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March 3, 2021

NOTE: So I've recently begun posting Innocent Devil's Harem on RoyalRoad (a website similar to Scribblehub and Lit), and if you happen to already have a RR account, then I would love if you could visit the story over there and leave a rating, as well as upvoting/downvoting the reviews you feel like are most helpful.


Just leaving stars is fine, no need to leave a written review.

(And if you don't have a RR account, then definitely don't worry about it.)


I ask only because 'review bombing' is a huge problem on RoyalRoad, and the rating was doing great until about a week ago, when I had over ten drive-by bad ratings (probably coming from the same 'group' of review-bombers, because often it's an organized thing).

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


ANNOUCEMENTS: Two new things.

1) First, some of you have been asking for digital files, so I’ve begun working on it. Check out this post on how you can get a free copy of “Innocent Devil’s Harem – Book 1”

2) Second, Patreon thinks that some of you guys want an annual option (with 10% off), so I’ve set that up (here is info about it). Obviously, if it’s not something you’re interested in, then don’t worry about it.

I'm not trying to get anyone to do anything in particular, but what I am doing is trying to improve my Patreon, including the perks I offer, so that you guys can find the solutions and setups you are most interested in.

And I hope that most of you guys are satisfied with the effort I'm putting in to make improvements.


DISCLAIMER: All characters engaging in sexual conduct are 18 years or older, and legally permitted to engage in such activities, irrespective of pet names used for each other.


<< Chapter 8 | Chapter 1


- CHAPTER 9: Strip Bar -

- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19: Late Evening -



Shit, shit, shit.

Amber and I both knew Sarah was on her way over to our place, walking from just a couple of houses down the street, but I didn’t even realize she would have gotten here so soon. And here I’d just grabbed my sexy older friend and kissed her passionately practically right in front of the front door, not realizing our hot neighbor was standing there.


I mean, the glass on the sides of the door had fancy designs in it and was pretty opaque, but there were spots where you could see clearly into the hallway and living room if someone peeked at just the right angle. And now that I’d opened the door and saw Sarah’s beet red face, I knew she must have seen.

Amber was going to be pissed.

“Umm, hey…you doing okay?” I asked cautiously, trying to play it cool.

The petite twenty-five-year-old cleared her throat, a ridiculously adorable sound. “Yeah, just nervous. I can’t believe Amber is really going to make me do this. I’ve barely even stepped foot in a bar, and now she’s going to make me be a stripper in one?” She shook her head, her rich brown hair shifting on her coat. “I really don’t think I can do it.”

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck, thank the heavens.

She must not have seen after all.

I let out an exaggerated sigh in relief, the release so intense I felt like I was going to get teary eyed.

“Are you okay?” she unexpectedly asked seriously.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. And you’ll do great…” I paused. “Well, I mean, do you know how to dance?” I wondered.

She shrugged. “Yeah, I can dance. But what she’s talking about is something else entirely.”

“Let me see you dance,” I blurted out.

She looked at me in surprise, only to glance over her shoulder. “Umm, can I at least come inside first? Don’t want the neighbors to see.”

“Oh, of course,” I quickly replied, stepping out of the way. “And actually, let me throw on some pants and a different shirt really quick. We need to leave soon, and I don’t want to be the hold up.”

She nodded, standing to the side of the now closed door as I dashed upstairs.

Figuring I should dress at least a little nice, I decided to put on black slacks and a cobalt blue polo shirt that really seemed to emphasize my flat chest and biceps, thanks to the bright azure color highlighting the muscles I had hidden underneath. Also helped that the material it was made out of, polyester or some shit, gave it a bit of a shine similar to spandex.

Certainly, I wasn’t planning on impressing anyone, especially since there were going to be a ton of guys there, but I at least didn’t want anyone to think, ‘Why in the hell is this hot chick with him.’

No, I wanted all of those bastards to get a good look at me and realize they didn’t have a chance in comparison. For them to realize that the sexy blonde chick with huge tits was all mine, and only mine.

Rushing back downstairs, unsurprised that Amber hadn’t made an appearance yet, I eagerly focused on Sarah, seeing that she was hesitantly holding her poofy winter coat, appearing to have already shrugged it off in order to dance for me.

However, when I made an appearance, her bright blue eyes immediately widened into saucers, her cheeks visibly flushing again as she focused on my chest, her gaze then falling down my entire body, before going right back to my chest.

“Ready to dance?” I asked playfully, really loving how she was eyeing me.

She finally focused back on my face, hesitating briefly before setting her coat on the floor beside her. “Umm, sure,” she said simply then, beginning to stretch her arms out briefly, only to close her eyes and raise her arms partially over her head, elbows bent slightly.

I focused on her shapely hips as they began to sway, looking a bit like she was trying to loosen up.

I could finally hear Amber walking down the stairs, but kept my eyes on Sarah for the moment.

