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May 23, 2021

DISCLAIMER: All characters engaging in sexual conduct are 18 years or older, and legally permitted to engage in such activities, irrespective of pet names used for each other.


NOTE: I'm not very good at judging how bad a cliffhanger is (since I know what's going to happen), so I'll just say that this chapter is mostly EXTREMELY HOT, but that it does end on a cliffhanger, which may or may not bother you.

Maybe someone who reads it can comment down below if they thought the cliffhanger was too bad or not.



So, this story is about to hit a major turning point in the plot (in the next Ch 42).

This Chapter 41 is going to be ridiculously hot, and then Ch 42 is going to get a little crazy in a non-sexual way (kind of action-y stuff).

After that, we will be making our way back to Serenity and Gabriella in the following chapters (maybe Ch 44?).


<< Chapter 40 | Chapter 1 (Book1) | Chapter 16 (Book 2)


- CHAPTER 41: Lust -


I couldn’t help it.

After making me cum against her side, the succubus Miriam decided to grab my nice black pants from the floor, putting them on and sitting down next to me, still also wearing her vibrant red silk robe. All while requesting I pleasure her to the point of cumming in my pants, so that I could have a more potent version of her scent in them, just like she’d have from my cum soaked into her silk robe…

Her request made me so aroused, that I just couldn’t help it.

I immediately attacked her, my hand slipping inside the unzipped pants and under the silk between her thighs in a heartbeat, my lips smashing passionately into hers, my free arm wrapping around both her wings and shoulders as I nearly enveloped her entire body with mine.

Ms. Miriam gasped into my mouth as I shoved two of my fingers into her hot wet snatch while pressing my thumb against her clit, surprised by just how swollen her little pleasure button was.

“Oh shit!” she exclaimed, arching her head back, her chin jutting up in ecstasy. “Oh fuck, if I had any doubts that…” She gasped, moaning loudly, her hips jerking uncontrollably as I hit her G-spot and clit simultaneously. She tried speaking again. “Oh fuck, if I had any doubts about you truly being a sex demon, then…” She sucked in another sharp breath, her lips against mine again as she moaned loudly. “You’re going to make me cum!” she abruptly exclaimed. “Oh fuck! You’re going to make me cum so hard! And you just started! Oh shit, oh shit!”

Miriam screamed in unbridled ecstasy, grabbing my forearm roughly as she continued to grind her hips, trying to fuck my fingers even as I continued to rub her, the white leather couch squeaking slightly from her unrestrained jerking.

And with her orgasm, I unexpectedly sensed a small stream of energy trickling out of my body, flowing gently into hers…

“Oh shit!” she then said, her tone completely different, her head flipping to the side away from me like she was still riding the high. “I’m sorry! I’m taking some of your lust! I’m sorry! I lost control! I’m so sorry!”

“It’s not hurting me, right?” I quickly asked, not wanting to ruin her climax, especially since it surprisingly seemed to still be going.

She finally tried to look at me, only for her emerald eyes to flutter shut and her head to drop back, my hand still at work, her mouth hanging open briefly as I continued to rub, my fingers still hitting her G-spot in her soaking snatch. “No, it’s not hurting you, but you didn’t say it was okay! I told you I wouldn’t unless -- uhh!”

“You can have it,” I quickly whispered. “If it’s just my lust, then go ahead.”

The invisible flow of energy abruptly increased dramatically, the difference night and day, as if the trickle before was a crack in a dam, which had now burst open, an entire ocean of energy rushing out and into her body.

And I knew immediately it was more than she was expecting, because her eyes flew open wide, her vibrant irises suddenly glowing, the intensity of the emerald light rapidly increasing to an almost blinding level.

And with it, she screamed again, this time to the point that it sounded like her throat was going to rupture, as if she was in pain now.

FUUUCCCCCKKKKK!” she shrieked, suddenly cumming so hard that she literally sprayed my pants like she’d pissed herself, only for her eyes to roll into the back of her head, her body instantly going completely limp.

“Miriam?!” I said in alarm. “Ms. Miriam!” I repeated, panic abruptly gripping my chest.

But then her arm twitched, a low groan escaping her lips.

“Shit,” I hissed, focusing on her racing pulse. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

She only groaned again, her entire body twitching this time.

I pulled my hand out from underneath her robe, wiping the clear slimy fluid on my pants covering her thigh, before gently reaching up to carefully grab her delicate chin, turning her head more toward me.

“Are you okay?” I asked seriously. “What happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?”

