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May 9, 2021

DISCLAIMER: All characters engaging in sexual conduct are 18 years or older, and legally permitted to engage in such activities, irrespective of pet names used for each other.


NOTE: Obviously, this story is NOT going to involve any cuckold stuff, but there is talk about it because it emphasizes just how powerful a succubus is in her influence on others.

Most of you realize that by this point, but I’m bringing it up again, since our MC takes the time process just how different his inhibitions are while around Miriam, versus how he feels when he’s not being influenced by her.



So, this story is about to hit a major turning point in the plot (Ch 42).

This Chapter 40 gets pretty steamy, Ch 41 is going to be ridiculously hot, and then Ch 42 is going to get a little crazy in a non-sexual way (kind of action-y stuff).


<< Chapter 39 | Chapter 1 (Book1) | Chapter 16 (Book 2)


- CHAPTER 40: Promise -


The trek back up the stairs, that led down to the orange glowing cavern with the practically invisible dimensional gate, actually felt longer than coming down, but before long we finally reached the top, stepping through the thick metal doors, only to find…

Mrs. Rebecca and Gwen kissing passionately, with the taller sexy maid having the busty redhead pressed against the wall, seeming really aggressive about making-out, even if it was obvious from my companion’s flushed face that she was completely fine with it.

More than that, she seemed very much into the kiss as well, her chin tilted up as their lips and tongues moved together.

However, Mrs. Rebecca quickly noticed that we had returned before anyone could say anything, breaking away from the kiss, even as Gwen bent down more to begin planting her purple lips on the bustier woman’s neck instead.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mrs. Rebecca exclaimed, focusing on me apologetically. “Gwen sort of attacked me.”

The sexy maid pulled away in shock. “Was it not okay that I kiss you?” she asked seriously, sounding genuinely stunned.

Mrs. Rebecca immediately turned her apologetic look toward her. “No, it’s just…” Her voice trailed off as she glanced hesitantly at me again.

Which made it pretty obvious what was going on. Mrs. Rebecca had pretty much promised me that she wasn’t going to fuck anyone for the unforeseeable future, and here she was lip-locked with this sexy demon maid.

Honestly, even if that’s what I had wanted, this wouldn’t be too surprising.

After all, when a person lives a certain way for a long time, it’s not super easy to abruptly change old habits.

However, while it was definitely my preference for Mrs. Rebecca to stop fucking men, she did quite literally have a ‘need’ for sexual energy, even if that need wasn’t at play right now, and I felt like it would be requesting too much to ask her to not fuck women too.

Or to refuse one such woman who she’d clearly been intimate with before.

“It’s fine,” I quickly replied, realizing from Gwen’s comment that this wasn’t even close to the first time they’d fucked each other. And honestly, now that I thought about it, when I saw Mrs. Rebecca after the mini-earthquake, her face looked flushed, her heavy red curls disheveled.

It made me wonder if they’d already been kissing a little while they waited for me and Miriam to finish having sex.

Needless to say, Gwen went right back to planting kisses on Mrs. Rebecca’s neck, causing her to gasp, grabbing the back of the chick’s pale neck, seeming to pull down more in encouragement.

Miriam scoffed, her small hand still in mine. “Well, I should hope it’s fine,” she mumbled, only to speak louder when I looked down at her. “It’s like I said, if you’re going to get my maid all ‘hot and bothered,’ then you need to take responsibility. And if you refuse to do that, then you shouldn’t get upset with one of your women doing it on your behalf.”

“M-My women?” I said in surprise, definitely interested in having Mrs. Rebecca for myself, but not having felt like we were at that point yet.

Especially when there was still the issue of how the situation with Gabriella’s father was going to be handled long-term, even if I already liked to think of her as mine sometimes.

Unsurprisingly, Miriam didn’t respond verbally, only rolling her green eyes, before speaking. “Hey Rebecca, I need you to fuck my maid for me. She really needs it, and I want to talk to your boy-toy a bit before you leave.”

“O-Oh, o-okay,” she stammered as Gwen became even more aggressive, only for the busty MILF to yelp when the sexy maid swiftly dropped down and scooped her up in her arms, heading straight for the door.

Miriam giggled next to me. “Wow, that’s interesting. Normally Rebecca is the more dominant one, but you’ve really brought out a different side to Gwen. I’ve never seen her be so aggressive before, except when she’s ordering humans around. She’s normally such a sweet and submissive girl, even despite her height.”

I cleared my throat. “So, umm, how old is she anyway?” I wondered randomly.

“Gwen?” Miriam clarified, only to continue. “That’s actually sort of a complicated question. She’s a hundred and twenty-seven, but she wasn’t born a hundred and twenty-seven years ago.”

“Wait, what?” I said in surprise, not feeling too stunned by the above-average age, or the coupled youthful appearance.

She smirked at me. “Yeah, she was actually born roughly the same time as my very first daughter, quite a long time ago, but found herself in an unusual situation.” She paused. “I should let her share that with you though, if she so chooses. However, I will say that she’s mentally in her mid-twenties. Or more specifically, her appearance and mental age truly match, if that makes sense, kind of like she’s frozen in time. Like, even though Gwen looked older when Rebecca was younger, it’s very noticeable that the latter is now 'older' at this point, in every way.”

I stared at her in sincere surprise, finding it difficult to believe she was serious. That my hot redhead MILF was mentally and physically older than Gwen, even though the sexy maid had been born first…

It made me wonder how their relationship worked. Did Mrs. Rebecca view Gwen simply as the household maid who eventually became a sex partner? Or something else?