Unfortunately, the short hottie didn’t get far before she heard her too, her eyes popping open just as I heard Amber appear behind me.

“Fuck,” Sarah hissed. “I can’t do this. It’s so awkward dancing slutty by myself without a guy.”

“Sure you can,” she replied, beginning to slip past me.

My eyes immediately widened into saucers when I realized Amber was dressed in a shiny black PVC trench coat, carrying a zipped leather bag on her shoulder.

Holy shit, Amber! She looked like the literal definition of a prostitute.

Or I supposed a stripper, and it was obvious she was wearing heels, probably leather boots, since she was nearly as tall as me now.

But fuck!

Amber continued, not seeming to notice my reaction. “You just need to pretend like there’s a guy behind you, and you’ll be fine. There’s a pole there too, so you can always try using that if you want. Just don’t try doing anything crazy, because getting hurt if you fall isn’t sexy.”

Sarah was focused on me now, seeming to notice that I couldn’t peel my eyes off the ridiculously sexy blonde standing before me.

“You’ve got someone excited,” our short neighbor unexpectedly said with a wide grin.

Amber looked over her shoulder, only to roll her light green eyes, and focus back on Sarah, seeming to ignore the comment. I assumed she would maintain that kind of attitude toward me while we had witnesses, or otherwise people might get suspicious.

“Oh, and just so you know,” Amber commented. “I told them he’s my boyfriend.”

Sarah looked at her in shock, only for her face to turn beet red again.

“It’s just so they let him in,” Amber continued, seeming unfazed, like it wasn’t a big deal at all. “No way in hell would they let him come otherwise, just because I wanted.”

“O-Oh,” Sarah stammered. “I s-see.”

“Yep. And when we get there, I’ll dance with you a bit in the back room to warm you up. I’ll then do my own show, so you can practice a bit, and once the crowd loves me, I’ll introduce you. Sound good?”

Sarah visibly swallowed. “I…I guess.”

“Good,” she replied. “Now, let’s get going. You can figure out what you want your stage name to be on the way.”

“S-Stage name?” Sarah exclaimed, only to quickly grab her coat when Amber went straight for the door and opened it up to head out.

“Yeah, it can be anything you want.” She then paused just outside to look back at me. “Hey Ryan, fine if we take your car? I’m low on gas, and we don’t have time to make any stops.”

I sighed, wishing Amber was dressed like a slut specifically for me. “Sure,” I agreed, quickly grabbing my coat and keys and then following Sarah out the door, locking it behind me.

Less than a minute later, and I was driving down the road, Amber plugging her phone into my car charger and putting in the directions for our destination. I so desperately wanted to comment on her outfit, but I knew I couldn’t say a word in front of Sarah…but holy fuck.

Seriously, holy fuck.

I really wondered what she had underneath the vinyl trench coat, but just the mystery alone was super enticing. Never mind that her tits looked so voluptuous and amazing, with how tight the material was pulled over her huge chest.

Of course, I also knew I needed to mentally prepare myself for the evening, since no doubt this slutty blonde was about to be some major eye candy for everyone there. But at least I’d be the one bringing her home, and while I didn’t feel great about knowing she’d be dancing for everyone, I also hoped that I’d get to see her in action on stage, which I knew was something I would have probably never experienced if not for this unique situation popping up.

Plus, I kind of wanted to see Sarah let loose too, not feeling even an ounce of jealousy about watching her act like a slut in front of a bunch of dudes. If anything, I felt like it could be fun to ‘punish’ her later for dancing for other guys when she was supposed to be my bitch now.

Shit, just the idea was turning me on a little bit.

We were all quiet for a few minutes, before Sarah finally spoke up again.

“S-So, about the stage name thing…what’s yours?” she wondered hesitantly.

Amber glanced at me, and then focused on her in the backseat. “I usually go by Hazel, and my friend Victoria was using Jessica, last I knew. Pretty basic names.”

“Oh,” Sarah said in surprise. “So it can just be a normal name then. Nothing bizarre, like Slut Bunny.”

Amber burst out laughing, trying to respond through her giggles. “Slut Bunny! You could totally go by Slut Bunny if you wanted,” she said playfully, grinning at me as she chuckled. “We might even have a bunny ears headband for you!”

“Maybe Angela?” Sarah suggested, seeming uncertain.

Amber reached up to wipe her eyes from laughing so hard, before sighing. “Yeah, Angela is perfect. It fits you.”

“Think so?” Sarah asked hopefully.

“Yep,” she agreed simply.

I cleared my throat, deciding to speak up. “So should I call you Hazel all evening?” I asked seriously.

She nodded. “Oh, yeah, that’s preferable. The whole point of the stage name is to avoid creeps figuring out your real name and end up stalking you online or something.”

“Oh fuck,” Sarah said in alarm. “Do I really have to worry about something like that?”

