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August 22, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT: If you haven't already checked out my recent announcement, please do so. 

The short version is that someone pirated my book on Amazon, I got it taken down, but Amazon then gave me a HUGE headache getting it up under my own account, and now I really need reviews on these books. 

NOTE: You don't have to buy these books to leave a review.

Just say you 'like the story' and 'read it on Patreon' in your review (however, all three books are $0.99 right now, so if you're interested in a kindle version, now would be the best time to grab one).

Please leave a rating/review on all three, but especially book 1 of Innocent Devil's Harem and Naughty Friend.

Innocent Devil's Harem 1 (Ch 1-15, 114,000 words)

Innocent Devil's Harem 2 (Ch 16-30, 112,000 words)

Naughty Friend 1 (Ch 1-14, 115,000 words)


Thanks so much! And I hope you enjoy this chapter!


NOTE: Some foreshadowing in this chapter.


<< Chapter 51 | Ch 1 (Book1) | Ch 16 (Book 2) | Ch 31 (Book 3) | Ch 46 (Book 4)


- CHAPTER 52: Date -


When Serenity and I dropped Gabriella off at the nail salon where she worked -- parking next to her car that had been sitting in the parking lot all weekend, considering she hadn’t initially left this place of her volition last time -- we decided to just chill out in my car for a handful of minutes. Part of the reason was just so we could solidify where we wanted to go first, and the other reason was to ensure that Gabriella was going to be alright.

After all, this was were she’d been when she got tasered and kidnapped.

We didn’t talk about it though.

Instead, I simply made no move to put the car in gear, even after we both watched Gabriella enter the building, our view unobstructed thanks to it still being pretty early in the morning with few cars around yet. And after a few long seconds, Serenity placed her hand over mine on the center console, a sort of content anticipation developing in her aura now that we were alone.

That, and surprisingly some arousal too.

Serenity was wearing faded skinny jeans that made her ass look amazing, along with a black blouse-like shirt that was made of a stretchy material sort of like spandex, although thicker. It wasn’t a shirt she’d worn often, mainly because the buttons only went up to the middle of her chest, exposing quite a bit of cleavage, though I knew from raiding her closet a few times that it was really smooth to the touch.

She originally got it when she was still attending the police academy, being one of many blouses she’d purchased to look nice for class. However, after she’d worn it the first time, she never wore it again for school or work. Instead, the only other time she’d put it on was when we went out together to do something simple like shopping, though the last time I’d seen her in it was over a year ago.

Needless to say, it was nice to finally be able to appreciate her outfits openly, loving that she’d picked a shirt out that was objectively sexy, her plump cleavage on full display.

However, while there was definitely some sexual tension and anticipation coming from her, I knew that her placing her hand on mine wasn’t any indication for us to leave. No, the gesture was a silent agreement to wait a few minutes, coupled with a more intense realization that we were truly alone together right now.

Or rather, alone and together.

Boyfriend and girlfriend. Now truly involved romantically, and sexually.

And we were going to be spending most of the day together, just the two of us.

It honestly felt kind of surreal.

Like, this past weekend had been the longest ever, so it already seemed as if this big step to our relationship was still brand new. And technically, it was very much still new, even despite the sex. But now that we’d be soon resuming our somewhat daily norm, including her going back to work tomorrow and me attending class again, it was beginning to settle in just how major it was that we’d finally crossed that line.

A line I’d been fantasizing about crossing for years now.

I held Serenity’s deep chocolate brown gaze as the sexual tension in the air continued to slowly rise, until she finally gave me a small smile while pulling her hand away. It wasn’t until I glanced at her cleavage that I realized she’d actually started to push herself too far, the plump swell of her breasts looking visibly medium gray.

I tried not to grin, kind of enjoying it that she was now the one who had to be more careful, especially after all the time I’d spent around Gabriella, who seemed to never struggle to maintain her appearance.

But then I did grin when Gabriella unexpectedly whispered under her breath in the nail salon, directing her words at me.

“I’m okay, Kai. Go enjoy your date with Serenity.”

The person in question obviously didn’t hear, instead grinning in response to my own grin.

“What?” Serenity wondered, her smirk growing even wider.

