Maeve Strikes Back p47 (Patreon)
And Robert is tempted with some new bodyparts... but I'm sure you would be too 😉
The last days my father is improving a bit 🙂 Literaly the words of the doctor of the last week, specially after the hemorrahge, "I don't give a penny for him". He can't move itself, specially after the anemia derived of the events of the last days, but mentally he is better than all the time he has been in the hospital, totaly coherent and conscious, enough to chat with him 🙂The kidneys are better too, so probably the next week he will have a scan to see what are the spots in the liver (the liquid of the contrast for the scan is dangerous for the kidneys, so he needed them working good), and a few more tests, like another endoscopy, and after that we will see how is been this and if finally he can return at home and live himself (probably he will need a wheelchair or a... walker? at least the first weeks), but this would be a good improvement.