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October 17, 2021

NOTE: Book 3 is available on Amazon (covers up to Ch 45).

Please leave a rating on Book 1, if you haven't already (people use book 1 to decide if they will even try a series, so those ratings matter most).

Some more plot progression.

Hope you enjoy.


<< Chapter 59 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4)


- CHAPTER 60: Big Secrets -


Being that I had a very powerful spatial awareness and memory, I could technically get back to Ms. Miriam’s mansion without an address or overall directions. Never mind the fact that I hadn’t been blindfolded on the return trip home with Mrs. Rebecca. However, driving there for myself felt kind of bizarre, as if I was seeing everything new for the first time.

More than that, it was almost nostalgic, even though I’d literally been here the previous day.

Kind of strange, to say the least.

Although, one thing I hadn’t fully notice previously, just feeling kind of numb after my last experience here, was how ‘not’ secluded Miriam’s place was, at least compared to the initial impression I’d been left with while there. Certainly, her property was on a ton of land that was fenced-off by a tall black metal fence. However, getting to the paved driveway leading through the trees -- basically a road, since it was easily wide enough to fit two passing vehicles -- was literally only a handful of miles off a fairly busy street that saw enough traffic to merit a few stop lights.

Granted, the drive between her place and civilization was still a good five minutes between the two, but Serenity and I actually lived further away from a major street, even though Miriam’s mansion felt much more secluded. And sure, Ms. Miriam wasn’t super close to a major city, but there were quite a few subdivisions within the area, making it obvious that her mansion wasn’t really secluded at all.

At least, not by traditional standards. She was literally a hop, skip, and jump away from the nearest grocery store, probably a ten-minute drive at most.

Yet, at the same time, being at her mansion was like being in a separate world, hundreds of miles away from civilization.

Kind of made me wonder if the effects of that eavesdropping spell went further than I initially thought, or if maybe Ms. Miriam had an entirely different ward over the place, since previously all I had been able to hear was the nearby wildlife and leaves blowing in the wind, as if there wasn’t anyone for miles. Definitely didn’t hear any vehicles in the distance, which I should have, even if the nearest subdivision was a handful of miles away.

Wanting to test that theory out, I actually slowed down quite a bit before reaching the paved driveway, and rolled down my window, turning into the tree covered path while listening to the distant traffic.

It got me a few looks from Serenity and Gabriella, just wondering what I was doing, but then they were listening out too once I filled them in on my thought. Of course, Natalie didn’t really notice at first since she was blindfolded as Miriam had requested.

But sure enough, as I drove past the first fancy black fence into the trees, there being no gate here, the sound of the vehicles began to slowly vanish, but at a rate that would have gone unnoticed had I not been paying attention.

I also discovered that Ms. Miriam wasn’t kidding about the construction, because we actually passed a couple of trucks on the drive in, including a massive cement truck being driven by a guy that looked a little dazed, almost like he was buzzed.

Given the type of influence I knew Ms. Miriam could have on others, especially men, I wasn’t too surprised by the look, trusting that he was only stunned from being around her, rather than from being physical with her.

At the very least, while I had no doubt the sexy minx would continue to use her charm to get what she wanted and needed, I fully believed that she didn’t want to jeopardize the opportunity I presented for her -- a once in a lifetime chance to have a real relationship with someone.

And, at this point, I’d continue to trust her, giving her the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise, because I truly believed that respect was vitally important to her, and that she respected me just as much as I respected her.

When we arrived at the gated section, deep in the trees where the trunks thinned out significantly to make room for the main property the mansion resided on, I was surprised to find it wide open, suspecting the recent coming and going of construction workers was the reason.

No one was outside when I drove around the gurgling fountain, but when I parked just behind the large concrete stairs leading to the huge front door, Gwen was coming out to wave at us, seeming to wait on Miriam, who appeared just a few seconds later, the two of them walking down the steps together.

I was a little surprised by their choice of attire.

Ms. Miriam was still wearing the same creamy ivory shirt as before, but she’d put on these strange leather sleeves, that looked like they belonged to a leather jacket, and even buttoned in the front between her collar bones, but literally only covered her arms and upper chest.

Would actually be really hot if she wore only that, her small perky tits on full display, but otherwise I wasn’t sure what the purpose of the makeshift jacket was, especially when it was warm outside.

Ms. Miriam had also changed into low-riding leather pants, her short plump legs looking so fucking hot.

And Gwen was dressed similarly, now wearing all leather attire, including a leather vest and matching jacket, her muscular thighs appearing as if they were going to explode out of the smooth semi-glossy pants, with her overall looking ridiculously attractive like a tall exotic biker-chick from heaven.

Or…I supposed, a sexy seductress from hell, considering her horns and furry tail were fully visible now, along with her slitted crimson eyes.

Miriam’s wings and tail were visible too, but she had them pulled so close to her body, that their midnight color wasn’t immediately obvious above her shoulders -- not when it was already difficult to look much further than her face and thin sexy figure.

Honestly, I definitely felt underdressed now, since I’d chosen to remain in my black gym shorts and gray t-shirt from when I showed off my taller form to Natalie earlier back home.

Of course, Ms. Miriam looked super excited to finally have me here, not seeming even remotely bothered by my casual attire, but after giving me an affectionate smile, she focused on Gabriella right away. Natalie had already taken off the sleep mask and gotten out too, but hung back by the vehicle, seeming stunned by Gwen and Miriam’s true appearances, whereas Serenity, Gabriella, and I all walked right up to the two of them.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Gabriella,” Miriam said warmly, stopping just before the last step. “Your mother has sent me probably a million pictures over the years, as you’ve grown up, so it kind of feels like I know you, but I realize the feeling isn’t mutual. Sorry for not being a part of your life. I was actually around a little when you were still a baby, but not since shortly after you turned two.”

