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"My my my... Who is here? Maybe you want to be the third one of my little servants this Halloween? Oh, don't be afraid with her expressions... it's only part of the... costume... Or maybe not? Come one... This will be fun..."

Something that I could do just one day before the problems that I said a few days ago. I hope at least you can enjoy another type of... drone 😉.
About the last post, like the previous time, his liver is damaged and his belly acumulate liquid (in may the doctors extracted almost 30 liters from his belly with punctures and medicines. Now he has less liquid, but... it's in the lugs, and aparently mixed with an infection, and he breat really bad, so is even worse than the previous one. Honestly, I don't know how long he will be in the hospital, but looks that this time will be longer, I never saw him so... weak 😔 For now I have material to post the next weeks, but probably reducing one or two post per week. I can work a bit in remote, but it's a lot more slow. Sorry for this, people, I really appreciate your support every month ☺️, you are the best people 👏




Family always comes first. I hope that your Dad has a full and quick recovery. Don’t neglect your own health either. Stress from worrying can also be harmful to you as well. I wish the best for your father, you and your family.

Thea Inanimate

Real life and especially family always comes first. Look after yourself Posy and we’ll be here when you’re able to be. Hopefully your father has a speedy recovery


Thank you for your words. Today I have seen a bit, no much, but a bit better to my father. Anyway, looks that probably he will be in the hospital, with luck, a few weeks, the doctors said that the infection is compicated :(