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November 3, 2020

DISCLAIMER: All characters engaging in sexual conduct are 18 years or older, and legally permitted to engage in such activities, irrespective of pet names used for each other.



Hey everyone, a few things about this story.

The biggest aspect is this story aims to be 'Realistic,' which means:

  • The MC's friend is a slut (that's why she seduces the MC)
  • Our MC grows more confident and assertive as the story progresses
  • She insists she will continue being a slut, but that doesn't manifest (no cucking)
  • The end goal for this story is something 99% of you will like


Basically, if you aren't a fan of the female protagonist being a whore, you can rest assured that things only go uphill after chapter 2, despite her suggesting otherwise.


And this story is REALLY hot. So you won't regret reading it.


IMPORTANT: Ryan and Amber are friends with close families. She is currently staying with his family to be closer to school.


* * * * *


- CHAPTER 1: Seduction -


- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18: Evening -

- (Start of Christmas Break) -


My first semester of my Freshman year of college was more stressful than I’d anticipated, in part due to me taking on more classes than I was prepared to handle. I’d been hoping I might manage to graduate a semester or two early, but now I realized the fool I’d been to think I could handle that level of obligation.

No way was I going to manage to maintain my good grades if I tried to keep up with that pace, even if I was still set on my business degree. Which meant, I was probably going to have to drop out of at least one of my spring classes.

It was a tough decision, but thankfully I had all of Christmas Break to think on it and figure out which one I’d delay taking.

But honestly, I knew I shouldn’t complain either way, since I was lucky enough to go to the Out-of-State University that I wanted, primarily due to my slightly older friend’s secret help. Unfortunately, even after getting all the financial aid I was eligible for, as well as a personal loan from the bank, I was still almost ten thousand short.

Perks of being Out-of-State -- tuition was outrageous.

But thankfully, my twenty-one-year-old childhood friend, Amber, who was a Junior at a local community college back home that offered a few four-year degrees, had a really successful online business she started a couple of years ago, selling planners, calendars, and other artsy shit she designed. Normally, I wouldn’t think she could make so much with something that practically anyone could do, to an extent, but her tiny startup had really taken off.

Thus, not only was Amber paying for most of her own tuition at this point, but she was also significantly helping out with mine, wanting to make sure I went to the school I had my dreams set on. Of course, she didn’t want either of our parents to know how well she was doing though, giving me examples of all the problems that might cause.

She also pointed out that online businesses tended to be inconsistent, and while she was doing well now, her sales could all dry up out of the blue. The internet was funny that way, having the potential to reach a ridiculous number of customers, while simultaneously being able to lose them just as easily, especially when search results for the various artsy websites she sold on were based on ever-changing algorithms.

But that was fine with me. I didn’t mind keeping it to myself, certainly not about to sabotage the gift she’d given me. I mean, ten grand was a shit ton of money, and she’d supposedly set aside another ten grand for next year.

However, honestly, my tuition was so bad compared to what it would be for In-State, that I was seriously wondering if getting my degree at a more prestigious university was even worth it. Especially so, considering I could get a business degree almost anywhere, practically of the same quality, given that each school had to be accredited.

Not to mention, Amber lived at home still -- more specifically, at my home, since her parents had moved across the country due to her dad’s job -- which eliminated any housing expenses for her. She’d actually moved in a little over a year ago, just after I turned eighteen but was still in high school, and kind of just settled right in as if she’d lived their all her life.

It was kind of an odd situation though, given that my parents were highly religious and normally wouldn’t even consider allowing two unmarried adults living in the same house together. Plus, my dad especially was kind of well-known in certain circles, and it would have a major impact on his reputation if there was a scandal in the household.

Not that we were any more than friends anyway, and I knew that’s what my parents were counting on.

They assumed that we were only ever going to be friends, considering we’d known each other for nearly fifteen years without our relationship developing into anything romantic. And considering they assumed we were perfect little angels who would follow their arbitrary rules even if we did want to one day be together.

But at the very least, Amber had always been dating someone else, never seeming to view the guy two years younger than her as a viable option, even though we’d remained pretty good friends despite the age gap -- helped that our parents were so close.

Granted, if she had considered me as dating material, then she wouldn’t be living at my place now. Not with how my parents were, never mind her parents, who shared a somewhat similar mindset.

Plus, the amount of time we’d spent alone at home together had been limited to begin with, so no doubt my parents didn’t think anything of it.

Between the two of us, Amber was kind of making the smarter decision though.

If she’d moved with her parents, she wouldn’t have qualified for In-State tuition, since usually state residency has to exceed twelve months, and she was already in college when they moved. And similarly, if I could go to a university closer to home, then I’d likely save a ton of money, even if my commute was an hour long.

But I was trying not to focus on all that right now, instead keeping my eyes on the traffic ahead of me on the road. It was late Friday night, the Fall semester was officially over, and I’d originally planned on returning home on Sunday evening.

However, there was a blizzard actively rolling in, visibility already pretty bad by this point, and it was only going to get worse. After checking the weather, I realized if I didn’t leave tonight, then I might not be able to make it home until after Christmas in a week, given how bad it was supposed to get. Ironically, it wouldn’t be too horrible back home, but where I was it was probably going to shut down everything for a week.

In the back of my mind, I also wondered how this was going to affect my parents’ travel plans, since they were currently celebrating their anniversary in Alaska to see the Northern Lights, something that had been on their bucket list since they first got married twenty-two years ago. They were actually there with Amber’s parents too, the four of them spending a little over a week together prior to Christmas, a sort of ‘parents-only’ vacation that they’d also done last year a few months after Amber’s family moved away.

I supposed it was a way for them to keep in touch.

But I suspected that their vacation might get extended at this point.

Even though our actual house wouldn’t get hit too hard, the airport would likely cancel flights if the forecast ended up being accurate.

Oh well. Worst case and I might end up celebrating Christmas with just me and Amber. Or just waiting to celebrate the holidays until my parents got back, since she might actually end up spending it with her boyfriend if it was only going to be the two of us.

Honestly, the only major downside was that Amber might not get to see her own parents for the holidays as planned, since they originally were going to fly back with my mom and dad, stay for a few days to see their only daughter, and then head back to their new home.

But now, whether or not they still visited probably depended on how soon Amber’s dad needed to be back to work.

I’d already sent a message to my mom to let her know I was heading home a couple of days early, not at all worried about telling Amber even though she was at my parent’s house, since I could let myself in. Not to mention, it being a Friday night probably meant she wouldn’t even be home. After all, I was well aware that she spent all the time she could at her boyfriend’s dorm room, whenever she was able to get away with it.

Honestly, it kind of gave me an uneasy feeling, imagining what Amber was probably doing over there, but I knew I had no right to be uncomfortable with it.

I mean, Amber was objectively as hot as hell, having blonde hair, light green eyes, and a thin figure combined with a whopping Double-D chest -- at least, I knew her bra size was 36-DD. She got the blonde hair and green eyes from her mom, but the huge tits came from her dad’s side of the family, since her mom wasn’t naturally that large, only being a B-cup prior to her getting implants nine years ago.

Remembering how small her mom used to be when I was about ten years old, it was kind of strange when Amber sort of ‘caught up’ to her mother’s artificial implants only a few years later.

I admit I’d found myself thinking of Amber a few times when jerking off, especially in high school when we lived right next to each other, which I suspected was where the suppressed jealousy came from. But I knew those feelings were never going to be reciprocated, and that I needed to get over them.

Really, I needed to start dating as well, with the main reason why I hadn’t yet being the lack of time from taking so many classes. And then, in high school it had just been the lack of options, with no one really being my type.

Still, back at college, there were a few hot chicks who seemed like they might be interested in me, though it was hard to tell. It helped that both of our families had grown up physically active, my dad making sure I started lifting weights when I turned fifteen, so that I’d bulk up when my hormones were at their highest. But unfortunately, I wasn’t familiar enough with the dating game to know when a girl was flirting with me, or when she was just being friendly.

Of course, that meant I was still a virgin too, at the age of nineteen.

Oh well, maybe next semester I could take a few chances after I dropped a class or two.

Taking a deep breath, I was relieved when the blizzard started easing up, knowing that I’d managed to get through the worst of it simply by driving far enough out of its reach. Now, while it would be snowing where my home was, it shouldn’t be so bad that we couldn’t leave the house if we wanted.

At least, it shouldn’t be a problem tomorrow, with there being an advisory for icy roads tonight.

And sure enough, at just after 2 AM, by the time I was pulling onto our street in the high-end subdivision we lived in, the streets weren’t too bad at all, the ground covered in only a couple of inches of light powder. The scene was actually serene this late at night, the perfect look for Christmas, especially when combined with the decorations lighting up the streets.

However, my house wasn’t lit up at all, since my dad wanted to save on the electricity bill while they were gone.

Honestly, given that our house was a bit over five-thousand square feet, people would probably think we were loaded, but that was the thing -- my parents had a nice house, and nice cars, which meant that was where all the money was.

Especially in the house, which they originally bought for a little over five-hundred thousand.

It was worth quite a bit more now, but they probably wouldn’t sell it for the equity until they hit retirement age in a couple of decades. In essence, the house was a big part of their retirement plan, being one of their biggest investments.

I was a little surprised to see Amber’s blue car in the driveway, wondering if she was really home or if her boyfriend had picked her up.

I considered sending her a message to find out, but didn’t want to piss her off in the event she was sound asleep already and my text woke her up.

That was the funny thing about Amber. Given how generous she was toward me, one would probably think she was really nice to me too, but that actually wasn’t the case. She was usually kind of mean, often speaking down to me and belittling me, which I viewed as harsh teasing that she’d never really grown out of.

Really, it was kind of just her personality.

She was sort of a bitch in general, not taking anyone’s shit, including mine, though if she were born a guy then people would just call her a hardass, an alpha male, or something else more flattering. But at the same time, I knew she cared about me, since we did have plenty of civil conversations, even if she often had a mocking edge to her tone whenever she thought I was being naïve or stupid.

Or whenever she just wanted to mess with me.

She was also sarcastic as hell.

But the kind of behavior that was shocking to most others, was normal to me, and I was kind of fond of it. I mean, I’d grown up around it, so to me that was just who she was, and it was actually comforting being around her bitchy personality.

We’d definitely always had a love-hate relationship, where at the end of the day, it was clear she still cared about me, even if it felt like I was pissing her off every two seconds.