“No, not at all,” Amber replied reassuringly. “I worked at this club for a few months and never had a problem.” She smirked to herself. “And the only guys who learned my real name were the ones who I wanted to know.”

“Amber,” I whispered without thinking, knowing what she was implying.

She glanced at me and then sighed heavily, shifting her weight in the seat to get more comfortable. It was obvious my simple comment changed her mood entirely.

Dammit, having Sarah around with her not knowing our secret was actually kind of a pain, because I couldn’t speak freely and right now I wanted to apologize, wishing I’d just kept my mouth shut, instead of complaining about something that really wasn’t even that big of a deal.

I mean, obviously it sounded like Amber fucked some of the bar’s customers or at least gave them the information they needed to get a hold of her and become a potential client, but I already knew that. I was already well aware that was the kind of thing she did. There was no reason for me to get upset about it, and I felt as if it was pretty clear she wasn’t thrilled that I was being a bit of a buzzkill for her harmless fun.

Shit, I had to change this around, before she started regretting that she brought me.

“So Amber,” I said cheerfully, glancing at her from the corner of my eye, enjoying her surprised reaction at the abrupt change in my tone. “After I help bounce for a few hours, or whatever, what’s there to do for fun?”

She just stared at me uncertainly for a long second, before grinning widely. “Well, they have a few pool tables, sort of in a separate area, but the main event is the dancers.” She laughed then. “So I guess you might just have to enjoy the show.”

“I think I can handle that,” I replied playfully. “Think there’ll be anyone super hot there? Maybe someone with a little bit of experience, who knows her way around a pole?”

Amber grinned even wider. “I can think of at least one person,” she said playfully. “Maybe two.”

“Yeah? And what’s that first person like? She hot? Blonde? Maybe got green eyes or anything exotic like that?”

Amber giggled. “Yeah, actually that sounds exactly right. She’s kind of slutty, but that just means she’s really great on stage. And she’s pretty well endowed too, in case you like big knockers.”

“I think all tits deserve attention, both big and small,” I replied with exaggerated sincerity. “But I wouldn’t complain about seeing some juicy tits bounce around a little.”

Amber grinned again, only to glance back at Sarah.

I decided to glance back too, seeing that her face was a deep shade of red.

Amber burst out laughing. “Oh Sarah,” she chuckled. “We’re just messing with you!”

The girl looked even more embarrassed as she tried to speak up. “I…I knew t-that,” she stammered. “Obviously, you were joking.”

“You sure?” I said playfully, having not initially had any idea of where my comments were going, but enjoying where it ended up. “Kind of looks like you thought we were serious.”

Sarah gulped. “Umm…”

“Although,” Amber continued, cutting her off. “You do need to remember that he’s my boyfriend while we’re there. And don’t slip up and say anything about our families, or that we’re living together, okay? Doubt it would be a big deal to most people, but there’s at least one person there who has an idea of how poorly my mom and dad would react. Not to mention, Ryan’s parents would no doubt kick me out of the house if they thought we were really dating. Possibly stop talking to me entirely too.”

“Y-Yeah, okay,” she stammered.

Of course, I knew it would be overall safer to claim I was Sarah’s boyfriend, but the thing was, Victoria wanted Amber to come, first and foremost, so it would sound weird if she said she’d only do it if she could bring her friend’s boyfriend with her, especially since the idea of Sarah coming hadn’t actually crossed her mind at that point.

“And,” Amber continued. “If you can’t remember to call him my boyfriend, then just refer to him by his name instead.”

“Wait,” I said in mock disbelief. “You mean I don’t get a stage name?”

Amber laughed. “Do you want a stage name, Ryan? You gonna dance for all the horny guys?”

“Whoa,” I said more seriously. “Too much, Amber. Back it up a little. Or a lot.”

“Oh, I’ll back it up a lot, Ryan,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “Sorry, but you opened yourself wide up to that one.”

“That’s what he said,” Sarah blurted out.

We both looked back at her at the same time, hesitating briefly, only to focus on each other and laugh, apparently neither of us having caught on to the joke until a good three seconds after the punchline, largely because we didn’t usually use that line of teasing.

“Oh dear,” Amber finally chuckled, shaking her head again. “Who knew I had such a dirty little friend?”

“I kind of like that your friend is dirty,” I said playfully. “Really looking forward to seeing her dance like a slut.”

Amber smirked, glancing back at Sarah again, only to frown slightly, seemingly at her expression. “Hey,” she said gently. “They’re going to love you. Not everyone likes big tits, and you’re very hot with what you have.”

I glanced back to see she was grimacing now, really seeming psyched out at this point.

“Here, how about this,” Amber abruptly announced. “How about I tell them you just turned eighteen? That way it’s almost a guarantee they’ll go easy on you.”

Sarah’s bright blue eyes widened in surprise. “R-Really? You think they’ll believe that?”

