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January 31, 2021

DISCLAIMER: All characters engaging in sexual conduct are 18 years or older, and legally permitted to engage in such activities, irrespective of pet names used for each other.


NOTE: I have an important note at the end, regarding some future content, so be sure to check it out after you read this chapter.


<< Chapter 29 | Chapter 1


- CHAPTER 30: Consummation -


Instantly, upon opening her eyes, Serenity’s dark brown hair turned pitch-black, her pale skin became a medium-gray – almost as dark as mine – and her sclera shifted to coal-black, while her chocolate brown eyes instantly became vivid red.

I was shocked by the colors, not having expected crimson eyes, and then even more surprised when her lips darkened a little more, turning a purplish hue, even as the skin above her eyes did the same.

Fuck, if Avery and her mom looked frosted with white makeup, Serenity looked like she was wearing purple lipstick and eyeshadow.

And holy fuck, it was hot.

For half a second, her red eyes stared right through me, but then they focused on me intently.

“Oh wow,” she gasped quietly.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered back urgently.

She blinked a few times. “Nothing’s wrong,” she replied. “I feel really good. Amazing, in fact.” She turned her head a little as she held up her hand, examining her medium-gray skin, turning her hand to look at her black fingernails. “Wow, this is crazy. I’m really like you now, aren’t I?”

“Yep,” I agreed cheerfully, leaning forward without thinking and planting a big kiss on her lips.

Her crimson eyes widened in surprise, before her expression softened as she kissed me back. “I love you so much,” she then whispered as she pulled away, affectionately examining my face.

“I love you too, Ren,” I replied warmly.

“So where is everyone?” she wondered. “And how did everything go while I was asleep?”

I grimaced, knowing she didn’t have a clue Gabriella and I actually left the house, although I supposed I did at least indicate I might take Michelle home, even if it didn’t happen, so she probably wouldn’t be surprised that not everyone was here the whole time.

“Oh, umm, Gabriella and Avery are asleep in my bed, and then Michelle is downstairs right now. She actually made herself coffee, but will probably go to sleep on the couch soon.”

She blinked a few times. “Oh. Okay. How late is it?”

“About one in the morning.”

She nodded slowly, seeming pensive. “So about five hours for me, then?” she considered.

“Probably less,” I replied, elaborating when she seemed confused. “When I came in to check on you, it was obvious you had rolled over in your sleep. You might have actually finished transforming an hour ago, but just didn’t wake up because you’re not hungry.”

“Huh,” she commented. “Actually, I do feel a little dry right now, like I could use a drink, but yeah. It’s not bad at all, and it’s not exactly a craving for blood.”

“Oh, okay. I mean, do you want me to take you hunting right now, or do you think you’re okay?”

She pursed her purple lips, becoming pensive. “I’m not sure, actually. I think I’m okay right now.”

I nodded.

Her brow furrowed more. “So if Gabriella and Avery are in your bed, and Michelle’s going to sleep on the couch, then where are you sleeping?”

My cheeks grew warm. “Oh, umm, I figured in here.”

Her black and crimson eyes widened slightly, before she gave me another affectionate look. “Okay,” she whispered, almost sounding timid. “I like that plan.” Her gaze then fell to my blue Polo shirt, only for her eyes to widen again. “Oh wow, you’re dressed up nice. Why the fancy clothes?”

I grimaced again, knowing she would theoretically be okay with what I’d done, but concerned she wasn’t ready for what we discussed earlier to actually be a reality.

Because she’d agreed that she would be okay with me fucking another woman, but I wasn’t sure if she was mentally prepared to find out I already had. And while she was unconscious no less.


“Kai, what’s wrong?” she asked gently, reaching out to rub my arm as she readjusted her head on the pillow. “Did something happen while I was out?”

“Umm, yeah, sort of,” I admitted, deciding to start at the beginning. “So, turns out the black rock from my biological mother might actually be a bad thing.” I paused when Serenity looked alarmed, continuing after a second. “Apparently, Michelle can somehow sense something bad about it, and it even made her sick when I touched it. Like, she actually puked in the toilet.”

“Oh no,” she whispered, still alarmed. “So then, what happened? Did you do something with it?”

I shook my head. “Not exactly. It’s in the car right now. See, Gabriella decided we should go see her mom sooner, rather than later. And between the stone and the whole succubus issue, we decided I should probably go too, since we had a lot to share with her, and kind of needed her to know everything if she was going to be able to help us figure all this stuff out.” I paused. “That’s why I’m dressed up, since I was meeting her mom for the first time.”