She finally peeked at me then, her eyes still glowing vibrantly, though not as bright as they were -- not to the point of almost being blinding, but still very much glowing. She then sucked in a slow deep breath, closing her eyes again. I wasn’t sure if she was going to respond, but her perfect lips finally parted.

“It…was…my…” She took a deep breath. “Fault…”

“It was?” I said in surprise.

She sighed again. “Yeah.” She then shook her head a little, only for a small grin to tug at her lips. “I wanted your lust so badly that I just kind of opened the floodgates, forgetting how much there was. You almost fried my circuits,” she mused.

“I really don’t think it’s funny,” I said seriously. “I thought I hurt you.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thank you for being sincerely concerned. I really appreciate that. But the flow of lust stopped the moment I reached my max capacity.” She sighed. “Never actually been this full before, but the worst that could have happened, did happen. And yet I’m fine. Just…” She took another deep breath, finally making an effort to sit up straight again. “I’m fine,” she repeated, slowly focusing up at me. “It’s like when you eat too much. I almost feel like vomiting, but not physically. More like…” Her voice trailed off then, her brow furrowing.

Ms. Miriam then abruptly reached up to her right shoulder, tugging down her robe a little and then tracing a quick circle on her perfect tan skin, the trail of her fingertip instantly revealing a blue glow.

My eyes widened in surprise, my newly opened third-eye sensing a spark of magical energy fly away from the brief circle on her arm, as if she’d shot a dart out of her skin.

“What was that?” I said in surprise.

She didn’t respond, instead focusing over at the entrance to the hallway.

Recalling that this room didn’t even have a door, I had the urge to cover up, but remained were I was, only for my face to immediately flush when her sexy demon maid, Gwen, abruptly rounded the corner…

Completely naked.

My eyes widened as I focused on her wide hips first, a midnight patch of short ‘fur’ hiding her pussy, the rest of her pale skin completely smooth down to the middle of her muscular thighs, where the black fur continued to her hooved feet. And then her stomach was so ridiculously toned, her waist so narrow compared to her hips, her B-cup tits perky and sporting those massive nipples that always seemed to be hard enough to poke through her silk maid outfit.

Surprisingly, her nipples were very dark, looking an overall normal color, unlike her purple lips and the skin around her eyes, but a huge contrast to her otherwise pale skin.

“Yes, mistress,” Gwen said urgently, completely ignoring me, visibly looking like she thought she was in trouble, her furry black tail hanging straight to the ground, the end almost curling between her hooves. “Sorry, mistress.”

Ms. Miriam ignored her behavior. “Please grab one of the chests of drained opals.”

“Yes, mistress,” she repeated, only to turn right around and run at full speed down the hallway, affording me only a brief glance at her surprisingly juicy muscular ass for barely a second.


I wouldn’t think that a muscular ass would be hot, but just like Gwen’s tits, it was as if she had the perfect amount of fluff over that muscle to make her plump ass as hot as hell. And my cock was acting like it had a mind of its own despite everything, twitching as if it was trying to ejaculate again, just from the sight alone.

I focused back down on Ms. Miriam when she leaned more heavily into me.

“Hold me?” she asked hopefully.

My eyes widened in surprise, having no idea what was going on, but knowing I’d probably find out in just a moment.

“Oh, of course,” I replied, wrapping my arms more fully around her and pulling her tight. Thankfully, the cum-soaked part of her robe was on the other side, though I wasn’t sure I would have cared either way at this point, my concern for her well-being overriding everything else.

Gwen returned in record time, holding a similar wooden chest as before, except the opals were noticeably dull when she stood before us, still stark naked, and opened the box for her mistress.

Ms. Miriam reached out to grasp one of the opals, her touch immediately causing it to brighten, only for her to sigh heavily.

“That feels much better,” she whispered, leaning back, but keeping the opal in her hand.

“You put energy in it?” I assumed, trying to ignore my own body’s rising desire to fuck the tall naked imp standing before me. Dammit, her huge dark nipples were so ridiculously enticing.

Miriam nodded, giving me a warm smile. Only to frown. “And yet, you still have so much lust in you,” she said in surprise. “Truly, how is that possible? Your capacity to produce this much sexual energy should be fatiguing.”

“I, umm, I do heal fast,” I reminded her, having zero idea if that was at all related in any way.

She pursed her lips at that, her grip tightening on the opal. She then frowned again. “May I please do a little experiment?” she asked politely.

I knew I couldn’t refuse her. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, even if I wanted to.

“Okay,” I agreed quietly.