I just shook my head, finally putting the car in gear. “Just Gabriella chastising me for worrying too much.”

Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh, is that what she said?”

“You heard?” I wondered in surprise, though I realized I probably shouldn’t be so surprised since all of them had improving senses.

“I heard her mumble something,” she clarified. “But just figured maybe she was talking to herself or something.” She paused. “Kind of weird being able to hear and smell so much. Like, I thought it was crazy how sensitive I was yesterday, but then this morning I woke up and your scent was so overwhelming that it felt like someone kicked me in the face.” She paused again, looking up at me. “In a good way,” she added.

I smirked. “So, that’s why you jumped me, huh?”

She suddenly looked serious. “It’s why I want to jump you now,” she agreed.

I cleared my throat, knowing she really meant that, between the tension in her aura, and the scent of her arousal. Like, she was super wet and ready, though obviously I knew we had to keep our cool while we were out. Still, I almost wanted to just have this date back at the house, so we could hang out by fucking nonstop.

If not for the sincere need to actually spend time with each other in a more casual sense, then I suspected I wouldn’t be the only one on board with that plan.

“So, where to first?” I asked, heading to the mall for now, unless she came up with another idea.

“Oh, did you want to go someplace else?” she wondered, obviously knowing where we planned on visiting.

I shook my head. “No, but just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any other ideas.”

She frowned at that, sitting back more in her seat. “Well, normally if given the chance, about the only other thing I’d want to do was visit the gun range.” She sighed. “But not only do I not want to chance seeing a coworker, I know that’s not something you’d be interested in.”

I took a deep breath. “It’s not that I’m not interested in that kind of thing, but just that it’s so loud there.” I glanced at her. “One gun going off isn’t too horrible, but even with earmuffs, hearing multiple shots over and over again is a bit uncomfortable.”

“Oh,” she exclaimed in surprise, only to look at me apologetically. “Oh Kai, I’m so sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” I said in confusion.

“I just wish I’d known. Like, so many things about you make sense now. Things I thought were a little strange.” She paused. “Not in a bad way,” she clarified. “But just little quirks you’ve had. I’m only now beginning to realize all the little things I missed.”

I nodded, not at all bothered by her comment about me having quirks or acting strange. “Yeah, if not for my sensitive hearing, I might have gone more with you. I mean, I did kind of want to go and hang out with you, but knew you’d probably think it was really strange when I kept the earmuffs on the whole time, even when you weren’t shooting.” I glanced at her when she nodded. “Hope you don’t regret your new hearing, if it ruins that activity for you,” I added.

She looked at me in surprise. “Oh. Of course not, Kai. I’d give up anything to be with you.”

I smirked slightly at that, though it was obvious from her expression that she was more focused on the implications of what I’d just said.

“And I mean,” she continued. “I’ll probably still try going, but if it’s too much then, oh well. Not the end of the world if I can’t practice anymore. And I might be able to find an open gun range somewhere.” She then looked up at me affectionately. “Besides, I’m actually looking forward to trying to practice an entirely new skill.”

“What’s that?” I wondered, glancing at her in confusion.

She grinned. “Magic, of course!”

Oh, duh.

I laughed. “You seem pretty enthusiastic about that.”

She scoffed. “Who wouldn’t be? I’m kind of surprised no one else has made much of a fuss about the possibility.”

I simply shrugged, not having an answer for that, suspecting it was probably just because the idea hadn’t really settled in at this point, and probably wouldn’t fully hit the rest of them until we were actually trying to practice. But then again, it might just be because they were all more focused on how to handle normal life in an increasingly different and more sensitive body.

“So, where do you want to go first in the mall?” I wondered. “Want to visit the jewelry store first?” I added a bit more playfully.

Surprisingly, her entire body tensed, an odd thrill pulsing through her aura.

“Is that a yes or no?” I wondered out loud, uncertain if her reaction was a good thing or not. I mean, I assumed it was, but wasn’t entirely confident. At least she didn’t transform though. I supposed it was now my turn to make sure I wasn’t accidentally provoking one of my women to shift in public.

However, Serenity’s heart was racing now, her arousal actually increasing even more as her body relaxed, her tone coming out quiet. “Okay,” she finally whispered after a few seconds, almost sounding timid. “We can do that.”