Gabriella immediately shook her head, being able to look the shorter succubus in the eye due to Ms. Miriam still being on the concrete steps. “It’s okay. I get it. Kids can’t really keep secrets, so it makes sense.”

The short minx gave an apologetic look. “Well…yes…” She paused. “If I’d remained around, then we would be required to lie to you about who I truly was. And that’s always been one of my biggest rules. We don’t lie to family.”

I frowned slightly as I considered that, the expression going completely unnoticed by either one of them, with the truth in Ms. Miriam’s statement suddenly clicking with me when I recalled speaking with Mrs. Rebecca, prior to her bringing me here.

I had asked the mature woman why she didn’t want to lie to her ‘mom,’ and she explained it was due to respect. That lying to the woman who raised her felt like it would be lying to God himself.

Or at least, that’s how she put it.

Granted, hiding Miriam’s existence could be viewed as deceptive as well, but I supposed it was the lesser evil of the two options, so to speak. Certainly, it at least wasn’t the same as directly telling a lie to someone’s face, although it was somewhat insightful into what Miriam meant by ‘lie,’ likely indicating that she didn’t view ‘deceit by omission’ in the same light.

If anything, I would imagine that deceit by omission had been a normal part of her life, something important to take into consideration as we moved forward. Possibly also something to discuss eventually.

Focusing on Gwen when she briefly glanced at me, I was a little surprised when her gaze immediately flicked away again, finally noticing that her slitted crimson eyes were staring past me, at the car.

Looking over my shoulder, briefly meeting Serenity’s gaze since she was standing right there next to me, I saw Natalie standing awkwardly by the rear in her black leather jacket, basically all her legs exposed due to the shortness of the sheer black dress, visibly looking uncomfortable by Gwen’s stare, her arms crossed like she was trying to make herself smaller as she focused to the side, clearly not wanting to make eye contact.

I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, if Gwen was just trying to ensure Natalie stayed in line by intimidating her, or what, but our overall plans hadn’t changed, so I wasn’t too concerned, focusing back on the conversation.

Gabriella had just reassured the shorter woman that it really was alright, with Ms. Miriam then inquiring about work, noting that she’d gotten off early, and asking if everything was alright there, seeming to be sincerely concerned like a mother might be.

Gabriella seemed a little embarrassed as she recounted the same story, about her boss not expecting her to come in, and how it didn’t fully register that it was a little strange they had an extra girl working.

However, Miriam was surprisingly attentive, examining Gabriella’s face as she spoke with an almost somber expression, as if she was suddenly regretting all the years that she’d missed out on watching her grow up firsthand.

After responding, the deceptively youthful woman then sighed heavily, focusing on me, but speaking to everyone. “Well, I know we have some things to discuss, some of which may not be currently appropriate for all ears here. Would the three of you join me for a time in the East Drawing Room? My maid will watch over our guest while we speak.”

I frowned at that. “I assume you plan on being hospitable to her, correct?”

Miriam looked surprised. “Oh, of course.” She then focused past me, speaking to the blue-haired Rockstar, her tone more firm. “However, I should offer a disclaimer. I normally would never even consider inviting someone cursed like you into my home, but Kai has accepted responsibility for your actions and offered you his trust. However, I’m not nearly as trusting, so I’ll say this once.” She paused. “You are not to leave my maid’s sight under any circumstances, even to use the bathroom, and if you attempt to do so, then you will no longer be a guest, but an intruder, and be treated as such. Understood?”

I looked back again, exchanging another glance with Serenity, before focusing on Natalie as she responded, still averting her light brown gaze. “Y-Yes,” she stammered.

“Good,” Miriam replied simply, giving me a warm smile. “Then, if you’ll be so kind as to follow me.”

I nodded, taking a step forward when she turned around.

Neither Serenity or Gabriella spoke up either, following after, with all of us seeming to understand the basic courtesy of ‘her house, her rules,’ never mind the fact that Natalie technically could be a danger if she ended up revealing that she truly wasn’t trustworthy.

So yeah, I didn’t have a problem with Miriam being upfront and even a little harsh about her expectations.

And if Natalie simply did as she was asked while visiting, then there wouldn’t be any problems.

Glancing back when Gwen spoke up, her tone surprisingly polite as she requested for Natalie to come with her, I saw that the blue-haired magazine model hadn’t even budged an inch prior to being prompted. And, she likewise seemed surprised by Gwen’s polite tone.

But then again, it wasn’t like anything about the sexy maid was overly hostile, only intimidating when her expression was neutral and she was staring unblinkingly with those red demonic eyes of hers.

As we all filed into the grand foyer, we left the two other women behind when Gwen asked Natalie to make herself comfortable on one of the many couches, indicating they weren’t going far to begin with. And then, after entering into the hallway under the right twin staircase, I finally took the opportunity to comment about Ms. Miriam’s leather sleeves while we proceeded down the well-furnished hall…

Partially as an excuse to not focus on her tight ass in those leather pants, looking so fucking hot that just the sight was making me ridiculously horny, recalling that sexy black tail wrapped around my cock the last time I was here, but also to inquire due to my sincere curiosity.

“So, it obviously looks good on you,” I commented, loving how much of her back I could see between her wings, due to the low back ivory shirt, framed on top and bottom by leather. “But never seen attire like that.”