Quietly unlocking the front door with my key, I saw her black leather purse sitting right on the entryway table, indicating she was home. But of course, all the lights were off, and as far as I could tell, she was asleep in bed. Not wanting to wake her up, I went ahead and dragged my luggage into the front door, leaving it there for now so she didn’t hear me banging it up the stairs.

Directly on the right was one of the two entrances to the dining room, a long mahogany table set underneath a fancy chandelier, with the other entrance leading to the kitchen. On the left was a sort of lounging room that my parents used as a home office, and then ahead of me was the stairs that also went left, along with the living room just beyond them.

There was no separation between our main TV room and the kitchen on the right, aside from the shift from carpet to tiles, as well as a small island counter with three stool chairs. Much of the primary living space had an open concept, so someone walking down the stairs could see into both the living room and kitchen easily.

In the meantime, with my luggage inside now, I was exhausted and more than ready to get to bed.

I thought about flipping on the widescreen TV in the downstairs living room for a little bit, just to see if anything interesting was on, that I could pass out to while watching, but the moment I hit the soft gray cushions, I decided I wasn’t budging until morning. It wouldn’t have been the first time I slept downstairs, the couch sometimes more comfortable than my own bed.

Shit, even my dad ended up on the couch every once in a while, and not because there were issues between him and my mom, as far as I was aware -- it was just that comfortable.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I sent a message to my mom to let her know I was home safely. I then set an alarm so I didn’t sleep too late, figuring I might be able to surprise Amber with breakfast in the morning.

Best to begin our two-week break with a good start, so she didn’t get pissy at me by the time I was heading back to school. Not to mention, I wanted to appease her anyway, since I felt like I was ten grand indebted to her, about to be double that within the next year, even if it didn’t sound like she wanted me to pay her back.

So yeah, definitely going to make her breakfast.

Taking a deep breath, I let my mind wander, exhausted after Finals Week and all the sleepless nights I spent studying, with the only reason I wasn’t already asleep being because of all the caffeine I’d consumed. But that just left me at a point where I was both exhausted and kind of alert too.

It would be nice to relax for a couple of weeks at home -- nice to be around my family again. And nice to be around Amber too. I really liked that she was living here now.

And I was looking forward to forgetting school existed for a while as well…

Within a few minutes, I finally felt my mind begin drifting off to sleep.




- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19: Morning -


Once I fell unconscious, I was out like a rock until my alarm went off five hours later, feeling like no time had passed at all, while simultaneously feeling as if I’d been out for days. I thought about closing my eyes for another five minutes, but knew if I didn’t get up now then I’d likely end up passing out for another couple of hours.

Ah, fuck, get up Ryan.

Taking a deep breath, I sat up and stared at the carpet for a few seconds while I tried to collect my thoughts. I then stood up and went over to my suitcase by the door to grab my toothbrush and deodorant. I’d taken a shower before I left school, since I normally showered at night, and thus smelled fine, only needing to freshen up a little.

Once I was done in the downstairs bathroom, I walked back into the living room and into the kitchen, opening the pantry and fridge to get an idea of what I could make.

Deciding on chocolate chip pancakes, which was among Amber’s top five favorite breakfasts, I got out all the ingredients, pouring the pancake mix in a bowl, adding the water, and then mixing it up with a metal whisk. I then grabbed a skillet and got that on the stove to start warming up, followed by grabbing the large bag of chocolate chips.

It was as I was beginning to sprinkle some chocolate into the batter that I heard Amber’s bed creaking loudly upstairs.

For half a second, I thought it was just her climbing out of bed, but the sound slowly became more rhythmic, until the noise was unmistakable.

Shit, she was fucking!

Confused as hell, being briefly in denial, I stopped what I was doing and quietly dashed through the living room, glancing upstairs as I made my way to the front door to look outside. Sure enough, there were no signs of anyone else’s vehicle. Of course, there were a few cars parked on the street further away, which I didn’t think much of last night since that happened occasionally on the weekends when people had large groups over at their homes, but no obvious sign that Amber had company over.

So then, did she drive?

The creaking grew even louder, and suddenly I didn’t know what to do.

Quietly dashing back to the living room, I grabbed my phone where I’d left it on the couch and started typing out a message.

That’s when the loud moaning started.

Like, really loud moaning.

Fuck, she sounded like a pornstar!

It was objectively hot. And sincerely depressing, knowing she was fucking her boyfriend practically above my head.

And I also knew it was already at the point of no return.

Even if I sent my message, no way in hell was she going to stop mid-fuck in order to see who was texting her. Which meant, I really only had two options now -- only two ways to try avoiding how awkward it was going to be when she realized I was here.

Either I could try to get my stuff back outside and pretend like I was just arriving, or I’d continue to make breakfast and pretend like I didn’t hear -- act like I was surprised she had company over.

The problem was, both options were bad, because my mom knew when I’d arrived home which meant Amber would likely end up finding out. That particular outcome would be worse in the end, since not only would she know I’d lied to her, but she would know I heard her fucking, since obviously that would be the reason I’d come up with a lie.

Thus, I felt like my best option was to continue making breakfast and pretend like I was oblivious.

To be fair, I was still pretty tired, not entirely thinking straight, and there was possibly a masochistic side of me that deep down wanted to hear what I was hearing.

However, as I went back to putting chocolate chips in the batter, Amber was making it really hard for my upcoming lie to be believable.

Her moaning and dirty talking were getting even louder, to the point that I could make out words now.

“That’s right, fuck me with that big cock of yours! Fuck my pussy, you bastard. Think of all the cum you shot on my face last night, and all the cum you’re going to fill me with now. Think of, uh!” Suddenly she was moaning again. “Uh, uh, uh, uh! Fuck yes! Fuck yes!” She screamed, the kind of orgasmic shriek that I’d only ever seen in porn videos online.

And I was frozen solid, my mind blank, feeling completely lost and empty.

All rational thoughts were gone now, any plans I had for remediation or avoidance out the window. Now, I just felt depressed as hell, my hands slowly resuming what I was doing as if I was sleepwalking now, just unconsciously going through the motions on autopilot.

I felt numb.

And worse, was I knew deep down I’d probably end up jerking to this memory later on, after the depression wore off.


After her orgasmic scream, there was actually quite a bit of commotion upstairs as it sounded like they were both getting ready to leave. Literally, only two minutes later, and I heard them both walking down the hallway, reaching the top of the stairs.

Just completely numb still, I looked over my shoulder as I saw the guy come down first, only to freeze solid when our eyes met.

It wasn’t her boyfriend.

“The fuck?!” the guy exclaimed in alarm, startled just as much as I was.

Amber was right on his heels, wearing an electric blue silk nightie with black lacey edges…and literally nothing else. Her huge tits were nearly spilling out of the top, her nipples hard underneath the azure silky fabric. Her blonde hair was obviously disheveled, with it being clear she’d been in a rush to put it up in a high ponytail, no concern for appearance.

“Fuck, Ryan, when did you get home?” she asked seriously, seeming much less alarmed.

The stranger looked over his shoulder at her. “Who the fuck is this?”

She rolled her emerald eyes, seeming annoyed now. “It’s my dumb fucking friend. The one who lives here, obviously.”

“Shit,” the guy hissed.

“Don’t worry about it,” she snapped. “Just get the hell out.”

“Yeah, whatever,” he mumbled under his breath, making his way down the last few steps. He then turned to face her. “But can I get your number first?”

She glared at him. “I told you it was one fucking time. Now get the hell out!”

He scoffed. “Fine, whatever bitch.”

“Hey!” I snapped, before I even realized what I was doing. “Don’t call her a bitch! And get the hell out of my house, before I call the police,” I added.

He glared at me for a few seconds, seeming to size me up, prompting me to turn more fully toward him, squaring my shoulders so he could get a good look, about to escort his ass out of the house if I had to.

After a second, he looked away, scoffing at her. “Whatever. Later. Have fun with your ‘friend,’” he said mockingly.

“Just get the hell out,” she snapped, pointing toward the door. “Ungrateful ass,” she added under her breath after he walked away.

Once the front door slammed shut, I turned back to what I was doing, unable to look Amber in the eye.

Shit, what a clusterfuck of a situation.

And with the realization that she definitely knew now, I just felt depressed again.

Honestly, I didn’t even want to talk to her.

But I knew she was still there, staring at my back as I started pouring batter onto the skillet, probably trying to figure out how to fix the situation. But what could she possibly do?

“Ryan,” she finally said evenly, attempting to get my attention.

I didn’t bother looking back at her. “What?” I replied, my tone flat and empty.

She sighed. “Are you going to tell my mom and dad? Or yours?”

I didn’t respond, since I hadn’t even thought that far ahead. I mean, probably not, but I just didn’t feel like answering her right now. I didn’t feel like talking about it at all.

“Hey, answer me!” she snapped.

I huffed out a sigh in annoyance. “Figured you’d be more worried about me telling your boyfriend,” I snapped back. “Or did you break up with him?”

“Jackass,” she hissed. “I bet you liked hearing me fuck, didn’t you? That’s what you want, isn’t it? For us to break up.”

I shook my head in disbelief, still refusing to look at her. “Just go back upstairs. I don’t want to talk about this.”

“I want you to promise you’ll keep this to yourself first,” she replied firmly.

I glanced over my shoulder then, meeting her hard emerald gaze, seeing that she was standing with her arms crossed over her huge tits, hiding the mounds her nipples made in the process, her posture overall defensive. Dropping my gaze for half a second, I took it all in, her silky smooth thighs, her toned waist covered in blue silk, her large tits nearly spilling out of the sides of the top, her slim shoulders tense but delicate.

Physically, she was a goddess in every way.

And she obviously knew it, given that it seemed like she’d just had a one-night stand with some random college dude.

Sighing, I returned my gaze to her full lips and then her emerald eyes, not responding as I turned away to give my attention to the pancake sizzling on the skillet, using the spatula to see if it was ready to be flipped. Honestly, I was kind of surprised she hadn’t mentioned my indebtedness in all this, using that as blackmail to get me to keep my mouth shut.

Surely, she hadn’t forgotten about the ten grand she’d given me, and yet it wasn’t the first thing out of her mouth.

She wasn’t bringing it up at all, which seemed really strange.

Was she that desperate to not want her mom and dad to know she’d given me money?

Desperate enough that she wouldn’t use it as leverage in this kind of situation?

I heard her take a deep breath, and then take the last few steps down the stairs, her tone sounding more resigned. “Okay fine, I need your silence. What do I have to do to get it?” she wondered, walking up to the island counter.

I just shrugged, still not wanting to talk about this.

“You’re really pissing me off,” she hissed.