I laughed, chiming in. “Sarah, have you looked in the mirror recently? You could easilypass for eighteen.”

Her voice was quiet as she responded. “Yeah, I know I look a little younger than my actual age, but that’s kind of the problem.”

“They’ll love you,” Amber repeated reassuringly. “So just relax. I’ll work with you a little when we get there, and then I’ll introduce you as eighteen, tell them this is your first time and to be nice to you, and I’ll even dance with you a little until you feel more comfortable. Okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” she replied quietly.

“And if you get too nervous,” Amber continued. “Then just dance for Ryan. You probably won’t be able to see him, since the lights on the stage make it so you can’t see much beyond the first few tables, but no doubt he’ll be watching.”

When she responded, she sounded a bit more enthusiastic. “Okay,” she replied more convincingly.

Amber was all smiles as she looked at her phone when it spouted out directions, only to frown. “Hey, don’t turn up here,” she said to me, holding her phone up to mess with the map. “It’s having you go a stupid direction. My way is faster.”

“Sure,” I agreed. “Just tell me where to turn.”

She nodded, still messing with her phone.

A few minutes later, and I was making another turn, getting closer to a wealthier part of town on the outskirts of the city, not far away from one of the major universities, the road I was on being lit up brightly with restaurant signs and lights.

This was definitely a major hotspot for recreation and entertainment, with their also being several hookah bars and even a movie theater. And there was a ton of activity, likely from all the college students hanging out and partying it up after Finals Week, though it was obvious there were families out eating at restaurants or going to the movies.

Honestly, seeing a few couples walking into one restaurant, I unexpectedly realized I wanted to take Amber out to eat and have a real date with her, as if we were truly boyfriend and girlfriend. More than that, as much as I loved that she was practically my best friend, I wanted to be able to forget about the stigma that came with the fact that we lived together and weren’t married, and be able to pretend like it wasn’t an issue. To grab a meal and go see a movie without worrying about what people thought, being surrounded by only strangers who wouldn’t know any better. And who probably weren’t overly traditional like our parents.

To be around people who wouldn’t think twice about me flirting with her, or showing her affection, even if they found out we were living together.

When we arrived at a packed club parking lot a few minutes later, I found a spot around the side, prompting Amber to turn toward me as she got ready to get out and toss her leather bag over her shoulder. “Okay Ryan, so I’ll introduce you to Tony, and then we need to get inside and get ready. He should be able to give you the rundown on what they expect, so just do what they ask. After that you should be able to hang out and do whatever you want. Grab a bite to eat or whatever, and otherwise enjoy the show.”

“Sure,” I agreed, prompting her to glance back at Sarah, asking if she was ready before climbing out of the car.

Getting out of the vehicle as well, I locked it up and then followed the two women around the side toward the front entrance, glad most of the snow had melted on the pavement during the day, ensuring it wasn’t slippery.

Right away, I saw a tall black dude with a shaved head, who was built like a truck, checking a couple of ID’s before ushering some dudes inside who were a bit on the nerdier side. His attire actually made me feel a bit overdressed, since he was simply in a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with a white silhouette of a naked chick and the bar logo, not at all seeming bothered by the cold.

Granted, I still probably wouldn’t have worn anything different, much rather preferring to be a bit overdressed than under.

There wasn’t a line or anything, but it was obvious the place was busy, between the limited parking and the fact that a couple of cars pulled into the parking lot just as we began nearing the entrance.

Almost right away, one of the vehicles slammed on the brakes, the window abruptly rolling down.

“Holy fuck,” a guy called out. “You dancing here tonight?”

I was shocked when Amber’s normally bitchy persona vanished entirely.

Instead, she laughed, sounding almost like a bubbly dumb blonde. “Yeah I am, handsome. You coming in to watch me? I hope you brought some cash for tips. This ass ain’t cheap.”

“Fuck, hell yes!”

The car immediately sped up, as if it was trying to get to a spot sooner, even though there really wasn’t far to go before they had to slam back on the brakes to turn in order to look for a place on the other side of the building.

Amber then gave her attention to the buff bouncer, who was now looking over at us.

“Long time, Tony,” she said cheerfully. “How you doing tonight?”

“Hey, honey,” he said warmly. “Wasn’t sure if you guys were going to make it.”

She playfully scoffed. “You can’t rush perfection, babe. Besides Jessica barely called us twenty-five minutes ago. I got ready in record time.”

He grinned at that, his white teeth almost looking blinding compared to his dark skin. “And what should I call you tonight, honey?” he wondered, seeming to have picked up on the fact that Amber called Victoria by her stage name.

“Hazel, of course,” she replied simply. “And my friend’s going to go with Angela.”

He finally focused down on the five-foot hottie. “Perfect.” He then looked up at me, still all grins. “And you must be the boyfriend. Glad to have your help. It’s busy as hell right now.”