“Yeah?” I replied hopefully. “What finger do you want to wear the ring on?”

She focused down on her hands in her lap, her thumbs reaching to touch her ring fingers on both hands, even as she echoed her obvious thoughts out loud. “I think I do want to wear it on my ring finger. And I’ll wear it on my left hand when it’s just us, and switch it to my right hand for when I’m at work.”

I assumed she was including Gabriella, Avery, and Michelle else when saying ‘just us,’ likely meaning anywhere else except for work. That way she hopefully didn’t get bombarded with questions about who the guy was.

“Sounds good,” I replied warmly, sincerely looking forward to picking out a ring for her now.

And apparently she was even more so, her anticipation dramatically growing as she fell silent after that, beginning to shift in her seat occasionally like she couldn’t get comfortable…or like she was squirming in response to her arousal.

It wasn’t until I pulled into a parking spot a handful of minutes later that I realized her exposed chest and cleavage were slightly flushed. Not gray, thankfully, but definitely flushed.

Damn, was she really that hot and bothered?

I mean, I could be in the mood too, if I really wanted to be, but being in public kind of meant I didn’t have that luxury. Granted, for her it wasn’t so much that she was trying to be aroused, instead simply reacting physically to everything -- to the fact that we were on a real date, to the fact that we were a real couple now, and to the fact that I was sincerely going to officiate all that by getting her a ring.

It wasn’t until we were walking in one of the mall entrances a few minutes later, with her arms wrapped affectionately around mine as if she’d completely forgotten to be careful, that I was pulled out of our little bubble of intimacy for a few seconds by a strange scent.

Serenity immediately looked up at me when I paused just as I reached to open the door.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered, loosening her grip on me as she glanced around.

But it was pretty early on a Monday, the mall had practically just opened, and there weren’t really any people around. I knew there would be shoppers inside, but by no means was the mall busy right now.

I shook my head as I grabbed the door and held it open for her. “Just smelled something different,” I admitted.

She paused then, intentionally smelling the air, only to continue when it was obvious she didn’t notice anything. “Is that bad?” she wondered quietly as she wrapped her arms around mine again.

I shook my head, loving that she was being so open with her affection, and a little surprised that it wasn’t affecting my appearance at all. Like, it was almost as if my control over my appearance was dramatically better, but I couldn’t be sure if that was simply because I was with Serenity, of all people, or if it was something else, like my body just freaking out less since I’d had so much sex in the last few days.

“No, not at all,” I replied. “It’s just, being that my nose is so sensitive, I’ve pretty much gotten to the point where I almost never smell a completely new scent. Like, even people have only so many variations of smell, and prior to meeting Gabriella, I think it had been a couple of years since I’d last truly smelled something new.”

Serenity was immediately serious. “Think it’s from someone supernatural?”

My eyes widened in surprise by the assumption, before my brow furrowed. “Well, the smell is gone now, and I’m not even sure it came from a person. There was a trash can outside the door. Could have been something inside.”

“Do you want to go back and check it out?” she asked seriously.

I laughed at that, causing her to look surprised.

“What?” she wondered, grinning at my chuckle.

“Just imagine if I went digging through the trash every time I smelled something strange. The only time I’ve smelled something that turned out to hold any significance was when I first caught a whiff of Gabriella’s scent.”

“Oh,” she said simply. “Sorry, I guess that makes sense. Just figured you’d be curious is all.”

I frowned at that, my voice suddenly lower. “I suppose I did use to be curious,” I admitted quietly.

She looked up at me questioningly.

I sighed. “Prior to when I was nine,” I elaborated.

Her chocolate brown eyes widened in surprise, suddenly realizing what I was referring to, the time she’d only previously known as when I’d become extremely depressed for seemingly no reason. But of course, now she knew the reason why.

She hugged my arm tighter against her chest. “Sorry,” she whispered simply.

I shook my head, taking a deep breath, and then smiling. “It’s fine. Didn’t mean to bring down the mood. And if there was a trail to follow, then I might have done so. But while strange, it was really faint and might have just been a scent carried by the light breeze. Or just something in the trash can, in which case, I’m not digging through the trash.”