Serenity nodded. “Makes sense. But then, what did she say about the stone? And what about the succubus thing?”

I sighed heavily, deciding to sit up, feeling dread at having to drop this bombshell on her. Serenity hesitated, and then slowly sat up too, only to notice that her hair was black. She pulled some of it away from her face to examine, and then brushed it over her shoulder as she focused on me.

“Sorry,” she said sincerely. “Just not used to my new body yet.”

“You’re fine,” I replied, only to sigh heavily again.

“Kai, what’s wrong?” she whispered, reaching out to rub my arm.

“You just might be upset about what I have to tell you,” I admitted.

She paused what she was doing, before resuming rubbing my arm. She then laughed. “Well, we already talked about you sleeping with random chicks, and it can’t be worse than that, so just spit it out.” She then paused when I grimaced, only for her tone to become softer. “Or is that it? You found out that’s really something you need? And does that mean it’s something Gabriella needs too?”

I shook my head, kind of surprised that she sincerely did seem okay with that being my reality. “No, not exactly. I mean, yes, technically it does turn out that Gabriella and I both need to absorb sexual energy. But we should be able to get that sexual energy from each other, as well as from you and Avery,” I added quietly.

Serenity nodded, not seeming surprised at all. “Okay, so then, what’s the problem?”

I sighed. “Well, the problem is that we both need to practice. Or rather, more specifically, we both need to be taught how to sense and control the type of energy we’re absorbing.”

Serenity just stared at me, seeming to slowly grasp what was likely the only possible reason why what I had to say might make her upset. “G-Gabriella’s mom…” she began hesitantly. “Has to teach you both,” she repeated, only to pause again. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

I cleared my throat. “If you’re thinking sex with her mom, while Gabriella mostly just senses my lust in another room, then yeah,” I said bluntly.

Her crimson eyes widened in sincere shock. “Well crap, that’s going to be awkward. But I guess if that’s what you two have to do, then it can’t be helped.”

Ah fuck.

I was glad to hear that she was okay with it, but realized she still didn’t grasp what I was trying to tell her.

I cleared my throat. “Actually, it wasn’t as awkward as you might think,” I admitted quietly.

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Kai,” she hissed. “You fucked Gabriella’s mom?”

“Ren!” I exclaimed, not used to hearing her cuss. Certainly not like that.

“What?” she said in surprise. “Did you, or didn’t you? And does her dad know? Crap, what is he going to think?”

“Yeah, I did,” I blurted out, only to quickly avert my gaze. “And I’ll probably have to do it again, because she sincerely has to teach me how to sense the energy I’m absorbing. As far as her dad, I guess he’ll find out, but I don’t think he knows yet.” I glanced at her when she shook her head, seemingly in disbelief. “But Gabriella’s mom seems confident he won’t care.”

“Well, I suppose not,” she replied with a heavy sigh. “Not if they do that kind of thing anyway.”

I nodded hesitantly. “So then, you’re not mad?” I wondered cautiously.

She grimaced. “Kai, what about us? I understand that I’m going to be sharing you, but it just feels like you’re doing everything without me.”

“Ren, it’s not like that,” I whispered. “I could actually hurt you if I don’t learn what I’m doing. Like, Mrs. Rebecca said that I seem to be causing women to generate the kind of energy I absorb, but the fact that I can’t even sense myself absorbing it is what makes it dangerous. Because I might absorb the wrong kind and make you sick. Or absorb it when your body is too fatigued from frequent sex to produce enough.”

She sighed heavily, only to nod.

“Ren, I’ll be honest with you. Having sex with Gabriella’s mom was amazing. But you’ll always be the most important person in my life. That’s never going to change. I literally can’t live without you.”

She gave me a small smile. “I get it,” she replied. “And thank you. I just really want to have my own relationship with you, and it seems like you’re skyrocketing ahead in your relationship with Gabriella, while I’m left behind.”

“I’m still going to get you a ring,” I promised. “And I’m actually glad we’re waiting to do too much physical stuff, because I’d never be able to forgive myself if I made you sick.”

She nodded, taking a deep breath. “How long do you think it’ll be?” she wondered.

“Maybe not too long,” I hedged. “At least, not if Gabriella can help me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion.

“Well, it kind of seemed like Gabriella picked up on sensing my lust pretty easily, and if Mrs. Rebecca can sense the energy that I’m absorbing, then that means Gabriella can learn too, probably a lot faster than I can. And, obviously, I still need to learn to sense it myself, but while I’m trying to learn how, Gabriella could probably kind of watch over us to make sure I’m not hurting you.”