I continued to ignore her.

“Hey,” she snapped. “At least look at me when I’m talking to you!”

I sighed again, and glanced over my shoulder, finally seeing that she was leaning against the counter, one thin hand on her shapely hip. Her blue silk nightie was barely low enough to cover her front, never mind her ass. I was sure she wasn’t wearing underwear, though technically I couldn’t confirm that from this angle. At the very least, if she turned around I felt confident I’d see the bottom of her ass cheeks and crack.

But the most provocative aspect was her tits, now hanging with so little shiny blue material holding them in place.

The nightie clearly had an elastic portion underneath her heavy boobs, because it was tight against her torso, making me suspect she had to step into it and pull it up, in order to put it on.

When I realized her nipples were still poking through, a little bit of light brown visible on one side, I quickly turned my head away, now feeling a little flustered. Partly because of the realization that I was standing near a freshly-fucked goddess, and partly because I realized that I didn’t meet her gaze at all. I literally just looked back and examined her body for a second.

Which was a second too long.

I tried to return my focus on what I was doing, carefully flipping the pancake, only for my body to freeze solid when Amber abruptly approached me.

Without hesitation, she slowly slid her hands underneath my armpits and wrapped them around my chest, leaning her heavy tits into my back. Her lips were suddenly on my neck then, her hot breath on my skin as she gently planted a kiss on my spine.

I shivered uncontrollably, my heart suddenly pounding in my throat, stunned by what was happening.

Her tone was suddenly endearing and affectionate.

“Come on, baby,” she said encouragingly, her hands sliding down my flat chest and reaching even further until she was slipping underneath my shirt. “What do I need to do to buy your silence?” she wondered innocently, her hands now roaming across my bare stomach, shockingly hot against my skin. “Maybe a little of this?” she wondered, planting more soft kisses along the back of my neck. “What do I have to do to purchase your cooperation?”

“Umm,” I managed, trying to catch my breath. What in the fuck was happening right now? And when in the hell did she get so bold?

Her hands continued up to my chest, rubbing my nipples briefly, before she slid one hand back down to my stomach. She then leaned more into me as she reached down for my crotch.

I was so nervous and confused, I wasn’t even remotely hard.

“The fuck?” she hissed, grabbing me more firmly, causing me to wince slightly. “Shit, what the fuck, Ryan? What, am I not hot enough for you?” She abruptly pulled away entirely, taking a step back. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Son of a bitch.”

I felt embarrassed now, and I didn’t even fully know why. “Sorry,” I said automatically, a reflexive response to pissing her off. I turned to face her, seeing her arms crossed under her tits this time. “You are hot, it’s just…” My voice trailed off, our eyes locking.

Suddenly, I felt like I had a lump in my throat, unable to believe I’d just admitted that.

“If I’m so fucking hot,” she began slowly, her light green eyes narrow, emphasizing each word. “Then what the hell is the problem? Is it because you’re a fucking virgin?”

I immediately looked away, now sincerely embarrassed as hell.

“Fuck, that’s what it is, isn’t it?” she said in surprise. “I mean, no way in hell you care that we grew up around each other, right?”

I tried to clear my throat, my voice barely a whisper. “N-No, I don’t care.” Of course I didn’t fucking care. It was secretly always my hope that she’d set her eyes on me.

Amber just shook her head in disbelief, abruptly turning around and beginning to walk away. Sure enough, the bottom of her small tight ass was clearly visible, no underwear in sight.

She continued to sound like she was stunned. “An entire semester and you’re still a virgin,” she said loudly. When she reached the stairs, she looked over her shoulder, her tone flat. “You making chocolate chip pancakes for me?”

I cleared my throat again. “Umm, yeah.”

“What time did you get in last night?”

“Around two.”

“Did we wake you up?” she asked evenly.

I shook my head, unable to look at her again. “I set an alarm.”

“To make me pancakes,” she repeated.

I nodded once.

“Fuck, dude. Give me a call next time. Or at least send me a message.”

I scoffed, my tone sarcastic. “Sorry that I didn’t want to wake you up so late,” I retorted, feeling annoyed now and not even sure why. I then quickly clarified, meeting her gaze again. “I let my mom know, since she makes us and all, but didn’t think it mattered with you. Figured you’d be at your boyfriend’s or something anyway.”

She pursed her lips for a second, before taking a deep breath. Then, without another word, she made her way up the stairs. I relaxed a little when I heard the shower turn on, knowing that when she came back down to undoubtedly continue our conversation, she would at least be dressed normally.

Because no way in hell was she going to drop this.

But I supposed by then I would have recovered from the shock of everything to finally discuss it, not that there was much to discuss. I mean, clearly she was still with her boyfriend, and clearly she’d had a one-night stand with some random dude.

Not to mention, realistically, there was no way in hell I’d tell her mom and dad. Or mine.

Shit, that would be the most awkward conversation in the world.

And she probably knew that. She knew I wasn’t going to say anything, between that and the fact that she was literally funding a huge part of my tuition.

By the time I heard the blow-dryer running upstairs, easily visualizing her combing out her blonde hair as she dried it, since I’d seen her do it a few times after she moved in -- perks of having to share a bathroom -- I was setting the island countertop with two pancakes on each of our plates, along with butter and syrup.

I also had the peanut butter out, since I knew Amber sometimes liked that on her chocolate chip pancakes too.

Figuring she was going to be another five minutes, I sat in one of the stool seats and pulled out my phone to start occupying my time, content to wait until she came downstairs to start eating. However, fifteen minutes later, hearing her go to and from the bathroom a handful of times, I was starting to get impatient.

“Hey Amber!” I finally called out loudly over my shoulder. “You coming, or what?”

I heard her walk to the top of the stairs, her tone annoyed. “Just hold on a second, twerp! Fuck, you’re impatient,” she added, as she walked back to the bathroom.

I just shook my head, knowing there was no point in arguing with her.

About five minutes later, and I heard her making her way to the stairs again. However, my brow furrowed at the sound of her walk -- or rather, at the sound of her clothing as she walked. It sounded almost like sticky plastic being pressed together and pulled apart with each step, noticeably noisy.

Looking over my shoulder, my eyes widened in shock as her legs came into sight, followed by the rest of her, with her pausing before the last couple of steps.

She was wearing bright red PVC pants, with a very visible silver zipper in the crotch, as well as a similar top, designed like a sports bra, a zipper in the front. Her feet were bare, and her toned stomach was completely on display, her slim shoulders covered by a similar red vinyl bolero jacket that had white fluffy trim.

Between the mini-jacket and the regular Santa hat on her head, hiding some of her blonde hair, it was obvious it was meant to be Christmas themed. Granted, without those two items, the pants and top themselves had no indication they were meant for the holidays, minus the vibrant red color.

It was more like they were meant for a strip bar.

Or a porn video.

And then there was her face. She’d put on a ton of dark makeup around her light green eyes, including mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow, making them really pop and going from fucking hot to a fucking nuclear explosion. And then her lips were covered in clear lip gloss, looking ridiculously plump, shiny, and delicious. Her face alone looked like every man’s wet dream. Like the literal embodiment of a blonde slutty succubus, or something crazy like that.

And I just stared at her in dumbfounded shock, not fully comprehending what I was seeing.

My hot, slut of a friend was dressed in extremely shiny material that looked like plastic, appearing as if she was a stripper ready to be yanked off the stage and fucked like a whore.

Everything about her embodied lust in its purest form.

When I finally met her emerald gaze, I realized her expression was hard.

“You better be fucking grateful, twerp,” she said firmly. “This was supposed to be my Christmas present for my boyfriend.”

I gulped, my eyes even wider as I focused on her heavy tits again, still huge even when squished into her unyielding top.

“Yeah, you like this shit, baby?” she wondered, her tone mocking. “You like this hot body in this slutty fuck outfit?”

When I didn’t respond, she rolled her emerald eyes, stepping the rest of the way down the stairs.

“Shit, you’re such a virgin,” she mumbled, only to raise her voice as she approached. “You going to say something, or just gawk at me? Don’t act like you don’t want this.”

I cleared my throat, twisting in my seat more to face her. “Umm, I don’t know what to say,” I managed.

“Say yes or no,” she snapped, stopping a couple feet away from where I sat at the island counter and placing her hands on her bony hips. “Do we have a deal? You keep your mouth shut, and I’ll make your perverted wet dreams come true.”

Fuck. No way she was serious right now. I mean, was this even really happening? Was I still asleep? Was this a perverted wet dream?

And why did she assume this was what I wanted?

Was it because of how I looked at her? Or maybe did she want to fuck me, and was just looking for an excuse?

Or was it because it was guaranteed I’d keep my mouth shut if we fucked?

I mean, if we did have sex, then no way in hell would I ever say anything to either of our parents, especially since she clearly had no intention on dating me. More than that, I’d have to keep any secret she wanted from now on, no questions asked. It was like a binding contract, one we could never back out of once agreed upon, even if we only fucked once.

A joint secret we could never share with anyone, since it was doubtful they’d be thrilled, even more so with her living here now.

When I didn’t say anything, she spoke up again, dropping her hands and walking up to my stool.

“Damn, you’re so indecisive. Stand up.”

I slowly did as she asked, feeling completely off balance now. She immediately shoved me against the counter between stools, leaning her body into mine.

“Touch my ass,” she demanded, her face mere inches from mine, her chin tilted upward slightly to hold my gaze.

Her lips were so close, I could feel her breath on my mouth.

My hands were trembling as I slowly reached down to her hips, followed by reaching around to feel the ridiculously smooth vinyl over her tight ass. Uncontrollably, a deep sigh escaped my chest as if I’d been in pain and was finally experiencing relief, the movement causing her to lean more heavily into me.

Focusing more on her emerald gaze, I realized her cheeks were flushed, her light green eyes looking passionate as her glossy lips incrementally moved closer. She finally closed her eyes as she gently rested her soft full lips against mine, an overwhelming scent of warm vanilla sugar from her lip gloss filling the space between us, her own breathing picking up as we tenderly kissed.

Grabbing her ass more firmly with one hand, I slowly reached up, feeling her back along the way, moving to the slick material on her shoulder, and finally cupping her face. Slowly, I felt her tongue begin to probe my lips, prompting me to separate them a little, gently tucking some of her blonde hair behind her ear as she fully stuck her warm tongue in my mouth.

She moaned then, pressing her lips more firmly into mine, rubbing her lip gloss into my skin, only to abruptly pull away.