She nodded, glancing up at her maid. “Do you need to return to Rebecca?” she wondered.

Gwen shook her head, her slitted crimson eyes seeming embarrassed. “We were finished, mistress. She actually fell asleep after so much…” She paused, glancing at me. “I was just watching her sleep. I’m very sorry, mistress. I should have checked on you to make sure you didn’t need me for anything.”

Ms. Miriam shook her head. “Relax, Gwen. I’m not upset. I didn’t need you until now.” She paused. “But if you are available, then I’d like your help with my experiment.”

“Absolutely, mistress,” she agreed. “Whatever you need.”

She nodded. “Please set the chest down on the table, and grab one more opal. Then, have a seat on his other side.”

My entire body tensed.

My gaze again uncontrollably fell to Gwen’s ridiculously thick muscular thighs and juicy firm ass when she turned around, only for me to grow even more tense when she spun and moved to plop right down next to me, leaning right into me as if we’d fucked a million times and were more than comfortable with each other.

But I wasn’t comfortable.

I felt overwhelmed.

Ms. Miriam pressed her back into the couch then to lift her butt, sliding my soaked pants off, revealing her perfectly smooth tan legs as she too leaned even more into me.

And then it was silent, Gwen obviously waiting on her mistress, while the short minx in charge seemed to be content to remain as we were for a few painfully long seconds. And without realizing it, I felt my focus uncontrollably shift to Gwen’s juicy thighs, the unique pubic hair between them, feeling like my cock desperately wanted to bury itself between those strong juicy legs, with her massive dark nipples being the next focal point in my peripheral vision, her perky tits just right there next to me.


“Hmm,” Miriam finally said, prompting me to give her my attention again. “I just can’t believe your capacity to produce lust doesn’t appear to be fatiguing.”

I gave her a confused look, only for her to hold up the opal, which was a bit brighter now, with me not having even noticed she was syphoning off my lust to fill it.

“Mind if I see how much I can fill this?” she then wondered, sounding hopeful.

I could only nod.

And with that consent, I felt the flow of energy noticeably increase, going from almost nothing to a consistent flow. At first, the short succubus didn’t react much, but then her emerald eyes began widening more and more.

And the opal began shining brighter and brighter, until it was almost like she was holding a dim lightbulb.

“Shit,” she said in surprise. “You filled it up. You really filled it up.”

“Is that a big deal?” I wondered, having no idea how much energy an opal could contain, or how that compared to what a normal person might produce.

She didn’t respond, instead handing the opal to Gwen across me, who wordlessly accepted it and offered the second dull one.

However, when Ms. Miriam pulled it into her lap, she seemed a little disappointed. “Gwen, his lust is pulling away. Kiss him, and make him feel good.”

I didn’t even have time to react.

As if she was just waiting for permission to do so, Gwen attacked me like I’d done Miriam not long ago, her surprisingly long tongue thrusting into my mouth, almost reaching to the back of my throat and nearly triggering my gag reflex, but not quite, her hand suddenly wrapped around my cock’s head as she squeezed just firm enough to make it pulse in pleasure.

My fingers went for her massive nipples like they had a mind of their own, sincerely shocked by just how large they felt to the touch, as if I was grabbing huge grapes instead of anything even close to a normal nipple size.

Fuck, Mrs. Rebecca was the next largest, and yet it felt as if Gwen’s nipples were five times as big, even despite how large my hot MILF’s were -- both her tits and nipples. I supposed that I’d previously been under the impression that maybe Gwen’s looked so big just because her breast were a more normal size, but that wasn’t the case at all.

Her dark nipples were sincerely abnormally massive.

And it turned me on so fucking much.

To the point that Gwen was actively using my own freshly leaked precum to stroke my cock now, having the same slow perfect rhythm that Ms. Miriam used on me.

“Much better,” I heard the sexy succubus whisper, even as her maid continued to aggressively move her lips against mine, her tongue powerful as it moved around within my mouth, eagerly playing with my own tongue.

I barely even noticed when Miriam got up, with Gwen’s free arm wrapped around my shoulders and holding me in place. And the short minx remained standing up, seeming to pick up opals, coming close for a little bit, and then going back to the wooden chest on the coffee table, only to return.

She did that four or five times before my climax began building in full force, prompting her to stop what she was doing and move much closer, carefully sitting on the edge of the couch on my right side again, this time normally so that her wings and back were turned to me.

“Keep that up,” she instructed Gwen softly, with me feeling her silk robe gently glide over the tip of my cock, even as the maid’s delicate and strong hand continued to stroke me. “I want him to cum against my left side this time.”