She focused back on me, her midnight wings stretching out a little, an extremely affectionate smile touching her full lips, like she couldn’t be happier right now. “What? The bolero shrug?”

“Umm, if that’s what you call the sleeves, then yeah.”

Gabriella spoke up on my left side. “You’ve really never seen this before? I mean, it’s not common attire, but I’ve seen singers on TV wear them.”

“Actually,” Serenity chimed in. “I didn’t know what it was called either. I know what a bolero is, but never seen something that was basically just the sleeves.”

Miriam giggled, seemingly at our interaction. “Well, I admit that this isn’t my usual springtime attire, and I might not be as familiar with such garments if not for my wings. But, for those of us with extra limbs, more creative outfits like this are sort of a necessity to avoid frostbite in the winter. Thankfully, my wings and tail are more immune to dramatic temperatures than the rest of my body.”

I frowned at that, again realizing she and Gwen were both dressed pretty warmly for the spring weather outside. “So, what about when it’s not winter?” I wondered, feeling like there was more going on here.

Her emerald eyes had a hint of mischievous amusement when she glanced back at me. “When it’s not winter, it’s probably because I’m not keen on getting bitten by a cursed creature.”

Oh,” Gabriella, Serenity, and I all said in perfect sync.

Miriam laughed again, making a turn at our destination -- a room full of white leather couches -- the exact same room where I had my last sexual experience with her, Gwen, and Mrs. Rebecca. Thankfully, she wasn’t leading us to that couch, and instead aiming for further into the wide space, where there was a single white leather armchair facing a three-seater white leather couch, almost looking as if it was intentionally set up to host our conversation. There were even a couple of potted plants on each end of the couch, making it look extra inviting.

However, what was a little surprising was that on one side of the armchair was a short table with a very modern tablet lying on it. Of course, I knew the succubus had a phone, but hadn’t really noticed any other forms of technology lying around. Granted, I’d vaguely noticed most of the major rooms had a black screen near the doorway, which could be a fancy thermostat, or might even be something more elaborate like a security system that would display video feed of who was at the front gate.

Hard to say, since I hadn’t gotten a very close look, and certainly hadn’t seen anyone use one of the screens.

Ms. Miriam continued, speaking about her clothing. “This leather isn’t strong enough to prevent an actual werewolf bite, and probably couldn’t even handle the bite of a normal wolf for very long, but it’ll do for a cursed human.”

I smirked. “I suppose this is the part where you say, ‘I haven’t lived this long by taking unnecessary risks.’”

“Precisely!” she agreed with surprising cheer, twisting around and plopping her small ass right down into the comfy chair. Her expression then grew slightly serious. “But really, Kai, I know you want to hope for the best, but it’s dangerous to trust too easily. You don’t know this girl, don’t know her true intentions, and as I said before, one bite and you’re fucked.” She paused. “Or at least, a normal person would be. Gabriella and Serenity here, at least. It would ruin their lives.”

I nodded as I sat down in the middle of the couch two feet across from her, with Serenity slipping by to sit on my right, while Gabriella sank into the cushion on my left. Both women where still looking around at the extravagance of the room, examining each painting hung on the wall in turn.

“No, I get it,” I replied. “Trust is a big deal to me too. But I don’t think it’s so much about trust at this point, as much as knowing that it’s just not in her best interest to make us her enemy, leading me to believe that the most logical decision for her would be to stay in our good graces.”

“That’s true,” Miriam agreed, crossing her thin yet juicy thighs as she got more comfortable, the black leather stretched tight. I only now noticed she was wearing a pair of black sandals with crisscrossing leather straps.

Fuck, why were her delicate feet so hot? Her toes looked so fucking adorable.

Ms. Miriam glanced at the tablet lying on the table when it looked like a notification appeared on the black screen, only for her to focus on me as she continued. “But, when dealing with a life altering consequence that might result from being bitten, it’s just not a risk I want to take. And it’s especially not a risk I would want to impose on my maid. She’s been through enough, without adding curses to the list.”

My brow furrowed at that, recalling that she’d mentioned previously that Gwen was something like a hundred and twenty-seven, but wasn’t born a hundred and twenty-seven years ago, a seeming contradiction that she never explained. And I recalled that she didn’t want to elaborate, instead leaving it for Gwen to share for herself, about her past.

However, never did I think the sexy maid had anything overly traumatizing in her history, wondering if that was what Miriam was implying when saying ‘she’s been through enough,’ or if she meant something else entirely.

At the very least, I knew Gwen had never been with a man before, prior to me, so at least it wasn’t anything super horrible, but there were certainly other ways someone might end up traumatized.

However, I knew asking for Miriam to elaborate now wasn’t going to get me anywhere, prompting me to instead move on.

“Makes sense,” I replied simply, only to clear my throat. “So, umm, did you want to start? Or is it okay if we start?”

Her tone was warm. “You may start, cutie. I’m very curious as to what you want to share. And the things I want to share with you are mostly matters I’d rather discuss in private, just the two of us, before bringing everyone else into the conversation.”

I sighed heavily, not responding as I glanced at Serenity on my right, followed by Gabriella on my left, both of them seeming a little concerned now. Of course, Miriam picked up on the change in mood, and sat up straighter, uncrossing her legs as she scooted more to the edge of the chair, her posture much more attentive and serious.

“Clearly, you’re worried,” she stated simply. “All three of you.”