I stared at her in shock, her spit on my lips, confused when I saw that her expression was haughty and taunting again. She reached down with both hands for the button to my jeans as she spoke.

“Want me to suck on your tiny cock, twerp?”

I didn’t even care about her teasing at this point, more than happy to accept her offer. Without hesitation, I reached down as well, moving her thin hands as I unbuttoned them for her.

She gave me an arrogant smirk as she dropped to her knees, readjusting her Santa hat, ready to grab a hold of what she apparently thought was going to be a tiny cock.

Boy was she wrong.

“Holy fuck!” she exclaimed in sincere shock. “You’re as big as my boyfriend!”

“That’s good, right?” I wondered, logically assuming it must be, but uncertain about her tone.

She slowly wrapped her fingers around my shaft, finally looking up at me after a second, her light green eyes wide. “Fucking shit, dude. When did you get so huge?”

I shrugged. “I mean, I’ve been this size since I was like fourteen or fifteen.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “Fuck,” she hissed, focusing on the head. She then leaned forward to lick the bead of clear precum developing on the tip, causing me instantly to press back into the counter, an uncontrollable moan escaping my chest.

“Okay seriously,” she said, starting to slowly jerk me. “How the fuck are you still a virgin after an entire semester? Tons of chicks would love to fuck this.”

I had no idea how to answer her, having a difficult time focusing on the question, beginning to just ramble. “Well, I think I took too many classes, and I might need to drop one this next semester, because I had no free time. And, I mean, I guess I’m kind of wanting to find someone special, and–”

She cut me off with a scoff. “What the hell does that mean?” she asked seriously, her tone icy. “Are you a fucking idiot? Someone special,” she scoffed again. “Next you’re going to be talking about a soulmate or some shit. Look dude, you need to start fucking around. Just pick some slut and make her yours.”

I grimaced at that, my ‘culturally ingrained’ idea of a slut being something unpleasant. “Umm, I’m not sure if I want a girl like…” My voice trailed off as my thoughts caught up with me.

Instantly, Amber let go of my cock and stood straight up, her expression pissed. “Like what?” she snapped, getting right in my face. “Like me?”

I shook my head, averting my gaze, now feeling awkward about the fact that my cock was pressed against her hip. “That’s not what I meant,” I exclaimed.

“You know what?” she hissed, finally taking a step back and crossing her arms. “Let me tell you something, twerp. I made three-thousand last night. Three fucking thousand, to be some random jackass’ slut for a night. That’s good money for a fucking month! Never mind a single night!” She scoffed. “You ungrateful prick. How in the hell do you think I’m helping with your tuition to go to the fucking private school of your choice? Out-of-state, no less!”

I stared at her in shock, unable to believe what I was hearing.

She continued without pause, lowering her voice. “While I’m stuck at some in-state community college, where it’s easier to earn that money,” she added.

“Amber…” I said in disbelief. “I…I can take out more loans. Or transfer schools, or something.”

She shook her head, her posture relaxing some, even as her arms remained crossed. Her tone was softer. “You fucking know you can’t get more loans. You’re already maxed out on what you could get, and you were still ten grand short.”

I still didn’t know what to say. “Why?” I blurted out. “If you’re going to do this, then why not go to the school you want too? You’ve got straight A’s.”

She sighed, dropping her arms and shaking her head. “Half of my assignments weren’t even done by me.”

“Wait, what?” I said in confusion.

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Easier to just give some nerd a blowjob, and have them do it.” She shrugged again. “Or fuck the teacher for my grade.”

I literally couldn’t believe what I was hearing, partly because I felt like all her academic cheating couldn’t be true. “But you aren’t stupid,” I countered. “You can’t fake entrance exams, and you can’t fake the big tests too, even if you are fucking the teacher!”

She looked away, her hands moving to her hips now, not responding.

“Am I wrong?” I asked seriously.

“No,” she said with a small pout. “I study and pass those.”

“Then why?” I asked seriously. “If you’re going to do this, then why not go where you want to go?”

Unexpectedly, there was a hint of vulnerability in her gaze as she focused on me, quickly glancing away again. “Because I’ve got a good setup here, and can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to make it work as well someplace else.” She sighed, meeting my gaze. “And because I’d rather make sure you’re successful. Make sure that you get to the top school of your choice, and have the best start possible in whatever career you choose.”

When she saw my expression, moved by the fact that she was so focused on prioritizing what was best for me, she immediately looked away again, her tone becoming haughty as she shifted gears. It was obvious she didn’t like me seeing this vulnerable side of her.

“And besides, I like fucking. And earning money doing it makes it more exciting. It’s also fun to fuck teachers too, since it’s like one of the biggest taboos. Every teacher I seduce for a better grade, or to get them to forge a dumb paper for me that’s just a waste of time, is an exciting adventure. You have no idea how fucking horny it makes those men to fuck a student as hot as me.”

“Amber…” I said hesitantly, truly uncertain of what to say. I mean, I was conflicted in so many ways. On the one hand, I didn’t want to be the reason she was doing this, but on the other hand, it sounded like she enjoyed it and would do it anyway.

Like, she was a sex addict, and loved to fuck.

But she was also practically my best friend, and I felt like her lifestyle was a bad thing.

But then, at the same time, I also wanted to be one of the guys she screwed.

I’d pretty much fantasized about it for as long as I could remember.

Shit, this was so fucked up.

“Now,” she said firmly, seeming to be done with our conversation. “Enough chit-chat. We have a deal, and I’m not letting you back out of it now.”

“I’ll switch universities,” I blurted out. “Somewhere closer to home.”

She glared at me. “Why, twerp? So you can live at home too, and fuck me whenever you want?”

I gawked at her in shock, totally not going for that. “What? No, so that if you decide to earn money this way, then it’s purely because you want to, not because you are trying to help support me. It makes me feel guilty that you might be doing this for my benefit.” I paused, knowing she might end up denying that fact entirely if I pushed her to fully admit it. “But if you’re doing it because you want to, then that’s a different story.”

For barely half a second, I saw that hint of vulnerability again. But it disappeared in an instant, her tone taunting. “So what, are you saying you don’t want me to fuck your brains out every day?”

“I…we…I mean, we couldn’t even do that at home! Not with my mom and dad in the house! Shit, they’d kill us both if they knew we kissed just now. And they’re so fucking traditional that they’d probably disown me if they found out we’d actually done more than that. I mean, fuck, they’d at least kick you out.”

Suddenly she was pensive, crossing her arms again, the movement eliciting noises from her shiny red PVC outfit. When she spoke, she sounded thoughtful. “Or we could get an apartment together.”

My eyes widened in shock. “Are you serious?”

She nodded, her tone soft and sincere. “Yeah. None of our parents would think twice about it if I’m living with you, since we’ve been friends forever.” She then frowned, her expression serious. “Although, I’ll be bringing guys over to fuck once in a while. Probably at least once a week. No point in living paycheck to paycheck,” she added, sounding a little amused at her own joke.

I again didn’t know what to say though. I mean, were we really talking about this? How had we gone from zero to a million so fast?

One minute I was overhearing her fuck, and the next she was not only offering to fuck me too, but was also suggesting we move in together?

And did I even want that?

Could I even handle her fucking other guys?

I mean, she was my friend, not my girlfriend, so it was to be expected that she’d fuck other men. But at the same time, we’d be living like we were dating. We’d be fucking like we were dating. And I’d basically be a cuck to the girl I grew up with.


“W-What about your boyfriend?” I managed after a few seconds.

She scoffed. “If I’m living with you, then I can break up with him.”

“Wait, what? Why?” I asked seriously, just trying to understand.

She shrugged. “Because I’m only dating him for his cock.”

When I looked at her in complete confusion, wondering if she meant what I thought she meant, she elaborated.

“I don’t just fuck for money. I also make videos too, and I need a big cock for it.” She paused, seeing my shock at the possibility that she was online. “Don’t worry,” she said reassuringly. “I blur our faces. Besides, the only thing the dudes online care about is seeing this sexy body getting fucked -- that, and seeing my huge natural tits bounce around.” She took a deep breath, glancing away. “But even as hot as I am, no one gives a fuck if the cock isn’t huge too.” Her eyes narrowed. “The pricks online want to see a monster fucking me, not some pinkie-finger sized dick.”

“But…” I hesitated, not even sure why I was contradicting her. “I mean, I’ve seen stuff…”

She abruptly looked at me in surprise, only to become sarcastic, as if she was trying to hide her reaction. “Oh, you have, have you?” she said in a mocking tone. “My little twerp watches porn? Shocker. I bet you’d love to fuck me while watching porn, wouldn’t you? Even better to fuck me while making porn.”

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, deciding to just continue. “And in the videos I’ve seen, a lot of the popular ones have guys smaller than me. Like, I’ve seen plenty of six-inch dicks online, fucking the hot girl.”

She looked surprised again. “Wait, are you trying to say that you don’t want me to use your cock to make porn?”

“Oh, umm, no.”

“That’s what I thought,” she replied firmly, almost sounding chastising. “And that’s all fine about those normal cocks -- I don’t have a problem with them. I’ve certainly fucked enough of them. But for porn, a bigger cock is still better. Besides, if I use your cock instead, then I don’t have to worry about my ‘boyfriend…’” She paused to do air quotes with her fingers. “Getting upset if he finds out I’m ‘cheating,’” she added, doing additional air quotes.

I scoffed. “So, you’re assuming it wouldn’t make me upset?”

She glared at me, placing her thin hands on her vinyl covered hips. “Look twerp, after we fuck this one time, do you want to do it again, or not?” She paused, but didn’t wait for a response. “Even if you transfer schools, I’m still going to have to support us. No way in hell can you get a job that pays well enough. Like, regarding the amount of money I can make, we’re talking about the amount you might earn when you’re in the middle of your career in twenty years!” She shook her head, her blonde hair bouncing just slightly, the Santa hat staying firmly in place, her tone becoming sarcastic again. “Or can you make over twenty thousand in a month if you really wanted to? Hmm? Can you make six figures a year right now?”

I knew she was right about that, and I did really like the idea of fucking her more than just one time. But I would also have to put up with her fucking other guys too.

When I didn’t respond, she continued.

“So that’s the deal, baby. Take it, or leave it.”

I could tell from the look she was giving me, her light green eyes piercing, that I didn’t have long to make a decision. However, at this point, I knew that there was one option I’d hate myself for choosing -- deciding to go back to how things were.

Which only left me with one other choice.

“Okay,” I said simply.

