The PnP version of Legends of Signum (Patreon)
The PnP (print and play) version of Legends of Signum is almost done.
The very last thing remaining was the game components, and now they can be downloaded by the following link:
It includes all the basic components to immerse Legends of Signum and finally start the battle :)
- The building cards needed to summon game characters to the battlefield and strengthen them during the game, and also to play the support cards (relics, tactics, and spells).
- Terrain templates to signify the terrains on the Battlefield:
The Forest template which slows down the creatures and protects them from range attacks.
The Rocks template which impedes movement and blocks line of sight.
- Rulers indicating 4 distance levels (XL, L, M, S) for creatures movement/placement, range attacks, aura influence, and more.
- Tokens of Wounds, Prosperity, Stealth, Strength, and many more.
All the components are available individually in different folders. Alternatively, they can be downloaded together in the "Page" folder.