,” she commented as she looked at it for a few long seconds. She then straightened, reaching for Gwen’s slide. “No detectable change in mine, which at least means your blood wouldn’t hurt me. And now for Gwen’s…” She paused, leaning forward again. “And also nothing unusual on hers.”

I let out a big sigh. “Well, that was kind of anticlimactic.”

She scoffed playfully, knowing I wasn’t serious. “It’s a good thing that it is anticlimactic. While I was being a bit dramatic when I mentioned that your blood might kill us, I’m glad to see that’s truly not the case. Superficially, your blood would either have no effect on us, or it might have a similar effect as the others.”

I frowned. “Do…” I hesitated, feeling uncertain now. “Do you want to try?”

She frowned at that. “As I mentioned, the unknown makes me nervous,” she replied. “I think I’d first prefer to see how someone like Natalie reacts to your blood. Then, if the outcome is acceptable, I’ll propose the option to Gwen and let her make her own decision. Similarly, at that point, I’ll make my own decision.”

I nodded.

“However,” she continued, focusing on me. “Not before we try to deal with this werewolf pack. I can’t afford to be unconscious for four to eight hours right now. We obviously need to find those guys, and then you need to become that girl’s alpha. After that, it might be a good time to give her some of your blood, while you track those guys down, kill most of them, and bring one back. But I want to be awake while you’re gone, and then I need to get rid of the curse on your mystery stone.”

“Sounds good,” I agreed. “And if you decide not to become like me, that’s fine. If anything, I just like the idea of being able to share my natural healing with the people I care about, so that I don’t have to worry so much about you or anyone else getting hurt.”

Her emerald eyes were full of affection now. “Kai, I love you so much. Why don’t you unbutton my leather pants and fuck me in the ass?”

I almost laughed at the abrupt transition, suddenly really eager to do so. “Don’t mind if I do,” I replied with a grin, slipping behind her and thrusting my hips into her ass just to bump her, wanting to play with her a little first, wrapping my arms around her bare waist and reaching up to grab at her small tits.

She moaned from the rough movement, bumping me right back with her small juicy ass, only to bend her knees a little when she felt my stiffening cock, rubbing against me like she was giving me a sensual lap dance.

Leaning forward to get at the back of her slim neck, knowing I was only able to comfortably do so thanks to the step stool she was standing on, I rubbed my lips at the base of her hairline, her fiery red hair still in twin French braids, loving how she shivered underneath my touch. She moaned again when I grabbed her small squishy tits more roughly, only to begin pinching her hard nipples.

I was surprised when she reached down herself and expertly unbuttoned her leather pants with one hand, speaking up in a low seductive tone.

“I’m already so wet for you, baby,” she whispered. “If you want to really fuck my ass, why don’t you shove your cock in my pussy first to get it nice and wet? Then I’ll let you fuck my asshole.”

“Do you like getting fucked in the ass?” I asked in a heavy tone, just trying to keep up with the dirty talk.

“Oh baby,” she moaned, wiggling her hips out of the leather pants. “There’s not a way I don’t like getting fucked. Every part of my body is an erogenous zone. Now fuck me like you own me.”

I grinned at that, more than happy to do so, grabbing the lip of her leather pants on her thighs and slipping my throbbing cock into her hot wet snatch with ease, even despite how tight it was, thrusting a few times to ensure I was plenty lubed up. I then wrapped my left arm more tightly across her bare tits, and moved my hand to the base of my shaft, even as she pulled away slightly and tilted her hips more, getting her asshole right on my tip with precise accuracy.

Just like that, her asshole was starting to grip the head of my cock, feeling like she was sucking me right in, though I knew I was undoubtedly pushing as well from the pleasurable sensation.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped, shocked by how tight it was, my mind beginning to swim as it felt like I was already about to pop.

“You going to fill my ass with cum?” she asked innocently, starting to rock gently to ease my cock in further and further. “You going to fill me with all that warm gooey yumminess?”

I finally grabbed at her hips to keep her still as I pulled most of the way back out, the sensation dramatically escalating the moment my head was right at the entrance of her asshole again.

“Yeah, that’s right, baby,” she encouraged. “You found the sweet spot, didn’t you?”

I couldn’t respond, trying to readjust my grip now. Her leather pants where still mostly on, being tight enough to remain on her thighs after she wiggled them down to let me get to her ass, and I realized I could use them to keep her lower half motionless with one hand.

Now feeling almost aggressively desperate to shoot my load, I reached down for the lip of her leather pants again to do just that, even as I reached upward to grab at one of her wing arms, pushing her forward all in one motion.

Oof,” she exclaimed as she quickly slid the microscope away, allowing me to force her upper body onto the counter. “Yeah, baby,” she then moaned. “You know I like it rough. Oh fuck, the counter is so cold on my tits. My nipples are so hard right now.”

Fuck,” I hissed as I thrust my cock forward, and tugged back again, her asshole squeezing me like a vice grip. “Fuck!” I repeated as I blew my load the hardest I felt like I ever had in my life.