Serenity’s crimson eyes were wide again. “Oh. Umm, okay. Yeah, I’m fine with that.”

“Really?” I said hopefully.

She gave me another small smile. “Yeah, I mean, after we decided to get in this relationship with each other, I kind of assumed that meant we’d end up in a threesome eventually. And if that’s what is needed for us to do stuff, then sounds like it’ll have to be sooner than later.”

Holy fuck.

This was great. She’d really thought things through and already come to terms with stuff. And if my idea worked, and Gabriella did start sensing the energy I was absorbing, then it would mean I could finally fuck Serenity while also having ‘sex lessons’ with Mrs. Rebecca.

Shit, that would be perfect.

“That make you happy?” Serenity wondered, sounding amused now.

“I mean, yeah. Of course I want to do stuff with you. I’ve been fantasizing about it for a long time now.”

She smirked. “Well, I’m glad. I want you to be happy.”

“I’m very happy, Ren. You and Gabriella both are making my life feel perfect. I’m not sure it could get any better.”

She grinned. “Well, hopefully you’ll think it’s a lot better when we can finally have sex. I know I certainly will be much happier.”

I returned the smile. “Well, I’m not sure how long Avery and her mom will be crashing at our place, but if they do for a while, then that gives me a really good excuse to sleep in the same bed as you.”

“Oh, you’re sleeping with me,” she agreed, a playful glint in her crimson eyes. “Whether they stay over a few more nights or not, I want you in my bed. If I can have nothing else right now, I expect you to at least give me that.”

“Okay,” I replied cheerfully.

“So,” she continued. “What did Mrs. Watson…or I guess Mrs. Rebecca?” She paused, seeming uncertain.

“She wanted me to call her Rebecca,” I explained. “Kind of like how Michelle wanted me to do the same, but the ‘Mrs.’ part just kind of stuck in my head.”

She nodded. “So, what did Rebecca say about the stone?”

I grimaced. “Oh, umm, we sort of forgot about that.”

“Seriously?” she said in disbelief. “You had all the time in the world to ask about it, and it completely slipped your mind? Surely you would have at least thought of it when you left?”

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. “Umm, we were all kind of distracted while we were at her house, so no. It really didn’t cross my mind at all.”

Her crimson eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, well I guess that makes sense. Still, sex can’t be that distracting. I mean, were you two only there for like half an hour or something? Because if you were there for at least an hour, then I’d imagine you’d remember it eventually.”

I shifted my weight, glancing away. “Umm, we were there for about three hours, I slept probably forty-five minutes of that time, and then Mrs. Rebecca and I had sex for at least two hours.”

Holy fuck, the look on her face.

“Y-You fucked Gabriella’s mom for two hours? Tell me your exaggerating! Or was it just a ton of foreplay?”

I shook my head, unable to respond.

Serenity’s expression became more firm, almost determined. “Okay Kai, I need you to tell me right now. How exactly do you absorb energy from another person? Like, when does it happen?”

I looked at her in shock. “Oh, umm, for Gabriella it seems to be whenever someone has an orgasm, and then for me, I think my orgasm actually generates the sexual energy I need in the other person, and then I’m not sure if I absorb it right after that, or if I need the woman to get there first.”

“Her mom didn’t know?” Serenity said in surprise.

“More like, I didn’t get a chance to clarify.” I averted my gaze again. “She was pretty worn out when we stopped. I can ask her tomorrow though.”

Serenity shifted her weight slightly, seeming hesitant. “Okay, so orgasms are the key then, right?”

“Umm, yeah,” I agreed, unable to look at her.

“Fine, then we’re solving this problem right now.”

I looked at her in shock. “Solving what problem?” I said in alarm.

“My virginity problem,” she replied firmly. “I want you in me, baby, and I want you in me now. No more waiting. We just need to avoid the orgasm part, but we can still have sex.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, unexpectedly realizing I’d be completely fine with doing as she suggested, simply because having my cock in her pussy was by itself almost better than an orgasm. I just wanted to be connected to her, to feel her sexy body against mine, to experience an intimate bonding of our souls…

And I suspected that what she was suggesting might be even more passionate than normal sex if the orgasm wasn’t the goal. Fuck, even trying to avoid having an orgasm, with us instead being focused on everything else that came before it, I could see how it could be possibly more satisfying than regular sex.