I sighed, giving her my attention. “Ms. Miriam…”

She abruptly held up a finger. “Sorry to interrupt right away, but Miriam is fine. Please, Kai. I appreciate the respect with all this ‘miss’ formality. Really, I do. But I want a relationship with you, and feel your insistence on calling me miss is going to affect us achieving that outcome.”

“Oh, umm. Sure. But why would that matter?” I wondered.

She gave me an apologetic look. “Okay, maybe it just makes me feel my age, and I want to feel young with you,” she admitted.

I just stared at her for a second, before laughing. “Oh. So granny can’t handle any teasing then?”

She scowled at me, the most fucking adorable expression ever, dramatically crossing her leather-clad arms over her creamy shirt, it being very obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra over her small perky tits. “Or maybe I’ll just force you to call me mistress instead, and bend you over my knee to spank you with my tail for being out of line.”

I smirked. “Could be fun. Or maybe I’ll bend you over my knee, and really make you feel young.”

Miriam’s face immediately flushed, to the point that she switched the subject. “A-Anyway, you were saying.”

I tried not to laugh, only for that sensation to quickly dissipate when I recalled the topic I wanted to share, and how she might react to it. I then frowned, choosing my words carefully. “Miriam,” I began hesitantly. “Let me start by saying, several times now you’ve discovered something new about me, and each time it’s really freaked you out.”

Her expression was apologetic as she dropped her arms, folding her hands in her lap. “And I’m really sorry about that,” she said sincerely. “It’s just, I know things. A lot of things. And some of the things I’ve learned about you would be major red flags if it was anyone else. Like, if you were really a werewolf, for example, that would be very bad.”

“And I get that,” I agreed. “But obviously, I’m not a werewolf. Or rather, I guess I really am sort of like a Frankenstein monster.”

She nodded. “Yes, on a genetic level, that’s kind of what it seems like. You truly are unique. I’ve never heard of a demon like you, and I can’t imagine how you came to be.”

I nodded, taking a deep breath, still feeling a little hesitant. “So, here’s the deal. I have more secrets to share, and I want to trust you with it all.”

Her expression was sympathetic. “What do you need from me?”

Taken off guard by the question, I frowned as I considered that, not expecting her to ask something like that. But then, I realized it was warranted, with me truly needing something from her.

Something very important.

Can I trust you?” I asked seriously.

Her emerald eyes widened in surprise, only to look somber. “Yes, Kai. More than anything, you can trust me. Can I also trust you?”

“Yes. Absolutely.”

She nodded. “Then, what do you need from me?”

I sighed heavily. “Well, I guess, other than trust, just for you to not freak out? I’m not sure if that’s fair to ask though.”

“I…” She paused, taking a deep breath. “It’s hard to not be surprised. And when you do surprise me, it’s difficult to not feel afraid sometimes. Not when I know what certain things would normally mean.”

I nodded. “So then, maybe it would help if you guess?”

She looked surprised again. “Oh, umm. I haven’t a clue what you want to share though. And not even my maid was aware you were keeping something from us, prior to earlier today.”

Gabriella spoke up. “So Gwen can really read minds? That’s kind of crazy to think about.”

Miriam only nodded in acknowledgement, focusing on me again, her lips puckered slightly as she considered possibilities.

“So then, maybe a hint?” she prompted.

I frowned as I considered that. “Well…you’re aware that I don’t need to drink blood, and have gone a long time without it, but that I crave it if I’m hurt. And that it helps heal me much faster than normal.”

“Wow,” Miriam commented, already looking a little uncomfortable. “Went right for the punch in the gut there, didn’t you?”

My brow furrowed more. “But you know I wouldn’t hurt you, right?”

“Of course,” she agreed with a nod, appearing as if she was trying to force herself to relax. “But I’ve never met a blood drinking creature that was exactly good company. A rare few are intelligent enough to hold a conversation, but hard to feel comfortable around such an individual when you could be viewed as food.”

“Makes sense. But I’m good company, right?”

She grinned at that, seeming to relax some more. “Very good company,” she admitted emphatically, only to sigh, glancing away as her visible tension completely dissipated. She then took a slow deep breath, her red eyebrows knitting together slightly again, as she thought some more.

She focused on me again after a second. “I think I need another hint.”

I frowned, wondering if her knowledge of what was actually ‘possible’ was causing her to not consider what I felt like should be obvious. For example, I obviously wasn’t cursed, which meant I couldn’t pass on such a curse…at least, not in her scope of reality. Which meant, she wouldn’t consider that to be my secret. Or similar to my secret.

I cleared my throat, deciding to give her a really big hint. “Well, after learning more about werewolves, it’s possible that I might share more in common with them than I initially thought. Basically, I’m not cursed…but still. Kind of similar.”

Miriam’s entire body stiffened as she stared at me, her emerald eyes widening slightly as she hesitantly glanced at Gabriella and then Serenity. She then focused on me, slowly shifting her weight in her white leather seat.

“O…kay,” she said slowly. “So, your existence is kind of…vampiric, in nature.” She paused. “And kind of like werewolves.” She paused again. “Similar to cursed creatures, but without the curse…” Her voice trailed off, visibly growing more uncomfortable as she cleared her throat. “I don’t suppose you’re trying to tell me that you can essentially ‘reproduce’ like those type of creatures, right?” She then let out a nervous chuckle, an obvious laugh arising from her anxiety. A clear attempt to lighten the mood. “Otherwise, we’ll have to be more careful in the bedroom,” she commented, her following giggle getting caught in her throat.

We were all a little tense now, no one responding, and after a few seconds Miriam’s pulse was visible in her slim neck, glancing at Gabriella again, followed by Serenity, and then focusing on me.