The maid didn’t even let up, continuing what she was doing as she thrust her long tongue in my mouth, only incrementally picking up the pace of her stroking as I drew closer and closer. Until I got really close, at which point she picked up the pace in every way.

Her stroking became rapid, like she knew I was almost there, her kissing even more aggressive, her tongue filling my mouth so much that all I could do was moan in ecstasy as I shot my load again, hearing it sound almost like a gentle slap against Miriam’s skin.

“Good boy,” the succubus whispered, smoothing the silk against her side and standing back up after a second to resume grabbing opals, with Gwen not even giving me a chance to take a break from her intense passionate assault, her hand still stroking slowly.

I finally let go of one of her nipples then, my hand sliding down her perfect stomach and going straight for her thighs, wiggling my way between them and searching desperately for her hidden pussy. I felt the extremely warm and swollen lips first, before forcing my fingers in, burying them deeper, encouraged by the maid’s moans and urgently thrusting tongue.

“Oh, she loves that,” Ms. Miriam commented. “She likes playing hard to get, and was trying to make it difficult for you, but you had no problem getting inside her.” She paused. “Damn, I can’t believe you’re really filling all these. I should go ahead and recharge her sapphire while I’m at it.”

Completely confused, I was surprised when Gwen began getting up on her knees, my fingers remaining buried in her heated pussy, even as she somehow became even more passionate.

It wasn’t until Miriam walked over behind her that I suddenly realized what she meant, even more so when her hand went directly for her crack without hesitation, the devil’s furry tail high in the air now.

The sexy maid moaned loudly into my mouth, even as I felt her body temperature noticeably drop, not having realized it was elevated until it became a much more normal level. And then I suddenly felt another set of fingers next to mine, these much smaller and thinner, wiggling their way into her pussy to join me, causing Gwen to moan even louder.

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

Ms. Miriam and I both had our fingers inside her!

“I love getting my whole hand in her,” Miriam said cheerfully. “But this is fun too. Could also be a ton of fun to eat her out together, but I don’t want to push things too far, since I have a promise to keep and all.”


I was sure she knew there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do right now.

She was totally taunting me!

Baiting me into begging her to sucking on Gwen’s pussy with me. To have my face between those sexy thighs, to have them spread wide apart while Miriam and I kissed each other, as well as her maid’s juicy snatch, going back and forth between enjoying each other and pleasuring her.

Shit, I wanted to so bad. The image was so vivid in my head, just like the image I saw when I first saw Miriam in the kitchen, vividly imagining her to be dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, like she was one of my classmates.

One of my friends.

Ms. Miriam’s fingers pulled out of her maid’s pussy then, wrapping gently around my wrist and pulling my hand out too, her tone gentle and comforting. “Gwen, sit back for us, so we can eat you out together.”

The sexy maid finally pulled her tongue out of my mouth without hesitation, her face flushed as she sat down and began spreading her legs while Miriam pulled on my wrist, tugging me off the couch, urging me to kneel down with her.

“Don’t worry,” she said gently. “I’ll still keep my promise. I just really want to do this with you. To share this with you.”

I couldn’t even remember what her promise was at this point.

She leaned forward to kiss me, even as she reached up to run her wet fingers through my hair, gently guiding my head downward with both her lips and hand.

And then we were between Gwen’s spread thighs, her hooves up on the white leather cushions, her breathing heavy as our intimate kissing slowly turned toward our target until we were both pressing our lips against the maid’s juicy pussy -- a pussy that was surprisingly dark purple. From this position, the icy blue jewel sticking out of Gwen’s ass was plainly visible, my chin brushing against it a few times as I kissed and sucked on her swollen lips, Ms. Miriam using the opportunity to switch between kissing my cheek and nuzzling her face next to mine to do some sucking too.

I flinched briefly when something soft rubbed against my neck, realizing it was the maid’s long midnight tail reaching around.

And her short black fur over her pussy was way softer against my face than I was anticipating, her cunt far tastier than I would have expected given the lack of overpowering aroma that a succubus had, the flavor reminding me of something akin to toasted marshmallows roasted over a campfire.

At least, that’s what popped into my mind in response to the sweet taste, and the more I smelt and tasted her juices, the more I felt like that was truly the best comparison.

Combined with the potent maple syrup scent from Miriam, it was truly overpowering and yummy.

A scent that became even more potent when I heard someone else step into the room, the newest arrival’s breathing heavy at the sight before her.