Well, frustrating in terms of pleasure, but also satisfying in an intimate way.

I spoke before I even had a chance to really think it through.

“Okay,” I agreed way too quickly. “Let’s do it. Let’s do it right now.”

Serenity slipped off the bed without hesitation, reaching down to her waist to yank her shirt up over her head.

Barely half a second later, I was following suit, losing my clothes in nearly the blink of an eye.

Because it was finally going to happen.

We were finally going to do it.

Serenity and I were going to fuck.

However, once our clothes were off, we both just stood there in awe for a few long seconds as we finally saw each other fully exposed for the first time. Certainly, I’d seen her in a towel before after a shower, and she’d definitely seen me shirtless, as well as even touched my cock earlier that day, but this was completely different.

There was something just raw about being fully naked.

Serenity had the body of a model, her full C-cup tits the perfect size to show off clothing in a magazine, her hips shapely, her waist narrow, her arms thin while her thighs were plump. She was exactly what I imagined she would be, except that her coloring was different than I’d always visualized.

Yet her medium-gray color was actually exotic, her skin almost looking glossy as her bedroom light seemed to be reflected slightly on her plump tits, thin shoulders, and even a little on her thighs.

Fuck, I knew her skin was dry right now, and yet it almost looked like she had a light sheen of baby oil on her, or something similar.

Never mind the enticing amethyst hue on her lips and the same coloring above her crimson eyes that made it look as if she was wearing dark exotic makeup, with her lips especially having the same light shine as her skin, as if she was wearing purple lip-gloss.

And if that wasn’t enticing enough, her areola and nipples were purple as well, suddenly making me wonder if Avery and her mom’s pale lips meant they similarly had pale nipples, sharply contrasted against tan and light-gray skin.

Either way, Serenity’s purple mounds were as hot as fuck.

And then there was her now pitch-black hair, her trimmed pubic hair impossibly dark, hiding her pussy from my sight.

Would that be purple too? Or possibly a darker shade of gray? I really wanted to know. And yet, despite how hot a shaved pussy was, I found hers just as erotic, feeling like the fine hair was representing the tease that Serenity had always been for me.

A tease that would end here and now.

Knowing that sex with her had to be different, since we were going to try to avoid orgasms, I decided to slowly climb back on the bed, my cock already hard as a rock as I sat in the middle.

She seemed to anticipate what I had in mind as I sat with my legs crossed, similarly moving closer and taking her time to crawl onto the bed.

I watched in awe as she held my gaze while inching closer on all fours, sucking in a sharp breath when she continued even further than I was expecting, carefully placing a hand next to my hip as she brought her face right up to my neck.

And then she just remained like that for a few seconds, both of us breathing heavier as she slowly pressed her shiny purple lips against my dark gray skin, my entire body tense from feeling her naked form so close to mine, yet barely touching.

Serenity then slowly pulled away, her cheeks a slightly darker hue of gray as she scooted one knee closer, followed by the other, until she was carefully straddling me. I knew she’d previously been concerned about doing this, mentioning that sticking even a tampon inside of her was uncomfortable, but she seemed to have forgotten her concern as she slowly lowered herself.

I gasped as I felt the head of my cock make contact, my hands moving to her silky smooth hips as she slowly gyrated on the tip, a distinct wet clicking occurring from the movement.

Fuck, she was already practically soaked.

Without thinking, I gently tensed my hips, causing the head of my cock to unexpectedly sink in smoothly with no resistance. Immediately, she gasped, her crimson eyes wide in surprise, only for her expression to become passionate as she started lowering her hips on her own.

My cock slowly sank deeper and deeper, until she was all the way down, moaning even louder as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her purple nipples touching my upper chest while she carefully readjusted her legs the moment she was seated, wrapping them around my hips.

And just like that, she was fully mounted, sitting in my lap, her legs around me while my cock throbbed deep inside her.

We then just stared at each other for a few seconds, both of us breathing heavily as we examined each other’s expressions, with me finally focusing down at her perfect tits, mesmerized by the sight of her mauve areola surrounding her hard mounds.

She glanced down at my chest as well, her breathing picking up more as she gently caressed my muscles with her fingers, rubbing a fingertip over my hard nipple, before moving over to the other side. Similarly, I gently grasped her breast, loving how it filled my hand perfectly like a squishy softball, feeling like an oversized stress-ball perfect for squeezing.

