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June 27, 2021

NOTE: I'm not entirely sure where to go next with this story after this chapter, so if you have any ideas, let me know.


<< Chapter 18 | Chapter 1


- CHAPTER 19: Proposal -

- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20: Evening -


In response to my redheaded girlfriend’s comment, I glanced at the door to see a sub-five-foot figure through the blurry glass, just before the doorbell rang, suddenly finding myself a little nervous when I recalled that Victoria planned on speaking to her about helping us film our porn videos.

“Yep, it’s her,” I agreed simply, moving to open it.

Sarah was dressed in a similar outfit as yesterday, including navy blue skinny jeans, tan suede boots, and a puffy black winter jacket with the hood down, her rich brown hair protecting her slim neck and the sides of her face from the sincere chill outside. Her hands were unsurprisingly hidden away in her coat pockets as she stared up at me, looking absolutely adorable due to her overall size, with me almost having forgotten just how slim her short sexy thighs were.

But unlike the first time I met her at the front door, she looked up to meet my gaze with an extremely cheerful grin that took my breath away.

“Hi,” she said warmly. “I was almost beginning to wonder if you guys were going to let me come over again today.”

Despite the reminder that she still didn’t know about the hospital trip, I couldn’t help but continue smiling at her, realizing that the intimacy I’d shared with her several times now must have sincerely affected my perception of her. Because, while anyone could admit she was objectively hot as hell, and fucking adorable on top of it, I hadn’t really felt any attachment to her when we fucked.

But now, seeing her again, I couldn’t help but acknowledge the warmth and affection I realized I felt for her.

Certainly, I wasn’t about to risk what I had with Victoria or Amber in order to be with her, but I was sincerely looking forward to the fact that I would be having my own unique relationship with this hot short chick, even if it wasn’t nearly as intimate and committed.

Still smiling, I stepped back to gesture for her to come in. “Ah, well, we had some things come up, but I’ll tell you about it in a second.”

She nodded, focusing on Victoria as she stepped inside so I could close the door.

Surprisingly, Sarah seemed a bit more timid speaking to her. “Oh, and hello, Vicki,” she replied, her face visibly flushing a little. “T-Thanks for everything earlier,” she blurted out.

My sexy redheaded girlfriend just grinned at her. “Of course, cutie. I had a lot of fun.” Her tone became a bit more somber. “Although, we might have to hold off on doing something like that again for a little while.”

Sarah looked at her in surprise, only to look up at me. “Oh, is everything okay?” she asked seriously, finally picking up that something might be wrong.

“We just got back from the hospital,” I admitted. “Amber had appendicitis, and they had to do surgery.”

“Oh my God,” Sarah said in sincere alarm. “I had no idea. Is she okay? Is she here, or still at the hospital?”

“She’s upstairs,” Victoria replied. “And she seems to be doing okay, but needs to take it easy for a couple of weeks.” She then gave me a playfully critical look. “Or at least, definitely for a couple of days.”

I held up my hands defensively, my tone lighthearted. “Hey, don’t look at me. I was never opposed to that plan.”

She smirked, her deep blue eyes amused. “Oh, I know,” she teased, only to focus on Sarah again. “Anyway, if you want to take off your coat and get more comfortable, we can chill for a little bit. Amber is kind of stuck on the phone with her mom right now.”

“I bet she’s freaking out,” Sarah agreed, unzipping her coat and shrugging it off, revealing her thin, but shapely body underneath. “I’ve never met Mrs. Hayes in person -- only met Ryan’s mom -- but she’s called Amber a handful of times while we were hanging out. Always seems really concerned about how she’s doing.”

I was surprised to see that she was wearing a dark blue silk shirt this time, that was obviously something she slipped over her head, since there were no buttons in the front, but that hugged her thin waist perfectly, emphasizing her subtle curves and small swells she had for breasts. The sleeves were also short and a little poofy looking, the overall color a sharp contrast to her flawless pale skin, but it was otherwise tight on her figure, her delicate shoulder blades and bra strap all visible underneath the shiny material.

I accepted the coat from her and hung it up, trying not to get too distracted by the sight considering Sarah looked ridiculously sexy in the silk shirt, in a ‘good-girl’ kind of way, only for Victoria to grab my attention as she began gesturing for us to follow her into the living room.

