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The local mall has a really good summer sales this year, especially a good offer with swimwear. Bikinis, swimsuits... they have a really big variety! They even bought four amazing torso mannequins to display the best swim outfits. For some reason they are very similar with four local missing women; Erica, Thea, Kelsey and Denise, but when the reporters asked the manager she only said they want to help doing the features of the missing women more popular and this way people could recognise them easyly. Definitelly with so impressive dummies, people will remember them!

Mannequin pinup that I did a few weeks ago lacking small details (just before the hell heat) with four guest stars that I'm sure you will know 😉 EricaDoll comming back after a time, the classic here, TheaInanimate, and first time here but classics in the ASFR community, ToySoldierKelsey and Denise(Curia), all of them turned into cute plastic and armless (😛) torso mannequins, and with detachable heads in case you want to make them more like regular torsos 😛 Would you like to have some of them in your home to decorate? I'm pretty sure they would love it, after all, now all of them exist only to be cute objects 😛 Or maybe you want to be the fifth torso? I'm sure there is bigger tables to add another display😛
I include a caption written by TheaInanimate with a possible story for her and Erica about how they finish being only torso mannequins 😉

“When Erica and Thea booked themselves onto an all inclusive vacation at an expensive and exclusive resort they were shocked at how good a deal they managed to get. However upon arriving and checking in they were escorted by the concierge to the resort’s shopping district. Not realising something was amiss, and anticipating that maybe their cheaper stay meant they’d be staying in less glamorous rooms above the shops, the pair were caught by surprise when their bodies suddenly stopped moving. Without reacting the concierge waved to an employee within one of the nearby clothes stores. She hurried out and began to adjust the pair’s poses and expressions before carrying them both into the store. This was more shocking for the pair than being unable to move. Neither of them were particularly light at the best of times but here this shop assistant was carrying them both. Once inside she stripped them, first of their clothes, then of their limbs. The pair were then placed on stands and left staring at their reflections in the store’s window. They could just about see, to their surprise, that their skin was now glossy plastic and could only watch as the concierge walked off with their suitcases. Neither knew how long they would be here for, but both knew they probably should have read the terms and conditions of their vacation…”




Absolutely love this display! Very fun!