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Before everything busts with my father, one of my experiments was try to create something like a drone, but based in magic, with a base of the homunculous of a hentai manga called Witchcraft. These were some of the first tests, when the concept was very similar to the work of the original manga, I would like to add more personal works. For now my ideas is the homunculous are magic servants, always female, but they can be partially reshaped, specialized in to be sex workers, they don't have free will, long memories or even a soul, and usually are created from zero, that is why they are like clones, but the creator can put a seed of a homunculous in a human and with the right stimulus (ahemsexahem) that person are turned into another homunculous, but with the features of the original human that the creator, now owner, wants to preserve, but always female, or if the owner wants, futanari, and the orignal mind is erased. I am not sure what haircolor use or if it can be changed by the owner 🤔 And probably I would use it mixed with some TF, domination and probably some gender bender. But well... I have a little time in my parents home before to return to the hospital, so I let this here, so you have at least something today. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

But now, a question... who would like to be transformed into one of these homunculous? 😉 Its an easy life, only exist to obey and to have sex, and no think anymore, and of course, to be always horny and give and feel pleasure 😉




Where do I sign up? Always latex sexdoll first, but this seems like a great cool second option!

Alex Flores

Why not get one that is also a sexdoll too? They do look hot too