“Nice to meet you,” I replied simply, holding out my hand to shake it when we finally got close enough. Immediately, I was glad that I at least had that on this guy, my hands actually being a bit bigger, even if he was a bit taller and buffer. “Name’s Ryan.”

He nodded, focusing on Amber. “Okay, let me escort you inside real quick.” He then returned his gaze to me. “I’ll grab you a shirt, and be right back. Just stand here for me and don’t let anyone in just yet.”

“Oh,” I paused. “Okay, but what do I tell them?”

He shrugged. “Just say we have to follow occupancy laws and your coworker is checking to make sure we can let more people in.”

I nodded, prompting him to gesture for the ladies to go ahead inside past him through the propped open door, which had a small little waiting area, followed by another set of doors that separated the cold from the inside.

Granted, I realized pretty quick why Tony wasn’t cold. There was so much heat blasting out the open door, that it was actually quite comfy right in front of the entrance.

The guy then quickly opened the second set of doors for the two women, with Amber actually stopping to let him, only for it to become pretty obvious that the customers inside had caught sight of her, seeing that my hot busty friend was wearing a PVC trench coat like a prostitute ready to serve.

One guy yelled out a curse, and then all of a sudden the whole place blew up with hoots and hollers, which were quickly muted by the automatically closing door. It was pretty obvious she was going to be popular, though I had no reason to think anything otherwise.

At least she’d end up with some good tips.

And I supposed she’d be giving me a decent chunk of those tips.

Sighing, I focused on the parking lot, hoping I didn’t have an issue within the first five minutes, only to be surprised when the door opened behind me again a minute later, Tony having returned much faster than I expected.

“Here,” he said, throwing me a black shirt like his. “Give me your coat and just toss this on over what you’re wearing.”

I nodded and shrugged off my jacket, handing it over and then quickly getting the large t-shirt over my bright blue polo. The occupants of the two cars that had pulled in were finally coming around the corner, only three guys in total, surprisingly noisy as they talked about the ‘hot bitch’ they’d just seen.

Tony looked like he was about to say something to me, but then gave his attention to the small group since they were close enough for us to not really have time to discuss anything.

“Just a sec,” he said under his breath, only to speak up to the others, with another couple of cars pulling into the lot. “Welcome,” he said loudly, grabbing their attention as they finished walking up. “We’re about full tonight, but we should be able to fit you guys in. Cover charge is ten bucks. Just need to see some ID, since it’s a twenty-one-and-up only night.”

All three of them pulled out their wallets, with Tony quickly checking the first two and then giving them the ‘go ahead’ after they each shoved a ten dollar bill into a slit in the wall next to the door, only for Tony to focus on the third guy’s ID and frown.

The dude was tall and skinny, looking like he might be a bit of an ass from his expression alone, immediately appearing defensive even before Tony spoke up. In the meantime, one of the cars that recently pulled into the lot had parked in a spot that didn’t look like it was meant for parking, with a large group of five guys piling out and already heading our way.

“No good, man,” Tony said simply.

Instantly, the guy standing in front of us blew up. “Fuck, seriously?! I’ll be twenty-one in like a week!”

I could tell from his voice that he’d been the car that slammed to a stop when he saw Amber. No wonder he was so upset, after she basically just said he could pay for some of that ass, even if that was a bit of an exaggeration on her part.

Tony just shrugged. “Sorry man, I don’t make the rules. But I do enforce them. If you can’t buy booze, then you can’t come in tonight.”

“Fuck, this is bullshit!” he snapped. “I’ve got to see that bitch strip! She was hot as fuck! I’ll give you double the entry fee even!”

He just shook his head. “First, keep calling our girls bitches, and I won’t let you in at all. Now, if you want to see them dance, then just come back in a week when you’re old enough. Or come on an underaged night before then.”

“Yeah,” he hissed sarcastically. “But will she be here then?”

Tony’s brown eyes finally narrowed, visibly starting to look annoyed. “All the girls here are hot. Now move along, before I have to move you along.”

“Come on, man!” he continued. “Give me a break!”

I finally decided to chime in, taking a step forward, since this guy was beginning to hold up the others.

“Dude, let it go, man. There’s nothing we can do about it. Like he said, we don’t make the rules. And we sure as hell aren’t going to risk getting fired just so you can sneak into a club a week early. Now stop making an ass out of yourself, because you’re starting to hold up the line.”

He looked me up and down for a second, before scoffing. “Fuck this, man!” he snapped, turning around and marching down the sidewalk.

Tony focused on me with raised eyebrows, only to begin nodding his head. “Alright, alright,” he said simply, seeming impressed at how I handled that, before giving his attention to the next group of guys. First thing he did was ask who was driving and told him to park elsewhere, and then he checked ID’s and had each of the guys slip the cover charge in the wall, while the driver marched off to move the car.