Now, she was very serious, and very uncomfortable as our silence answered her question.

Her voice came out barely above a whisper, speaking under her breath.

“Oh fuck.”

We all remained silent.

After a handful of seconds, Gabriella decided to speak up. “W-Would that be bad?” she asked hesitantly.

Ms. Miriam focused on her, visibly swallowing as she tried to speak. “I…” She paused, clearing her throat again. “I don’t know. It would certainly be…fuck.” She focused on me, taking another second to collect herself. “Kai, are you trying to tell me that…you can make other people…like you?”

I hesitated. “If I could, would that ruin our relationship?” I asked seriously.

She abruptly leaned forward, placing her small hands over her face as she groaned softly, as if even suggesting such a thing snapped her out of her tension. “Fuck.” She sucked in a sharp breath, her gaze hidden now. “No, of course not, Kai. I want you so bad, you don’t even understand.” She then took a deep breath, dropped her hands, and focused on me again. “But if you can do that kind of thing, then that’s a big deal. Kai, cursed creatures don’t just exist because of some random act of nature. They exist because someone tried to use magic to gain a benefit that defied nature.”

“What do you mean?” I asked seriously.

“Like healing,” she said, only to sigh. “Kai, you can heal so fast, even from lethal wounds, at a completely unnatural rate that even magic couldn’t normally achieve. And yes, you need blood to do so, but you aren’t a vampire. You aren’t blessed with supernatural healing and cursed to suffer almost immediate skin damage in the sunlight. And you can transform into a more powerful version of yourself, yet you aren’t a werewolf. You aren’t blessed with increased size and strength, while also being cursed with lack of control and an excruciating painful transformation.”

“Which means?” I prompted, her emerald gaze now sharp.

She straightened up more. “It means that cursed creatures originate from experiments. From attempts to defy nature and use magic to create a powerful version of oneself.” She paused. “There are those who wanted to be able to heal faster, to be stronger, or even to obtain immortality. But those experiments always went against the natural order of things, and always resulted in a cursed existence. Yet, here you are, a being who is all those things, and yet…”

“I’m not cursed,” I replied, just stating the obvious at this point.

Serenity interjected on my right. “But isn’t that a good thing?”

“Yes,” Miriam agreed right away. “Theoretically, yes. This is a wonderful thing. Possibly even beyond miraculous if he can share these traits with others. Except for two huge problems.” She took a deep breath. “And I’ll phrase those problems as obvious questions we should be asking. One, are you actually cursed, and we just don’t know it yet? And two…who experimented on you? Who created you? And more importantly, where are they now?”

My eyes widened in surprise. “You’re implying there might be a threat.”

“Yes, Kai. You should be the son of an incubus. And yes, clearly you have traits of an incubus, including a level of compulsion that rivals one, and yet you also have the traits of so many other things. And if someone went through the effort of essentially creating you, something people have attempted for literally thousands of years and failed, then where are they now? Are they watching you from a distance?” She paused to let that sink in. “And whether they are or aren’t watching you, what is their ultimate goal? What do they want from you?”

“They might want my blood,” I realized, stating what I felt like was obvious out loud.

Ms. Miriam looked surprised, quickly shifting her gaze to Gabriella and Serenity, followed by me again. “To…to become like you?” she guessed hesitantly. “Not a bite, or something like that?”

I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Yeah, Miriam. My blood. To become like me.”

Realizing it was time, Gabriella cleared her throat, and slowly began to shift next to me, causing Miriam’s eyes to widen into saucers.

“Oh…shit,” she whispered under her breath. “Shit, you’re more like me than your mother,” she commented, only to glance uncomfortably toward my right, seeming to anticipate that there was more to see.

Serenity held her gaze as she slowly began doing the same, Miriam’s emerald eyes widening as she focused on Serenity’s exposed neck when it started turning medium gray, and then looking shell-shocked when the brunette’s lips turned purple and her eyes became black and crimson.

Miriam was frozen solid now, speechless as she just stared at Serenity.

“Y-You’re…” She stammered, only to rephrase. “Are you an imp? Like my maid?”

Serenity glanced at me, clearly not wanting to make any abrupt movements. “I guess maybe?” she replied carefully. “But I look a lot like Kai too.”

“Y-Yes…you do,” Miriam agreed, carefully leaning back more in her seat and visibly trying to relax as she focused on me. She then took a deep breath. “O…kay. So…” Her voice trailed off as she held my gaze. Her left arm was trembling slightly.

I slowly moved my hand to my knee, my palm upward as an invitation. “Would it help if we resumed this conversation with you in my lap?” I wondered, recalling that it actually helped her gather her thoughts last time, when she first found out I had wings.

She seemed surprised, collecting herself more as she glanced at Serenity. “Oh, umm. Probably best if I didn’t.”

Now I was the one surprised, glancing at Serenity too, not sensing any jealousy coming from her. “Oh. Any reason why not?” I asked hesitantly, concerned she was discreetly rejecting me.

Miriam sighed. “Well, I suppose maybe you haven’t noticed, but I’m doing my best to contain my natural charm right now. Unlike you, where you can sort of choose to turn your compulsion on or off, with me there’s a certain level of influence I have on others whether I like it or not.” She sighed, again glancing at Serenity. “But if I myself get in the mood by being on your lap, and in your arms, then I won’t be able to keep my charm bottled up.”

My eyes widened in surprise, glancing to my right again, realizing Serenity was now very focused on Miriam, her crimson eyes also unblinking, much like Gwen normally was.