She grinned, knowing from my tone that I was being playful again. “This is really nice,” she then whispered, her voice lower since we were passing a counter with a middle-aged woman busying herself with a bunch of white boxes. It was one of those perfume spots, where the same woman would probably be standing in the isle later on in the day, trying to get people to try samples of their pricey scents.

She didn’t bother us though, and before long we were in the main part of the mall, walking down the hallway with shops lining either side.

In the center of the mall, where it branched off into four hallways, three of the four corners were jewelry stores, so we just picked one and started browsing, Serenity’s anticipation and excitement even higher than before. She did have to finally let go of my arm though, and while the anticipation remained, the excitement in her expression did lessen some as I imagined she was trying to avoid graying underneath her clothing.

Of course, an older woman asked if we needed help right away, but Serenity just suggested we might in a few minutes, and the lady left it at that, likewise busying herself with some early morning tasks, noisily opening several counters behind the payment area.

I knew Serenity wanted to go with simple, despite the fact that she was really falling in love with some of the more elaborate rings, but then she found one and suddenly announced she’d chosen.

“This is the one,” she said confidently, pointing toward the display case a few feet away, since I’d given her a little space while I pretended to browse too.

Moving closer, I focused on the one she’d indicated, a spot where there were actually six rings clustered together.

“Third one, with the small diamonds,” she clarified.

I focused on the one in question, seeing that it looked as if the majority of the band, roughly sixty percent of it, was simple white gold while it had a portion on the top where the metal curved like vines around nine diamonds, alternating between circular and marquise shaped -- four of the more teardrop shape ones, and five of the circular.

And I fully agreed.

It was exactly what we were aiming for, both simple but also really nice. And it didn’t necessarily look like it had to be classified as a wedding ring, even though it would be easily identified as one when worn on her left ring finger. But if worn on her right hand, then suddenly I could see this looking like just a nice ring, not being large enough to count as a standard engagement ring, yet also not being simple enough to classify as the standard wedding band.

The clerk finally chimed in then, her voice a little husky, sounding a little older than she looked. “Are we ready to take a look at one?” she asked politely.

“Ready to buy,” Serenity replied confidently, causing me to grin at how she was suddenly taking charge of the situation.

And sure enough, the woman looked at me as if she was hoping to silently confirm that I was willing to pay, with her assuming that it would be my card she’d be charging. She was right of course, and my smile seemed to be enough to reassure her.

She gave us a warm grin as she walked around the counter we were at, and pulled out a ring-sizing tool, wanting to double-check her ring finger, only to give Serenity another confused look when she checked the ring finger on both hands, just to make sure they were exactly the same size.

For me, it wasn’t too surprising that she’d check, since I could remember that my adoptive dad’s gold wedding ring wouldn’t fit on his right hand, since it was just a tiny bit larger. But obviously the woman didn’t grasp the potential desire for knowing.

She let it go pretty quickly though, getting the ring out for Serenity to look at, and then taking it back to get resized, likely by another employee hidden in the back. And sure enough, the lady actually hung back there for a few minutes, speaking quietly with the guy about some management email or something, leaving us to ourselves while he worked on resizing the ring.

However, about five minutes later, just as the woman came back to tell us it would just be another minute, we were both surprised to hear the unexpected.

Someone calling out her name.

“Serenity!” a man’s voice said cheerfully.

We both stiffened in surprise, with her looking up at me before glancing back at the guy just walking past in the hallway. I knew right away it must be one of her coworkers, because he just struck me as a cop, even though he wasn’t dressed like one. But he had blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a built physique that would have him looking like a surfer dude if he was wearing swimming trunks, instead of a nice black Polo shirt and khaki shorts.

When she met his gaze, he grinned, ignoring me completely. “Thought that was you. Not used to seeing you in jeans, but I’d recognize that ass anywhere.”

Serenity immediately grabbed my elbow, as if she was afraid of me reacting to that comment, but I was more just shocked than anything. Like, did those words seriously just come out of his mouth?

He continued as if he hadn’t said anything odd. “Didn’t realize you were taking off today. Trying to ditch desk duty?”

Serenity gave me an apologetic and meaningful look, like she was silently asking me to let her handle this, and then walked away toward him, her voice at a much more normal volume. “Brant, I don’t want to hear you talking about my ass. Say something like that again in public and I’ll pop you one.”