I really wanted to press for more information, especially wanting Miriam to elaborate about how it was possible for Gwen to be chronically a hundred and twenty-seven, despite not being born that long ago, but I realized I probably shouldn’t.

It was obvious that Ms. Miriam had already shared more than she normally did with others, and she was obviously declining to elaborate beyond what she’d already told me, even if that refusal was somewhat subtle, and I didn’t want to seem like I was unappreciative of the fact that she’d already shared so much.

Thus, I simply nodded instead, my imagination kind of going wild as I began wondering if Mrs. Rebecca was sucking on Gwen’s huge nipples right now. Or if maybe the roles had flipped, since the busty redhead was normally more dominant, and Gwen was sucking on Mrs. Rebecca’s massive tits instead.

Miriam gave me another small smile, almost like a silent approval of my choice to be satisfied with what she’d freely offered.

“So,” the short redhead continued. “Shall I show you to a shower, or do you mind if we chat for a few minutes?” She smirked again. “Or, we can both just chat a little in the shower together.”

I laughed uncomfortably, feeling a warmth creeping from her delicate hand into my arm, rekindling that ball of pleasure in my gut. “Umm, I’m good. I don’t mind having your stuff on me. I actually…” I cleared my throat, realizing what I was about to say, but then deciding she probably already knew. “I kind of like it. A lot. Especially the smell.”

She laughed as well, hers much more cheerful. “Well of course you do,” she agreed playfully, glancing over her shoulder. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind closing the door for me, then we can get more comfortable.”

I nodded, letting go of her hand as I turned around to close the heavy metal door. I then lowered the drop bar like before, glancing at her to make sure I’d done everything, and then stepped up to her again. Almost unsurprisingly at this point, she snagged my hand again, after taking off the Moonstone tiara and setting it next to the box of opals on the floor, beginning to tug on me toward the exit.

“So,” I asked hesitantly as we stepped through the more normal door, with it appearing as if she was going to leave the chest of opals where Gwen had set them. “What would happen if someone accidentally closed the door on you?” I asked seriously, obvious concern in my voice.

She shrugged. “I guess I’d have to break it down then,” she commented, only to smirk at me when I gave her a surprised look. “You have to understand, despite how sturdy it looks, that door isn’t doing much to stop what lies beyond the gate. That’s what the barrier is for.”

“Oh, makes sense,” I agreed, only to pause as I glanced around as we stepped into one of the well-furnished hallways. Honestly, it was kind of crazy how nice everything looked, even little stuff like there being a fancy corner table at one end of the hall that had a potted plant and painting on the wall. I couldn’t even imagine how many ‘moving trucks’ it would take to empty this place if Miriam ever decided to move.

I continued after a second. “And, umm, what would happen if something did break through that barrier?” I wondered seriously.

She didn’t respond to my comment right away, instead seeming content to hold my hand as we strolled through the hall.

However, when she did respond after a few seconds, her tone was a bit somber. “Depends on the level of the threat,” she admitted quietly. “Although, if something truly did break through, then the threat would be pretty high.”

I waited for her to continue, but then prompted her when she didn’t right away. “Just how high? And what would you do?”

She sighed then, stopping in front of a doorless entryway to another room, focusing up at me, looking so short and adorable. “Well, I don’t want to alarm you, but I actually can use a little blood magic myself,” she admitted. “And if something truly broke through, then it would be a life and death situation. And not just for me, but possibly for the whole world.” She paused to let me absorb just how serious she was. She then sighed. “I’d have to use one of the most dangerous spells I know to try to trap whatever came through. A blood magic spell that would hopefully hold it long enough for me to kill it.”

“How dangerous is the spell?” I asked seriously. “And how would it work? Like, how would you use it?”

She frowned then, only to smile warmly. “So many questions,” she said in a lighthearted tone. “There’s really no reason for you to worry about any of that. Ever since I installed those crystals, nothing has been able to break through. Not in thousands of years. Like, there have been over a dozen ‘houses’ built and torn down on this location, and yet my barrier has remained perfectly stable and intact. It’s been the one thing that hasn’t changed in all this time.”

“Sorry,” I replied sincerely, feeling like she was a little annoyed now and not trying to let it show. “I was just curious.”

She nodded, giving my hand an affectionate squeeze. “And that’s alright, but we’re talking about a worst-case scenario here. An extremely rare hypothetical situation, and I don’t want to worry that cute little head of yours about something that will probably never happen. And if it did happen, I do have preparations to deal with it.”

“Dangerous preparations, by the sound of it,” I commented.

She shrugged. “When your options are ‘be killed,’ or use a spell that might kill you, the choice isn’t too hard to make.”

“Fuck,” I hissed.

She gave me a little tug into the room we were standing outside of. “Don’t trouble yourself with the thought,” she said reassuringly. “I’ve been doing this for a very long time.”

I knew she was right, but I also couldn’t help but recall her mentioning that an attack hadn’t happened in something like a hundred years…yet there had been two attempts in only the last month.


Or was something truly trying to get through?

Then again, it seemed like the barrier held just fine, so maybe I was overthinking it. Especially since there had probably been hundreds of attacks in however long the barrier had existed, even if they were rare.

Focusing on the room we were entering, I realized the space was an extremely fancy living room, with no TV in sight, but plenty of paintings to look at and enough plush couches to host a small party, all of them appearing to have white leather upholstery.

Leading me to one of the white leather couches, with a low coffee table in front of it, she twisted and gestured for me to have a seat, only to climb on the furniture right next to me, except facing my direction on her knees, so that she had nothing to support her back, sitting her tight little ass on her heels. She then shifted her weight to her side slightly, leaning more heavily into my thigh as she got comfortable.