She smirked. “Good. This will certainly make my life a lot easier. It’s been tough trying to have a boyfriend while I’m fucking every other willing dude who will pay good money.”

“Wait, do you not make much from the porn videos?”

She shrugged, leaning forward to kiss me on the lips, before dropping down to her heels to grab my cock, her pants making that sticky plastic sound as she crouched down.

“Seriously, Amber,” I said, only to gasp when she wrapped her lips around my head, her tongue suddenly rolling around the tip. “Oh fuck,” I groaned.

She then pressed forward, taking a deep breath as she began relaxing her throat like she was going to try to swallow me. I moaned from the sudden tightness, before she pulled back again, reaching up to begin stroking me with her hand as she resumed licking my head like a lollipop in her mouth.

“Amber,” I repeated, trying to focus. “The porn videos. Money. How much?”

She pulled back while sucking, making an audible popping sound as she looked up at me.

“A lot,” she admitted. “But baby, the money can fluctuate a ton, and I’m not going to be sexy forever. I’m going to get old and wrinkly. And I’m also not planning on being in college forever. Whoring myself out now is a lot easier, and a lot safer, than it’ll be if I try outside of school.” She scoffed. “I’m not too worried about getting in trouble with the law doing this at school, but if I got a normal job and tried there, all it would take is the wrong person finding out.”

“So then, does that mean you plan on stopping eventually?”

“Having sex with random guys?” she clarified, only to frown. “I mean, yeah, probably eventually. But I still want to make porn videos for as long as possible, so I can save up as much as possible. Like, this isn’t the time for me to be taking it easy, wasting time and money like all those other sluts out there partying it up. It’s time to work. To make as much as I can, while I can. Once I graduate, all I’ll have is the porn videos, and if those stop making money, I’ll be in trouble.”

I nodded hesitantly, uncertain if this all just sounded logical because I was horny as fuck, or if her reasoning was truly solid in a potentially messed up kind of way.

“Satisfied now?” she asked seriously. “Because this bad boy is making me wet, and I want to taste your cum.”

Holy shit!

All I could do was nod.

She grinned at me, before engulfing my cock again, closing her eyes as she sounded like she was trying to choke herself on it, bobbing her head along my shaft while using her hands to stroke me at the same time. Truly, she knew exactly what the hell she was doing, the synchronized motion of her hands and mouth clearly well practiced.

“Oh shit, Amber,” I groaned. “I’m not going to last much longer. Please don’t let this be the only time we do this.” I moaned. “Please,” I begged, edging even closer, desperate to feel this more than once.

She gave an amused trill in her throat, picking up the pace as she felt my cock tense.

“Ugh!” I exclaimed, reaching the peak and exploding in her mouth.

Suddenly, she was bent over coughing, even as I continued to shoot long streams of my load on her shoulder, the already shiny red bolero jacket now wet too. Grabbing my cock, I jerked it a few times as the last of it started dripping out onto the floor, glad we weren’t doing this over the carpet in the living room, barely a couple of feet away.

“Fuck,” I hissed, feeling weak in the legs now. I was certain I’d never had an orgasm so amazing in my entire life, knowing fully well that only Amber could have given me this feeling. Knowing that the fact that she shouldn’t be doing this -- that we shouldn’t be doing this -- was taking my horniness a million levels higher.

I finally looked down at Amber, with her still coughing and spitting on to the floor. The sight sobered me up, making me quickly serious. “Hey, are you okay? Did it taste bad?”

She quickly shook her head, finally looking up at me, thick white cum leaking out of her nose like snot. She sniffled then, only to grimace as she reached up to wipe her nose, smearing it all over the back of her hand.

“Fuck, do you normally cum that much?” she asked seriously, looking up at me again. “I tried to swallow it, but it felt like a soda can exploded in my mouth. Or a can of cream under pressure. Shit dude, when was the last time you masturbated? A decade ago?”

I knew I’d literally just ejaculated in her mouth, but it was still awkward answering that kind of question, because she knew I was a virgin, and she also knew I watched porn, the combination implying that I did masturbate. Yet it was so embarrassing to discuss this subject with her.

It was like she read my mind. “Shit dude, I know you masturbate. Every guy does it.” Her light green eyes narrowed as she sat up straighter. “So when was the last time you masturbated?” she repeated seriously. “And do you normally cum that much?”

I cleared my throat, glancing away, feeling very aware that my still-hard cock was right next to her face. “Umm, I did it in the shower last night, back at school before I decided that I needed to beat the storm home.” I focused on her, realizing her eyes were wide now. “That’s when I normally do it -- in the shower. Every single day. And yeah, that felt like a normal amount for me.”

She shook her head in disbelief, only for a slow grin to cross her face, seeming sincerely excited. “Fuck, this is actually perfect.”

“It is? Why?”

She stared up at me like I was an idiot. “Because, dudes love cumshot videos. They’re some of the most popular online. Shit, we can make all kinds of creampie and cumshot vids. I’ve tried with my boyfriend, but he just doesn’t cum enough to make it look good.” She shook her head again, her grin looking like she’d just opened up the best Christmas present ever. Her tone was growing more excited as she spoke. “But fuck, I can make you cum on my tits, cum on my PVC and latex outfits, cum in my pussy, cum in my mouth. Everywhere. Fuck, this could be game-changing. We could really increase our traffic with this.”

Our traffic?” I repeated in surprise.

She glared at me. “Yes, our traffic, dumbass. Seriously, I don’t have time for you to be indecisive, so I’m making the decision for you. I’m breaking up with my boyfriend, we’re moving in together, and you’re going to help me make my videos. Okay?” She paused, not waiting for a response. “You’ll have to apply to a nearby university tonight to make sure you can transfer by the time Christmas break is over. Might end up actually transferring a couple of weeks into the spring semester, but I’m sure you’ll manage. And in the meantime, I’ll get a nice apartment, and try to make as much money as I can, before you move in.”

I grimaced. “You mean, try to fuck as much as possible, before I move in,” I corrected her.

She frowned at that. “Hey, seriously dude, don’t be getting jealous when I bring other guys over. Okay? It’s just a quick fuck, maybe a blowjob, depending on how much they’re paying. Most of the guys aren’t even attractive.”

I tried not to feel bitter about it. “And what about last night?” I wondered seriously. “Not only was that dude good looking, but he was also here all night!”

She scoffed, finally climbing to her feet to face me, her tone sarcastic. “Why in the hell do you think I charged him so much, dumbass? I was actually trying to avoid that asshole in the first place, but he even agreed to three grand, and I couldn’t turn down that kind of money.” She scoffed again. “And I certainly couldn’t send him home when it was a fucking blizzard outside, now could I? The roads looked pretty alright this morning, but last night at midnight, it was coming down hard and we thought it was going to be worse.” Her tone softened some. “Plus the original price was two grand, but when I tried to kick him out, he offered another thousand if I’d let him stay and fuck me in the morning too. All cash.”

I frowned, feeling kind of speechless, between all that regarding the guy, in addition to the fact that she was saying she had three thousand in bills upstairs right now. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what my point was in the first place, only wanting to bring attention to the seeming contradiction about the guys not being attractive most of the time. And the seeming contradiction about it being quick and casual.

I supposed I just wanted to verify she was being honest, and it sounded like she was. Last night was a rare instance. And even if she did seem to enjoy being a slut, she was still primarily fucking for the money, not personal pleasure.

Still, it was hard to get the recent memory of her orgasmic screaming upstairs out of my head.

All I could do was nod in understanding.

“Okay,” she said firmly. “Then enough talking. We’re doing this, baby, whether you like it or not. I just need you to do what I say. Be a good little twerp and obey me, understand?”

I took a deep breath, nodding again.

“Good, now let’s get back to fucking. I want to feel this monster in me.”

I stared at her in shock.

She rolled her green eyes, crossing her arms over her huge tits, covered in red vinyl. “What?” she scoffed. “Did you think this would be done after you cummed one time? Shit dude, you really are such a virgin. If we’re going to fuck, and especially if we’re going to start making porn vids, then you need to get used to fucking for at least half an hour. Minimum. We’ll cut out a lot of the pounding in between your cum-shots, so guys aren’t bored out of their minds for ten minutes at a time, but you need to get used to fucking me until you’ve cummed at least three times. Minimum.”

“Shit, three times?” I said seriously. “That’s going to take a lot longer than thirty minutes. I might get two out in that amount of time.”

She nearly slapped herself in the forehead. “Clearly you’ve never fucked a woman before. And even if you had, certainly not an experienced one. I bet I can get you off five times in thirty minutes if I really try.” She then smirked at me. “And if not, then it’s a good thing we’re going to start living together, huh twerp? No need to worry about anyone bothering us when we fuck all evening.” Her grin widened, only for her to twist around entirely, her ass looking so juicy and plump in the red PVC pants as she leaned back into me, the visible dimples on her lower back looking so fucking hot. “Now come on,” she urged, pressing her slim shoulders into my chest as she grabbed my hands and held them up to her breasts. “Squeeze my tits, and grind against my ass. I want to get there too, at least once. Heaven knows that bastard from last night didn’t have it in him.”

I froze solid. “Wait, what? Then what was all that screaming about?” I asked seriously.

She tilted her head back to look up at me, shoving her ass against my bare cock. “Fucking idiot. Ever heard of acting?”

“You faked it?” I said in surprise, finding myself uncontrollably shoving my hips outward, pressing my cock against her ass. “But it sounded so realistic.”

She stuck her own hips out to separate us briefly, reaching back to slip my cock between her thighs, smearing my cum and precum along my shaft to lube it up so I could slide against the PVC. Once she was satisfied, tensing her thighs against my shaft and shoving her ass against me again, she responded, her tone haughty.

“Yeah, well, what can I say? I’m good at faking orgasms.” She then looked back up at me again, her emerald eyes narrow. “But I don’t need to worry about faking them with you, so when you fail to make me cum, you’ll know it.”

Shit, that sounded like a challenge.

No, it was a challenge.

And I was feeling more comfortable being sexual with her after having gotten there once. A little more aggressive too, thanks to her attitude.

Because my bitch of a friend was mine now.

Grabbing her tits firmly, I squeezed, causing her eyes to flutter briefly. I then continued to hold one of her tits in one hand, while reaching down to feel between her thighs in the front, pressing firmly against her hidden pussy, feeling the slick PVC over it. Then, feeling around for the zipper, I gently began pulling it down, unsurprised by what I felt as I slowly moved my fingers in.