I only glanced up briefly as Mrs. Rebecca climbed on the couch to join us, completely naked, her huge tits suddenly in the maid’s face as she scooted even closer, before their lips were locked, the two of them passionately making-out.

The sight was enough to make me feel like I was about to explode again, even though I didn’t feel close to actually cumming despite everything. And it was obvious Gwen was overwhelmed with passion herself, because she broke the kiss just long enough to speak briefly, her tone coming out almost as a whimper.

“Thank you so much,” she whispered, her black tail still stroking my neck and shoulders. “Thank you for making me feel so good.”

I felt Ms. Miriam’s hand underneath my chin then, finally pulling away a little to see her wiggling all of her fingers into the maid’s cunt, until she was sliding her entire small hand inside, burying it deeper and deeper, far past her wrist.

The sight truly felt like it was going to send me over the edge.

It wasn’t until I bent down to suck on Gwen’s clit again, the succubus’s hand suddenly gently rubbing my back, that I unexpectedly noticed the trickle of energy flowing between us -- between me and Gwen, traveling from her into me.

At the same time, Gwen must have heard the shadow of my thoughts, because she whimpered, softly giving me permission to have her lust, even if that wasn’t exactly what I was sucking up.

The entire realization made me freeze solid for half a second, only to be encouraged by Ms. Miriam’s gentle touch, rubbing her hand across my bare back, even as she pulled most of her arm out of her maid’s pussy to ball her fist up, quickly sliding it back in.

Trying to focus on what I was actually doing, I cautiously attempted to increase the flow of energy I was pulling off of the passionate imp, with my unexpected teacher’s delicate hand moving to my shoulder and growing still. At the same time, Gwen ran her fingers roughly through my hair, tugging on my face to make me suck again.

And then Miriam gently gave me a little squeeze, her lips suddenly kissing my cheek, even as she worked her hand more fervently in and out of the woman’s pussy, her mouth inching its way to my ear.

“I wouldn’t go any faster than that,” Miriam whispered, causing a shiver to run down my spine, listening to the noisy passionate kissing being shared by Gwen and Mrs. Rebecca. “What you’re doing is safe, but if you find yourself at the end of her passion, you don’t want to start pulling on her lifeforce.”

I could only nod, surprised when her free hand moved away from my shoulder, only to slide down my side and reach for my throbbing cock, gently giving it a tight squeeze even as she worked her other arm in and out of her maid’s snatch.

Fuck, it was like she was trying to distract me, almost as a way of teaching me to stay focused even when I was being pleasured myself. Honestly though, even as the euphoria escalated in my gut and mind, I felt like keeping the flow steady was easy enough now that I could sense it.

It almost came naturally, just like how flying came naturally the first time I did it.

Mrs. Rebecca pulled away briefly then, whispering to Gwen. “I love you. Thank you so much for fucking me earlier. I really liked that more assertive side of you.”

The maid only whimpered in response, their lips meeting again, one of the imp’s hands in my hair while her free one groped at Mrs. Rebecca’s massive tits. Her passion only seemed to be escalating, the energy I was absorbing seeming almost endless.

I finally felt the trickle reduce on its own as I began feeling ‘content,’ a sensation not entirely unlike being full from food, much like the sexy succubus had mentioned previously.

Ms. Miriam’s lips were on my ear again, her tone praising. “Good boy,” she whispered. “That was perfect. A normal human might run out of the energy you need before you’re done, but you kept it controlled. Another few times of practicing with Rebecca and Gabriella, and I think you’ll be able to safely have sex with anyone you want.”

Sincere appreciation welled up inside of me, the unexpected lesson giving me hope that I’d really be able to learn and practice, now that my third-eye had been forced open. Shit, that alone made me seriously indebted to this sexy succubus, never mind her intention of helping me unravel the mystery of the black stone.

Owing her a favor felt like an understatement in comparison to how much this trip had made a difference in my life, especially in regard to me safely having sex with all my women back home.

When Ms. Miriam began shimmying her body against me then, as if she was trying to get in front of me, I pulled away from Gwen’s clit in response, moving seamlessly with her as she wiggled her tight ass onto my lap, her wings brushing against my chest, her arm still buried in the maid’s pussy, only to get her own snatch right at the tip of my cock, sitting back down on me effortlessly as she resumed fisting her sex pet.

My arms immediately wrapped fully around the sexy hottie, her wings squished against my chest as I bent down to kiss her slim delicate neck, her tail wrapping around my waist, with me loving the feeling of the warm silk all over her toned belly and small tits. Never mind the sensation of her tight pussy rhythmically squeezing my cock.

