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Golem Biogenetics never was a big company, they only produced some mutant seeds and some special livestock with modified DNA to make it more resistant to some sicks and grow faster and better, but since they commercialized the bioandroids EVA 2.0, usually called, the "pinks", they became in one of the biggest companies of the world.

Strong, fast, obedient, helpful, resistant, smart, perfect memory, acute senses, almost no need to eat or sleep... but without any free will, ego or conscious of themselves, they are the perfect servants and workers for everyone who can pay for them. Phisically indistinguishable of a normal human being except all "pinks" have the same genetic code, their pink iris in the eyes, and they doesn't have natural hair, but their bodies generate artificial pink hair of nylon in their heads (That is the origin of their nickname) that doesn't change except when is damaged, to make them more easy to be recognized in contrast to a normal human being. The pinks are created in genetic labs as embryo, and in a biotube the growth is accelerated until an apparent age of 20 years in only one month. At least, that is the official theory.

Some clones are created in the oficial way, but they need more than one month. Specifically five years. Unfortunatelly that makes the production too slow, so the company decided to use a shortcut using as raw material adult human beings, usually anonymous people that the minions of the company taken, they are introduced inside the tubes, and then after an advanced retroviral and nanomechanical treatments, the original human being is turned into another pink clone in only two weeks. In the last days, with neural medicines, the brains are totally erased, and the clones are ready to write the base program and to be sold. The process is done totally in secret and works very well, the biologic transformation has a fail rate of only 0.02%, and the neural formating is 0,08%.

And that 0,08% saves Hogan, a  computer guy and programmer of Golem Biogenetics that discovered the truth, unfortunatelly for him. The company takes Hogan and decided to use him for another clone, like any of the anonymous persons that they catch. Hogan remember to be drugged and only a few minutes woke up standing and feeling her body different, and when he watched the boobs, Hogan knew what happened. It's hard to remember some things for him, the most part of his mind wasn't erased, but now it's mixed with the clone program mind.

But that is something to think later, now Hogan has to scape before to be catched again, the failed drones are reprogramed in a more hard way, no fails this time. Maybe he... she can find some help outside. She has to try...

A little idea that I had. What would you do if you are in the situation of Hogan? Run, or enjoy being a servant sexy clone and exist to obey and to be helpful for a master or mistress? 😉
PS: I guess everyone takes the homage in the tittle of the render, right? 😉



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