Once we were alone again, he finally focused on me. “Okay, looks like you can handle yourself just fine, so I’m going to have you hang out here. That way I can make sure I keep the guys inside in line.” He chuckled then. “I had a little ‘talk’ with them about keeping each other in check, and they’re doing pretty good, but after the waitress got her ass slapped, I’m sure all the women would feel a bit better if I was hanging out in there.”

“Sure,” I agreed. “And then what’s the plan after that? Another guy is coming in, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah, Jack said he’d be by around eleven, so you only got about an hour and a half to worry about.” He shrugged. “After that, you can hang out inside, grab something to eat if you want, and just chill. Maybe keep the shirt on, just so the guys feel like there’s another presence in the room.”

“Sounds good,” I repeated.

He grinned. “Great. Now I better get in there before your girlfriend gets started, since she’s sure to get them riled up.”

I scoffed. “Are you sure you’re not trying to get in there before you miss the show?”

He laughed at that. “Yeah, she’s alright.”

My brow furrowed at that, sincerely surprised by the comment.

“Just alright?” I said in confusion.

He laughed again, his tone amused. “I like my women with a bit more meat on their bones, if you know what I mean.” He then chuckled. “Sure, she’s juicy up top, and great in bed, but not quite juicy enough for my tastes.”

What the fuck?

Did he seriously just fucking admit to sleeping with Amber?

Shit! And here, I was actually starting to like this guy.

Now I was fucking sure we could never be friends.

Dammit, Amber!

“You’ve slept with her,” I stated evenly, just stating the obvious without thinking.

He laughed again. “Man, who hasn’t? But hey, she’s pretty picky about who she dates. You must be something special for her to want to stick around longer than a single night.” He shook his head. “Now, I’ll be inside, so you hold down the fort out here, okay? Just check ID’s, make sure they pay the cover charge, and you’ll be good.”

I sighed. “Sure,” I said again. “No problem.”

He continued to chuckle as he headed back in, seeming sincerely amused by the whole situation.

Well, dammit.

Sighing, I stared into the parking lot as I tried to chill out, reminding myself over and over again that I wasn’t experiencing anything I didn’t already know about. Amber obviously got around a shit ton, and this guy was probably right when saying, ‘who hasn’t,’ even if it was a bit of an exaggeration.

Honestly, it would probably be better to just assume she had fucked everyone, so I wasn’t shocked when I discovered she had, because what really mattered was that she was with me now, not them.

Just like this guy said, it was kind of a big deal that she was dating me. And even if that was partially a facade, since she was assuming no one would find out about our situation, it was still ultimately true.

I definitely knew when the show started though, because the music turned up quite a bit, the beat loud enough to vibrate through my bones, feeling like I was just outside a rave club. And I knew when she must have taken a break too, since the music similarly decreased to a more normal level, only for it to pick up again a few minutes later, I assumed as either Victoria or Sarah took the stage.

Thankfully, the next hour didn’t drag on too much, with there seeming to be waves of people, me having five or ten minutes of downtime, only for it to feel like it was nonstop checking ID’s and making sure everyone paid the entry fee.

Of course, some guys left too, probably having arrived much earlier in the evening, but way more people were coming than going. And I was almost surprised that Tony hadn’t come back out to say they were too booked or something.

However, when he did finally make a reappearance, it was a half hour sooner than I was expecting, and he had a huge grin on his face.

“Shit man,” he chuckled. “Your girlfriend is even better than I remember. Damn, she’s sexy, and those tits are perfect.”

I just nodded. “What’s up?” I wondered, seeing that he was here with a purpose.

He looked at me in surprise. “Oh, you’re off the hook now. Jack got here about five minutes ago, and is getting ready to come out, but figured I’d go ahead and let you go inside and get warm.”

“Oh,” I said in surprise. “He came through the back or something?”

Tony nodded. “Yeah. So go ahead and grab something to eat if you want. Your girlfriend took a break, but is back on stage again, if you want to get seated before she finishes up. Pretty sure she’s about to introduce that hot shorty that was with you earlier,” he added, only to pause. “Oh, and make sure you see Mike before you guys leave, so he can pay you for the hour.”

“Sure,” I replied, slipping past him, not really feeling like an hour of work was going to be much money in my pocket compared to what Amber came home with.

He quickly called out to stop me. “Hey,” he commented, waiting until I looked back at him to continue. “We good, man?”

I forced myself to relax. “Yeah, we’re cool. Just a little hangry is all. Haven’t had dinner,” I lied.

He laughed at that. “Get yourself something to eat, man. It’s not a five-star restaurant, but we’ve got good food here.”

I grinned. “I’ll do just that. Thanks.”

And with that, I headed inside, only to freeze solid for a few seconds when I saw Amber sliding down a metal pole seductively as she swayed her hips to the music, wearing only a silver thong, a clear plastic skirt that was pleated and sexy, coupled with a plastic tube top, also completely transparent, high heels…and nothing else, otherwise naked.

