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"What the fuck!? A work message from my manager now!? I'm in the middle of the mission!"
"Tim, the boss is very disappointed with your bad behavior. The IT security division discovered you hide cameras in the female changing rooms of the mall."
"Fuck! How they could...!? Agh... doesn't matter, I guess I will have to find a new job... Again."
"They discovered too that you changed your qualifications and hack your background to erase similar cases in your previous works. The boss is very upset. But instead to fire you, because maybe you can repeat the same strategy in a new work, she decided to change your job in the mall."
"Aren't they going to fire me? Ha! If they think that can... control me... they... don't... nnnnggggh... What... is... happe..."
"So since now you will be part of the display division, specifically in the boutiques of the second floor."
"What... My... clothing... is... disa... pearnnnnnngh... My... My... body... is... channnnnngh..." CREACK CRAAACK CRECK
"They need some specifical display for the seasson of new professional and business clothing, and you will help them. Permanently, I have to add."
CRACK "Mmmmmhmm!" CREACK "Mmmhm!" CRECK "Mmmh..." CRACK
"Don't worry for the changes in your body, or try to run. You can't move. Besides, in a few minutes your mind will begin to adapt to your new nature, and it will be more simple and think a lot less."
CRECK Crack creck "..."
"In a few hours some workers of the mall will come to your flat to dismantle and pick up you, and after the weekend you will be in the show case of the boutique. I'm sure in this new position your behavior will be much less problematic."
"Unfortunatelly I can't say that was a pleasure, because you were a pain in the ass, but bye Tim. I see you Monday in the showcase."

I don't know if you know the original meme of Sealguy, an artist that usually draws femguys and futa girls, but since I saw this meme, I was thinking to do my own version, specially since some 3D artist did their versiones too. After to think some options with statues or gorgons, I though this idea with a mannequin (After all the mannequins are my favourite inside the ASFR options), and I added this short caption. Did you know the original meme? What do you think about it? Who would like to join to Tim with this TF? 😜

By the way, this week and the next one probably I will post a little bit less regular, because I will be in my little town. There are being a rough days for my mother, the first Christmas without my father, and I want to be with her. I hope you understand 😔.




💕 your work!!!