Fuck, I wanted to lean in and kiss her so bad, our previous conversation practically forgotten.

It would be so easy to pull her into my lap in this position, sitting backward like that to face me.

And she looked so damn sexy only wearing the latex bikini, all of her tan skin pretty much exposed for me to see, with her swaying tail and folded black wings making her exotic and enticing, on top of everything else.

When she finally smiled at me, I averted my gaze downward, finding myself looking at her slightly plump thighs and adorable belly, the latex thong hiding so little that she almost seemed naked in her current position.

“Like what you see?” she giggled, reaching up to gently run her fingertips across my forehead. “As I said before, I don’t dress this way to be ignored, so feel free to stare all you want.”

I cleared my throat. “Umm, yeah,” I replied simply to her question, a chill running down my spine, my cock already straining against my black pants again. “So you wanted to talk?” I prompted.

She sighed then, her fingers growing still just as she was brushing some of my hair, only for her to drop her arm and look away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked hesitantly.

She took a deep breath, tentatively meeting my gaze -- a simple act that reminded me she was trusting me to not use my compulsion on her every single time we made eye-contact -- only to reach out for my hand, clasping it in her own on her thighs. “I’ve grown bitter over the many years of my eternal life,” she began quietly, a small grimace touching her lips. “Cynical even. I expect the worst in people, and I’m almost always right.” She then frowned. “I’m not saying there aren’t good people in the world, because there certainly are. But good people with power? That kind of person is difficult to find, if not nearly impossible, especially for those who are supernatural, because power corrupts. Always.”

“Oh. Umm…so…” I paused. Because I wanted to ask what she was trying to say, but wasn’t sure if I could get it out without sounding rude.

She continued on her own. “Your naivety is temporary. Your innocence too.” She focused more intently on me then, her emerald eyes almost pained. “But please don’t ever stop being good.”

I frowned at that. “What do you mean by good?” I wondered, since she knew I’d killed several people to protect Gabriella.

She gently rubbed my hand in her own. “You care about others at least as much as yourself,” she explained. “Don’t ever lose that, because I could see it slipping away without you noticing. In fact, it might have already begun to slip away without you realizing. Selfishness is like a thief in the night, sneaking up on you without your knowledge. And selfishness is the thing that makes otherwise good people, turn bad.” She paused. “And as much as I’d like you to stay, I’m trying really hard not to be ‘bad’ myself, by using everything in my power to keep you. And likewise, I’m also very happy you’re choosing to leave. It means those waiting for you are still important. More important than your own desires.”

“Well, yeah, of course they’re important,” I agreed.

“But you’ve seriously considered my offer, haven’t you?” she countered. “And not because you love me, but because you love yourself and know I could give you unimaginable pleasure.”

I grimaced, glancing away, only to sigh. “Well, I’d say that my hesitation to have sex with you should be indicative of that,” I hedged, not necessarily telling a lie, but not wanting to bluntly admit she was right.

“Such a shame,” she whispered, a playful pout on her adorable face, as if she knew my intentions. “But I really am glad,” she added more seriously. “And if I do eventually get to keep you for myself, then I’ll make sure that everyone you care about is included. Okay?”

I sighed again, my voice quiet. “Umm, yeah, that would definitely be preferable,” I agreed.

She grinned, looking like she’d already won her prize. “Perfect.”

I flinched when she reached up then and grabbed my nipple firmly, uncertain if the spark of pleasure that erupted throughout my body was because it sincerely felt good, or because she was working her seductive magic.

She giggled at my response, continuing to hold on my nipple tightly.


I tried to clear my throat, glancing away. “Umm, so is that why you showed me the gate?” I asked unexpectedly, the thought just popping into my head randomly. “To kind of show me how it would be if I stayed here?”

She let go of my nipple, her hand moving down to begin stroking my forearm. “Yes,” she agreed quietly. “I promised to keep you by my side, didn’t I? That’s how it’ll be whenever you visit. And it’s how it’ll be if you stay.” She paused. “And of course, you are welcome to visit at any time, whenever you like. Just ring the bell at the front gate, so we can see it’s you on the security camera first.” She smirked, her tone lighthearted. “Don’t want to accidentally attack you, thinking you’re a threat.”

I nodded, afraid to look at her now, concerned about how it would affect me.

“You will be mine, right?” she then wondered innocently, her head tilting slightly to the side. “You’ll only make me wait for a little while, right?” she added with a pout.

I sighed again. “I…I guess,” I whispered, feeling like fully denying her was impossible.

She grinned, definitely looking like she’d won her prize now. “Good. Then, in that case, I’ll be right back,” she added, abruptly leaning forward to press her lips to my forehead, the heat coming from her thin body feeling so amazing, before slipping off the couch and darting out the entrance we’d come through, only to go down the hall the other way.

I glanced over my shoulder as I watched her go, feeling a little frustrated again that I couldn’t track her movements, even though there was no door, but then resigned myself to just patiently waiting. Looking around the room, I focused on the low coffee table in front of me a couple feet away, along with the other little seating areas, three in total, all the couches and chairs white leather, the whole room organized as if the ‘main event’ was meant to be in the center of the room beneath a fancy chandelier high in the ceiling.

There were also several potted plants and magnificent paintings all around the room.

Honestly, I was super horny right now and kind of wanted to jerk one out really quick in one of those pots, just to try to keep my thoughts clear, but I was confident it wouldn’t help.

Given any other situation, and it might have made a world of difference to have some relief, but being around Ms. Miriam was truly intoxicating, to an extreme I wouldn’t have imagined possible.