“Yeah, seemed that way,” the redhead agreed, referring to Mrs. Hayes freaking out, only to pause just past the stairs on her left, turning to face us as she looked up at me. “Hey, do you mind if I make myself some coffee?”

“Sure,” I replied simply. “I might make myself a cup too.”

“I can make it for you,” she replied warmly. “How do you usually like it?”

“Same as I like my women,” I teased.

She grinned widely. “Well that doesn’t narrow it down much. Strong and bold, or sweet, thick, and creamy?”

I chuckled. “Well, I’m not sure any of you could be described as thick by any means, but I’m not too picky. Just add enough creamer to turn it brown and I’m good.”

“Ah, so tan, with a little bit of sweetness, just enough so that some of the bold flavor is still there.” She nodded, her expression playfully knowing. “Yeah, sounds exactly like me, doesn’t it?”

I rolled my eyes, prompting her to giggle.

Sarah chimed in, her tone equally as playful. “So, what’s your take on a Short Skinny Vanilla Latte then?”

I just shook my head in disbelief. “Depends on my mood,” I teased. “But I certainly wouldn’t pass up on a free drink either way.”

“Hey now, mister,” Victoria scoffed, finally turning to head toward the kitchen. “You better not be accepting every free drink offered to you.”

I chuckled again, giving Sarah an affectionate smile since she was still looking up at me, deciding not to respond to Victoria. “Yeah,” I said a bit more quietly. “A Short Skinny Vanilla Latte would be nice every once in a while. Sometimes a Grande or Venti is just too much coffee. And I’d be much more likely to savor it if I only had a Short to drink.”

Sarah’s cheeks flushed, causing her to look away in obvious embarrassment. “That makes me really happy,” she whispered.

“What are you two talking about?” Victoria asked loudly, her tone lighthearted as she began working on making a pot. We actually had two coffeemakers, the other designed to only make individual cups, but I assumed the sexy redhead planned on having more than one cup by herself, never mind the rest of us having some too.

“Just that I’d be happy to drink a smaller coffee every now and then,” I replied, knowing she wouldn’t actually be bothered by the subject, and was only teasing by asking what we were whispering about.

“Me too,” Victoria agreed, glancing back at Sarah with an almost predatory look. She then immediately laughed when Sarah visibly gulped, resuming what she was doing.

I decided to take a seat in one of the island counter chairs while I waited, and Sarah practically climbed into the one next to me, tucking her hands between her slim thighs.

I didn’t really have anything to segue into another conversation, so it was silent for a few seconds while we both watched my girlfriend finish measuring out some coffee grounds, only for Sarah to break the silence.

“You look really good in leather,” she unexpectedly blurted out, her cheeks instantly turning red again the moment she said it.

Victoria just laughed. “Think so?” she wondered, not looking back. “I have a leather jacket upstairs too. Well, I actually have a couple of leather jackets, with matching pants, but the standard black is definitely my favorite to wear.”

“Oh,” Sarah replied. “What other colors do you have?”

“Brown, and then a maroon set that doesn’t clash with my hair too much.” She glanced over her shoulder. “What about you?”

“Me?” Sarah repeated in surprise. “Oh, I don’t have anything like that. Finding clothes that fit me is hard enough as it is.”

“Really?” Victoria replied, finally turning around to face us, leaning against the counter now that the coffee was brewing. “Not even online? Normally if I buy something made in an Asian country, I have to buy a size up, sometimes two sizes up, to even come close to fitting. And a lot of them even have warnings to check the actual measurements. I’m sure we could find a small pair of leather pants that would fit you. Or maybe even extra-small.”

“Oh,” Sarah said again. “Well, I usually don’t shop for that kind of stuff anyway. My husband would never want me to wear something so provocative in public, and has never really been interested in sexy things at home either. What I wore at the strip bar last night was by far the sexiest thing I’ve ever put on.”

Victoria frowned at that, responding hesitantly as she leaned more against the counter and crossed her arms. “Speaking of your husband, mind if I ask a little about him, without offending you?”

Sarah stiffened slightly, before nodding. “Umm, yeah, I guess. What do you want to know?”

“Well, first, what I really want to know is if there’s ever a chance of you telling him what you’ve done with me, Amber, and the sexy guy next to you.”