I was glad Amber didn’t try taunting me as I felt around a little, seeming very patient as I explored a woman’s vagina for the first time ever. It felt like her pussy itself was completely bare, like she was prepared for the porn videos she made, whereas she had a palm-sized patch of short blonde pubic hair above her hot snatch. For some reason, feeling the short hair really turned me on, prompting me to carefully rub my fingertips across it before I felt a little lower, searching until I found her button just at the top -- a piece of anatomy I knew quite a bit about due to a little secret.

Instantly, Amber moaned, sucking in a deep breath.

Gently, I began rubbing her in a tight circle, causing her breathing to rapidly pick up.

“Fuck, are you sure this is your first time?” she gasped

I grimaced, though I knew she couldn’t see it. “Promise you won’t laugh?” I asked seriously.

Her tone was lusty. “Keep this up, and I won’t be able to laugh. Oh shit, how do you know what you’re doing?”

I swallowed audibly. “Well, I sort of read some articles about what to do. And what not to do. Like how if you touch the clit wrong, it can hurt, and how you have to use your fingers over I guess what they call the hood? And that circular motions are best, but it can also be good to switch it up. Oh, and the clit is the hotspot for oral sex, with tonguing the vagina not doing anything at all for most women, since it’s not long enough to hit the g-spot.”

Amber laughed, leaning more heavily into me, her eyes closed, her mouth seeming to be unable to decide if she wanted to smile or gape openly from the pleasure I was giving her. She then laughed a second time, her eyes popping open. “Fuck, dude. My young little twerp of a friend, the studious virgin. Expert from online articles.” She laughed a third time, seeming even more amused. “Not so young or little anymore,” she added, only to grin. “Well, you’re definitely doing it right, although you can press a little harder.” She paused when I did. “Yeah, that’s good. Feel how my clit is kind of hard now? The harder it gets, the harder you can push on it. At least for me,” she clarified.

I frowned at that, uncertain if she was implying something, like she was preparing me for other women, or if I was reading too much into it. Pressing down a bit more, while continuing to make tight circles, she moaned again, her eyes fluttering closed.

However, after a second, her eyes popped right back open, her expression mocking. “But even if you do it right, I doubt you can make me cum,” she taunted.

Oh hell no, that was definitely a challenge.

I leaned more into her neck, kissing her gently just below the jaw, before slowly running my lips up to her ear. “And what if I do make you cum?” I whispered, only to start sucking on her earlobe, kind of wishing she had an earring in, so I could tug on her ear better. Instead, I gently grasped it with my teeth, which seemed to send a shiver down her spine.

Amber gasped. “T-Then, you’ll know it,” she stammered, rubbing my forearms with her thin hands. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Squeeze my tit more,” she whispered, gripping her own hand firmly over mine.

I complied, trying to maintain my rhythm on her clit, while also squeezing her tit repeatedly, and sucking on her earlobe. It was actually a lot to concentrate on, all at once. At least it was for me, the virgin that I was.

Not a virgin anymore, I supposed.

Virginity taken by my lifelong friend in the best possible way ever.

Amber’s moaning began picking up, her mouth hanging open now, her juicy lips forming a circle as she began shifting her thighs slightly, her knee jutting out as she propped one leg up on her tiptoes.

“Oh baby,” she hissed. “Oh yes.”

Unexpectedly, her phone rang upstairs, sounding much closer than her bedroom.

“Fuck,” she hissed, immediately pulling away from me. “I left my phone at the top of the stairs.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I said in disbelief. “Can’t it wait?”

She immediately gave me an apologetic expression. “Oh, sorry baby. That’s the ringtone for my boyfriend. I need to get it.” She grinned at me. “Don’t want to give him any reason to be suspicious.” She then gave me a hard look. “Now, have a seat on the couch, young man. I’ll be right back.”

Confused about what she was expecting of me, I grabbed a paper towel to wipe myself up a little, leaving the rest of my cum on the floor where it was for now, and then stuffed my rock hard cock back in my pants, zipping up my fly as I sat down on the couch.

Amber had told her boyfriend to hold on a second, with me hearing her run to the bathroom, only for her to now be taking her time coming back down the stairs, her outfit making that sticky plastic sound with each step. “Yeah, just hanging out at the house,” she was saying. “Uh, no. You can’t come over. Ryan is here. Got home from school early.”

She reached the bottom as she listened to his response, only to walk toward me, finally focusing down at my lap. She then unexpectedly looked irritated, jabbing her finger at my crotch.

Having no idea what she was wanting, I started unzipping my pants again, with her encouraging me by gesturing with her hand aggressively as if to say, ‘Hurry the fuck up.

Pulling my hard cock out and holding it in my hand, she swiftly turned around, reaching between her thighs to unzip the crotch of her pants the rest of the way, going up to the middle of her butt. Suddenly, I was looking at her smooth ass, mesmerized by the sight framed by the red PVC pants, only for her to begin backing up more, carefully lowering herself as if she intended to sit on my lap.

When her Santa hat started slipping off, she grabbed it and tossed it on the floor, seeming annoyed and frustrated now.

“Huh?” she commented to her boyfriend. “No, I’m listening, but hey…” Her voice trailed off as her pussy made contact with my head, causing her to inhale a sharp breath. She then pushed down a little more, rapidly engulfing my head between her swollen folds.

I couldn’t believe we were doing this, being able to hear her boyfriend talk now. But at the same time, all I could focus on was the sensation of her tight snatch squeezing against me, the pressure increasing as she eased herself lower onto my shaft.

“’Hey’ what?” her boyfriend prompted when she didn’t continue, his voice sounding quiet, since it wasn’t on speakerphone.

“Umm,” she delayed, sucking in a deep breath as she inched even lower. “Well, we need to talk,” she finally explained, sinking down the rest of the way. She then abruptly looked back at me, her face flushed in passion as she nodded at me, silently seeming to say, ‘You’re really amazing.

Her heated pussy was really beginning to twitch and throb against my cock, the sensation building me up even without additional movement. I leaned my head back on the couch, my mind swimming from the sensation, firmly rubbing the sides of her vinyl-covered thighs with my hands, unable to believe this was happening.

I was in her pussy! Holy fuck, my cock was buried in her pussy!

“About what?” her boyfriend asked a second ago, sounding hesitant.

Amber hadn’t responded right away, but she seemed to focus more now.

“Look, so school has gotten really tough recently, and requires too much of my time.” She slowly began leaning forward, making as if she was going to stand up, getting close to the top of my cock, before sinking back down again. I immediately moved my hands to her hips to help support her as she began rising a second time, getting into a slow rhythm.

“So,” she continued, sounding breathy. “I think I should give you the cash I promised, and we go our separate ways.”

“Shit, seriously Amber?” her boyfriend said in disbelief.

“Yeah, seriously,” she retorted, her tone firm, but still sounding like she was a little out of breath. “You knew this wasn’t going to be forever. We had our fun…” Unexpectedly, as she sank down again, she turned her head away from the phone, an uncontrolled whimper escaping her full lips. She then moaned, reaching back with her free hand to grab at my shirt, giving me another affectionate and passionate nod of approval, before sucking in a deep breath.

I suspected she needed to stay still for a few seconds to talk, since she didn’t move like she was going to go up again, but it was feeling so amazing for me that I almost didn’t care anymore. That, and her boyfriend was talking again anyway, not to mention everything about this situation was just so fucking hot. Here she was, on the phone with her boyfriend, in the process of trying to break up with him, and she was trying to fuck me at the same time.

I had no idea why she was doing this, wondering if she really did have an obsession with taboo shit, like with fucking her teachers, but it was really turning me on and I desperately wanted to climb that peak again.

Thus, I let go of her hips and leaned forward, wrapping my arms firmly around her huge tits and pulling her back against my chest, prompting her to gasp. However, she didn’t complain, instead pulling one of her bare feet up onto the couch to give herself some more leverage as I started to do all the work, beginning to thrust my hips as I fucked her in my embrace.

Her boyfriend was talking about something, sounding like he was trying to change her mind, but I was sure neither of us were listening. However, when she didn’t respond to whatever question he asked, he continued.

“Wait, is this because of another guy?” he asked seriously. “You never did share with me where you’re posting the videos, and I haven’t been able to find them online. So then, are you hooking up with someone else?”

“Fuck no,” she scoffed, trying not to moan as I thrust my cock between her swollen pussy lips. “Ryan’s parents want me out of the house, and no way in hell would my parents let me move in with a guy I’m dating, so I’m moving in with him.” She scoffed again, though it definitely came out more as a moan this time. “And no way am I going to expose him to this shit. Last I need is him getting any weird ideas about our situation.”

“Can’t we work something out?” her boyfriend asked seriously. “It’s not like it would be a hard secret to keep from him.”

“No,” she gasped. “I’ve made up my mind, and -- oh, shit,” she hissed, trying to turn her head away, attempting to not be heard. From her expression, I could tell it was feeling good, but she hadn’t gotten there yet.

“Wait, what did you say?” he said in confusion.

She cleared her throat, putting her hand up on my forearm holding her, seeming to urge me to slow down a little. I eased up my pace, but kept lifting my hips to slowly slide in and out, hugging her even tighter against my body.

“Umm, sorry,” she managed, clearing her throat. “I was pacing in the kitchen and stubbed my toe. Look, I know this is hard to hear, but I’ve made up my mind. It was fun, and I’ll get you the money I owe you for the last vid. But I’m a junior now, and I need to focus on what comes after I graduate.” She sucked in another sharp breath, seeming to be ready to end the call now. “Understand?” she added.

Her boyfriend sighed heavily. “Yeah, I get it. Whatever. Just get me my portion of the money and I’ll be out of your hair.”

“Cool, thanks,” she replied. “And hey, it really was fun. Sorry it has to end.”

“Yeah, whatever. Good luck with everything. Bye.”

“Bye,” she gasped, quickly ending the call.

Dropping the phone on the cushion beside us, her head roughly level with my own, she reached up with one hand to grasp the back of my neck, while reaching down with her other, beginning to rub her clit. “Fuck, twerp, don’t stop. Make me cum.”

“Are you close?” I wondered hopefully.

“Yes, I’m fucking close,” she hissed. “Now fuck me like a man!”

Despite her demand, I continued at the pace I was going. “You know, seems kind of risky to do this while you’re on the phone,” I commented, wondering if she’d share why she did.

Her breathing was heavier now as she continued to rub her own clit. “Well, I couldn’t risk having you going soft and changing your mind. I want to cum too.”

I frowned at that. “Are you sure it’s not because you think you’ll change your mind?” I asked seriously.

