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I'm afraid people that today my mood continues not god to make ASFR jokes. The doctors confirmed today that my father is in the terminal phase of his illness 😔 Until the... end of this, I will be in my little town to be close him and my family, so my posts and renders will be very probably irregular or with fast or easy one shots that I can do when I connect remotely to my home. I hope you understand 😔

Be close to your beloved ones and friends while you can, people, that time is precious




Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. As others have said, take the time you need and be with your family. You are one of the most productive anyway.


So sorry to hear, hope you can have some quality time with your dad and family. Knowing he will be in no more pain eventually will help (just not now). Wishing you all the best. Do not worry bout posts, those will come! <3