Sarah looked at her in shock. “What? No! Never. He’d kill me if he found out.”

Victoria’s blue eyes narrowed. “You mean that figuratively, right?”

Sarah looked surprised again. “Oh, umm, yeah. He’s always been nice. Honestly, we’ve never even really had a fight. When we disagree about something, we usually just discuss it, without getting heated over it. And he doesn’t drink or anything. In fact, he’s the biggest reason why I’ve barely had alcohol in the last few years, because he’s completely against it.”

I focused on her in surprise, recalling from yesterday her brief hesitancy about the hard lemonade, even though she’d obviously had such a drink before, as well as how much beer she’d drank at the strip bar, recalling that she’d taken a sip out of several guys drinks, in exchange for a feel.

It only now occurred to me that probably all of that was a mini-rebellion against him, with her being well aware she was doing things he wouldn’t approve of, if he knew.

Which made sense.

The guy was cheating on her after all, had probably been cheating for a while now, and had left Sarah lonely and unsatisfied for so long that she was desperate enough that she’d be more than happy to have a girl fuck her.

Hence, Amber got involved with her.

“So,” Victoria continued. “Even if he suspected, you’d deny it to your grave, correct?”

“Of course,” Sarah agreed adamantly. “I’d lie to his face, even if I knew he knew.”

She nodded. “And I’m just wondering, but have you ever considered leaving him?”

Sarah’s light blue eyes immediately widened in surprise, before she looked down, visibly appearing ashamed. “I…well, I’m not sure what I would do if I…” Her voice trailed off.

“I’m not trying to encourage you to do so,” Victoria elaborated. “I’m just asking if you’ve thought about it or not. We’re still going to play around with you either way.”

Sarah’s entire face immediately flushed red, including the tips of her ears poking out of her rich brown hair, staring straight down at her lap now. “Umm…I…” She took a shaky breath. “I don’t k-know,” she stammered. “Leaving him has never really felt like a real option, even if he is having an affair.”

“I’m assuming that’s because you wouldn’t know what to do financially, correct?”

Sarah sighed, still looking down. “Well, yeah. I guess that’s a big part of it.”

“What’s the other part?”

She ducked her head a little. “Well, I’ve never really been with anyone else. Never even had a boyfriend before I started dating him. And he just made it all so easy, I wouldn’t even know how to begin dating again.”

I was just silently listening to them talk, not really feeling the need to comment. And I assumed Sarah wasn’t even considering actually dating me because she knew I was involved with Victoria and Amber, and probably didn’t view me as ‘being available’ to date, even if we were going to fuck occasionally.

Which was pretty much true.

Like, if I asked her if she’d consider leaving him for me, she’d probably be completely shocked that it was even an option, not that I was going to bring that up in the first place, because it truly wasn’t really an option, unless for some reason Victoria and Amber both decided it was okay.

“That’s a little surprising to hear,” my girlfriend responded. “That you hadn’t dated anyone before him.”

“Oh, well, my parents didn’t let me date when I was living with them. Kind of strict like that. And when I finally moved out, it wasn’t really the first thing on my mind. Like, dating him was so easy that I almost didn’t even realize we were dating at first. Felt like we were just really good friends. It wasn’t until he kissed me randomly that I realized we were more than just friends, or more specifically that I liked him more than just a friend.” She paused. “We did have sex before we got married, but otherwise I pretty much did things by the book, in terms of what my parents would have wanted.”

Victoria nodded. “I assume if your parents didn’t let you date, and if your husband doesn’t drink, then they probably actually get along well, despite the age difference between you and him.”

Sarah looked surprised. “Oh, yeah, they love him. How’d you know?”

My girlfriend just shrugged. “I mean, both of those concepts are more conservative values, if not a bit old-fashioned to some. I’m certainly not judging their opinion on those subjects, but I could just see them really liking him if he’s like how you describe. And if he has money.”

Sarah scoffed. “Well, obviously he’s no saint. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he does drink on his work trips, just not when anyone he knows is around.”

Victoria shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. But I do have an important question for you.”

Sarah’s light blue eyes widened. “Okay?”

“Would you like to discuss a way you could make your own money, so that you could at least have the option of leaving your husband? If you decided you wanted to, of course.”

Fuck, Victoria sounded like she was about to pitch a multi-level marketing scheme, and I could already see the skepticism in Sarah’s eyes.