And here, I thought being around Gabriella was potent, followed by being stunned by how overwhelming it was to be around Mrs. Rebecca.

And yet, Ms. Miriam’s erotic presence was a world of difference.

Honestly, I was confident she could probably get me to agree to anything, if she really wanted to.

And I meant anything.

Which kind of made me uncomfortable -- really uncomfortable -- even though I felt like she wouldn’t do that. Like, I felt as if she would be respectful, just like she expected me to be respectful of her and not use my compulsion.

But where was the line between ‘making me,’ and me ‘wanting’ it?

For example, watching Miriam have sex with another guy.

After having been influenced by her sexual presence for so long, I realized that if she walked into the room with some random dude and started fucking him, I wouldn’t immediately try to put a stop to it, or even walk out. And what was worse -- I felt confident that she might even be able to make me ‘want’ to do more than just watch, even though I absolutely found the idea revolting right now.

But that was the thing.

I normally would have found the idea of her fucking another guy revolting, to begin with, and I likewise had no doubt that when I walked out of this place, and had a chance to clear my head, I definitely would find the idea repulsive.

And yet, just the opposite was true right now.

In this moment, I honestly wouldn’t mind watching her fuck. Granted, I didn’t feel the same way about Mrs. Rebecca, but the fact that I felt that way at all, even with Ms. Miriam, was really disturbing.

And a bit scary.

Because my inhibitions were significantly lower compared to normal.


But, I supposed my own compulsion ability was similar.

Where was the line between making people do what I want, and them wanting to? Especially when me ‘making them’ involved them sincerely ‘wanting to.’ At the very least, I felt like Serenity and Gabriella’s attraction to each other didn’t involve my influence, but there was still Gabriella’s influence to consider, especially with Avery.

So honestly, I wasn’t sure. However, I could see how Ms. Miriam might be sincerely disgusted by what I could do, even if she ironically was capable of having a similar effect, just via different means.

Either way, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was on the edge of a cliff, teetering between self-control and unimaginable self-indulgence. A self-indulgence that would be so amazing that I honestly might find myself not feeling any regret for leaving my old life behind.

Which…was scary.

I didn’t want to leave Serenity behind. And even if she was invited here too, I didn’t want to leave my old life behind.

I supposed when Miriam came back, I might bring the subject up, just so we could both be on the same page about how I felt about the situation, even though she’d indicated she wouldn’t pressure me into anything…right now, at least.

Unfortunately, it was obvious she did want to pressure me into being with her eventually. And obvious that she did want to keep me, badly enough that she wanted me to commit to it now.


Surprisingly, and thankfully, I was able to hear Miriam’s soft footsteps a few seconds before she entered the room again, even though I’d previously lost track of her the moment she stepped into the hallway before, making me wonder if the actual field of magic that prevented eavesdropping wavered and oscillated a bit in its strength.

However, I didn’t think about it for long when I realized she had my phone in her hand.

“Here you go,” she said cheerfully, handing it to me. “You’ll obviously be leaving soon anyway, but I wanted you to get the chance to let that young woman, Serenity, and my daughter Gabriella know you’re okay. Figured you’d appreciate talking to them,” she added a bit more quietly, her tone sincere.

“Oh,” I said in surprise, keeping my eyes on her as I rested my hand, with the phone in my grasp, in my lap. “Thank you,” I said sincerely, a little stunned by just how much I really did appreciate the gesture.

She nodded, giving me a warm and affectionate smile. “In the meantime, I’m going to go check on Rebecca and my maid, so you can have some privacy for a few minutes. Be back in a little bit, okay?”

I could only nod, my eyes falling to her black wings as she turned around, only to focus on her tight ass between them as she made her way gracefully out of the room, wondering if she’d look even smaller without the extra appendages, given her sub-five-foot stature.

I then sighed heavily and leaned back into the comfy white-leather cushions, finally focusing on my phone to unlock it.

I had Serenity on the line barely a handful of seconds later.

“Hey Ren,” I began simply, my tone almost sounding somber. “How’s everything going back home?”

“Oh, Kai. It’s so good to hear your voice. Gabriella’s mom let us know a little bit ago that you were alright, but I still couldn’t help but worry. We’ve all been really worried, Michelle and Avery included.”

I took a deep breath. “Thanks, Ren,” I said sincerely. “I’m okay. And the person we met is actually going to help. We should be heading back home in a little bit. I’ll be leaving the stone here, since it’ll probably take some time to figure things out. And of course, I’ll elaborate more when I get home about the situation.”

Serenity sighed. “That’s really good to hear. I love you so--"

Her voice cut off as the back door opened up, with Gabriella speaking up in the background. “I caught one!” she announced cheerfully, her voice sounding like it was coming closer to Serenity’s location in the house, probably having entered from the backdoor and now walking down the hallway. “I was able to sneak up on it close enough to hit it in the head with a rock. Didn’t even have to shoot it! And I broke its neck so it shouldn’t be able to get away if it wakes up.” She took a deep breath, sounding like she was stepping into the same room now, likely the living room. “Although, you’d be really surprised how much force it took to break its neck…” Her voice trailed off.

“Hey,” I said before she could respond. “What is she talking about? What did she catch?”

“I assume a deer,” Serenity quickly admitted, sounding apologetic. “I, umm, I’ve gotten really thirsty,” she admitted quietly, sounding almost ashamed now. “It was starting to hurt,” she added. “But sounds like Gabriella was able to catch a deer for me!” she quickly said, trying to sound cheerful.



What in the hell was wrong with me?