Sure, she technically had the plastic tube top on, but her heavy tits were on full display as she swayed and moved, beginning to hump toward the pole a few times with her eyes closed, looking like she was lost in the beat as she swung her blonde hair. Technically, she did also have a shiny black strap around her waist with a few bills stuck underneath, but it wasn’t like it covered anything. It was more like a tipping belt or something -- just a spot where people could fit cash.

Fuck, she was sexy.

And definitely an entertainer right now.

The room was pretty packed full, although it was clear there were a few open tables in the back, which was technically more toward the front of the building since the back stage felt more like the ‘front’ of the room, including a few two-seaters right up against the wall. There were also several guys standing up right next to the stage, which left me confused briefly, before Amber left the pole and seductively knelt down in front of one of the guys.

She then leaned forward and let him stick a bill underneath the strap, only for her to wag her finger at him as she said something I couldn’t hear, and then gently grabbed the sides of his head and slowly rubbed her plastic-covered tits across his face. She then proceeded to seductively twerk as she stood up, and swayed her hips as she moved over to the next guy to get tipped again for the same thing, the transparent pleated skirt bouncing as she did so.

I quickly realized she must be expecting larger tips to put her tits in their face, because not everyone was jumping up at the chance to do it. And I also realized she must be telling them they couldn’t touch or grope, because they all just stood their stone-still as she performed the service, all of them with shit-eating grins on their faces once she moved on and they went to go sit back down, none of them seeming embarrassed by the obvious bulges in their pants.

Of course, I knew Amber actually let guys suck on her tits when she fucked for money, and this was not nearly as bad as that, so I just sighed and turned my attention to the bar to see if I could put in an order for something simple. Honestly, I wasn’t actually that hungry right now, but I kind of wanted something to have in front of me at the table, so it looked more like I belonged.

Thankfully, the bartender seemed to already know who I was, probably because of the shirt I was still wearing over my polo, and told me that my meal would be on the house and to have a seat, saying he’d send the waitress over to grab my order in just a minute.

Sure enough, a petite brunette with a pretty nice ass came by to take my order, seeming a bit surprised when I only ordered some fries and a coke.

“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?” she asked seriously. “They told me it was on the house.”

I shrugged, appreciating the sentiment, but having my focus mostly on Amber in the corner of my eye, with her dancing next to the pole again. “Umm, maybe throw in a burger too,” I suggested, my eyes on the waitress, but my attention very much entirely elsewhere. “I don’t care what’s on it.”

She smiled warmly at me. “Sure,” she agreed simply, jotting that down and turning to leave. “Be back with your drink in just a minute.”

I nodded, watching her depart, briefly examining her ass that for some reason begged to be slapped, and then noticing a middle-aged guy coming out the back and delivering a couple of baskets of burgers and fries to a table at the edge of the room. He looked a bit stressed, making me wonder just how short-staffed they were, having zero idea how many would normally be here.

Honestly, I was almost surprised they didn’t try making me wait on tables too, although I definitely would have refused at that point. Because no way in hell was I going to put myself in a position where I was bringing food to the same guys who were gawking at Amber’s tits.

Being in a position where I could potentially kick them out was one thing, but serving them meals was very different.

As promised, my drink was sitting on my table in under a minute, and I started taking a few sips of the carbonated beverage as the current song winded down and Amber dashed over to say something to the DJ, who was literally just a nerdy guy in the corner messing around on a laptop, seeming to use it to play the songs on the speakers.

After a few seconds, the guy handed her an earpiece microphone and she stuck it in, holding onto the part that would normally slip into a belt or back pocket, speaking up to the room.

“Testing, testing, can you guys hear me okay?”

They all roared cheerfully, prompting her to grin.

“I have a hot friend with me tonight, but she’s a little nervous and shy, so I need you guys to give her some encouragement. She’s only eighteen and this is going to be her first time on stage, but I promise you she’s sexy as hell and a great dancer.”

They hooted and hollered again, prompting her to laugh.

“I knew I could trust you handsome men to be good.” She paused, glancing over her shoulder. “Angela, you ready to show your sexy self?”

Sarah’s face was flushed red as she stepped into sight, her gaze downward, looking sincerely terrified as she stood there in a plaid mini-skirt and white top that was tied into a knot between her small but shapely breasts, showing off all her flat belly and revealing that she had something shiny around her navel. I knew for a fact she didn’t have a piercing there, so I suspected it might actually be a body sticker meant to mimic a piercing.

Sarah was also wearing shiny sky-blue stockings, appearing to be made of lamé, polyester, or something else super reflective and wet-looking, with black straps indicating she had a garter belt on underneath the checkered red and black skirt. She then had the straps to a similar sky-blue bikini top visible underneath the white shirt, all coupled with short one-inch high heels.

She looked really sexy, and immediately had guys whistling at her the moment she stepped into sight.