“Stripping?” she assumed, only to quickly continue. “I mean, it was fun to do it one time, but I’m not sure I’m outgoing or even confident enough to do it as a job.”

Victoria shook her head. “Not exactly what I was thinking. See, Amber and I have been discussing basically doing the stripper thing online, by creating OnlyFans accounts, and we might need to pay someone to take our pictures and hold the camera for videos.”

I could tell that my girlfriend was trying to ease into the idea of filming porn by taking this approach, making it seem like a harmless and normal thing.

Sarah just seemed surprised. “OnlyFans?” she repeated, not acting like she didn’t know what it was, but more like she was just a little shocked. She then glanced up at me hesitantly. “I mean, I guess I could help with that, but why me? Why not just have Ryan take your picture?”

Victoria smirked. “Because he’s in college, silly. He might have studying to do, and can’t just drop everything if I need help snapping a shot.”

“Oh.” Sarah leaned back more in her seat, looking like she was sincerely thinking about that. “I mean, yeah, I guess I could do that. But I wouldn’t feel right about you paying me to take a few pictures. I’d be happy to do that for free.”

“Even if there are some nude shots?” Victoria wondered, sounding amused.

Sarah’s cheeks flushed, but she held her gaze. “Yeah, I’d be willing to help with that.” She shrugged her delicate shoulders. “I mean, I guess if I’m taking pictures for like an hour or something, then it makes more sense to pay me, but that doesn’t sound like it would be much of a job.”

“True,” Victoria agreed, sounding casual. “Unless you wanted to be a guest on either of our profiles and give our fans a little bit of lesbian stuff every once in a while.”

Instantly, Sarah’s face turned so red it was almost starting to look purple. “Oh,” she said emphatically.

“Interested?” Victoria asked playfully.

Sarah just shook her head, seemingly in disbelief. “I mean, what if my husband finds out? What if he sees? I mean, obviously he wouldn’t really hurt me, but he’d kill me if he found out.”

“But he won’t find out,” my girlfriend replied confidently. “Just like you didn’t know that Amber had porn videos online.”

She went from embarrassed to completely stunned again. “S-She does?” Sarah stammered, looking up at me with wide eyes, as if she was assuming that they were videos the two of us made together, with that obvious thought beginning to cause her face to start looking a little purple again.

“She does,” Victoria agreed. “And you never would have found out or known that, had I not told you just now. Nor would anyone else find out, because she’s not using her real name online, and the chances of someone she knows stumbling upon her porn are probably one in a million, if not much less.”

Sarah just stared at her as she considered that.

“And,” Victoria continued after a few seconds. “If you don’t think you’d be okay with being on camera for our OnlyFans profiles, then you could always hold the camera during our porn videos.”

Sarah’s eyes widened into saucers all over again. “Y-You…you mean…” She struggled to speak, still just holding her gaze in disbelief.

“Just something to think about,” my girlfriend said simply. “And if you decided that you wanted to leave your husband, then you wouldn’t have to worry about what he thinks either way, and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of financially.”

I frowned at that, feeling as if that was a pretty bold statement to make. But then again, if Victoria already had over a couple dozen supporters after a few weeks, and if there were really people who made millions, even if that was extremely uncommon, then maybe it wasn’t too much of a stretch to assume that we’d all be making more than enough to live on, even if we were splitting it four ways.

“I…I see,” was all Sarah could manage.

“No need to make a decision now,” Victoria said warmly, turning around to begin searching for a few mugs to pour the coffee. “And we’ll play with you either way,” she continued, still facing away from us as she poured the first cup, with Sarah’s gaze focusing on the redhead’s tight leather-clad ass. “But if you want to be a little more involved, and be able to fuck around with us more than once a month, or even once a week, then that’s an option we’re willing to offer you.”

“Oh,” Sarah said in surprise. “You mean we could do what we did this morning more often?”

Victoria was smirking as she set a cup of coffee down in front of me, focused on Sarah. “Oh yeah. If we do this full-time, then it’ll be at least several times a week. Although, for you it’ll be mostly watching, if you decide you only want to help with the camera. Whereas you’ll be able to participate a lot more if you decide you want to help use that cute body of yours to make us some money too.”