Why hadn’t I thought of that? Why hadn’t I taken her hunting and insisted she drink blood, even if she didn’t feel like it right then?


Suddenly, all I could hear in my head -- all I could focus on -- was the words Miriam had just spoken to me not long ago.

‘You care about others at least as much as yourself. Don’t ever lose that, because I could see it slipping away without you noticing. In fact, it might have already begun to slip away without you realizing. Selfishness is like a thief in the night, sneaking up on you without your knowledge. And selfishness is the thing that makes otherwise good people, turn bad.’

Shit, it was already happening! It had already happened!

And with that realization, it suddenly occurred to me that I’d left Serenity all alone when she was transforming, using the time to meet Mrs. Rebecca and fuck her brains out while the person I cared about most was going through a very uncertain process! One in which she might need me the moment she woke up!

Fuck, that wasn’t me!

I wasn’t the guy who abandoned the person I loved most in her moment of need!

And yet, I had done just that.

And sure, the black stone was really important. And sure, I had both Avery and Michelle's transformations to go on, to both give me a reference of time to complete the transformation, as well as give me confidence she’d be okay while I was gone. Never mind the fact the two newly transformed women would be able to watch over her while Gabriella and I were out of the house…

But still…

The version of me who fucked Mrs. Rebecca for two hours wasn’t the same version of me that hugged Serenity when she came home on Thursday night, sobbing and falling apart because her best friend had been kidnapped by a serial killer.

Fuck, it had already begun.

Like a thief in the night, my own selfishness was changing who I was.

And just like Ms. Miriam had implied, it had started without me realizing it.


I sucked in a deep breath. "I am so sorry. I should have taken you hunting this morning. Honestly, I should have done it last night.”

Her tone was surprisingly gentle. “It’s alright, Kai. I should have told you I was thirsty in the first place. And honestly, I didn’t realize ‘what’ it was right away, since the sensation is different than I’m used to.” She paused. “Like, to be completely honest, it wasn’t until I explained what I was feeling to Gabriella and Michelle that they identified what I was experiencing. My fault for not speaking up sooner.”

“No, it’s my fault,” I disagreed. “I should have just assumed it was what you needed. And while I’m thinking about it, I’m really sorry for leaving the house while you were transforming. I should have stayed with you.”

She sighed. “Kai, I love you so much. But it’s really okay. Michelle and Avery were both here with me, and…” Her voice trailed off briefly. “Well, I really enjoyed last night. A lot. And I feel like the reason why it didn’t turn out bad was because you’d spent some time with Mrs. Rebecca.”

I sucked in a deep breath, knowing what she meant.

Had I not spent time with the sexy older woman, and learned more about the potential dangers of having sex with others, then I might have accidentally hurt Serenity, the person I cared about most. Instead, we were able to share in the intimacy of sex, to experience the bliss of lovers, without the dangers that might have arisen from cumming.

And sure, sex with orgasms would have been better in most ways, but at the same time it almost felt more pure and innocent, in a strange way, by experiencing intimacy without the orgasms. By having my cock in her pussy, without the eruption of semen.

Granted, I was still going to make her cum, hard, and I was still going to blow my load in her pussy.

But first, I had to make sure it was safe for us to fuck like that.

And both the sex I shared with Mrs. Rebecca, as well as having Ms. Miriam open my metaphysical third-eye, were important steps to reaching that point. But still…

I couldn’t lose sight of what was most important to me.

“Anyway, Kai,” Serenity continued when I didn’t respond. “I hate to let you go, but I really do need to…I guess, feed? Before my meal gets cold, or whatever,” she added. “Or before it’s heart stops beating, I guess.”

“Of course,” I agreed, unexpectedly looking up when Miriam abruptly walked around the corner, now dressed in a fitted silk robe, wrapped tightly around her thin frame, making her entire gorgeous body all shiny and vibrant red -- my absolute favorite color. And it was truly a unique article of clothing too, aside from it being the perfect length for her despite her shortness, because I could tell that the back dipped down just enough to allow the ‘arms’ of her wings to go through, even though the sides still reached up to cover her slim shoulders like a normal robe.

It was almost the opposite of a V-neck shirt, a normal opening in the front, coupled with a deep V in the back.

“Did you want to talk to Avery or Michelle real quick?” Serenity wondered quietly, as if she was trying to avoid the people in question from overhearing. “I hate to get off so quickly,” she added.

I grimaced at that, my hand beginning to tremble slightly, having no idea why Ms. Miriam was dressed this way, but suddenly finding it really difficult to focus on anything else.

“Umm,” I began hesitantly, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to do it -- talk to either one of them, with Ms. Miriam standing before me. “I really wouldn’t mind,” I admitted. “But we still have a few things to take care of, regarding the stone, before Mrs. Rebecca and I leave, and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.”

“Of course,” Serenity agreed at a normal volume. “That’s understandable. I love you, baby. See you soon, okay?”

“Love you too, Ren,” I replied. “Sorry again about the deer thing, and I’ll see you probably in a couple hours.”

“It’s really okay. See you soon.”

And with that she hung up, prompting me to lower the phone to my lap, feeling that intense ball of pleasure resurface in my gut.

Ms. Miriam tilted her head slightly, looking so short and adorable as fuck. “Deer?” she repeated in confusion.

Oh shit!

She didn’t know about the fact that my blood could transform people, or at least ‘mostly human’ people, into something similar to me!

I tried to keep my cool, really not wanting to lie, but not ready to admit that to her at this point. “Umm, yeah,” I said hesitantly. “It’s kind of a long story, and I don’t want to bore you…” My voice trailed off as I gulped, focusing on her phenomenal body. “Umm, so you changed your clothes?” I added hesitantly, wondering if she was still wearing the latex bikini underneath.