He only grinned wider, facing fully toward her now to respond.

In the meantime, a guy in his thirties, dressed nicely, came out to hand off the ring we were buying to the older woman. She accepted it and gave me her full attention, seeming unconcerned that the older girl with me was preoccupied by another guy.

I pulled out my card, and only partially listened as she shared information on insurance policies and such, instead focused on their conversation. The guy had just explained that he was taking off work to go to a surprise birthday party for his mom’s fiftieth birthday, and had just stopped by the mall to grab her a last minute present. He then finally seemed to notice me, speaking loud enough that the woman helping me could probably hear, though Serenity’s responses were far more quiet.

“That who I think it is?” he wondered curiously, not sounding at all suspicious that we were in a jewelry store together.

“Oh, umm, yeah,” Serenity replied, trying to keep her tone even, lowering her volume a little. “He, umm, wanted to grab a gift for his girlfriend’s birthday. And I promised him that I’d help him pick something out.”

“Huh, must really like her,” he commented, seeming to really take in the store now, as he looked around. “And what about you? You ever going to start dating?”

Serenity scoffed. “Well, if I did, it certainly wouldn’t be you.”

He laughed. “Ouch,” he said playfully, as if he didn’t take her seriously. “But really, we should hang out sometime.”

“Nope,” she retorted. “I don’t mix work and romance. Not going to happen, Brant.”

“You took that new guy home with you though. Nick or whatever.”

“Not as a date,” she retorted. “Damn, why am I surrounded by meatheads who can only focus on one thing?”

He grinned again at that. “So you didn’t put out for him, huh? Damn, you really are a tough nut to crack.”

“Yeah, and you’ve got two nuts I’m about to crack, if you don’t watch your mouth.”

He laughed again. “Damn, you’re so hot. Ah well, I’ve got places to be, so I guess I’ll leave you to it. Have lunch with me tomorrow?”


He chuckled. “Okay, dinner it is then. Looking forward to it.” He then walked away before she had a chance to respond, still chuckling to himself like he thought he was the funniest guy in the world.

The older woman was just handing me the bag with the ring in it when Serenity walked back over, with the lady giving us another warm smile, thankfully seeming oblivious to the undertones of the exchange that had just happened.

“Thank you, and congratulations to you both,” she said in that husky voice.

Serenity unexpectedly looked her dead in the eye, her tone overly serious and firm, almost as if she was speaking for my benefit. “Thank you,” she said almost harshly. “I’ve been waiting for this day for far too long. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.”

Needless to say, the woman’s smile was now very much forced as she replied. “And I can see that he’s a very lucky young man,” she said with a strained expression.

I tried not to laugh, knowing that the impression Serenity had given off this whole time was an entitled prissy brat who demanded she get what she want. Not at all what she was really like, which was why it was so amusing.

But then I did chuckle quietly when she firmly wrapped her arms around mine and marched us out of the store, not at all seeming concerned about Brant coming back and seeing.

No, now it was like she was leading me somewhere, as if she had a destination in mind now, and was firmly set on it.

“So, what was that all about?” I wondered, once we were heading down another hallway, since she hadn’t said anything yet.

She sighed heavily. “I assume you mean the comment about my butt,” she replied, only to sigh again without waiting for an answer. “Well, kind of the only way to survive in a mostly men’s environment is to be ‘one of the guys.’ And for a woman, that basically means accepting a certain level of harmless harassment.”

I scoffed. “Making comments about your ass is harmless?”

She took another deep breath, seeming to finally relax some. “It is, compared to alternatives. I’d never let one of them touch me, and there’s a certain level of teasing I don’t put up with, but they all take shots at each other like that. Except, usually it’s making fun of each other, when its directed toward one of the other guys, whereas you could say that they prefer to ‘boost the self-esteem’ of their female coworkers with suggestive comments about their level of attractiveness and desirability.”

“So, bully and tease each other, and complement and harass the women.”

“Pretty much,” she agreed. “And, unfortunately, the few women I’ve worked with are pretty receptive to it. They like the attention, and I’m sure love being the office whore.”