Sarah gulped, visibly considering it. She then gave an appreciative look when the sexy redhead handed her a mug of coffee too.

After a few seconds, Sarah took a deep breath. “I’ll think about it. But honestly, what we did this morning is enough to make me really want to do it. I’m just nervous about being naked online.”

Victoria shrugged. “We might be able to get by without you being naked for a while. Plenty of sexy outfits we could buy to dress you in.”

“Oh, I see,” she repeated, only to glance up at me. “And what do you think about all this?” she wondered, simply sounding curious.

I shrugged. “I mean, it’s as she said. It’s about the same as stripping, except she doesn’t actually have to give lap dances or have other guys touch her, so I don’t have a problem with it.”

Sarah lowered her voice, as if she was afraid of being overheard. “Yeah, but what about the porn thing?”

I shrugged again. “Amber already has a bunch of videos online, and I don’t have a problem with it. And those videos aren’t even of me and her,” I added, causing her blue eyes to immediately widen. “She was making them with her ex-boyfriend at first.”

“That doesn’t bother you?” she said in disbelief.

“No, not really. Because what matters is that she isn’t with him anymore, and also those videos are helping to make it possible for Amber to not have to do…” My voice trailed off. “To do other stuff…” I hedged, feeling nervous about having accidentally said too much, and hoping that Sarah didn’t press.

Thankfully, she simply nodded, probably assuming I was talking about stripping or something, likely not even considering the possibility that Amber might be someone who fucked for money.

“I guess that makes sense,” she replied, leaving it at that.

Glancing at Victoria, I could tell she looked a little uncomfortable too, but was mostly keeping up a poker face.

“Yep,” my girlfriend agreed. “Makes a lot of sense. If I put more effort into my OnlyFans profile, and we start making porn together, then I can probably stop stripping altogether and just focus on that.”

“Do you think I should make an OnlyFans too?” Sarah unexpectedly asked.

Victoria laughed.

“What?” Sarah said in surprise, almost seeming hurt. “Why is that funny?”

“Because you just said you weren’t sure if you wanted to put yourself online in such a way that your husband might find out, and now you’re suddenly asking if you should go all the way and have your own profile.”

Sarah just stared at her. “Yeah, but you pointed out it wouldn’t really matter if I left him.”

Now Victoria seemed surprised this time. “Oh. Sorry. Yeah, that’s true.”

The short brunette shrugged. “And besides, you said it was one in a million chance he’d find out anyway. If I end up in a few of the porn videos, then I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t just dive in all the way.”

Victoria frowned. “Well, a big part of the OnlyFans thing is having a connection with your supporters. At least, if you want to be successful. So, you’ll probably have to make regular posts during the day, and might even have to set aside an hour or two to chat with guys, or to at least respond to messages. Which might be a problem if your husband is home.”

Sarah just shrugged. “When he’s not on a business trip, he’s at work late anyway. I don’t think it would be that hard to hide it from him. Not like he ever checks my phone, and I’d probably use my computer for most of that anyway.”

“Well, not if you want to upload sexy pictures. If you don’t use your phone, then you’ll at least need to use a nice camera. And a phone is a bit easier to take a selfie with.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” she replied, her adorable brow furrowed now.

“Just something to think about,” Victoria continued. “I just don’t want you to get caught is all. But yeah, if you decide to leave him, or feel confident you can keep it from him, then I don’t think that’s a bad idea at all. But you don’t have to make any decision right now, either way.”

Sarah nodded, taking a sip of her coffee.

Unexpectedly, Amber called out then, from upstairs. “Hey Ryan, can you help me down the stairs?”

I jumped out of my seat like lightning, whipping around to dart for her. “Everything okay?” I asked seriously, knowing she didn’t ask for help for something like that unless she really needed it. It was one thing to boss me around, but an entirely different thing to sincerely ask for help.

Focusing up at her as I climbed the stairs, I saw she was wearing the same thing as before, including the blue silk nightie mostly hidden by the black fluffy robe, her feet bare, her overall expression looking a little uneasy as she leaned against the top of the white railing.

I also realized the bruise had magically vanished, with me assuming that she must have used concealer makeup to hide the darkening skin.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Amber replied. “I just still feel a little off from the anesthesia, and don’t want to have to go back to the hospital from falling down the stairs and ripping out my stitches.”