Thankfully, she seemed to believe me when I said the deer thing would be boring.

No doubt any possibility she’d normally think of would be truly uninteresting.

Instead, she smirked at me, fanning her shiny wings out a little, before pulling them back in tight against her silk covered back. “Well,” she began, her tone unexpectedly sexy and seductive as hell, her black whip-like tail swaying close to the floor. “Rebecca and my maid are still going at it, pretty passionately too, I might add,” she explained, taking a small step closer. “Lots of grinding, sucking, and kissing,” she continued, inching a little bit more. “So I thought we could spend a little bit of time together while we waited for them to finish.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, truly knowing I wasn’t going to be able to refuse her. All I could do was hope she’d keep her own promises, which only prompted me to bring the subject up, while I had it on my mind.

“A-About that,” I stammered, trying to breathe evenly. “I, umm, I really would like it if you could let me make my own decisions,” I gasped, feeling like her scent was becoming beyond overwhelming again.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion. “What ever could you possibly mean?” she wondered seriously.

I tried to collect my thoughts, my eyes focusing on just how tightly the silk robe was wrapped around her thin waist, how shapely her bony hips looked beneath the shiny red fabric. “Well, you obviously expect me to not compel you, and I promise I won’t!” I quickly added, looking up to meet her gaze. “But I feel like you have the same power over me. Like you could make me do anything, even stuff I normally wouldn’t want to do.”

She nodded, suddenly seeming to get what I was trying to say. “Oh, of course,” she agreed, reaching down to pinch some of the silky fabric along her thin juicy thigh, only to tug on the robe slightly. “I promised I wouldn’t make you do anything. And that’s why I’m wearing this,” she added.

I just looked at her in complete confusion.

She smirked. “Well, I’ll be honest. I really want to feel your cock in me again, however…” She paused to hold up her other delicate finger, as if she was counting out the points she wanted to make. “I can’t have you cumming in me, or else we might end up fucking forever. At least, assuming that the passionate fuck-fest going on in my maid’s room is indicative of anything. Never mind what Rebecca shared about your sex with her last night.”

I nodded, though I still didn’t understand. “And the robe is for?” I prompted.

She smirked again. “Well, it would hardly be fair if I didn’t let you cum at all, now would it? So, once I’ve had my fill of experiencing that nice cock inside me, I’ll let you cum. The robe is to keep it contained. To keep you from shooting your semen all over the room.”

Suddenly I couldn’t breathe.

“H-How?” I managed, just grasping at anything at this point, realizing this was definitely going to happen. Because when she said that she wasn’t going to make me do anything I didn’t want, what she meant was she wasn’t going to fuck me for endless hours, until I found myself begging her to stay here forever.

And a big part of her exerting that self-control, for herself, was not letting me cum inside her.

She tilted her head again, looking so fucking adorable that it should have been a crime. “How will you cum?” she wondered, only to shrug. “I can use my robe to jerk you off. I should be able to use my magic to prevent you from cumming prematurely, before I want you to, but worst case and you can just cum all over my body. I’ll sit on your cock and then pull off when I feel you getting there, and I’ll sit forward to let you blow your load all over my back. And my robe will keep it from going far in the event your aim is off.”

I was trembling as she drew closer then, with her not waiting for a response this time, gently reaching down to grab the phone from my hands. She then turned around to carefully place it on the low coffee table, her right wing suddenly reaching out behind her to gently caress my knee, her tail briefly wrapping around my ankle, only for the wings to fold back into place as she faced me again.

“Now,” she said affectionately, glancing down at the bulge straining against my black pants. “Will you please undress for me? I’d really like to have you naked again. To feel your perfect naked body against mine.”

I tried to control my movement as I reached down to pull my shirt over my head, depositing it on the floor, only to suck in a sharp breath when she abruptly reached out to grab my, now dark gray, right nipple, even as I attempted to carefully get the rest of my clothes off.

And she continued to tug on my nipple, even as my bare ass sat on the white leather couch, seeming to enjoy me visibly trying to restrain myself from reacting to her torment.

“You know,” she finally said quietly, a hint of amusement in her tone, even as she reached out to gently grasp my other nipple, angling herself more fully before my knees. “I did mention that your entire body seems to enjoy being touched…” Her voice trailed off. “Because you’re a sex demon…just like me.” She paused again as I tried to look up at her, attempting to meet her emerald gaze, despite the waves of intense pleasure washing over me. “Was that too vague of a hint?” she wondered innocently. “Do I need to ask you directly? To grab my nipples like you own them? Like how I grab yours?”

I abruptly focused on her slim chest, realizing her nipples were hard, poking through the red silk, suddenly realizing the obvious.

Realizing what she was implying.

If this felt so amazing for me, then of course it would feel amazing for her too.

And that’s what she wanted.

She wanted me to grab her nipples. To tug on them like she was doing to me, using the perfect amount of pressure, the perfect amount of twisting and squeezing, so that it felt amazing instead of hurting.

Almost feeling as if I was blind from my body swimming with so much euphoria, my eyes were now closed as I reached out with both hands in an attempt to grasp her hips, hoping to stabilize myself, but instead grabbing her waist due to her shorter stature. It was actually briefly disorienting, even though I knew she was quite a bit shorter than all the other women in my life.

However, I pushed the sensation aside as I slowly began feeling my way up her toned body, the smooth silk beneath my fingertips, before finding the extremely hard mounds atop her A-cup breasts.