I then grabbed her other breast too, gripping them both firmly as my cock pulsed inside her snatch, only to slowly caress my palms over her tits, moving up to her glossy skin on her shoulders and finally sliding up both sides of her neck.

I then focused on her full purple lips, watching as they parted in anticipation, our faces inching closer like two magnets being drawn to each other.

I felt her breath softly caress my mouth, breathing in her comforting scent, only to exhale and have her breathe in mine.

She then moaned when our lips met, her legs squeezing tighter around my hips, her pelvis tilting slightly as she seemingly strained to keep herself still. Her tongue slipped in my mouth as I began rocking my head with hers, my hands roaming across her smooth skin, feeling her sides, only for my right hand to slip down to her tight ass while my left went up to feel her upper back.

It was almost too much, and I knew my cock was actively leaking precum inside her, but I didn’t care.

She gasped then as my fingers slid into her crack, my middle finger quickly finding her puckered asshole and pressing on it gently like a button, desperate to somehow get inside of her even more than I already was.

“Did you like that?” I whispered in between our kissing, her breathing coming in gasps now.

“Very much,” she agreed with a nod, her black and crimson eyes looking drugged as she met my lips again.

Continuing to gently prod at her asshole, I slowly pushed more and more until I had my fingertip inside, her sphincter gently pulsing rhythmically around me, feeling like it was urging me out even as I slowly worked my way further in.

I then focused on making-out with her again once I had over half my middle finger in her ass, enjoying the sensation of having two appendages buried in her at once. Her pussy and asshole both continued to pulse as we passionately kissed, my own cock throbbing and leaking the whole time.

Fuck, I wanted to cum in her so bad, but I knew I shouldn’t, and was doing my best to be good.

After a bit, I began using my left hand to explore her body again, enjoying the sensation when I realized that playing with her hard purple nipples made her asshole tense even more, contracting on my finger tightly with every squeeze.

After another few minutes of passionate kissing, I finally pulled away, knowing we were approaching a point of no return.

“I love you, Ren,” I whispered, pecking her on the lips again.

“I love you so much, baby,” she replied just as quietly, her tone thick with lust. “Thank you so much for putting your cock in me.”

“Thank you for letting me bury my cock in your pussy,” I replied. I then groaned. “You feel so good, Ren.”

You feel so good,” she replied, pecking me on the jaw, only to look up at me affectionately. “I can’t wait until we can truly fuck each other for real.”

I nodded in agreement. “It shouldn’t take too long for Gabriella to learn, and it might even give her more incentive if I tell her that she can help us have sex the sooner she grasps the difference between the types of energy we both absorb. Thankfully, she can at least already sense what she absorbs just fine.”

Serenity nodded as well. “Okay, then maybe if she struggles with sensing what you absorb, do you think you’d enjoy watching her seduce me?”

I looked at her in surprise, only to kiss her deeply again, my tongue searching her mouth.

She smirked as I pulled away, a tiny thread of spit connecting our lips briefly. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she giggled.

“Of course,” I whispered, feeling overwhelmed with lust. “Oh fuck, Ren, I really want to watch her fuck you so bad. Would you really do that for me?”

Her crimson gaze was passionate as she nodded. “I’ll do anything for you, baby. Whatever you want. Just ask, and I’ll do it.” Her gaze filled with even more lust. “I’ll even eat Gabriella out if you want,” she whispered, looking drugged. “I’ll kiss and suck on her pussy for you. Would you like to watch that?” she wondered.

I replied with another deep kiss, thrusting my tongue in her mouth as my cock throbbed even harder within her.

She pulled away a second later. “And maybe Gabriella and I can both jump Avery,” she added, her tone even thicker with passion. “She’s really cute when she’s flustered, and I bet you’d love to see her overwhelmed to have two girls fucking her at the same time.” She moaned then, unexpectedly tugging on my neck as she lifted her hips incrementally on my cock. “Oh baby, fucking Avery together with Gabriella would be so hot.” She moaned again. “Uhh, I want to go fuck with them both right now.”

“Ren,” I whispered as she pulled herself up a little higher, thrusting down on my cock. “I want to cum in you so badly, but I think this is where we have to stop.”

She nodded in agreement, tugging on my neck as she pressed her lips into mine, beginning to rock her head against me passionately, even as her thighs squeezed tightly against my hips. Having freed my finger from her ass, I grabbed both her tits firmly in my grasp as we made-out, both relieved and distraught when she pulled away too soon.

“Thank you for fucking me, baby,” she whispered. “Thank you for taking my virginity.”