Barely a second later and I was pulling her robe’s front apart more to get at her nipples, giving them a tight squeeze once I had each one in my grasp, prompting Miriam to moan herself, rocking gently on my throbbing shaft.

I was surprised when I suddenly realized Gwen was getting there, because her orgasm was much more tame than I would have anticipated, given the situation, her soft whimpering and tensing thighs coupled with a much louder noise coming from Miriam’s fisting, due to the extra wetness, until finally the succubus slowed down and stopped entirely.

“That was perfect,” the maid whimpered, still slowly moving her lips with Mrs. Rebecca’s, her other hand now gently running through her mistress’s vibrant red hair between her thighs. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome,” Mrs. Rebecca whispered against her lips. “Sorry I fell asleep and missed most of this.”

Gwen shook her head, planting her lips again, before responding, her slitted crimson gaze affectionate. “We’d just really started when you showed up,” she said softly. “Perfect timing,” she mused, glancing down at her mistress, slowly rocking on my cock between her spread muscular thighs, speaking to her now. “Is he going to cum in your pussy?” she wondered hopefully. “What do you need of me, mistress?”

Ms. Miriam shook her head, finally pulling her fist out of Gwen’s hot snatch, placing her wet hand on the black fur on the maid’s lower thigh. “N-No,” she stammered. “He’s not going to cum in me. I just want to feel him inside of me as I get him close again. I…” She sucked in a deep breath. “I promised I wouldn’t try to keep him for much longer, and it’ll be difficult to keep that promise if his cum affects me like it’s done to both of you.”

I was still planting passionate kisses on her neck, leaning back a little more so that I was sitting more fully on my heels, feeling her continue to bounce gently on my shaft, wrapped up tightly in my embrace now.

Mrs. Rebecca fully sat down and bumped her bare hip into Gwen, prompting the maid to scoot over on the white leather couch. However, Gwen didn’t go far, before I felt her hands just above my arms, her fingers searching for the succubus’s nipples.

Ms. Miriam gasped.

Mrs. Rebecca spoke, even as the sexy maid began teasing her mistress. “We can probably stay for another few hours if you want. I can tell you really want him to cum in you.”

“I dooo,” Ms. Miriam moaned. “But I don’t want to break my promise.” She moaned again, only to quickly continue when it sounded like my busty MILF was going to insist. “Oh, sweetie. My little Rebecca, please. You don’t understand. I want him, honey. I want to keep him. So please, don’t make it more difficult on me.”

Mrs. Rebecca sounded stunned. “You…you do?” she said in sincere surprise. “Like, you want him more than just to play with?”

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” Ms. Miriam said sincerely. “I won’t take him from you. Maybe one day we can share him, but I’ll let you and Gabriella have him for now.”

Mrs. Rebecca was quiet for a second, Gwen’s hands still on the short minx’s nipples but having grown still in response to their conversation. “You mean everything to me,” the mature redhead said. “I don’t mind sharing, and I’m sure my little Gabby won’t mind either. We can find a way to make it work out now. You don’t have to wait to have some of him too.”

Ms. Miriam sighed heavily, leaning back more into me as she slowly rode my cock, only to moan when the motion caused Gwen’s unmoving hands to tug more on her nipples. “Oh sweetie, that feels so good.” She then sighed, only to abruptly lift her ass upward, slipping off my cock and forcing her butt against my stomach. “But he’s close enough,” she said, sounding much more collected now, positioning my cock in front of her pussy, grabbing it with her hand even as she covered it with the front of her silk robe. “And I made him a promise,” she added, beginning to stroke my bare cock with her hand underneath the silk, going much faster than she’d done previously.

Jerking me as fast as I was used to doing it myself.

“Oh fuck,” I hissed, squeezing her even more tightly in my arms, barely lasting a handful of seconds before my load was shooting against her stomach.

“Perfect,” she whispered in contentment, reaching down to smooth the silk over the cum on her belly with one hand, causing it to soak into the fabric, while still gently jerking me with her other. “Three nice big loads.” She giggled. “It would take ten normal guys to cum this much on my body, and yet it all belongs to one yummy man.”

“Do you need to get there?” Mrs. Rebecca asked seriously, Gwen’s hands having moved to Miriam’s silk covered shoulders, as if to help keep her balanced.

