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Well, the girl wanted the body of the mannequin... and definitelly she does! And now that dress looks very well on her... I mean, it 😈




That's a lovely purple dress, its color and the shading is very nicely done. But how did our mannequin's forms get so updated. Is she still in a moldable state?


Nop, but after the kiss the solidification wasn't completed, so the new girl posed the new mannequin before it was totally rigid. But, as you can see, she couldn't change too much the pose, mostly the arms and head 😉

window dressee

nice thought, that "the other mannequins" are "coworkers" ('former' or 'future') :-) I also like the peep-toe shoes with high stiletto heels! For the heels' platform, I like to imagine: the mannequin-to-be wears such platforms during her second-to-last mannequinification step and her first shift on display; when she is re-dressed the first time, the new outfit includes single-soles; as consequence, the mannequin-pole penetrates deeper the socket at her calf, giving her a much more intense feelings, causing a mindblowing climax and rendering her final into a real mannequin - similar to "the kiss": no more soul, no more memories, no more humanity - just plastic mannequin ...