“Hmm,” I replied, my brow furrowed now. “I didn’t realize it was like that. Glad you’ve never…” My voice trailed off.

She looked up at me in surprise. “Of course not, Kai. Even if I didn’t have you, I’m the type of girl more interested in a committed relationship. Not random hookups with people I work with.”

I simply nodded. “So where are we going?” I wondered when she began tugging me toward the side, aiming for a smaller hallway that appeared to lead to bathrooms.

“Just come with me,” she said quietly, as we left the more open area behind, passing a few vending machines on the way.

She then went straight for a family bathroom, opening it and pulling me inside, only to lock the door behind her, finally taking a deep breath.

I simply looked at her in confusion.

She met my gaze after a second, her expression still determined. “I’d like to wear the ring you bought me for the rest of our date,” she explained.

“Oh,” I replied, not having a problem with that overall, but wondering why she was so serious about it. “And you’re not worried about accidentally coming across that guy again?” I wondered.

She shook her head. “I kept my hands mostly out of sight, and he doesn’t pay attention enough anyway.” She paused, giving me a weak smile. “He’s the type of guy who doesn’t check for a wedding ring, before flirting with a girl.”

I scoffed. “Not surprising, I guess.”

She nodded, only to look at me expectantly.

“Oh, umm, okay,” I said simply in response to her expression, fumbling with the bag I was carrying, and then moving over to the immaculate countertop to set it down, while I pulled out the boxed ring. Serenity moved a little closer in response, her fingers intertwined tensely in front of her waist now, seemingly in anticipation.

Normally, I wouldn’t be overly thrilled about doing this kind of thing in a mall bathroom, but honestly the location didn’t matter with her.

It didn’t matter to either of us.

Rather, it was the act itself that mattered.

The act of getting down on my knee and asking the question she desperately wanted to say ‘yes’ to.

Which was exactly what I proceeded to do, a visible wave of emotion washing over her face once I was holding up the open box toward her, revealing the gorgeous delicate ring she’d picked out.

“Serenity, you’ve been everything to me for practically all my life, and you are everything to me even now. You’re the most important person in my life.” I paused when her deep brown eyes began filling with tears. “Will you be mine forever?”

She nodded, holding out her left hand even as she reached up with her right to wipe her eyes.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Absolutely yes. I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” I replied sincerely as I slipped the delicate piece of jewelry on her left ring finger.

She focused on it for a few seconds, her hand still in mine, before she gripped me more firmly and tugged like she wanted me to stand. I did so, wrapping her in my arms, even as she did the same with me, tilting her chin back to meet my lips.

However, even after a brief kiss, I had to pull away a little, my body beginning to gray now underneath my clothing, my cock noticeably stiff against her warm thigh. Her arousal was now overwhelmingly potent in the air.

Surprisingly, she shook her head when I broke the kiss, as if in disapproval.

“No, kiss me,” she whispered. “I brought you here for a reason, baby. I want you to make me yours. Right here and now.”

Oh shit.

Holy fuck, was she saying what I thought she was saying?

I knew she’d been aroused pretty much our entire time together so far, but now it was like that arousal had exploded, and when she then reached down to unbutton her pants, I realized she was entirely serious.

She desperately wanted me to fuck her.

Now that I’d put a ring on her finger, and asked her to be mine, she wanted me to fuck her hard.

Oh fuck.

Transforming fully, my hair flashing white, my eyes now black and gold, I met her now purple lips as I helped her slide her skinny jeans and panties down, beginning to rock my head in sync with hers as she kicked off her flats and got the pants the rest of the way off. However, knowing from her aura that there was more than a need for sex, but specifically a craving to be fucked by me, I didn’t immediately begin unbuttoning my jeans, instead grabbing her ass firmly -- the same ass that apparently everyone complimented at work -- before pulling away and pushing her forward against the counter.

She grunted slightly when her hips hit it, only to focus on me in the mirror with obvious desperation in her expression.

She moaned when I grabbed her ass again with one hand while planting my mouth on her neck, beginning to give her little kisses that made her shiver, before I let go long enough to get my jeans down a little to start pulling out my cock.

“Fuck me,” she begged, surprising me with her use of the word, since she normally didn’t cuss at all, but seeming to have no reservations for communicating what she wanted.