I cleared my throat. “You’re concerned about influencing my thinking…and concerned about influencing my partners.”

Miriam laughed uncomfortably, looking at Gabriella. “Well, no need to worry about someone like me,” she commented, only to frown. “I think.”

I glanced at Gabriella as well, only for her to blink and meet my gaze, looking as if she was trying to remember what we were just talking about. “Oh, I’m fine. It’s just a little surreal knowing the age difference.” She focused on Miriam. “Like, I keep looking at you, feeling as if you look and maybe even act a little younger than me, so kind of hard to believe you’ve been around for so long.”

Miriam gave her a small smile. “Well, thanks for the compliment.”

Gabriella only offered a smile in response.

I look toward my right again. “And what about you Serenity?” I wondered, not smelling arousal from her, but definitely noting that she seemed very focused right now. Pretty much from the moment she transformed.

She cleared her throat, finally breaking her gaze to look up at me. “Umm, I’m…okay. Being around her just gives me strange urges.”

Miriam abruptly sat forward, suddenly being very obvious that she wasn’t trying to bottle up her charm anymore, an extremely noticeable difference. “Like what?” Miriam wondered, her tone unexpectedly tender with a hint of seduction, her emerald eyes smoldering.

Serenity’s crimson eyes turned into saucers, as her breathing all but stopped. “I…I want…” She seemed to struggle for words. “You and Kai are both Gwen’s masters, and I need that.”

Wow,” Gabriella said in sincere surprise, her red eyebrows raised, seeming stunned at what just happened, as well as at the fact that her best friend blurted out such an intense and vulnerable statement.

Miriam instantly turned the charm mostly off, to how it was before, and sat back again. “Sorry,” she said sincerely. “But I kind of figured that’s what you’d say, and knew you might not say it without some encouragement.” She paused. “Gwen tipped me off earlier, telling me about your reaction to her calling Kai ‘master’ back in the field. How it made you feel, and how you began having that urge to be in her situation.”

Serenity’s face flushed as she looked at me apologetically. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I…I don’t…” She paused, really struggling to explain herself. “It’s just that…” Her voice trailed off.

I glanced at Miriam, while speaking to my sexy brunette. “I mean, I don’t think there’s any reason to be sorry. Her influence is hard to resist.” I paused, directing my words at the short minx. “And I think that’s where respect comes into play as well,” I added.

“Yes, of course,” Miriam agreed sincerely. “But this just confirms she’s part imp. Most crave to have a master, which is why they used to be common as familiars, when there were more of them. Their natural hierarchy is to pledge fealty to an Imp Lord, as their king, but in the absence of such a master, they are more than happy to pledge to another competent being.”

“So then, does that mean my blood is bringing out their supernatural traits?” I wondered, already suspecting as much, but wanting to present the question to her.

“Yes, it appears that may be the case,” Miriam agreed simply, glancing at Gabriella as her red eyebrows knitted together again in obvious contemplation. She then returned to her previous thought, as her gaze returned to mine. “However, what is most curious is that both Gwen, and now apparently Serenity as well, crave to be owned by both of us. With my maid, I assumed it was just a matter of your claim on her superseding her loyalty to me, but in the last day I’ve seen that’s not the case. She still obeys me just as before, as her first master. Or rather, as her mistress. And even though I assume Serenity is very loyal to you, she likewise desires to be jointly owned, a feeling I’m sure is confusing for her.”

“I’m sorry,” Serenity repeated, looking away from all of us entirely, but clearly directing her words at me.

“Hey,” I said gently, reaching up to place my hand on her upper back. “There’s no reason to be sorry. I mean, you still love me, right?”

Serenity looked up at me in alarm. “Absolutely, yes. Kai, I love you more than anything.”

“Then, there’s nothing to be sorry about.”

She grimaced. “But this feeling I have,” she whispered. “It’s like before at the mall. In the bathroom.”

I knew exactly what she was referring to, specifically when she asked me to make her my bitch. I assumed that might have been a result of being reminded how her coworkers acted, with me guessing that maybe that incident had played a role in her working up the courage to mention it, but ultimately it appeared as if it was truly a need she had, originating from her being biologically part-imp now.

And maybe it was similarly a need before, when she was mostly human, but the effects of her imp heritage were being heightened by her becoming like me.

I shrugged. “I guess that just means I’ll have to work harder at fulfilling that need then.” I paused. “Or is it truly a sexual desire you can’t get solely from me?” I asked seriously, already concerned if that was the case.

Miriam spoke up. “Shouldn’t be. I mean, sex can be a part of it, but the desire to have a master doesn’t inherently have to be sexual at all. Plenty of imp men pledge loyalty to their Imp Lord without it being like that even in the slightest. And likewise, there are plenty of imp women who don’t become consorts.” She paused when Serenity grimaced and looked away again. “Here, how about this? Let’s resolve this issue right now.” Her tone became more firm. “Serenity, I want you to be my servant.”

She immediately looked alarmed, and even I was pretty shocked.

“N-No,” Serenity stammered, abruptly grabbing onto my arm. “I can’t.”

Miriam seemed completely unfazed, focusing on me. “See? Choice still matters here, even if the desire is there.”

Serenity and I exchanged a glance, only for her to visibly relax some as she slowly let go of my arm, that single brief confrontation causing her to realize that truth -- that she still could choose to say no, even if it’s what she wanted deep down.

