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After the climatic crisis of XXI century a parasite fungus almost extinguished the avocados, making the guacamole and recipes derived from it a luxury article. So, when a friend suggested Johnny to invest in a business that he developed, using a mutant species of the avocados in a new restaurant franchise, the NFTs (Non-Fake Tacos), he thought that was an amazing idea. Johnny always thought he was so smart than not only invested all his money, but even he asked for loans, very great loans, to be the main investor of the franchise.

But who could have known that if you eat those mutant avocados more than one a day for a week in a row, your skin turns green for at least one year? The same inner green of the avocados, something totally hilarious for the big media.

After that funny surprise for the media, but not funny for the clients of the restaurants, Johnny tried to talk with his friend about what to do, but then he discovered that he fled the next days after the opening with almost all the money, the business was totally broke, he stayed with the loans to pay, and after a trial, also the compensations to customers. Too much money. In fact much more money than he could gather in his entire life.

And that is why the judge decided that Johnny, thanks to the cybernetic technologies, would be the guinea pig of a new law to ensure the payment of great debts. First the human condition of Johnny was revocked until all the payments are done. Next, the brain of Johnny was robotized, reprogrammed for a total obedience and a low intelligence (well, the second part didn't need much effort) and his original body was sold to medical uses. Next the electronic brain was put into an android body, to be rented to anyone that would need, and can pay, for a servant. The most usual androids of the company that bought the debt of Johnny was the GynoidX sexmaid, that makes that now Johnny wasn't anymore, but it was the GynoidX unit 25983-FH0001 (Formerly human). I guess this fate isn't so bad... Initially the law was written to use the electronic brains to control the electric, water and sewerage networks of some big cities...

But after its story, today is an especial day for 25983-FH0001. Today is the last day to serving to complete the payment of the debt that bought the company. Only 53 years, 2 months and 17 days after the revocation to the human condition. Something that probably would make to 25983-FH0001 happy. Unfortunatelly that is only the first part of the contract with the company. Now the unit GynoidX has to pay the process in wich the brain was turned into digital mind, the female android body that uses for its work, and the different updates that it had have, and it will have. Maybe another twenty or twenty-five years. Not too much for a GynoidX. And after the annual reprogramming, 25983-FH0001 is always very happy to serve its current owner. It's the purpose of 25983-FH0001.

Now the door is open. Owner is here. 25983-FH0001 takes the tray and smile.

"Greetings, owner. This unit hopes owner had a good day in the job. Meanwhile this unit has cleaned the flat of owner and has ready some cold drinks, besides to program some options on the TV to improve the relax time of owner. And as usual, this unit has recharged the lubricant depostits to a better operation of the pleasure holes. This unit is happy to serve owner. This unit exist for that."

Pinup with a character design for a possible commission. What do you think about this robot girl, the GynoidX model? Do you like it? Do you want one of them to serve you? Or do you want to be one of them? 😉
I wanted to write a small caption, but finally it has been longer than I guessed 😅 I'm sure it has a lot of typos and grammar fails, because I just wrote it now and none with a native english could make a review, but I guess it's at least understandable 😅, I appreciate critics 😅



Kris Smith

I'm not sure what part is a punishment... Maybe it's the cleaning... Hopefully after all the money is paid back it can just become a full time sexbot :D

some dude

Here's hoping for some robotization sequences in the future