The succubus shook her head. “No, he made me cum the hardest I ever have, just a little bit ago.” She sighed heavily in contentment. “I cummed almost too hard, but it was worth it.” She finally glanced back at me then, looking up to meet my gaze, her cheeks flushed, the tip of her nose red. “Thank you, by the way,” she said warmly. “You were perfect. I can hardly wait until the day that we get to fuck without rules. Without restraint. I suspect you’ll make me feel just as good as I can make you feel.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, sincerely wishing we could just do that now, my cock feeling like it was never going to get enough of her.

“S-So, what now?” I wondered hesitantly, unsure of what else to say.

She sighed as she leaned back more heavily into me, the base of my cock still resting against her pussy, due to how she was pressing herself against my lower stomach. “Well, I’m really curious to see just how many opals you could fill, but I don’t want to accidentally hurt you, so I think I’ll stop at the seven you’ve already recharged.”

“Seven?!” Mrs. Rebecca said in sincere alarm. “He filled seven?! Doesn’t it require sex with like fifteen or twenty people just to fill one?”

“It does,” she replied simply. “I know, I was pretty surprised too, even after he filled me up with his lust. A normal person would have been wiped out after me draining them so much, but it’s like his body just keeps the sexual energy coming.”

“I’d say,” Mrs. Rebecca commented, almost sounding proud, like I was her boy who had achieved some significant feat.

Granted, I had to admit that what they were saying was kind of mind-boggling. It made me wonder if I really could be the perfect guy for Ms. Miriam -- the perfect partner to a true succubus. And it almost made me wonder if she’d ever consider making me the only man in her life, considering I could truly meet her needs and then some.

If she had me, she wouldn’t need to fuck another man ever again…

But I wasn’t about to ask right now.

Especially because I was afraid of how it would affect me if she said yes. And also worried about how depressing it would be if she said no.

Thus, it was better to not broach the subject right now.

Better to view this situation as purely educational.

Maybe if we sincerely reached a point, down the road, where she truly wanted me to be with her, then we could discuss how it was going to work out. But right now I couldn’t afford to demand she never have sex with a guy again -- especially not when I needed her to do whatever was necessary to help me solve the mystery of the midnight stone.

Granted, couldn’t she just use a woman for her experiments?

Would that be too much to ask?

“So since all that’s done,” Miriam was saying. “I suppose it might be time for you two to leave, as much as I wish for you to stay. It was a pleasant surprise how amazing this day has turned out, and I must admit that I’m struggling to think of a day that even comes close to this one. Even after being alive so long.”

“Well, I’ve certainly enjoyed it,” Mrs. Rebecca said with a grin. “And it looks like our baby boy’s education is coming right along too. I’m so happy you were able to open his third-eye. I never imagined that would be a problem, but now we can get somewhere.”

“Yes, thank you,” I quickly chimed in, knowing that was a huge deal. “It felt impossible before, but now that I can sense that kind of thing, it wasn’t too difficult to control.”

Ms. Miriam looked up at me with a small smirk, her emerald eyes affectionate. “But don’t think you’re ready to fuck a normal girl,” she replied. “A big obstacle you still need to overcome is controlling it when you’re having your own orgasm. Even I lost control briefly just a little bit ago, and I’ve been absorbing sexual energy all my life.”

“I didn’t do it before though,” I replied. “You got me there several times earlier, and I didn’t absorb anything, right?”

She shook her head. “Your ability to siphon energy is still weak enough that I was able to prevent you before. But as you get older, the need for sexual energy will grow, as will your strength to suck it up, until only you can control it.”

“Oh,” I said in sincere surprise, not having considered that my need might be less than what it would be in the future. But then again, Gabriella was kind of in the same situation, with Mrs. Rebecca implying that she might have started to get sick if she’d gone much longer without having sex and absorbing lust. Granted, I was also half-incubus, so I would think my need would overall be stronger, but maybe that wasn’t entirely how it worked.

I wasn’t sure.

“Well, thank you,” I repeated. “For helping keep it under control, and for even guiding me as I absorbed energy from Ms. Gwen.”

Her emerald gaze was warm. “Of course, my cute young man. And Rebecca will be able to take it from here. Be a good student for her, okay?” she said playfully.

I grinned. “I’m sure you know I will.”

Her grinned widened. “Oh, I know,” she agreed. “But even one little complaint from her, and I might have to use my tail to spank you.”

“Might have to be a little bad then,” I admitted.

She laughed, only to sigh, finally putting weight underneath her and standing up to step to the side, leaving me kneeling naked before both Gwen and Mrs. Rebecca, both likewise naked. “Well, I guess we should all--"

Miriam’s voice instantly cut off.