Miriam continued. “And honestly, this entire situation is novel and unconventional. Serenity shouldn’t have this kind of desire for someone else, even if she did meet an Imp Lord. At least, not if she’s with you, in the same way Gwen is.” She paused. “Nor would I normally have been worried about Gwen changing her loyalties if she’d come across an Imp Lord. The fact that she has two masters right now is somewhat uncharted territory, as far as I’m aware. Gwen likewise doesn’t know why it’s happened, or how she could feel such devotion to both of us…” She paused. “Although, she and I have already speculated that the underlying commitment, that we might have formed yesterday, may have played a part.”

My brow furrowed. “What do you mean? Like, the commitment specifically between you and me?”

Miriam’s expression was affectionate again…and a little somber. “Kai, you died for me. You selflessly put yourself between me and death. And…” She hesitated, looking away. “I almost died for you, trying to save you, even though you were already gone. In that moment, I lost sight of the value of my own life.”

My eyes widened slightly, suddenly recalling Miriam’s broken legs the previous day, wondering if the injury she’d suffered was a direct cause of what she was sharing now -- a direct result of her trying to defend me, even though it was already too late.

“So…” I replied slowly. “I guess that means we’ve already crossed a pretty serious line, even though we’re sort of acting like we haven’t. Acting like there’s still a decision to be made.”

“Yes,” she agreed quietly, still averting her gaze. “I thought that changing my lifestyle was going to be hard, but I’ve had yummy construction workers in my home all day, and even just the idea of taking one of them aside is repulsive now.” She grimaced as she slowly turned her gaze to me. “I thought it would be a struggle, but it’s not. Just the opposite.” She sighed. “And I don’t mean that they are unappealing. I mean that having sex with someone not linked to you suddenly feels unforgivable. A line I’ve suddenly found myself unable to cross.”

“Because we’ve already crossed a different line,” I repeated, just pointing out the obvious.

“Yes,” she said quietly, only to take a deep breath, and speak at a more normal volume, sounding a little educational. “Sacrifices can be very powerful, but especially self-sacrifices, with a ton of energy released upon death, and they can have all kinds of positive and negative effects, many of which are unpredictable. Sometimes a spell is cast at death, even though no one specifically cast it. A sort of ‘last wish’ becoming reality.”

Gabriella finally chimed in, only sounding curious and a little confused. “So, what are you saying? That what happened yesterday caused you two to become linked or something? Like maybe your souls became connected?”

Now Miriam seemed surprised. “Oh, umm. Actually…yes. That’s exactly what I was about to hint at, possibly out of a desire for him to retain an anchor on this reality, to survive, by attaching to my living soul, combined with a desire to continue trying to protect me even after death.” She paused. “But how in the world did you guess I was going to say that?”

Gabriella looked a little embarrassed. “Oh, well, I read a lot. Mostly fantasy and paranormal romance stuff.”

“Oh,” the sexy minx responded, still looking stunned. “And you saw something like this in a book?”

Gabriella looked at me, looking really embarrassed for some reason. “Umm, not exactly this same situation, but kind of. Really, I’m sort of merging two different ideas I’ve read. One involving a sacrifice, and it giving another person powers, and another idea involving two souls becoming bonded due to a shared traumatic experience that involved magic.”

“Huh,” Miriam replied, the shift in conversation making her seem more relaxed. “I actually read a lot too, but not fiction. Still, I might need you to give me those titles later, so I can check them out. I had no idea humans had gotten so creative, as to begin hinting at possible realities.” She focused on me, as if to elaborate. “A lot of the stuff I’ve seen in recent years has just been in the form of movie trailers, and how romanticized they’ve made certain horrible things, like werewolves, in modern culture. Traditionally, I’ve not felt the need to get my desire for romance from a book or movie, so I’ve never looked into that kind of thing.”

“Makes sense,” I replied simply. “But then, I guess that means that our lives are already linked in some capacity, and that’s probably the reason why both Gwen and Serenity have a craving to, umm…” I paused to glance at my sexy brunette, making sure she was still fine after the realization that she still had a choice. “Have us both be their masters?” I finished.

Miriam glanced at Serenity too. “Basically, yes. Unfortunately, there’s not exactly a book I can dig up to find the exact answer, but that seems to be a reasonable hypothesis at this point, given this somewhat new information.” She gestured with her left elbow to my right. “And to be clear, Serenity probably wouldn’t have that desire if there wasn’t some kind of link between you and me. Rather, the sole reason why that desire probably exists is because she can subconsciously detect that link, and ultimately wishes to be fully subservient to you, in particular, sensing an indirect way to do so.”

I glanced at Serenity, seeing that she seemed a little uncertain herself, before I nodded as I sighed heavily.

“Okay, well anyway, that was the last of my secrets, as far as I’m aware. I can make others like me, if I give them my blood. So now what? Does this cause any problems for us?”

Miriam gave me an affectionate look. “No, I think not. As we just discussed, I’m too far gone. Too far infatuated at this point. And that was even before the possible supernatural bonding that occurred, when you sacrificed your life for mine.” Her brow then furrowed, abruptly changing subjects. “But does this mean that you plan to do more than simply become that girl’s alpha? Are you planning on giving her your blood too?" She paused. "And have you changed anyone else?” she added.

I hesitated. “Umm, yes to that last part. I’ve made my classmate, and her mom, both like me. Four people total.”

She nodded slowly, her expression impassive. “And what about Natalie?”

“Would that be a problem if I did?” I wondered, unsure about her reaction, but figuring that giving Natalie my blood would be the easiest way to try to break her curse.