I nodded, slowing down as I reached her and offered for her to put her arm around my shoulders as she continued to hold onto the railing. “And everything alright with your mom?” I wondered, the two of us beginning to step down slowly.

She nodded. “Yeah, she just sounded a little weird when she first answered my call, but I talked to both her and dad, and they both seem fine, so I don’t know what that was about. My dad seemed much more normal than she did.”

I simply nodded in response, Sarah speaking up the moment we were visible halfway down. Both her and Victoria had abandoned their coffees and were standing just at the edge where the kitchen floor transitioned to the living room carpet.

“Hi, Amber,” Sarah said sympathetically. “I had no idea anything was even wrong. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Me too,” Amber agreed as we finished stepping down the last few steps. “I thought it was just gas, or maybe even a cyst, or something. It actually started last night, but it was pretty easy to ignore until this afternoon. Never thought this was how the day would have ended.”

“Well, I know you’ve got your best friend and Ryan here,” Sarah continued. “But if there’s anything you need me to do, anything at all, I’d be more than happy to help.”

Amber nodded, giving her a genuine smile, taking her arm off my shoulders now that she was on level ground again. “Thank you. Right now, I just want to relax and hang out a little.”

“Of course,” she agreed.

“Honestly,” I chimed in. “I didn’t even know the pain actually started last night.”

Amber shrugged. “It wasn’t really a pain, only a slight discomfort, and pretty easy to ignore. I wouldn’t have even said it truly hurt until I started jogging. Technically a little before that, but I just figured that I could work out the air bubble if it was gas.”

I nodded, prompting Victoria to speak up. “Do you think you can stomach some coffee?” she asked Amber. “Or would you like something else?”

“Yeah, coffee sounds good, although I think I’ll drink it on the couch,” she added angling herself more that way.

I walked with her to make sure she sat down okay, and then walked over to grab my mug, returning a second later to have a seat right next to her. Amber immediately leaned more into me as she got comfortable, prompting me to wrap my right arm around her shoulders, holding the cup in my left hand.

Sarah walked over too, and gracefully sat down on the floor, crossing her legs beneath her as she took another sip of her coffee. Honestly, she was already small, but looked even younger when she sat like that.

Amber gave her a warm smile, only to dive right into a conversation as Victoria began walking over with two cups. “So Sarah, did you have fun last night and this morning?”

Sarah’s cheeks flushed, but she held her gaze. “Yeah, last night at the bar was surprisingly pretty fun, and this morning was absolutely wonderful, although I don’t think I’d be up for stripping again.” She grimaced. “I’m really not comfortable in that kind of environment.”

“That’s understandable,” Amber agreed, accepting her cup from Victoria and taking a sip.

The redhead moved to sit on my other side, but sat a good half foot away, and angled herself more toward us, for the sake of making it feel like we were more in a circle, rather than the three of us just facing Sarah. And I certainly wasn’t bothered by her keeping a bit of distance to make talking to each other easier. It wasn’t like we needed to be hip-to-hip all the time, and I was more than happy to get a better view of her sexy leather-clad thighs and huge tits concealed only by the shiny gold top.

Amber continued. “I just figured it might not hurt to get you to let loose a little, especially after yesterday, and Vicki sincerely needed the help anyway.”

“And I’m really glad you all came,” my redheaded girlfriend chimed in. “For the help, but for other reasons as well.”

Amber only nodded, knowing she was talking about the two of them reconciling after not really speaking much to each other for well over a year.

Sarah inclined her chin too, directing her words at the redhead. “So then, you won’t be upset if I pass next time?” she asked.

Victoria laughed. “Of course not, silly. And depending on how soon I end up quitting, there might not be a next time anyway. Not to mention, it’s very rare for less than three or four girls to show up when it’s really busy like it was last night.” She paused, seeming pensive. “Like with tonight, I would have left work either way, but they aren’t missing me right now. Plenty of girls were already there.”

“That’s good,” Amber replied, her tone sounding playful. “So then, I guess that means we get our own private strip show tonight, right?”

Victoria chuckled. “Well, I would, but I don’t want to get you and Ryan too excited. The last thing we need is for you to tear those stitches from moving around too much.”

Amber scoffed. “Hey, just because I’m out of commission right now, doesn’t mean he has to suffer for it. There are two other hot chicks here, who can help him out if he gets too worked up.”

