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For those of you who are new to the gang, I'm passing by to let you know SOME FOLDERS MIGHT BE EMPTY and that is because we are currently changing every drama link on Patreon.

We do that so people that are not subscribed cannot access the files if they have the link copied somewhere.

If the drama you want to watch is not in the folder, give it a few hours until we finish everything up and it will be back.

Don't worry, we are going as fast as we can :)

Kill ya ♥️



Has Crash Course in Romance been dropped?


Last I heard Tsuki said she would finish it alone when she had time and energy to do so. Don't think it has been dropped yet 🙂


Thanks! That's good to hear. I can't usually make the live streams cuz of the time difference, so I was worried I missed an announcement or something. I don't really mind waiting as long as I know it wasn't dropped!


Yeah just 3 more last episodes. Tsuki will get right to it, but for now we just wait