She sighed. “I honestly don’t know,” she admitted. “I don’t think you should assume that your blood would have the same reaction on every individual. Maybe it might break her curse, or maybe it’ll make it worse. Very difficult to say. Things like this don’t always turn out the way you might expect, which is exactly why people have studied magic and curses for so long over the years. Because the findings don’t always seem logical.” She glanced at Serenity, and then at Gabriella, before continuing. “For example, when the succubi and incubi defeated the monster that created us, no one would have predicted we would receive blessings in place of the many curses we’d once had. Certainly, none of us would have anticipated becoming immortal.”

I nodded, sensing that Gabriella and Serenity both only had about a million questions popping up, since they hadn’t heard that story yet, but both seemed willing to wait to ask for clarification. “Okay, so then, is there a way to test it out first? Or do we just chance it?”

Miriam frowned at that, seeming pensive. “It will be best for you to try becoming her alpha before giving her your blood, so that does give us a little time. How long did it take for this change to occur?”

“Roughly four to eight hours, depending on amount.”

Her emerald eyes widened slightly. “Then perhaps we can try. I’ll need to secure some blood from both you and Natalie, and see what happens under a special type of microscope.”

“You have a microscope?” I said in sincere surprise.

She grinned. “Oh cutie, you’ve only seen one of my basements so far. I have four.”

What the fuck?

“And that means…”

She grinned. “I have a state-of-the-art laboratory in one, along with a very large library full of extremely rare tomes and artifacts in another, underneath an even bigger, but more normal, library.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Dang,” was all I could think to say.

She giggled, only to glance at Gabriella and Serenity again. “So how about this? We will go grab a sample of blood from Natalie, and then I’ll get the experiment started. After that, if possible I would really like to spend some time alone with you, and I’ve been told you also promised Gwen a little alone time too.”

“Oh, umm, yeah.” I glanced at Serenity and then Gabriella.

Serenity spoke up, clearing her throat. “That’s fine with me. I think we both expected you to spend some time alone with her.”

“Yeah,” Gabriella agreed, only to direct her words at Miriam. “Although, I would like to catch up some, if maybe you and I could hang out a little after you’re done with Kai.”

Miriam giggled. “Of course, sweetie. I’d really like that as well.” Her gaze shifted to Serenity. “That might leave it up to you to watch Natalie, if Kai and Gwen are going to be alone at the same time.”

Serenity nodded. “Yeah, that’s perfectly fine. I know you’re trying to be cautious around her, but I think she’s alright. I’m not worried about keeping an eye on her.”

Miriam nodded, focusing on me. “After that, I think we’ll have dinner, and then later this evening we can worry about finding that werewolf pack, and I’ll also teach you what I know about becoming Natalie’s alpha. Sound like a plan?”

“Yep,” I replied cheerfully, sincerely looking forward to spending time with her now.

“Sounds good to me,” Gabriella said just as warmly.

“Me too,” Serenity added, being the first to stand up. “Love this place by the way. Feels like we’re in a mansion from a literal fantasy right now. Would love to live somewhere like this.”

Miriam and I immediately exchanged a glance, only for her to slowly grin.

“Perhaps,” she said simply, winking suggestively at me.


FEEDBACK: Thoughts?

Did Miriam's explanation about her reactions make her freak-outs feel more reasonable?


Chapter 61 >>


Creative Amoeba

Two years since a comment? No new readers? Personally at Ch. 60, I think the two most devoted characters to Kai (and who he also loves) are Serenity and Miriam. I'm not that interested in the 'lesbian' Gabriella. I just haven't noticed a deep connection there. There seems to be a true bond between Miriam and Serenity with Kai. Rebeca seems to have fallen from the picture, and I can see Miriam being the tighter connection. Still, IMO maybe the hottest sex scene yet has been between Rebecca and Kai. I don't care about Rebecca's husband just like I didn't care about Kai in the first book. Submissive men can be crushed.

Christopher Miller

I feel like Kai and Michelle share a similar bond to what Kai and Miriam do. Kai sacrificed blood, passion and energy for a half hour to bring her back from beyond the grave. I think it's different from his connection with Miriam, but I think he did something pretty profound and unique and we still don't understand a fraction of what really happened there. Is there going to be a price to be paid in the future for her new life? A curse to pay for an unnatural return? Someone or something coming to collect her because it was supposed to be "her time"? Also, what's going on with Rebecca? She doesn't really seem to have a purpose/role in the story any more. -Seductive, sometimes dominant, kinky sex demon (Gabriella &amp; Miriam) -Supernatural mentor/guide (Miriam) -Uberhot MILF (Michelle) Every role or niche she had has been usurped by another character, in some cases way more competently. Does she have a new role in the story coming soon? Or will she decide to stay with her husband? Is she being set up to advance the plot by being killed or set aside? And for the record, is there any sexual activity on the horizon between, oh say two related, adult, consenting female characters? I understand some may find that drifting into squick territory, but on a purely fantasy perspective I think it's pretty hot. From what I have gathered Amazon and Patreon frown on it, but don't drop the axe if it's not TO explicit or the focus of the story.


Rebecca will come back into the story once we leave Miriam's mansion. And you pointed out how the other characters have sort of replaced her 'role' in the story, but the thing is, the special thing about Rebecca is that she is all those things in one package. Miriam doesn't really have the older woman thing going, even though she is much older, and similarly Michelle doesn't have the dominant or mentor thing going. I wouldn't say that she's replaced so much as she just is a unique combination that some readers might prefer. And personally, Rebecca is in my personal top 3 characters, so she'll make a return.


Great plot progression building the backstory and addressing the secrets between Kai and Miriam. Looking forward to seeing a little action as Kai engages the werewolf team.