Holding the base of my cock with one hand, even as I reached around to cup one of her firm tits, I shoved it between her thighs enough to press against her, causing her to spread her legs a little as I began to rub my throbbing head against her hot wet pussy.

“Oh yes, please,” she begged, whimpering slightly, bending her knees a little as she tried to get me inside her.

I didn’t need much encouragement though, letting go of my cock as I began to sink into her juicy folds, still cupping one breast of her smooth black blouse, while slipping my other hand underneath to feel her toned stomach and then to glide underneath her bra to grasp the other tit firmly.

Uhh,” she moaned as I began thrusting, slowly picking up the pace. “Uh. Uh. Uh. Oh yes. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Oh yes please,” she begged, as I continued to thrust. “Oh baby, I want to be your bitch. Please make me your bitch.”

Not the foreplay I was expecting, but I was more than happy to go along with it.

Kind of strange to unexpectedly find out that this kind of thing was her kink, of all things, but I wasn’t about to ruin the mood. Still, it kind of made me wonder if the constant playful harassment at work, knowing all the other guys wanted to make her their bitch, was what prompted her to desperately want me to make her my bitch.

“Yeah, Ren? You like being my little bitch?” I asked, going along with it.

She whimpered in response, generating even more passion and lust as she focused on us in the mirror, watching her sexy demonic self get fucked by me.

“You like me claiming this ass as mine?” I added, squeezing both tits as I thrust.

“Yes,” she whimpered, her crimson eyes finally fluttering closed, her head tilting back, as her purple lips opened up into a tiny ‘o’ when she really started getting close to her climax.

“I love you so much,” I whispered, knowing she was about to get there, prepared to use some of her passion to stimulate my own orgasm the moment she reached hers. “And this hot ass is mine from now on,” I added, knowing she needed more of the roleplay. “You’re my bitch.”

UHHH!” she exclaimed a bit too loudly, causing me to release one of her tits and clamp my hand over her mouth, even as she continued to whimper and twitch, curling over slightly and groaning even louder when I shot my load in her.

MMMM!” was all she managed as she was sent rocketing into a second orgasm from the sensation of having my cum fill her up.

I kept my hand on her mouth as my thrusting slowed down to a halt, resuming my gentle kisses on the back of her neck until she was beginning to shiver, instead of twitch. I then released my hold on her and felt the slick black spandex-like material on her shoulders as I continued to show her affection.

“Baby, I love you so much,” she said softly, another shiver running up her body.

“I love you,” I whispered back, my cock still throbbing inside her. “And I really enjoyed--”

My voice cut off when there was a knock on the door, taking me off guard since I’d been so focused on her that I hadn’t really paid attention to anyone in the hallway. Granted, I had heard someone nearby, but just assumed they would move on to the public restroom, instead of this more private one.

Fuck, were we too loud?

I wasn’t sure, but now we were both frozen stiff, both of us now staring at each other in the mirror, both of us fully transformed right now.

Ah, fuck.


NOTE: Don't forget to leave a review (you don't have to buy the book to review it, just say you read it on Patreon). I'd super duper really appreciate it.

Innocent Devil's Harem 1 (Ch 1-15, 114,000 words)

Innocent Devil's Harem 2 (Ch 16-30, 112,000 words)

Naughty Friend 1 (Ch 1-14, 115,000 words)


FEEDBACK: Thoughts on this chapter?

I intentionally didn’t warn you guys about the roleplay Serenity wanted to do (being called his bitch), because I wanted to get your reaction without a prompt to look out for it.

Did you like it? Dislike it? Was it fine?

And did you notice any foreshadowing? Any ideas on what's coming up?


Chapter 53 >>


hawkshe .

I like the new kink and I'm hoping that she's going to end up truly being his bitch instead of it just being subtle banter like it is in this chapter. I'm guessing the foreshadowing is that the scent belongs to someone supernatural that's tailing him, but usually masks it better than they did in this chapter or that they got just a bit too close in this chapter.

Michael Spence

Ok, not sure who is at the door, but, wouldn't it be funny if he said his wife was have female issues and he was helping her??? Love all the way!!!! Now on a serious note, I love this chapter/post, I have read from ch 1 to now and it just a fantastic story!