The silk was far too slippery to grab them though, so my initial attempt only resulted in me rubbing against them, but that alone prompted her to abruptly let out a very loud moan.

“There we go,” she gasped in obvious pleasure, prompting me to peek up at her. “While I certainly don’t mind rocking your world, I wouldn’t mind if you rocked mine a little bit too,” she added, her expression finally affectionate as she focused on me. “Now, don’t unwrap me completely, but you can at least get to my nipples.”

I could only nod, gently reaching over to tug on the opening in the top of her crimson robe, only to insert my hand beneath the fabric slowly to cup her warm tit, feeling her bare skin in this spot for the first time, before doing the same with my other hand, spreading the opening more so I could place my hands over both her small tits.

“Good boy,” she whispered. “Give me a little squeeze, and then I want you to tug on my nipples while I climb into your lap.”

My cock was standing straight up, an excessive amount of clear precum leaking down it, enough to provide all the lube we’d need even if she was dry. But as I began pulling on her nipples while she let go of mine to carefully lift her robe -- one knee slipping onto the white leather couch, followed by the other -- I knew she was far from dry, her pussy visibly dripping a clear fluid on my thighs as she angled herself carefully into place, the intoxicating maple syrup scent growing even more potent.

And then she sat down, her aim perfect as if she’d mounted herself on a cock a million times, pausing the moment my head filled the entrance of her snatch, moaning even louder as I tugged her cute nipples while she slowly finished sliding on down.

Her face was flushed as she impaled herself on me, her emerald eyes looking drunk with lust and passion.

Then, her face was suddenly tilting back, her chin up, grasping my cheeks in both hands to pull my mouth onto hers, her lips abruptly on mine. I sucked in a sharp breath through my nose as her warm tongue probed between my lips, my own tongue eagerly greeting hers and following into her mouth, which she withdrew briefly, before slipping right over mine again, her tongue dancing back into my mouth while mine was in hers.

It felt like we passionately kissed for barely half a minute before she was pulling away, looking up at me with a mixture of surprise and passion. “Wow, I’m not sure if I can hold your orgasm back,” she said quietly, only to speak more definitively. “Truly, it was as if you were perfectly designed for someone like me.”

“W-What do you mean?” I whispered, knowing I really was about to blow, continuing to play with her cute tits so close to my body. Yet, I couldn’t understand how me almost cumming meant I was perfect for her.

She gave me a small smile, beginning to slowly ease herself off my cock, taking her time doing so, almost as if she didn’t want me to notice. Her tone had a hint of sarcasm as she began with rhetorical questions. “You have cum that would make a succubus want to fuck you forever? Stamina to actually be able to keep up with my own sexual appetite? Enough lust to fill all my needs and then some?” She finally slipped off, carefully climbing to my right side to sit as she had been previously, facing me on the white leather couch. “Obviously, that might be what an incubus is to a human woman, but not to a succubus. I can’t fathom how you came to be this way, but you are truly a creature I’ve never encountered before. And it’s not because of your innocence. Succubi are truly repulsed by incubi. It’s part of the curse. And yet, just the opposite is true with you, despite your obvious paternal origins.”

I tried to listen to her explain herself, but all I could focus on was the sexy sound of her voice itself, along with how she carefully wrapped the bottom of her red silky robe around my cock, her right hand gently squeezing me as she slowly glided the unbelievably smooth material down my shaft.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped my hips already tensing.

She giggled. “I really like you,” she whispered, continuing to slowly jerk me with her silk robe. “So many humans I’ve played with, and yet you are truly something special. I wish I could pin it down on one thing, but there are just so many little things that make my time with you so enjoyable. Your presence alone makes me feel like I could truly love again. Like I could truly have a partner, something I’ve thought impossible for many millennia now.” She sighed, leaning forward to kiss me tenderly on the lips, continuing to slowly glide the silk on my shaft as if she’d done this motion millions of times.

I found my hand on her left hip then, which was on my right due to her position, only to begin rubbing her left thigh urgently as she continued to slowly jerk my cock.

Her tone was seductive and quiet as she leaned forward more, like she was about to kiss me again. “Who knew that I’d find my soulmate one day?” she whispered against my skin, her hot breath entering my mouth and caressing my face.

My voice was barely audible. “Soulmate?” I whispered, closing my eyes as I truly started climbing toward my peak, building up so much stronger than I was used to, likely because of her magical attempt to hold it back, my hand squeezing her thin juicy thigh.

She rubbed her lips softly against mine, her hand picking up speed just a little, as if she knew precisely the right amount of stimulation to make my climax perfect. “Just a human myth,” she mused quietly. “But you’re the first man, in all my existence, who I might apply such a potent word to. A true partner, who can feed me, who can pleasure me, who can give me the same level of ecstasy as I give all others. An equal, to share in everything with me. To sustain all my needs and then some.” She giggled, lowering her voice. “And I really love that I’ve met you while you’re still so young. So innocent. My own little cute pet to play with,” she mused.

I gasped, her words finally shoving me to the top, shocked when the intense pleasure I was feeling didn’t explode right away like normal. Oh shit, it just kept building! I had never ridden this high for longer than a couple of seconds, but it was like the perfect orgasm was filling my body indefinitely.

“My perfect lover,” she finally whispered, gently rubbing her lips against mine, her hand squeezing my cock even tighter.

“Fuck!” I finally hissed, erupting with a force unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, cum hitting the red silk so hard that it instantly permeated the fabric, a little bit nearly shooting through, causing her to immediately glide the fabric away from herself, having loosened the robe, angling my cock toward her right side just in time for cum to shoot against her still-hidden bare waist.