“Thank you for giving it to me,” I replied softly. “You’ve made my longest desired fantasy come true.”

She smirked, pecking me on the lips, only to abruptly throw her arms around me more fully and give me a big tight hug. “Oh Kai, I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Ren,” I replied, returning the embrace.

She then sighed heavily as she pulled away, only to begin readjusting her legs so that she was now on her knees, starting to ease off my throbbing cock.

Unsurprisingly, a thick clear fluid trailed between us, keeping us connected until she fully stood up on shaky legs, carefully balancing as she moved to step off the bed. I stared at her tight shapely ass as she skipped her dresser entirely, only to begin digging through her closet instead.

Confused, since I knew she kept all her pajamas in her drawers, I waited patiently as she pulled something out of a plastic bag, surprised when she slipped something silver over her head.

Turning toward me, she then stood with her hands on her hips, a big grin on her face as I focused on the silver silk hanging seductively over her busty figure, her nipples poking through the shiny material.

“You like?” she asked expectantly when I just gawked at her.

“Ren,” I whispered. “Where did this come from?”

She smirked. “I told you that I bought those purple silk pajamas when I bought your birthday present,” she began, her expression becoming more affectionate. “What I didn’t tell you was, I got something else a lot more sexy. Something I knew I’d probably only end up wearing for you in my wildest fantasies, although that thought didn’t stop me from adding it to my online cart.”

I just stared at her in disbelief. “Do you think you ever would have worn it eventually?” I wondered.

She bit her lower lip gently. “I might have worked up the courage one day. Probably after you graduated. Might have accidentally slipped to the bathroom when I knew you were coming up the stairs,” she added with a wink.

“Oh fuck, that would have been so hot.” I paused. “Although, I would have probably transformed,” I admitted. “So it likely wouldn’t have actually been sexy for either of us. We both likely would have been scared for different reasons.”

She nodded with a small pout, her dark purple lip adorable. “I would still want you,” she whispered. “And after crossing that line, by choosing to wear something like this in front of you, I probably wouldn’t have been able to easily go back.”

I nodded in agreement, knowing that all it would take was a combination of her acceptance of my secret, coupled with the statement this kind of lingerie made, in order to push us both over the edge into fucking like wild animals.

“So then, us being together was probably inevitable,” I realized.

She nodded with a small smile again. “Things would have been a lot different without Gabriella’s encouragement.” She sighed. “But yeah, if she never found out your secret, then I think we would have gotten to this point eventually. Because I really love you, Kai. And this nightie is proof of how I really felt, even though I wanted to deny it.”

I smirked. “Best birthday present ever.”

“It’s a little late, but yes, I think you’re right. Out of all the things I’ve ever gotten you, this is certainly my favorite too.” She smiled warmly. “Now, the only question is, are you going to be able to handle me not wearing any underwear to bed?”

My grin widened. “It’s going to be a struggle, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Good,” she replied, her tone affectionate now. “Then scoot over please, because I want you to sleep naked.”

Oh fuck.

As I complied by scooting more toward the other side of the bed and climbing underneath the covers, smearing my precum and her pussy juice as I went, I knew it was going to be nearly impossible to sleep, and probably even hard to not slip my cock in her again.

However, at the same time, I just didn’t care at all.

My heart was racing as she climbed into bed and laid down in front of me, scooting her ass against my hard cock. And my breathing was heavy as I grabbed her tit with my hand, feeling the ridiculously smooth silver silk over her hard nipple.

Yet even despite the overwhelming urge rushing through me, I felt happy and content, finally holding the person I loved most in my arms like true lovers after all this time.

I didn’t fall asleep for hours, but I also didn’t care.


NOTE: Hey everyone, I plan on adding more chapters to the Naught Friend Buys My Silence story on here, so you might consider checking it out if you haven't already. It's a story about a college guy who comes home for winter break and finds his older female friend in a compromising situation that she'd prefer to keep silent.


Chapter 31 >>


Derrick Mitchell

Yo where #31 this my weekly read the other ones cool buy this is my joint right here


I'm trying to crank out a bunch of chapters for the Naughty Friend story, because chapter 1 was really popular when I released it on Lit a couple of months ago, and the more support I can get, the more I can write. However, that means I'm not sure if I'll be able to get chapter 31 out quite yet, but I'd strongly recommend you check out the Naughty Friend story because it's getting really good by chapter 6, and I should have chapter 7 out tomorrow. My hope is to run with both stories so my patreon can continue to grow and I can have the time and flexibility to write more.