“Hell no,” she scoffed. “I’m a slut and proud to be one. If anything, that’s the reason. Because sluts fuck other men while they’re calling up their boyfriends to break up. Now baby, call me a slut.”

“You’re a slut?” I said hesitantly, not super comfortable with calling her that.

“Fuck, you could win a nomination for best actor,” she sneered, raising her voice. “Fucking call me a slut, baby! Before you ruin the mood! I’m so close!”

“You’re a slut, Amber. A fucking slut.” I held her tighter, picking up my pace again, thrusting deep inside her throbbing pussy.

She was moaning louder now.

I continued. “I mean, how slutty do you have to be to fuck me, of all people? Imagine what your parents would think. Whore. You’re a trashy cock-addicted whore.”

“Oh fuck, baby. I’m such a whore. I’m such a naughty little -- oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!”

Amber screamed like she did earlier that morning, but I could tell the difference this time, both in the sound, as well as the way her pussy was throbbing against my cock. However, even as she moaned in ecstasy, she didn’t seem like she was done.

Still holding her firmly in my arms, the sticky plastic sound filling my ears as I thrust, I continued to pound her pussy, with her jerking her other foot onto the couch, literally squatting on my cock now.

“Oh fuck, baby! I’m getting there again! Oh fuck! OH FUCK!”

She screamed a second time, her entire body jerking in my arms now, as if all her muscles were uncontrollably spasming, her moans coming out unbridled as she whimpered against me. The loud feminine sex sounds coming from her shoved me over the edge, my cock releasing its second thick load into her slutty pussy.

“Fuck,” she gasped, her body becoming limp in my arms now, my cock throbbing against her own throbs, as if our most intimate parts were shoving against each other. “Shit, your cum is so warm. And hell, there’s got to be just as much as before.” She moaned, reaching down to feel where my cock was penetrating her. When she pulled her hand back, it was slimy from our fluids. “I’ve never felt so much cum in me before,” she added. “Shit dude, even getting fucked back-to-back without condoms, I’ve never had so much cum in me. Your loads are phenomenal.”

“Umm, we don’t need a condom, right?” I asked, suspecting I already knew the answer.

“Of course not,” she scoffed. “I’m on birth control. And you’re a virgin, so no need to worry about STDs on your part. Although, in case you were curious, yes I do make my random hookups wear condoms, just to avoid getting a disease or something. Can’t afford to have this pussy getting sick and be out of commission for weeks. Not to mention my parents would probably find out what medicine I’d gotten through their insurance.”

I nodded in acknowledgment, about to respond, only for her phone to ring yet again, prompting us both to grimace.

We both looked at the same time, both of us stiffening at the name displayed on the screen.

“Fuck, it’s your mom,” Amber groaned, leaning over for it, while still remaining on my cock.

“Shit, you can’t answer it like this,” I hissed. “Your boyfriend was one thing, but this is my mom.”

“No,” Amber said firmly when I tried to lift her up to pull out. “Dude, if you pull out now, I’m going to drip cum everywhere, all over the couch and carpet.”

“Then what do we do?” I asked seriously, knowing that would be nearly impossible to fully clean up. Especially on the couch.

“I can put my hand down there to try to keep it in, but by the time I get to the bathroom and clean up, the call will have dropped,” she explained, holding the phone up as she was about to answer it. “I don’t want her to be suspicious,” she added. “At the very least, she might wonder if I have someone over.”

I could only nod, knowing it was already too late to stop her as she answered the call.

“Hey there,” Amber replied cheerfully. “How’s it going?”

“Hey sweetie, just checking in on you. Did Ryan make it there safely?”

I rolled my eyes, since I knew for a fact I sent her a message when I got home.

“Oh, yeah he did,” Amber confirmed, only to look back at me with a slightly mischievous grin. “I didn’t realize you knew he was coming home. He didn’t tell me at all, and scared the hell out of me this morning.”

“Oh sweetie,” my mom said, a slight chastising edge to her tone. “You know I don’t like it when you talk like that.”

Amber sighed. “Sorry. But yeah, we’re good. He was really sweet, and made me breakfast too. Chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Oh, how nice,” she said sincerely. “Is he right there with you, so I can say hi?”

“No, sorry.” Amber cleared her throat, shifting her weight slightly. “I just got out of the shower and am only in a towel.”

“Sweetie, I hardly doubt Ryan cares.”

Amber scoffed. “Seriously? Just call his phone, if you want to talk to him.”

“Oh alright,” my mother sighed. “Anyway, I’m calling to let you know that we might end up staying a few extra days. Our flight home isn’t until tomorrow and we are pretty convinced it’s going to get canceled.” She sighed again. “Another big blizzard rolling through up here.” She then paused when my dad’s voice could be heard mumbling in the background, only for her to continue. “Oh, looks like they did cancel it. So then, yeah we’re definitely staying a few extra days. We might not make it in time for Christmas, but your parents are still planning on traveling back with us.”

“That’s fine,” Amber said sincerely. “Stuff happens, and we’re not little kids anymore. Ryan and I can have our own little celebration. Although, we’ll hold off on most of the presents until you guys get back. I know it’s a big deal to my mom that we celebrate together this year.” She paused. “Oh, and hey, Ryan will probably mention this himself, but he was talking this morning about possibly transferring to a school closer to home. Said he wasn’t really that thrilled about his first semester and doesn’t think it’s worth the money.” Amber then glanced back at me triumphantly, as if to say, ‘No backing out now, twerp.

“Oh,” my mom said in surprise. “He wants to transfer in the middle of the year?”

“Yeah of course, people do it all the time. And hey, if he does do that, then maybe we can get an apartment together, so we’re out of your hair. Better than having us both living here.” She gave me another look, this one more smug and haughty, like she was saying, ‘I’ve got you by the balls now, punk.’

“Hmm, yeah, that might not be a bad idea,” my mom agreed. “I mean, I love it when you both are home, but I know I can’t baby you forever.”

“Right,” Amber agreed. “And we can split the rent, so it’ll be affordable. I was already thinking about getting an apartment with some girls from school anyway, but don’t really want to deal with some chick bringing her boyfriend over.”

“Oh dear. Very understandable. Kids your age can get pretty crazy in college.”

Amber turned her head to give me a wide grin, shifting her weight again, as if to say, ‘She has no fucking idea.

Truly, the fact that my mom wasn’t even hesitant about me and Amber living together said a lot about her belief that we were perfect little angels. All the more reason that she could never find out.

None of our parents could find out.

My mom continued. “And, if you do decide to do that, then just let us know and maybe we can help out with rent for the first few months, while Ryan gets his feet on the ground. I’m sure Rachel and Rob would be happy to help out too,” she added.

“Sure, if you want. And yeah, mom and dad would probably be willing to chip in too. I’m sure any little bit could help. I need to let you go though. Don’t want to stand around in a towel all day.”

“Alright, honey. Tell Ryan I love him. And be good to each other while we’re gone. Don’t argue too much.”

“He’s been pretty sweet to me so far, and I don’t think he minds my teasing so much. But yeah, we’ll be good.” She laughed. “Don’t want to get on Santa’s naughty list.”

My mom laughed too. “Wow, those were the days. Feels like only yesterday that you both sincerely believed in Santa.”

Amber’s tone was suddenly serious. “Wait…Santa isn’t real?”

“Oh, stop it,” she scoffed with a small chuckle. “Alright, I’ll let you go. Have fun and stay safe. Bye.”

“Will do. Bye.”

When she hung up, we both visibly relaxed, with her leaning back more fully into me, my cock still as hard as a rock in her full snatch. She then sighed heavily.

“You make a great chair. And you’re an amazing fuck,” she added. “I would know.”

“You too,” I agreed sincerely. “Best I’ve ever had.”

She laughed at that. “Happy I stole your virginity, baby?”

“Very,” I admitted. “Please don’t stop stealing it.”

She laughed again, only for her tone to take on that familiar taunt. “Well, I would say you were the best I’ve ever had, but I don’t know. Tough call to make, since I’ve had some really nice cocks in me over the last couple of years.”

“Ugh,” I groaned.

She chuckled again. “You make the top ten at least. Maybe after I give you some training, and we shoot a handful of porn videos together, you’ll make it to the top five.”

“Seriously, Amber?” I said in disbelief.

“Better get used to it, twerp! Too late to change your mind now. You aren’t the first cock to fuck this pussy, and you won’t be the last, though I fully intend having yours in me as regularly as possible. In between all my other fucks, of course.”

I sighed, knowing there was no way I could change her mind. “Can I at least ask a favor?” I wondered seriously.

She glanced up at me, seeming to sincerely contemplate it. “I’ll hear you out,” she finally offered.

“Two things. First, can you agree to not fuck anyone I know? Like none of my friends.”

She frowned at that, chewing on her bottom lip. “Yeah, I guess that’s reasonable, though you can’t get mad at me if I accidentally do and sincerely didn’t know beforehand. And what’s the second thing?”

I took a deep breath. “Part of me doesn’t want to know, and part of me does, since I don’t like the idea of not knowing.”

“Umm, okay? I think you need to elaborate.”

I grimaced. “I want to know every time you fuck someone.”

Her green eyes widened in surprise.

“Like, if you randomly fuck a teacher at school, even if it’s not for a grade, I want to know. Or if you fuck some dude in his car, whether for money or not, I want to know that too.” I sighed. “I feel like it will be easier to not feel as if you’re cheating on me if I’m at least aware of what you’re doing, and when.”

“Baby…” she said hesitantly.

“I know, I know, I shouldn’t even view it like that -- you cheating on me. But I love you. And even though we grew up around each other, we’re going to be living like lovers. Fucking like lovers. So, even though it might be hard to hear, I think I’d rather know and be confident you’re not hiding anything from me, rather than be oblivious.”

She sighed. “I mean, yeah, I can do that. I certainly have no problem telling you, as long as you don’t get jealous. I don’t want any fights between us over this. You should know what to expect by this point, since I’ve flat out told you.”

I grimaced. “Well, you’ll need to be patient with me. I’ll try not to get jealous. Really, I will. But I think fundamentally I need to be able to trust you. I need to know you’re not keeping secrets from me.”

She nodded. “Then, ready for my first secret?”

My eyes widened in surprise, before I nodded hesitantly, uncertain if I was mentally prepared for whatever she was going to tell me.

“My boyfriend. I really did break up with him just now. But if he’s ever willing to pay me something, I’ll probably fuck him again. And I probably won’t charge him the same as I do other guys.”