Her expression was suddenly alarmed.

And everything about the situation changed in an instant.

I focused up at her in concern -- we all did -- only for all of our heads to immediately whip to the side, all of us sensing an intense bloodlust erupting from the direction of the dimensional gate.

But there was no earthquake. No shaking.

Yet the potent sensation of impending doom was very real.

It felt like we were all about to die.

Like we were about to be slaughtered by a monster. A true monster.

Miriam began barking out orders barely a second later, her tone urgent and panicked, the entire mood having drastically changed. “Rebecca, take Kai to the basement immediately! Gwen, pull it out! Don’t worry about burning down the mansion, you use every ounce of inferno you have!”

Oh my God.

Oh my God, this was not a joke.

I couldn’t even imagine how powerful Gwen truly was with nothing holding her back, never mind Miriam who could obviously use attack magic, and yet I could see it in the succubus’s emerald eyes.

She was scared.


She was about to fight to the death.

Something she’d just said, not long ago, that would probably never happen.

And it was obvious from her expression she wasn’t confident they’d succeed, even with everything they had. Yet she didn’t wait for a response, she didn’t wait for us to comply with her demands.

There was no time.

We were already out of time.

Instead, she whipped around and dashed out of the doorway into the hall, Gwen bolting after her at full speed, the icy blue sapphire noticeably not between her ass cheeks, her midnight horns looking like they were leaving vibrant red fireflies behind as she departed.


I knew why Miriam hadn’t even considered asking for my help.

I couldn’t use magic.

Even if I could heal fast, even if I was strong, I would just be in the way in a true fight -- a true supernatural battle to the death. And yet, even as sincerely scared as I suddenly found myself, caused by the intense sense of imminent death washing over me, I was even more terrified when I realized I might have just seen Gwen and Miriam for the last time.

“Come on,” Mrs. Rebecca urged, grabbing my arm roughly, even as I remained sitting naked on the floor. Her tone was just as panicked. “We have to hurry! The basement is the only safe place for miles! And there’s nothing we can do to help!”

I focused on her for half a second, realizing she had a gold object with a blue sapphire in her hand, her expression pleading, silently begging me to snap out of it and hurry.

My eyes then unfocused as the chill of death unexpectedly became so potent to my third-sight that it was as if the sun had vanished, the entire world feeling like it had been shrouded in eternal darkness. And within that darkness, I saw a pair of emerald eyes lying on a pile of corpses, the light slowly fading from her empty gaze.



Instantly, the world blurred as I suddenly found myself on my feet, the walls warping in my vision as my legs exploded beneath me, Mrs. Rebecca’s cries suddenly far behind me as I erupted down the hallway.

Because if nothing else…

I could at least die, so that she could have one more breath…

Because that single breath might be the difference between salvation and destruction.

For those I loved…

For the whole world.


CLIFFHANGER? If you read this chapter, how bad was the cliffhanger (for those who check out the comments section first to find out).


Chapter 42 & 43 >>



Great chapter, cliff hanger would be more dramatic if ended when Miriam looked up….


Truly machiavelic. Now I'm forced to upgrade my tier to read the next chapter XD

Noat Eroticus

This chapter is super-hot like you mentioned. Kai fingering and Miriam overloading on Lust was great, it gave a new meaning to mind-blowing orgasms. I do find it very sweet that Miriam is always careful not going beyond boundaries. Charging the opals with Kai’s Lust was interesting. Having Gwen join them and assist in the task of charging them was great, I was looking forward to seeing her having sex with Kai. The tag-teaming of Kai and Miriam on Gwen was amazing, and that Miriam wants to experience this with Kai is so sweet and hot at the same time. Having Rebecca come later and join them was just the cherry on top. I also like the surprise education for Kai during this, it is nice seeing him progress. I wanted Kai to cum in Miriam when they were fucking, and I could feel Miriam craving for it, but I understand Miriam not wanting to risk it. Her saying how much she wants him, that she wants to keep him, made it so much better, and seeing Rebeca's reaction to what she was saying just proves that Miriam's feelings are very strong and serious. This whole chapter had a lot of hot action that I loved. The ending was great. I felt the danger of what was going on and how everyone was reacting to it. I was not surprised that Kai ran after Miriam and Gwen, it is who he is. The cliff-hanger was good in terms of making a good cliff-hanger but when I read this chapter, the next chapter was already available for me, so the pain of the cliff-hanger only lasted a few seconds, but I felt huge excitement and was anxious when I finished the chapter.