“I’d be happy to help out!” Sarah volunteered a bit too enthusiastically.

I smirked at her, but otherwise didn’t get a chance to respond.

“I guess,” Victoria replied. “But you already said you might suck on his cock, and I don’t want you changing your mind about only watching right now. You need to let your body heal.”

I finally decided to speak up. “Honestly Amber, I’m okay with just hanging out and doing normal stuff, like popcorn and a movie here at home.”

Amber scoffed. “Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t want it.”

I frowned at that, wondering why she was pushing so hard right now, almost beginning to think this was a way to apologize for everything, and for not being able to have sex with me herself.

I sighed. “It’s not that,” I replied sincerely. “Of course it would be fun, but this isn’t the last opportunity we’ll have to enjoy ourselves.” I glanced over at Victoria. “I mean, is there any reason why we won’t all stay together for a long time?”

My girlfriend’s deep blue eyes widened in surprise, before she glanced at Amber. “He does kind of have a point,” she commented.

“Exactly,” I agreed. “So I’m not in a rush to have all the sex I can, as fast as I can. We’ll hang out together again, and hopefully we’ll even be living together soon, which will make it so that every day will be like today, minus the hospital visit and other unpleasant stuff.”

Amber frowned, before nodding. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She then smiled at me affectionately. “Love you, baby. But you know what that means, right?”

I eyed her suspiciously. “What?”

She grinned even wider. “It means you’re outnumbered, and have to learn to put up with chick flicks!” she said cheerfully.

“Ooo!” Victoria cooed. “And he’ll have to put up with us arguing who the hottest guy is too,” she added.

I rolled my eyes, knowing they were just teasing me, even though I had no doubt they would debate those kinds of things either way. But I was fine with that. All that mattered was that they wanted to be exclusive to me, and me alone.

“If it means I get you to myself, then I’m definitely fine with that,” I said, echoing my thoughts out loud.

Amber was unexpectedly serious. “You definitely get me to yourself,” she agreed, not at all joking now. “No matter what. Because I love you.”

“I love you too, Amber,” I replied sincerely. “More than anything.”


NOTE: As I mentioned above, I'm not entirely sure where to go next with this story, so if you have any ideas, let me know.

Also, I'm sure someone is going to mention doing a sex video scene, which is definitely a good idea, but would probably just be one chapter worth of content.

I'm referring to overall 'plot' ideas that can last 10+ chapters to work through.

For example, keeping it from their parents is a plot point that could be stretch across chapters, but I also need the characters to 'do things' in order to have a plot.

Them having to go to the strip club was 'something to do' as well as going shopping, running an 'errand,' having to make a trip to the hospital, etc. There's also the possibility of Sarah's husband finding out, or coming home when she wasn't expecting, and it causing drama of some kind (maybe he expects sex, and Sarah's reluctant to give it to him, but also doesn't want to tell him that she knows he's cheating), etc.

Obviously, I can always come up with my own ideas, but if you want to see something in particular, now is the time to voice your opinion, because I haven't really decided entirely where the story goes next.



Chapter 20 >>


Richard Ligtenberg

- Short timelapse - Ryan transferring to college in state (switch majors to marketing because of OnlyFans?) - Ryan will do some research on OnlyFans, to see what’s on there and to get an idea what might be good. - Ryan helping Amber and Sarah with the first setup of their OnlyFans pages, taking pictures and short teaser clips. - At college, he notices area’s he’s seen during his OnlyFans research and investigates these - Recognized that one of his teachers might have an OnlyFans he’s watched. Option: find her alone in a compromising position. - Teacher can also know another at school she joins up with, giving a large OnlyFans group for the story - start of an adult industry company?


I know you are on hiatus on this story, and I don't think I want you to slow down on IDH or CH. I am really enjoying the characters in this story and had some thoughts... I really like a lot of the comments on here regarding the parents situation and having them be part of the "fun". What if the genre were to start deviating slightly to introduce more conflict... maybe Ryan becomes a bounty hunter? This could lead to some interesting scenarios... I mean he would be carrying handcuffs all the time. You could keep it light while introducing a recurring "situation" that gives the characters lots to do.