I frowned at that. “Okay,” I said hesitantly. “But then, if you charge him ten bucks and he pays you every day, isn’t that the same as dating him?”

She laughed at that. “I’ll charge him five hundred, minimum. Not ten bucks. And if he was really that persistent in paying me, then I’d probably limit him to once a month.” She frowned. “I usually try to avoid sleeping with the same guy twice in a month anyway, because otherwise they start getting ideas in their heads, and I can’t afford for them to start thinking about me as being more than a quick fuck when they have the cash.”

“Oh,” I said simply, unsure of what else to say.

She leaned forward away from me then, putting more of her weight into my lap, instead of on my chest. She then looked back at me. “Mind if I get your cum on your boxers?” she wondered.

“What?” I said in surprise. “No, that’s fine. Whatever you need to do to avoid getting it on the couch.”

“Good,” she said, lifting her ass up until her swollen folds were at the top of my cock. She then lifted herself off the rest of the way, keeping her hips positioned over me.

Immediately, a big glob of white cum dropped onto my boxers, followed by little streams of more beginning to drip out. As she continued to hold that position, it took me a few seconds to realize it looked as if she was intentionally tensing her pelvic floor, trying to squeeze more of my cum out.

By the time the flow really began slowing down to almost nothing, I had to admit it was a lot. Didn’t really feel like a ton when I was doing my daily unloading in the shower, but having it beginning to soak into my boxers made the amount more noticeable.

I figured she was going to stand fully up now and go clean off, but instead she carefully began turning around while still trying to keep her snatch over me, a little more dripping out as she faced me to straddle my waist.

I looked up at her in confusion as she slowly lowered her hips, catching my cock on the shaft and forcing the head down to my lower stomach. Then, once she was carefully straddling my cock, she leaned forward more and pressed her heavy tits into my face, slowly rubbing her pussy lips along my tool.

Suddenly, all I could smell was the plastic scent of her PVC top, her tits so warm that the red vinyl felt heated. And her nipples so hard that I could feel them poking through the outfit.

I moaned as she continued to grind back and forth on my cock, with her finally sitting up more in order to look down between us, watching her swollen lips sandwich me, both of us soaked in our sex juices. I looked down too, focusing on the amazing sight.

“Wow, this is fucking hot,” she whispered, seeming mesmerized by our groins rubbing together. “Like, I’m going to have to shave your pubic hair down some, maybe all the way on recording days, but your cock looks so great on me.”

Amber then focused up at my gaze, her light green eyes suddenly affectionate as she reached up to brush some hair off my forehead.

I couldn’t help but gulp at the intensity of the look.

She then leaned forward, slowly, and gently planted her soft full lips against mine. Both of us were sucking in sharp breaths through our noses as her tongue began exploring my mouth, our kiss deepening. She then pulled away a little, her cheeks flushed, her green eyes passionate.

“Just wondering, baby,” she said quietly, continuing to slowly rub her pussy along my cock. “And I can understand if not. But do you think you could go the rest of your life without a girlfriend, if you had me instead?”

I gulped audibly, feeling like I had a lump in my throat now, because that suggestion felt much more serious than a more casual arrangement.

“I still need to make money,” she clarified. “But if I have you, then I can definitely go without an actual boyfriend. And I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to fuck anyone else, but I admit it would be kind of nice to have you mostly to myself.”

I cleared my throat. “So then, are you promising that the other guys will all just be one-night stands? Including teachers? And your boyfriend?”

Of course, what I really wanted was to have her fully to myself, but knowing how Amber was, I knew I’d have to start with tiny baby steps. Otherwise, she’d just go find someone else to agree to put up with her situation, and the fact that fucking her had been my biggest sexual fantasy since forever made me more than willing to compromise for now.

She nodded. “Ex-boyfriend. And yeah, that’s how it’s always been for a while now. It’s all been one-night stands with most of them. Of course, like I said, I will probably have repeat customers, but I limit it to once a month. Almost never do I break that rule, and I’ll let you know if I do for some reason.” She paused. “And the sex is never anything serious,” she added. “Just a quick fuck, or blowjob, whenever they’re willing to pay. So I can respect your two requests.” She then seemed pensive. “However, now that I’m considering this subject, I think I also have a request for you.”

“Oh?” I said in surprise. “What’s that?”

“No more masturbating,” she said seriously, continuing to slowly slide her pussy along my shaft. “I need those huge loads for our porn vids. And as long as your shots continue to be really big every time, then I’ll make sure I get you off once a day. But only me -- no jerking on your own. And only as long as your loads aren’t getting small. Deal?”

I gulped, her piercing emerald gaze making me feel like this wasn’t really negotiable.

Granted, I only got off once a day to begin with, so as long as she was committing to fuck me once a day, then I had no problem with that arrangement. Fucking her was way better than getting off by myself.

“And,” she continued. “If you need to watch porn, then we’ll watch it together. Whatever you want, even if it’s lesbian shit. But you probably shouldn’t watch it on your own, or else you’ll be too tempted to jerk off.”

I sucked in a ragged breath. Because that particular offer was too hot to pass up. “Umm, okay, deal. As long as you fuck me every day.”

Her expression became affectionate and passionate again, her pace beginning to pick up as she pressed her pussy lips and clit more firmly against me. “Oh, I plan on it. Now, let’s see if I can get you to cum one more time for me. I’m really curious to see how big your third load is.”

“I already feel like I’m getting close,” I admitted. “Though I don’t think this is going to be as strong as the other two.”

She nodded, sitting back a little for a second, only for her to reach up and begin slowly unzipping her red PVC top. I held her gaze as she gave me a little smirk, only to bite her bottom lip with a seductive wink, looking at me lustfully as she slowly inched the zipper lower.

“Then, if you’re getting close,” she whispered, her tone thick with desire. “Want to suck on my tits while I get you there?”

My first thought was an immediate yes, while my second thought was a quick, ‘Wait a minute.

“Get me there, where?” I asked seriously. “On myself?”

She rolled her light green eyes. “Dude, it’s your own fucking cum. You can just wipe it off. And I can’t exactly see how much it is, if you load my pussy up again. Now man up, and suck it up.”

I frowned at that, realizing that it wouldn’t have been the first time I’d tried using a tissue, only to not realize that my precum had made a weak section, with my load ending up breaking through and shooting on my chest before I realized there was a hole.

Still unpleasant though. Not to mention, gross.

And while three tissues did the trick usually, it was one of the reasons why I now just tried to keep my masturbating in the shower.

When I didn’t respond, Amber abruptly halted her grinding on my cock.

“Or I could just stop, if you want?” she said seriously, a hint of mocking in her tone.

I grabbed her vinyl covered hips before I even realized what I was doing. “Just keep going, I’m almost there.”

“Good boy,” she said with a smirk, her emerald gaze becoming passionate as she tucked some of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Now cum for me, baby. Cum for your little slut.” She then grabbed her tit with one hand, and lifted it toward my mouth, prompting me to kiss her huge nipple, before sucking it between my lips, absolutely amazed at how soft her skin was on her tits.


I shot my load like a hose turning on, thankful that the first three shots hit my upper stomach due to my curled position, combined with her pressing my cock down. And sure enough, it was a shit ton of cum, with Amber again being impressed by the amount.

“Wow,” she praised. “Who knew I had my own little pornstar right at home? I can’t wait until we have our own apartment. Oh, and you’re sleeping with me, while your mom and dad are away. If I wake up horny in the middle of the night, then there’s no need to use my dildo when I can use your cock instead. And if you wake up horny, then you can just fuck me, so long as you’re willing to eat me out first to warm me up.”

I swallowed loudly, stunned by the offer to just give her oral whenever I wanted at night, with this also being the first time I was finding out that Amber had any sex toys. But then again, I supposed I shouldn’t have been so surprised, given what I now knew.

When I didn’t say anything, she grinned widely.

“So, baby. How was your first time? I hope I was a good fuck.”

“Amazing,” I said sincerely. “And you were the best fuck.” I then paused, examining her pleased smile, with her eyeing me proudly, like how a mother might. I cleared my throat. “So, is it safe to say that this slutty outfit is now my Christmas present?”

She smirked. “One of them,” she said cheerfully. “The only sexy one,” she clarified. “Obviously, I hadn’t planned anything like this for you in advance. But when I saw the way you were looking at me in my silk lingerie, I decided I had to take the opportunity you were presenting.”

“Well, I’m not sure anything else can compete with this,” I replied, referring to her slutty gift. “It’s literally the best Christmas present ever.”

“Aww, that’s sweet, baby. And I’ll be sure to wear that silk lingerie tonight as well.” She leaned forward to kiss me affectionately on the forehead, just above my eyebrow. “Now, let’s eat some pancakes, and then fuck for dessert. How does that sound? I’ll even stay in this outfit all day for you, if you want. You can unzip me and fuck my pussy or suck on my tits whenever you get the urge.”

“Yes please,” I agreed.

She leaned forward to kiss me affectionately on the lips this time. “Merry Christmas, baby. I’m looking forward to celebrating all week with you, just the two of us.”

“Merry Christmas, Amber,” I replied sincerely. “Thanks for making it the best one ever.”


NOTE: Regarding the 'no cucking' thing: In chapter 2 things do go a little downhill, so expect her to be a bit of a slut. However, that's the worst it gets, so if you aren't a fan of the female protagonist being a whore, you can rest assured that things only go uphill after chapter 2, despite her suggesting otherwise.


Chapter 2 >>


Dante Sparda

Recently found back this story after it was removed from literotica. Hope you continue this story with the harem route in the future.

justin reijnders

I don't tend to like blackmail plots, is there a good point to skip to so I can avoid that part of the story


She doesn't blackmail him. Pretty sure this wouldn't classify as a blackmail plot. He doesn't blackmail her either. She just uses the situation as an excuse to seduce the MC.

hawkshe .

I'm guessing when his mom said "your Ryan" to someone that was just supposed to be a family friend it was originally something more along the lines of "your brother" or something else, because that's awfully possessive for this situation, especially from his mom. Also, I know the rules they talked about in this chapter obviously aren't going to stick long-term due to the harem tag and warning at the beginning of the chapter, but her basically telling him he can't masturbate, can't fuck other girls and she's still going to fuck a ton of other guys rubs me the wrong way. It really feels like she thinks she can just decide everything no matter how lopsided it is and he should just be okay with it. Kinda makes me hate her as a person a little bit, especially if she cares about him half as much as the story implies in this chapter since it's rare that people that are this selfish ever grow out of it. That being said, I'm very much enjoying the story and look forward to reading the rest of it.