“Mmm,” she moaned, leaning a little closer as I shot again, and again, and again. “That feels so good,” she mused. “Nice and warm, and so gooey.” She smirked as I shot one last time. “And the perfect amount too. About triple what I get from a normal man. Or double compared to the guys that cum above average.” She sighed. “Oh, I absolutely can’t wait to have a juicy load like this in my pussy.” She sighed again. “But I’ll be good. For now,” she added with a small smirk.

All I could do was tilt my head back as she gently ran a dry part of the silk over my cock, another wave of pleasure hitting me from the sensation, rather than finding myself too sensitive. I then glanced down at her when she gently smoothed the shiny crimson fabric against her side, causing my cum to soak right into the fabric, making it stick to her like she’d glued it to her skin.

Mmm,” she repeated, shivering slightly. “Even the smell is making me wet. So bizarre that a normal incubus could be so repulsive, and yet you are so ridiculously enticing.” She sucked in another deep breath through her nose, gently resting her hand against the massive wet spot all over her side from the cum-soaked silk. “Oh, wow. I don’t mean to be a creep, but I don’t think I’m going to wash this for a while. I want to sleep in this robe, even after your cum dries.”

I cleared my throat, knowing Gabriella’s scent, and even some of her fluids, were on my blankets back home, and yet I was very much not interested in washing my bedding anytime soon. And fuck, I felt like a sicko and creep when I realized that I probably wouldn’t be washing my current clothes either, since Ms. Miriam’s intoxicating scent had soaked into both my shirt and pants.

Shit, that was so messed up, and yet…

“I, umm, probably will do something similar,” I admitted quietly.

Her emerald eyes lit up at that. “That makes me very happy,” she stated bluntly. “In fact, let me do something like that for you,” she added, abruptly slipping backward off the white leather cushion, and grabbing my pants.

I stared at her in shock when she quickly slipped in one leg, followed by the other, bunching the legs up so she could get her feet through the bottom, only to pull the crotch tightly between her thighs, moving to sit back down next to me.

All I could do was just gawk down at her, my briefly softening cock beginning to strain again, rapidly growing stiff as a brick the moment she looked up at me expectantly.

“Well?” she said, as if I was supposed to know what she wanted. “You know how to pleasure a girl, right? You are a sex demon after all, so it should come naturally. Make me cum in your pants.”

Oh fuck.

Oh holy fuck!


Chapter 41 >>



"I normally would have found the idea of her fucking another guy revolting, to begin with, and I likewise had no doubt that when I walked out of this place, and had a chance to clear my head, I definitely would find the idea repulsive. And yet, just the opposite was true right now. In this moment, I honestly wouldn’t mind watching her fuck. Granted, I didn’t feel the same way about Mrs. Rebecca, but the fact that I felt that way at all, even with Ms. Miriam, was really disturbing." This is super confusing, wasn't Kai super turned on by the thought of Rebecca sleeping with two guys then sleeping with him when he first met her? And at the beginning I know you said no cuckold stuff but isn't that kinda what you were doing with Gabriella and Avery? With them being unable to keep their hands off each other even when Kai warns Gabriella to calm down cause of the risks? Like wasn't the point of that for Gabriella to kind of steal Avery? Considering he's barely spent any screentime with her and she used to be so obsessed with him. And similarly with Rebecca breaking her promise and trying to deflect the blame to Gwen weren't you introducing elements of cheating? Especially with him being chill about it and just accepting it as her being unable to change so quickly? Or maybe I'm reading into things too much. And just to clarify, I don't mean to be rude or to say you're lying, It just seems like what your saying isn't matching what I think is happening. Like all of seem like well placed hints that kinda contradict what your saying


Also really happy with Kai's introspection. I mentioned on Literotica that he seemed to be doing exactly this and I'm glad it wasn't forgotten and that its used as a moment of character development for him.


He doesn't feel the same way about Mrs. Rebecca 'right now' (in the moment). Basically, when he's with Mrs. Rebecca, her succubus charm is at work. When he's with Ms. Miriam, her personal charm has an influence on him. He's grasping the general idea of what's going on, but he himself has forgotten how he felt when he was with Mrs. Rebecca. Like, if you were to point that out to him, he'd probably say, "Oh...wow, you're right. So then, I did really feel that way about her too, when I was with her." The charm of a succubus is subtle, and a normal human wouldn't even figure out that much, because they'd be so lost in their lust that they wouldn't be thinking about little details like this. As far as your other comment, a developing relationship involving multiple people like this is going to be messy, and that's what we're seeing here. But ultimately, Gabriella isn't going to do anything with Avery until Kai says its okay. And Mrs. Rebecca wouldn't have done stuff with Gwen if Kai asked her not to. For Mrs. Rebecca, she's technically not even Kai's woman at this point, nor is Gwen, but they're heading in that direction, which is why they even considered his opinion in the first place. And of course Kai didn't have a problem with it. But as Mrs. Rebecca and the others become more committed, and this relationship becomes more of a true harem, the situation will become less messy and complicated. Also, in general, most people who read harem stories primarily view the involvement of a man as being cheating. If one of the MC's women gets it on with another one of his women, then most don't perceive that as being a problem. That being said, that kind of thing happening in this story will only be once Kai has given the green light. But characters like Mrs. Rebecca and Miriam have been very sexually active for a very long time, and while they are both giving up sex with men, it would be unrealistic for them to magically shift their lifestyle without any hiccups. Also, I've found your comments to be constructive instead of rude, and I appreciate that. I have no problem with someone pointing out perceived issues, or asking for clarification, and that's all you're doing. I hope my explanation helped.