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Yesterday I had a busy day driving at the doctors and the hospital with my maternal grandmother, because she fell on saturday night, and after one day, she continues with her  sore arm (at the end, fortunatelly nothing broken), so I couldn't touch DAZ neither remotely with AnyDesk. But today finally I could finish at least this new figure, another one of the victims of DollMaker :) I hope you enjoy with the little caption too ;)

Sometimes the Doll Maker doesn't make her figures only because she thinks that a girl is cute, or at least not only because of that. Sometimes it's a punishment, but accordingly, with the mind of a crazy witch, the punishment could be a bit disproportionate with the sin... like this waitress in a hotel with a Chinese theme. What was her only mistake? She delivered the tea that the Doll Maker requested late, too cold for the witch's taste. So she decided that as the girl was a waitress, she would make her the type of waitress that would never deliver orders late. And, with a bit of magic, the waitress was erased from existence and a new figure occupied her place in the universe. As the Doll Maker did this to her not because she thought she was cute, although she was, but as a punishment, the old witch simply abandoned her in the hall to request a new cup of tea, maybe this time, hot. At least the figure was found by another guest, who thought maybe she’d look good on display as a nice decorative piece in her home, but for now, she simply waits, mindless on the desk, waiting to be packed inside her new owner’s luggage when she checks out of her room. 

(Thanks to TheaInanimate for the review of the text and correction of typos and mistakes :) )
