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After a chat today in TFCA server of Discord, I have been experimenting some stuff based in a concept from the new Star Wars movies, the decranated (I think remember it appears in Rogue One), people that has been removed the upper part of the head and remplaced by a cybernetic device, being used and sold as mindless servants. The concept is interesting, but looks a lot more dark than other similar stuff like drone TF, maybe because the subject keeps a lot more human look but at the same time extremely dehumanised. My idea was mostly to test if I can do it or not. Not sure if I will do more of this (maybe a sort of dark pinup, a girl rents her body this way while her brain is put in a bottle and live for months in a heavenly virtual world?), but for now I post here at least the tests. Tell me and comment if you would be interested of this or not. The most of you usually don't comment, but in this case, I really would appreciate it 🤔




I've thought about similar concepts before. But none where the literal body part was separated. It was more like the consciousness was moved outside the body. But it's still an interesting concept. I wonder what kind of accessories or modules could be slotted onto the new vacancy above the shoulders with this idea.


Really the options are a lot. For example, some guns and the body is a sort of bodyguard. Of course, the original option to be used as a servant in SW, a powerful set of sensors and to be used as spy, connected with the brain of the owner and to be used as auxiliar bodies... Just imagine.