A wave of pleasure shot up and down my body from the first pulse of cum, only for it to feel as if her asshole gripped even tighter, making the second shot feel even more overwhelmingly powerful.

Mmm,” she moaned loudly, as I shot again, and again. “Yeah, baby, that feels so fucking good. It’s so warm. I love that you cum so much.”

Completely spent after a sixth shot, I leaned forward on top of her, sinking my cock in a little more even as I attempted to support some of my weight on my elbows on the counter.

“That feel good, baby?” she wondered innocently, her head turned to the side to try to look at me in the corner of her eye.

I gently kissed her on the cheek. “Amazing,” I whispered. “And you didn’t even really use your charm much, did you? Once we got going.”

She giggled. “You noticed, did you? I figured we’d never make it back upstairs, if I really blew your world.”

I kissed her on the cheek a second time, just baffled that it could sincerely be more amazing than just now. “I love you so much.”

Her tone was suddenly serious and intense. “I love you so much. Thank you for accepting me.”

“Thank you for being so flexible,” I replied sincerely.

She giggled. “Oh, you have no idea just how flexible I can be. I can’t wait for the day when I can really play around with you without restraint.”

I took a deep breath, finally standing upright again. “Looking forward to it.”

“Me too,” she said warmly, only to quickly continue when I started pulling out. “Slowly, please. I’d rather avoid too much of a mess.”

I nodded, pulling out as slow as possible once my head was just barely in her ass. I could feel her tightening as I began slipping out, her asshole actually beginning to push me, until I was completely free.

“There,” she said triumphantly, reaching down to pull her leather pants up. “Now, why don’t we sneak up to the second floor to quickly rinse off in the shower, and then we’ll join the others for dinner.”

I scoffed as I pulled up my shorts. “Think we’ll make it back down before they start on dessert?”

She giggled. “Well now, that’s part of the excitement, and I’m perfectly alright with finding out.” She reached up to grab my face then, planting a passionate kiss before looking at me with a lusty gaze, her bottom lip sticking out slightly in an adorable pout. “After all, you still haven’t taken care of poor little ol’ me. It’s not really fair that I don’t get to cum too.”

“So not fair,” I agreed, kissing her again. “We’ll fuck in the shower,” I promised.

“Perfect,” she cooed, finally stepping down off the step stool. “Then let me grab my shirt, and we’ll sneak upstairs.”

I took the opportunity to smack her tiny plump ass, causing her to yelp in excitement.

Suddenly, her emerald eyes were full of lust, her expression mischievous. “Bet you can’t catch me!” she taunted.

I grinned. “I’ll give you a two-second head start,” I teased.

All at once, her face lit up in pure joy and she whirled around as fast as lightning, dashing away in the blink of an eye, gracefully grabbing her ivory shirt off the floor, and running at the door at shocking speed, moving so fast that she had to use her wing to grab the door frame as she spun herself toward the stairwell.

I just stared after her, noticing that her footsteps were already vanishing due to that inconsistent eavesdropping spell over the whole place, causing me to realize I might lose her if I lost sight of her.

“Make that one second!” I called out as I bolted to catch up, having no idea if she’d hear me, but definitely feeling the thrill of the chase now.

Because once I caught her -- and I had no doubt I would -- I was going to fuck her silly until she was screaming my name in orgasmic ecstasy.

And then, I was going to fuck her some more.


NOTE: Be sure to check out Combat Healer (formerly My Girlfriend's an Oni Demon).


FEEDBACK: As I mentioned above, Gwen gets a turn next chapter, but starting next chapter we'll have some plot progression. In particular, things are about to get pretty crazy as quite a few plot points that have been left hanging all collide at once.

Anyway, have you enjoyed the time spent with Miriam? Did you like this chapter?

Anything you'd like to see that wasn't included?


As you guys have hopefully seen several times now, if I forgot to include something (like Kai mentioning Michelle and Avery to Miriam), or if something didn't turn out the way you were expecting (like how Kai handled the situation with Mrs. Rebecca initially in Ch 31), then I can make changes. Obviously, I won't always do it (because sometimes things that I include or don't include are intentional), but I'm definitely open to feedback.


Chapter 63 >>



How does Miriam manage her lovers? It was previously described how addicting she is. How does she get them satisfied with only once or twice a month? "now wondering why she was implying she previously had sixty partners" - Also why was he wondering about this? Didn't she just say its because she enjoyed sex?


I'm planning on writing a chapter from Miriam's perspective, so I'll try to remember to cover this topic, so that it is explained.

Chosen Juan

“only to bend her knees a little when she felt my stiffen cock” in this context the word ‘stiffen’ is misused. It either needs to be used in present tense, ‘my cock stiffen’, or past tense, ‘stiffened cock.’ While I was an English major, I did drop out of college so I might be wrong. -_-


Good catch. And I know the difference. But when you're dealing with tens-of-thousands of words, it's easy to let little things like this slip through. It's the reason why traditionally published books even have errors in them sometimes, despite being edited numerous times before publication. Anyway, I fixed it.