Sad that's the end; until you can get some ideas to keep going. My thoughts are about Ryan transitioning to going to community college and helping Amber move in with Victoria. The problem is for him living there with his and Amber's parents not knowing. But again, Ryan is an adult and can make his own choices. He could tell him that he is moving in with his girlfriend, Victoria and Amber wants to be there cause her friend is there too. It would be hard to sell to the parents but can be done. Unless, Amber moves in with Victoria and Ryan gets his own place but in reality is living with the two women. He tells his parents that he got a job to pay for the rent on this place but in reality the girls are paying him to stay with him. Another thing to explore, is Ryan's stress of finishing his degree as well as being a manager for both girls OF's; like helping them out with content, pictures, and editing/posting. Girls can help as well but he wants both girls to be successful and helps. As for Sarah, god only knows but I feel she will dive in and help out too by doing lesbian stuff and eventually creating her own OF. I feel things will take off for the girls; however, Ryan will have a hard time balancing everything with school and being there for his girlfriends and Sarah. It's going to be cramped in that tiny apartment of Victoria's. When success hits, I see them looking for a bigger place, where they all can live comfortably. Possibly, having Sarah living with the three at some point. There are a lot of avenues to explore with having 2 girlfriends and a fuck toy on the side. You could explore BDSM, photography/videography, and doing scenes aka making your own porn movie. I know Amber wants Ryan to focus on his degree but gets caught up in their success to continue. Honestly, I do see Ryan graduating with his degree but not working a normal job. I see him managing the girls and coming up with ideas on how to make them successful. Making them happy in giving up stripping and doing this full-time; which in turn, keeps him satisfied with having all his needs met. It's a tough gig, having 2 girlfriends and a fuck toy on the side but someone has to do it.


I know this story is on hiatus, but just finished binging it and wanted to give some ideas in the hope that it might jumpstart the creative juices :-) 1) How about starting a new book from the perspective of their parents, ultimately hooking into the weird behavior of Amber’s mom at the beginning of the phone call. Maybe the families aren’t as ‘traditional’ and have a secret sex life (partnerswapping or maybe something kinkier), or something happened during their prolonged vacation. (Once they return home, this could escalate in weird behavior of the parents and might in the future if secrets end up being revealed.) 2) A short timelaps, allowing Amber time to (at least partially) heal. Perhaps until just before the parents return from vacation. 3) Maybe a chapter focussed on people celebrating x-mas together and maybe a few where Ruan goes on a date with one or more of the girls. Of course there still is the special show that Ryan missed out on from Victoria, which she might decide to suprise him with. 4) Perhaps have something happen with ‘the girl with the spankable ass’ in the stripclub that brought Ryan his food. Maybe Ryan accepts Mike’s job offer after all or he ends up helping out another night when they’re short staffed again. The girl could be a friend of Victoria and/or something happens in the club with Ryan as the savior and however things develop from there. Or maybe she has an onlyfans and/or pornvid page of her own and Ryan finally realizes why he finds her ass so spankable, having seen her on the web one (or more times)? This might also be a fun segue to Sarah and her kinky needs. 5) The almost gangrape and Ryan shooting a gun definitely screams for a follow up. Maybe the guy from the first night’s pride can’t stomach what happened and is out for revenge and/or turns stalker. Maybe he finds out about Ryan and Ambers secret... 6) A few chapters about setting up their online business. Perhaps exploring what kind of content (targeting kinks, viewer groups, etc) they want to make and experimenting with this. Maybe they get some unexpected help. For example someone who already has a somewhat of a following and is willing to do some collaborative work with (one or more of) them. Perhaps the spankable waitress from my 4th point, or someone else Ryan meets, maybe at school. 7) one, maybe two new love interests (waitress, someone from school, etc.) Maybe Sarah ends up becoming more. Just because they get closer naturally, perhaps a seperate threesome occurs if Sarah, spankable waitress and Ryan end up getting it on both on and off camera, or maybe due to Ryan’s help during (a messy/unexpectedly violent/something else) breakup with her husband. 8) Further possibilities include one or two more offers to collaborate for pornvids from other models. Or a big twist where their business grows and perhaps Ryan and the girls go talent scouting, turning their business into something akin to an online pornstudio. Well, I suppose this is enough :-) I really hope you pick this one up again in the near future. It’s a good story and it still has so much potential. Anyway, keep up the good writing. I love your stories!