Amber walked over to wrap her arm around her friend’s slim shoulders, pulling her head against her plastic-covered tits, making Sarah flush even more. “Now Angela, don’t play hard to get. Say hi to your endearing fans.” Amber then proceeded to lean over some, so Sarah’s response could be heard on the microphone.

“H-Hello,” she stammered.

Immediately, everyone roared again, seeming to love her timid attitude. A couple of them started chanting, ‘Dance for us,’ but it died down pretty quick when Amber cleared her throat.

However, what she said next sincerely shocked me.

“Now boys,” she said playfully, grinning from ear to ear. “Angela wanted me to share a little secret with all of you. See, she’s actually already married, but just found out her husband is cheating on her.”

Surprisingly, there were a bunch of boo’s at that.

“I know,” Amber said in exaggerated disbelief, sounding almost pouty. “How could any guy ever think of cheating on this sexy little thing? But now she’s here to try to forget about him, and she needs your help.”

“I’d marry you!” someone blurted out.

“Yeah, dump the bastard!” someone else said. “I’ll take you home with me!”

“You can be my little slut!” another guy said, only to get immediately cussed at for his language.

However, unexpectedly Sarah lit up at that, her entire demeanor shifting in an instant as she spoke up confidently. “Aww! You guys are so sweet! I’m afraid I can only dance for you cute boys tonight though. Someone else actually already made me his little slut, but I still need all your attention so I can forget about my cheating husband.”

Surprisingly, they cheered at that, and I had zero idea why.

Maybe because they thought if one guy claimed her as a fuck toy, then they might have a chance too, only at a later date?

Honestly, it was kind of hot to hear Sarah announce that I’d claimed her as my slut, since I had no doubt she was talking about me, but super strange that Amber and Sarah were being so open about the situation, even if they were using stage names. I supposed it was possible that the manager was giving them some leeway, since they were kind of here as a favor, but I also was well aware I had no idea what was normal.

Even the fact that the guys were cheering about Sarah being someone’s slut felt odd to me, making me wonder if it was just my traditional upbringing that was causing the disconnect. Maybe sluts were just more acceptable nowadays than I even realized.

After Sarah’s disclosure, and the ensuing cheers, the short hottie briefly turned more toward Amber and rocked her hips sensually like she was humping her, sending another wave of excitement through the crowd, only for Amber to pat her on the head and step to the side, allowing her to begin dancing on her own.

I kind of wanted to see them dance together a little, but realized I might be able to get away with requesting that at home, wondering if Amber would be willing to go that far when she still wasn’t thrilled about Sarah truly finding out our secret.

It was just as Sarah began slowly undoing the knot in her top, swaying her hips with the music, that a flash of bright red in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

Glancing to my right, my jaw literally dropped as I unexpectedly caught sight of a redhead standing at the edge of the tables, seeming to scan the room for someone, ignoring a couple of guys trying to get her attention nearby.


Holy fuck.

The chick had slightly tan skin, just enough to look sun-kissed, vibrant red hair hanging in heavy curls that was way too red to not be dyed, and the body of a goddess.

Looking about as tall as Amber, maybe an inch shorter, she was nearly just as busty, easily a 36-D cup, with the primary difference being that her hips looked a bit wider, even if she was just as thin.

And fuck, her outfit.

She was wearing a black PVC mini-skirt that was pleated like Amber’s transparent one, with a matching wet-looking bikini top, along with vibrant shiny red thong straps visible on her bony hips. And then, to top it all off, she was wearing a transparent hoodie, that would have been a low-cut sweater if it was made of normal material, not covering her pierced navel at all, with it even having a hood and long poofy sleeves that made her look like a striptease from heaven.

And her legs! They were adorned in fucking thigh-high boots!

Shit, the shiny black PVC on her legs went up so high that it looked as if they were doing a better job of covering her up than the mini-skirt!

I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I stared at her, only to be surprised when her eyes finally fell on me, her gaze darting down briefly to my shirt, before she unexpectedly smiled warmly.

Oh shit.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Without a doubt, I knew who this was, because I knew there was only one other dancer here tonight, and holy fuck my heart was suddenly racing in my throat, making me feel like I was going to choke to death.

I quickly shoved my suddenly shaking hands underneath the table when the stripper began walking in my direction, with me deciding to glance away and trying to calm my heart down when I realized I was about to be approached by the goddess that was Victoria.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

She was the literal definition of a bombshell if I’d ever seen one, and I suddenly felt like I was a glasses-wearing nerd getting ready to be graced by an angel from heaven. Or a slutty succubus from hell. Either way, I felt like there wasn’t a man on the planet who wouldn’t be dating ‘up,’ if they dated her.

And suddenly, it felt like I didn’t even know how to handle myself.



Chapter 10 >>



Liked it thanks

hawkshe .

Wow, he handled the situation with Troy much better than I expected.